nt a Hollar ami a half In Tfie New». Have yon m n Hie luelwM refrigerator at Jobnann’« llnplemeut house’' i FISHING TACKLE Piano to r Sale —Schumann plane, g«»»l now, will wll for half price. Cali al »'I'tiou boiiae or write, Fred Witt, Gold H ill, Oregon, r E v e r y B o y o r G irl Mr». Charier McClle returned to Iwr liome at Bandon on Monday, after u month’s visit with I ht aunt, Mr». H. T. llodgM, and family, and other relative« in till» vicinity. “ Will »ell five «hares of »lock Beaver Portland Cement Co,, (»old Hill, Oregon, W $75.bo |a<r »liar«'. Addre»« 340 McKnlgbt Building, Mluneapoli«, Minn. E verything for the Mr» (NlveGraham, and liaugliler Nina, arden t A n gler who have la«-n the giwwls o t Mr». Gra ham*« home folk», Mr. ami Mr«. Thomas Dimgcy, return, d to Coquille on Thura- «lay ol lid« wuqk. William Fowler, pram I old Scotch |«at- rlarcli of Roguerivcr, and one of the beat known of retired mining man, walked 12 1-2 cent Lawns at 10 cents and talked witli iiumiruun local friend» 25 cent Mercerized Poplin at 20 cents Tuenday—“ 0 , aye!’’ 10 cent Lawns at 8 cents 12 1-2 cant Ginghams at 10 cents George Hainmendey, during the past 15 cent Flaxons a t 12 1-2 cents 50 cent Summer Underwear, Poroskrftt at 40 cents year a ruatieaul rancher in the vicinity of 20 cent Renfrew Cloth at 16 2-3 cents 50 cent ” ” Balbriggan at 40 cents Weed, 1» paying a visit to hi» parcuurin law, Mr. ami Mr». J. W. Clarke. He will remain for a mouth or more. G en eral I’rofeiwor G. W. Milam arrived laA M e r c h a n d is e Saturday and 1» actively engaged in hust ling thing» for the o|>eiijng of school on To build a «tore bu»i iiww Monday next, St'irteuilHir filli. Ju»t prior For tlie I »'in 11t to Id» arrival he relumed from a week at the Ex|»i»itioti. Ot our patrons Fouml.—Boy’» cap. Pay charge» and river ha« scarcely received but a weak run E. R. Sehi uuip, who lately ruuchcd it A n well « h (or ourselves. of net »carred veteran». While they were u Albert*, Canada, arrived last week recover. Turner’» confectionery. Mr. an«l Mr». TonyOI»on deaire to ex at Gold Beach tin- net» were lifted, ac from Colfax, Want)., and is the gno»t of We waul our customer» In» lirotligr, Dey Scbrumfl, ami family. press their waruu'flt grati.tide to the cording to law, until September ltlth, and ToJtnow, that: He i» charmed with tlie valley and will friend« who assisted in fighting the re- tlie |>arty observed a heavy run of treed ceut fire which threatened their ranch Hhi'Hiea«! and salmon passing up river. remain several mouth». Wo Invite their oooperalion home. Kingfisher lines are Under tlie direction of Prof. A. W. In mwixtiiig u» The flr»t “ jitney’’ dance tn be held in Moon, of Grant» Pa«», the hand boys re- I have added to my implement line the the world’s stand outlet n Oregon wdl I»' given at the Gobi j To LiiUil a litwiiif«» asscmbleil for practice Tuesday evening, famotw Stiletto brand of paint«, oil» ami ard. The big ones Hill «'lull pavilion this «'Veiling, r«-|«*ating after an idlem-aa of three month». Mr. That will benefit them in a novel maiinor the two previotu anc- varnishes. House, lioor a n d wagon can’t get away. •«*» of tlm fortnight. The affair lias paint», color vartii»li« «, and all accessor Moon i» excellently qualified a» a director A n wi ll a» our firm. and the rejuvenated organisation will be ies. My price» will interest you and the been widely hilled and a record attend (juality of tlie gi»»l» is guaranteed to aal- better than ever. anee of merry maker« 1» antii'iputcd. Wo can't make a »iiere*» i»fy. Painting property pay». Inspect Ever »inc«- the preliminarv announce Mr. Lewis, several year» ago located in tlie good» at my wareroom, next door to (*n a credit busii»— ment wa» ma le that tlie Topperweins, tlii» vity a» a hariicr, liaa rented a busi- Is selected on t h e Gold Hill Bakery.—Gold Hill Implement world fam««! rifle and ptaol shot», would Neither can yon in-»» property in thia eitv, where he will Co., M. 8. Johnson, p.op. sluAtt at Gold Hill under tlie auspices of same standard of open the unique combination of barber If you follow “ D o t « ’’ Edding» returned Monday tlie local hardware store, Uncie Dave »hop and quirk lunch. The family ar quality. We can That ayatcin from Yrt-ka, whitlier he accompanied the Miller has been pestered witli gun cranks rived Thunxlay from Grant« Pa»». completely equip w h o wanted to know “ when” , a n d Medford ball team a» catcher—a position All of the time. Win. Zenl, of Koanoak, Inti., visited he lias filled for tlie Huh City boy» sever would not be denied. Tin y It«eked about the angler for a o n last Friday with 8. V. McFarren, al time» tal ly. Two game» were played tiie distracted Uncle David like suitors Wo know. We’ve tried it, bout with the tini while enroute home Irom the Han Diego witli Yreka Sunday, tlie first luang fine round a Psyche, or bumble-flies about a est trout or the lus A im ) now, we keep no book«. and Han Francisco fair». The two were iiull in every way and reatilting in a 3 to sorghum keg. A t length advice« have achoolday chuma, an«' it had been forty I victory f«w Medford, due largely to the been mgeived to the effect that Mr. and tiest steelhead. Our Your choice, while they ia»t, year» since they clasped hand« and en fact that Foley, tlie local curve artist, was Mrs. Topperwein will positively appear judgement is back thused about a successful apple raid. Of «oa(i», White Flyer, in tlie box. During the second game here for a free public exhibition of trick ed by years of W itli W. Clark at the steering w ar, something happened t > Caster, the visit and fancy «hooting, with rifle, revolver Or Crystal White, practical exper George Haminer»i"y, George Hail', Clyde or’s super-perfect pitcher, ami the exult or shotgun, on Wednesday, October tith. Oi Lily White. Walker and Billie Knott» left on Tne»- ant Yreka» »lamiacd him for ten runs in Fred Edding«, who flips a brass shell ience in Rogue ilay for Spikenard Butte an a week’» the first two inning». In the fourth inn twenty feet into tlie air and urges it some Six Hara for 25«'. River fishing. limiting exclusion. Friends confidcnt'y ing lie was taken out and replaced liy a where else with a single rifle shot—t:oes it «•x|M'i't them to bring back a record pack, sub. Tlie fatal score wa« ltl to I, ami is pretty near every time—is wailing for the Walk in ami look around. 1»>tli «4 tlie toothsome “ jerkey" and back considered by Yreka to he all the revenge Topperweins with tlie anticipation of a mere novice for tlie great masters. Fred mi naturnl. II eded. »ays he'll be there1, if lie lias to sprain an Mr«. 1« igli Hunt and children, enroute Local forest flit's raged with terrific se from Si.ii Franeiaco to K ansas City, where verity on Bunday, Monday ami Tuesday, ankle and give up his job. Mrs. Cora J. Truax, M anager. they will reside thia winter, shipped off and only continued ami determined ef Mrs. Dan Richard«, who knew nearly i on Sunday evening ami remain««! until fort on the part of fire1 fighters from town every pioneer in soul hern Oregon and can i _ Wi'dnewlay _ , a» .. the ,, guest« of local friend«. and country saved much property from trace back must of the l««‘al traditions, is : On 1 u ««lay Mr«. Hunt wa« the guest of | 1|,,« rU(.li„Il. Tt„, Kll[„.s ,.rwk whi,.h authority for this version of that perplex- * honor at a pleasant evening party given j 1 crossed from Galls creek through tlie ing problem: How Grants Pass got its' C O M M I S S I O N E R by Mr». 11. D. Reed. mountain gap hack of tlie Braden mine, name? A« a little girl, Mr«. Richards j S«*rvices at tlie church last Sunday gv ( «1 -»troyed t l i e buildings of tlie Avery recalls having heard George Dunn’s fath P ersons wishing t o make ening consisted of pn|tcr» delivered by W homestead, and tor two «lays threatened er and Mr. Yandell, a Kentuckian, tell homestead entries, timber en W. Truax, It. 1’. Tucker ami lieu II to consumi' Miiiny ranch buildings and the story at Aslfluud—when th»t nucleus tries, homestead proofs, con Lnmpmau U|»>n ' ‘Tlie ideal Town” (yoni dwelling^. (In hoots creek a wall of flame of th e “ City Beautiful” didn’t know j tlie liusitiess, tlie iimuacincnt and the eth over tlie Chip Carr ranch, destroy what litbia was. These venerable pic- tests or transact any business ical point! of view . Rev. Wharton con- swept ing a ham and wiMxIhouse. Tlie five-room neers, who have since been summoned to relating to government lands eludeil with a plea for the church as a residelux' of John Donnegan was burned, rest, related that in ’55 or ’5t>, when tlie factor in bringing “ file Iileal Town” into while file lighter« saved tla* Horae«'Jon«*« Rogue war was waging, the volunteer i should write or call upon l> ilng. plai-e by stn iui 'ii« work. On Sardine tnsip« asked for the sid of Uncle Sam’s W . H. CANO N cnx'k a wide spread brush fire is blazing regulars. A conrier was sent to The Tommy Kirk, who u«e<t to presiile over V . * . C O M M IS S IO N E R - a pick ut 'lie Lucky Bart, came down and may at any time enter tlie heavy Dalles, where tin-re commanded a certain young captain named Grant whose initial« Room 29, Jackson County Bank fr.'iu Buckles oil Saturday last and frat- timber were U. S. So Captain Grant huck'el ] cruized with friends. He lias leased a A. H. Carroll and ( ilanaon, of Wed- j „„ |,jrt iwor<) yM|t and tlie regulais swung Bldg., M edford , O re . ranch near the Amly Jennings plare, derburn, at the Rogue’s moutlt. train|»*d where lie has been aasiatant, and will into Gold Hill Tt»-sday evening enroute into tlie scrapping south ronntry. At an 1 move on it this fall. Over Sunday lie houic from a summer’s coyote lim iting unnamed point near Rogue river they visited h i s parents in Siskiyou county, on tile Klamath marshes. They report met witli tlie victorious volunteers, march where the elder Kirk ia mining on the ed good success, liuving taken 212 pelt«, ing out. The regniars passed tIte m , I Big Humbug a n d meeting with good ajl of whieli were secured by long distance found no fighting, and returned to The , Dalles. Tin* point of their meeting after-: Cut out the ice bill. The leeles« refrig success. shooting with tlie rifle. The two left war«; took tlie name of the historic inci erator will do it. For sale by Gold Hill Miss (la in 1 Tucker, of this city, now a Gold Beach early in April and have »ince implement Co. dent ami t»'i-ame Grants Pas«. student at the the University of Califor borne their packs and rouuhed the ro id UR strong box ii a GREAT MAGNET for the money of those wh» Mr. and Mrs G. F. Watson, of Ash nia, lias Ix-fn cast in one of tlie leading simply for "th e fun of it.” Mr. Carroll, conduct their hornet and business by check. It DRAWS the DOL land, visited with Mr. and Mr». Fred roles of tlie college opera, “ K«'eping It prosperous hog rancher of Corry county, Spanish W ar Veterans Meet. Bolt this week. LARS. You'd find it POSITIVELY to YOUR ADVANTAGE if Dark.” Concerning the «election ol Miss is an enthusiast of tlie lower Rogue scen Scranton. Pa.— The national conven Jack Morrill returned last Sunday from Tucker as a standard liearer o( dramatic ery. ” 1 havehnofed It,” he said, “ over tion of the Spanish-American veterans yon wonld let it magnetise your money. Our FINANCIAL SERVICE ia Gearhart, where he participated in a golf art at the University, the etudent pulili- most of tliin eonntr y, and a great deal of opened here Monday, with a large at BACKED by YEARS OF EXPERIENCE. The DISTINGUISHED ing tournament. catlon says: “ M is» Tucker, although South America, and the wild scenery of tendance of delegate«. Commander TOWNSMEN on our board of directors is our BEST GUARANTEE. S. W. McClendon, Bill Blackert ami comparatively uuknowb to college dram tlie Rogue river gorge is, to my mind, lit tn-Chlef Charles Cramer presided. Re Charle»,Gui*st motored t«i Medford Tues atic circles, ha» had leading parts ill a erally unsurpassed.” They planned to port« of officer« showed a membership YOUR NEIGHBOR BANKS WITH US. DO YOU? numbei^ol Radcliffe productions.” day in the former’s Ford. reach the Pacific in four days from Gold of 37,544. A regrettably small audience heard Hill. Many Gold Hill children, of all ages from four to seventy, attended tlie wild William I»»» Greenleaf in his interpreta “ Doc” Bowers, Sprague Reigel, Walter 2,500,000 Live In Chicago. tion of “ Rip van Winkle'’ at the Coinus Bowne and C. S. Newhall, a tired and lie-' Chicago.— The 1915 edition of the animal circus at Medford Thursday. With an interest as wlihkered qnartette, motored into Gold ChlAgo city directory w ill Indicate a George O. Pope, of Bandon, Ore., wa» Monday evening. a gueat at the home of Ids sister, Mrs. aborticd as though tlie single actor were Hill late Saturday «'veiling at the conelu- j population of 2,500,000. Ggilen Hnyden, f o r several days this an entire troupo of talented thespians— sion of a ten days’ hunting and fishing ! as, indeed, lie whb —they followed his in trip along the coast and tin lower Rogue ■ week. The state desert land board has a«, imitable character skctchtsi of tlie unhap river. Their efforts to lore the trout and George Lyman and ton Ernest, »oconi- py and immortal "R ip” and his friends stalk tlie bounding buck met witli but cided to ask the secretary of the in panied by Lee Dungan, left on Sunday through tlie streets of Falling Water, into indifferent snecess. They brought back, terior for an extension of three years morning for a week’s night-seeing nt tlie tlie Catskills, and to the funny little men however, a graphic story of how the fish on the contract between the federal ’Frisco Fair. of the mountains, then hack to the seem are witldield at Gold Beach and Wedder- i government and state on the Des chutes Land company's irrigation proj A. N. llulhuit, of Auburn, Calif., ar- ingly enelianti'd village of ids youth. Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods burn liy a veritable army of commercial; ect In central Oregon. It was agreed rived on Wednesday and will remain for “ Rip” made friends with all tlie children in Season :: Our home cured Hams and fishermen witli impassable fortifications to extend the contract of the state a week or ten days visiting friends and in the front seats, just as lie did witli of nets. Oil the Saturday previous to with the company. It also was decid Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard looking after local property interest». those in Falling Water long ago. Mr. tiieii arrival they were told that one can Bill Pomoroy, the fatal fascinator of tlie Greenlt-af is an artist of elocution and nery took in 12,(XX) prime Chinook salm ed to request the federal government upper Meadows district, was in Gold Hill mimicry. His monologue interpretation on. Fishermen at tlie mouth of the river for an extension of five year» on the contract for the north canal unfit of Tnesday pi 'curing a license to pursue and of “ Rip van Winkle” iv ” w ’iven 1 «o« urn is the largest the Central Oregon Irrigation com R, '..river ’ •«’ shoot up a ¡rio of huel l"er. B L A C K E R T (SL G -\R F w-rv* ” and yet tlie upper Hpleiullit «Mortment »I Fili«' limi»— all prioee— Mik unti Lint'll U hm , K ih 'I k , Creels, FIU« «nil Finii I,uro»—now Stock in each o f th e School D istricts o f Gold Hill, Sams V alley, Kanes Creek, Galls Creek, Rock Point, F oots Creek, Sardine Creek, R ogue River, or Evans Creek, w h o buys a pair o f shoes from us for cash will receive, gratis, with such purchase, 3 scratch tablets, 1 ink tablet, 1 bottle o f ink, I pen holder, 1 ruler, and 1 lead pencil. A ll Summer Dress good s are offered at Reduced Prices: The BoN-ToN We Have an Ambition M erritt &, C o m p a n y U SE TH E BEST A ll o f ou r Tackle D. H. M IL L E R ’S The Truax Co. L A N D WtNET Local News Notes ] O The GOLD HILL BANK CITY M EAT MARKET pany's project