THE JACK SO N WAR DECLAREO ON TURKEY BY ITALY C O U N T Y F A IR M edford, 5ept. 8-9-10-11 L I B E R A L P R E M IU M S On Stock, Fruits, Grains, Grasses, Agricultural Displays, Products of Kitchen and Pantry, Flow ers, Minerals, Merchants’ Displays, Etc, London.—Italy lots dvclared w ar against T urkey, atul the Italian ain baaiador ha» left C onstantinople. M arquis dl U arronl, Italian ainbas aador to T urkey, handed to the porte a note declaring Italy conaldered her •elf In a atale of w ar with T urkey, and dem anded hla paaaporta. accord ing to an official telegram . The reaaona given In the note for Italy'a declaration of w ar were the aupport given by T urkey to the revolt In Libya and the prevention of the dep artu re of Italian realdenta from Syria. Although Italy declared w ar on Aua trla on May 24 th ere haa never been a declaration of w ar betw een Italy and G erm any, the ally of Auatrla, while until now Italy and T urkey, the ally of the cen tral powers, nom inally have been at peace. TA« W orld'» Cr»at»»t Expedition Is now at its height In vSan F r a n c is c o Never hefoie III the history of the world has there been conducted such a niaguidoent and wonderful Ksposition. Here Is artistically prvenU-d the pro ductions ol the udnd a i u l labors of m ankind throughout the ages. 1 a > w Round T rip Ticket« arc on sale dally to San Francisco. Four commodious trains leave every day for Han Francis yo. Scenery enroute is fast lis t in g , passed. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 1:30 p. m. sharp, between Klamath Falls and Medford for a purse of $300, divided 60 per c en t for winning team, 40 per c en t for losing team Harness and Running Races — Fine Music G ra n d T h r e e -D a y R e la y R a c e One of the biggest events ever pulled off in Southern Oregon. Contestants to run two and a half miles each day, changing horses every half mile. Purses given to winners of 3 days’ contest C o u n t y »S ch ool E x h ib its In charge of County School Supt. Percy Wells. Liberal premiums on everything grown and made by the pupils in city and country schools. All school children admitted free on Friday Get a Premium List, prepare exhibits and help make this a big old fashioned fair Electric automatic Block Signal guard the Way. Our nearest agent will give your iaquiriea courteous attention. Fire! Fire!! Yards Riveaide^Ave. Phone 3F21 J. R itter P a tr o n iz e H o m e In d u stry SM O K E M T . P I T T (EL G O V . JO H N S O N C IG A R S W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. GN33YL PRACTITIONER G old H ill , O regon . I-c -E I have constantly on hand a supply of ICE that’s chemically PUKE and safe for table use as for refrigerating. W i l l d e liv e r to r e g u la r p a tro n s m o r n in g . e v e ry S p e c ia l o rd e rs fille d at once You can’t afford to eat tainted food, or ¿drink luke warm beverages when ice costs only A FEW CENTS’DAILY W . A . C ooR ELEVEN WARSHIPS LOST BY GERMANS Four Cruisers. Seven Torpedo- boats Sunk in Sea Fight in Gulf of Riga. For that classy Hair Cut Chicago. —Sum m aries of the reports. three In num ber, of the U nited S tates com m ission on industrial relations as to findings and recom m endations for the Inform ation of congress, w ere made public here. The com m ission, which ceased to exist Monday, was composed of three rep resen tativ es each of the em ployers, the employed and the general public. The rep o rts agree on a federal In heritance tax and on the general plan tor Its use. The Manly report dis agrees In recom m ending practically the single tax and o th er things. The Manly sum m ary finds th a t the causes of Industrial unrest group them selves alm ost w ithout exception under four m ain sources which In clude all the others They a re : Un ju st d istribution of w ealth and In- i com e; unem ploym ent and denial of opportunity to earn a living; denial of justice in the creation. In the a d judication and in the adm inistration of the law ; denial of the right and opportunity to form effective organ! xations. T eutons Take Hill by Storm . Berlin, via l.ondon.—A hili at Kopy- tow. to th e southw est of the R ussian fo rtress of B rest Lltovak, has been storm ed by the T eutonic forces, ac- | cording to an official sta te m e n t given out by the G erm an arm y headquarters. Berlin, via London.— G erm an troops have occupied the fo rtress of Ossn- wetz, which was evacuated by the R ussians, G erm an arm y h ead q u arters has announced. G o ld H ill A u to L ivery F a st D r iv in g T e a m s Feed in C o n n e c t i o n S ta b le s M I T E HAVE added to our general livery business ▼ » two completely equipped 5-passenger touring cars to meet increased demand for service. 'Com mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists bound for marvelous Crater Like -will find that we know the roads, the country, and how to please. T h e S h o rtest W ny T h e L ea st C o st One trialJandJour’LiveryJService makesjfriends--tryjit! D a r lin g Q. H o d g e s L egal Notices NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION TRY DICK The besb and latest/ “kuts »» Professional Cards Sugar Pine Camp No. M W A SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott. Gen’l Passenger Ag't, Portland. Ore. G O L D H IL L , O R E G O N London.—A d ispatch to the C entral News from P etro g rad says: “T he p resid en t of th e dum a has an nounced th a t th e G erm ans had lost the b attle cru iser Moltke. th ree cru is e rs and seven torpedo-boats in the Riga battle." Baths in Connection T he announcem ent of the president of the dum a as se n t was as follows: “ In the Riga b attle the G erm ans lost one b attle cru iser, the Moltke. three R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n cru isers and seven torpedo-boats. “ T h e C ity S h o p ” “The G erm an fleet has w ithdraw n from Riga bay. “The G erm ans tried to m ake a de scen t n ear P ernpvin (P ern ig ell, on the e a st shore of the gulf of Riga, som e 35 m iles north of Riga. Pour barges cram m ed w ith soldiers took p a rt in the descent. They w ere re DR. ARTEMA8 W. DEANE pulsed by the R ussian troops, w ithout DENTIST tlie co-operation of artillery , th e G er m ans being exterm in ated and the «AS AUMIKIHTKRKO barges captured. U I A I . Ì O B U IL D IN G , M E D F O R D “ P etrograd indulged in pardonable rejoicings. The d esp erate effo rts of th e G erm ans to upset our m ilitary A. E. KELLOGG plans by creatin g a diversion on the GOLD HILL. OREGON E sthonian coast has signally failed Embalmer and Funeral A ccording to the new s received they sustained heavy losses during th e op Director eratio n s connected with the forcing Com plete line of burial robet, of the gulf of Riga. '■aekets. etc. “Aided by B ritish subm arines we FUNERAL CAR w ere able from th e sh e lte r of the g reat and little tow ns to h arass and cripple Dtfice Phone: Home, b—M; R esid en ce and finally to drive the enemy out e? Phone, Home2—K: I’ecifh-4fi-Msin th e gulf.” U. S. Asked to W ithhold Judgment. Investigators Agraa on Inbarltanca T a « ; D iffe r on O ther Pointa. Russians Lose Osaowetx. No extra charge for grandstand, vehicles or autos S. I. BROWN, Sec. Wood of every description at lowest prices. Wood saw for custom work. unsur T h e B est G u id e s G e n e r a l A d m is s io n A d m its to E v e r y th in g J. T. SULLIVAN. Pres. and Our folders "W ayside Notes Shasta Route" and "C alifornia ami Its Two Expositions" will interest you. INQUIRY REPORTS FILED B a s e B a ll G a m e s varied 10073 W ashington.—C ount von B ernstorff, the G erm an am bassador, asked the Gold Hill - . ...................... - - I »regoli Meets first Friday of e»ch month United S tates to withhold Judgm ent Jay > E Davidson—( 'oimsul on the sinking of th e W hite S tar liner Alvah E. Kellogg—Clerk Arabic until It has h eard from Berlin. D e i - a k tm k s t of th k I ntkrior 0AK42 U. 8. Land Office a t Rnsebura, Oregon* August 10, fill» N otice is hereby given th a t Jo h n F. Ralls, of Gold Hili, Oregon, who, on January 2», l!)ll). made hom estead En- try, Serial, No 0f>M2, for the W% of NW ‘4 of Section 2. Tow nship 37 S, R ange J V\, \\ illam ette M eridian, has filed notice of intention t i m ake F.nal F ive- | year Proof, to estah-isb claim to the land above described, before W . U I Canon. U. Conun-ssiooer, a t Ids o1- I fire a t Medford, Oregon, Oil the ?oth I day ol Septem ber. 1HI5. C laim ant names as witnesses: G eorge M artin, ol Gold H ill, Oregon. | A rt Doggie, of ” » Eba Davis, of C entral P o in t, ’’ ' Ervin Ray, of Gold H ill, ’’ —J. M. U pton , 8-14—!»- 1H Register. Notice of Sheriff’s Sale Under Execution in Foreclosure ) Edward J. Ede, Tl. ■ Gobi Hill B ank,) Louise E. Ede. his a corporation, ) wife, H arry C. vs. (Ford, Mary J. Foni »and ( barles Erlnein By virtue of an Execution nud an Or der of Sale duly issued out of and under the seal of t i e Circuit Court of the State of Oregc n in and for the County of .lack- son, dated tlie I7tli day of July 1IH5, in a certain cause therein, wherein Tin-Gold Hill Bank, a corporation, as Plaintiff; recovered in the I Ith day of July PU5. a judgm ent against tlie detendauts, Ed ward J. Ede. Is.uise E. Ede, his wife. Harry C. Idird and Mary J. l-'ord, his wife, and each of them for tlie sum of Five Hundred Fifty ( U n o t l. lM lj Dollars with interest thereon from the loth day of September, 1013, at, llie rate of H )H i cent |» t annum and Sixty live ($trt.tsi) Dollars attorney’s fee, and tlie further I r r ig a tio n is C r o p In su ran ce You can raiw some crops every year and all crops some years without Irrigation, but if you want to raise all crops every year you should irrigate. Irrigation by Flectrically driven Pumps is economical. Reliable and Ef ficient -and excells all other forms of power. If you have a water supply from we',I, creek or stream, an Electric Pumping Plan! chii Is- installed nt a small cost per acre, and at a minimum ->f cxjh - iisc for operation. Gur Power Lines cover a large portion of Jackson and Josephine coun ties ami we are constantly m aking new extensions. Full information of cost for installing ami operating - an is- obtained by inquiry at any of tlie Com pany's Offices. CALIF0RN1A-0R. EGONPO »VER COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. Phone 168 216 West Main Street s u m of Fifteen ($10.1»)) Dollars costs which judgm ent was enrolled nml dock eted in the C lerk's office of said Court in in said County on the I lib day of July. Ifilfi, and is of record in Volume 23 of the Circuit Court Journal at pages lib a m i ISO thereof. I ijin eouiuiamled by said Execution and Order of Sale Io make sale of the liereiniifler deserlls-d real properly, I o satisfy the judgement above named, to gether with the attorney’s tees costs and the Iieeruing Costs of this sale. I will there fore on TUESDAY tin- 24th -lay of Aug ust. IHIÒ, at tin hour of III o’clock a. in. it the front door of the Court in Jacksonville, J-ekson County, State of Oregon, oiler for sale and will sellai pub lic aneti m, for cash only, subject to re demption as is by law provided, all the right, title, and interest that the defend ant* bad on the 25tli day of September, 1013, the dale of said .Mortgage, or have ........acquired, or now have in mid Io the following lies, | ils-d l-e ill property, to-W'it; All of the Southwest quarter i S W 4 i ofHeetion Five f.'ii in Township Thirty- six (3(1) South of Range Three ( 3 | West of tile \\ illamette Meridian, situated in Jackson County, State of Oregon. All of (I k * ii I hivc described tract u f land will Is-sold at said lime and plan- in the milliner provided by law for the sale of real prop-rtv un-l'i-r exiv-ntion to satisfy the judgm ent in favor o f the Plaiutitl' ami against the Defen,hints to gether with the attorney’s fees, costs and tin- accruing costs of this sale. Dated this 17th day of July, |bl.’>. ' — W . I I . S lN lll.l H, Sheriff of Jackson County. State of Oregon. By E. W. W ilson , ”•24— 8-21 Deputy