Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, August 28, 1915, Image 3

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    I'm a dollar mid it half III Thu New«.
Piano Tor Sals
Hpleudld assurtiiii’iit of
H im > Itiwl»— nil pri.i'«
Milk m d Linen Lines,
Iteci», Creels, Hit* and
Flati Luma—new Slock
Everything for the
ardent Angler
The B o N -T o N
Have got to meet
Every kind of competition—
-Schum ann piano, gixsl
•« new, will «ill for hull print. Cull ut I
«ertlmi huiiw or wrlut, Fred Will, (¡old !
Hill, Oregon,
( ’. T. I»»« idwm, il the Applegate, drov
over on Tliursilay and the following ii»y
returned with Jay Davidson mid Henry
Miller uu piiMw-ngcr«. The trio will pro«
peel und hunt in the Applegate hillu.
in each o f th e School Districts o f Gold Hill, Sams V a lle y ,
Kanes Creek, Galls Creek, Rock Point, Foots Creek, Sardine’
Creek, Rogue River, o r Evans Creek, w ho buys a pair o f shoes
from us fo r cash w ill receive, gratis, w ith such purchase, 3
scratch tablets, 1 ink tablet, 1 bottle o f ink, 1 pen holder, I
ruler, and 1 lead pencil.
Miss Bessie Newlou departed last Erl'
duy (or I Inklund where ahe will visit
with her brother mid aiater. Nhe will
return vlu Ixiat to I’orllund und reauoie
her atudlea nt the A. 0 . in Corvallis.
In eelehrutlon of her doth birthday,
many friend« leiidpred u surprise pienl
to Mr». Amanda Fitzgerald of Nam« Val
ley taut Sunday. Mr». N. T. Hodges
and daughter» attended from this elty.
The mammoth bake oven, ordered by
the < ¡old Hill Eair Amociution (or the
e«|ieeittl preparation of tlie salmon dinner
with which our gue«t« ol September 18th
will 1»! regaled, arrived the llr»t of the
I "i lie pa-i two yi-iu« «igiiulman with
I the N. I', ut till» point, (»«ear Butter, loc­
ally known an “ Clreu.i” , was offic'ally
i replaced by the hi rival of I. Minim on
Wednesday. The former will go to Cal-
I ifornla.
Trenhain Brother»* thre«hlug rig 1»
daily «welling the estimates ol grain crop
I in the vicinity ol Gold Hill. Ralph
I hurling reports u splendid yield of wheat
j and oat« upon the laud fanned by the
firm of hurling und Ihulge«.
E v e r y B o y o r G irl
A l l Summer Dress goods are offered at Reduced Prices:
12 1-2 cent Lawns at 10 cents
10 cent Lawns at 8 cents
15 cent Flaxons at 12 1-2 cents
20 cent Renfrew Cloth at 16 2-3 cents
25 cent Mercerized Poplin at 20 cent3
12 1-2 cent Ginghams at 10 cents
50 cent Summer Underwear, Porosknit at 40 cents
50 cent
Balbriggan at 40 cents
M erritt & C o m p a n y
G eneral
M e r c h a n d is e
H irn: To Mr. and Mr« O. T. Wil-
just the thing”
II. Van I hxvinls-rg, the well known «on, of Nam» Valley, on August 10, an
Sam» Valley rum her, received painfull
For hard or «oft wood of finest quality
Born: To Mr. and Mr» II E. ria rl-! Qrder ,r<>m’,obn J KiUer-
injurle» 'ltiursduy noon in a scrimmage
1 with Id« frightened team.
hr. Keluey ing, of Gold Hill, on Thursday, August; Cedar Fence Posts for «ale a t reason-
We MUST do this or BUST!
wu» summoned mid found hi» injurle« to 2(1, a charming little daughter.
j able price. For information call at the
Kingfisher lines are
, lie «even-, hut happily not «crioiiH.
New» office.
world’s stand­
1,000 bars of L ily W hite S oap
Verne Blue, formerly ol Gobi Hill, ex-
Butter (Mipcr, printed in accordance
ard. The big ones
I |x-cts to anon leave Ashland, where he ied her guest, Mi«« Mary K. Young, to the
i ha« been visiting, for the return voyage latter'« home in A«hlaud on Wednesday, with tlie law, for sale on order at Tlie
For Laundry, Toilet or Bath
can’t get away.
i News office.
Ito Hawaii. The young man hold« a po- and wilt visit (here for several days.
«¡lion on the facility of a sectarian school
I saw eordwood to stove lengths with
Ex-game warden Riley Hammersley,
To sell next week
in Honolulu. Accompanying him on hi« the deposed dictator of the Willow H at power .«aw, promptly on order. Phone
viait to the Valley, lot« tieen a Chi nt-se wild», arrived in Gold Hill from the tim ­ John J. Bitter, 3F21.
Six bars for 25c
Imy, Wai Chong Shim, who 1« the pro* ber Wednesday afternoon. He will make
Found—Valuable pair of eye glasses,
Is selected on t h e
lege and personal servant of Mr. Blue.
several trips to and from camp, bringing specially ground lenses. Owner may re­
same standard of
Ask for L ily
W hite S oap .
Mr«. Nam McClendon arrived home In equipment and state property, traps, cover property by calling at News office
Tuesday from a motor trip through etc. Mr. Hammersley is blithely resigned end paying charges.
quality. ' We can
houglua county, where «he was the gue»t to his release from the service—and de­
Always satisfactory,
completely equip
I weave rag carpets or rugs to your
of varioiM friend«. Upon her return clares that be will take advantage of bis
the angler for a
Mr«. Met tendon was aceompanied by
Wash day or any Other Day.
bout with the tini­
Mr. and Mr«. Andy Jennings, formerly Hi« dismissal from the service is held by Mrs. R. M. Nicliolson, Gold Hill, Oreg.
of till« city, who visited for several day». friend» to have been made without cause, One und one-half miles northeast of city.
est trout or the lus­
Cash does it.
They live upon a ranch near Buckle«, a» be Imre consistently out his reputation Orders may be left at News office.
steelhead. Our
Prompt Auto Service.—My machine is
where Andy retired to hunt, fish and for fearless efficiency in the discharge of
We keep no books.
is back­
rai«e alfalfa.
always ready for service and to hire at
One of the classiest guinea played In
Southern Oregon this season, developed
Once In a while, and not Infrequent­ parties the rate is no more than railroad
practical exper­
in the contest on the local diamond last ly, the world war reaches so close to us fare. Phone 32J.
ience in Rogue
—C. L. D oskxberrv ,
when the Grant« l’a«« All Star« that we see the grimace of pain. Alex
Mr». Cora J. Truax, Manager.
River fishing.
Gold Hill, Oregon.
swapped swats with the lix-als. The Satti, a native of the French isle of Cor­
«core favored Gold Hill by 'lo ti. Foley sica, whence Napoleon went forth to eni-
Common lumber, sized, $13 per tliou-
of the locals, pitched a remarkable game, j broil Europe, received a letter from hi saii I. thoroughly seasoned. All building ■
making 16 strikeouts. To the displeas­ mother in the home land one day last materials at reasonable prices. All com- '
ure of lAauy fans th.- contest was marred week. All the neighborhood gossip was petition cheerfully met.
C O M M I S S I O N E R by over much wrangling.
missing from that missive. It stated that
—Big Pines Lumber Company,
Gold Hill, Ore. j
P ersons wishing to make I have added to my implement line the Satti's younger brother had gone down
famous Stiletto brand of paints, oils and with his ship—a French cruiser operating
published in I
homestead entries, timber en­ varnishes. House, fl-sir a n d wagon In the Dardenelles. Satti has been etn-
tin- United States. Also we are the sub- I
tries, homestead proofs, con­ pamts, color varnishes, ami all accessor- ploy«1 a» a section hand on the Geld
scription agent for all U. N. and many for- ,
tests or transact any business les. My prlcea will interest you aipl the Hill gang. Lik” most of his countrymen eign magazines and papers.
—John R. Kelsey,
relating to government lands quality of the goods is guaranteed to sat­ I he may lie mistaken for an Italian, which
isfy. Painting property pays. Inspect i by bhsid he undoubtedly is. “ lie is two
with Gold Hill News.
should write or call upon
the gissls at my wareroom, next door to j jvars last time I seen him ,” said Satti,
Wixxl iiy tier or core! at lowest market
C A M n W
Gold Hill Bakery.— Gold Hill Implement j s m ilin g p u lh e tie a lly
now I never see
‘ ll. V M n v m
M H. Johnson. p.op.
him again (his w list you call him? price, delivered at your sited. Finest fir,
U . J . c o m m is s io n e r
pine, laurel and oak. John J. Ritter,
II. (). Frohbat-h, in charge ol exhibit» j This k-e-e-d brother, yes.”
Room 29, Jackson County Bank at the Oregon building, advise that he Is , Tbl. RUrerside Re-creation club recently Phone 3F2L
SA VE MONEY! From now until Sep­
Bldg., M edford , O re .
mu K»riz<( to oiler h|Hcial prizes for Jack-j
Mrs. Siwan Whitney, of Foot*
son c o u n ty f r u i t : $5 fo r the largest peach | Crt«-k, with a dinner party on the occas- tember 1st we will si-ll school pencil tab­
lets at 46c jx-r dozen.
I and $6 for tlie largest pear grown In the I „¡()n „(
ninety-ninth birthday. Ab-
Bowers Pharmacy.
, county and displayed in the Southern sent friends remembered the veneralde
(Iregott IsH’tlt at the Exposition. Fruit gentlewoman by a shower of post cards,
must I»' perfect ami true to shape, and letters ami parcel post present». Mrs.
Have yon seen the teeless refrigerator
E xtra “ Hot Point” iron cord st the should lie sent to .Mr. Frnhhach via par­ Whitney owns to Merrie England as her at Johnson’s implement house?
cel port. Freak fruit will be barred.
News office!!
Mrs. Basil Kellogg and Miss Sooilgrass
native land. She emigrated to America
Al Ix-wis, development expert anil the year gnoc*. Queen Victoria was crown­ were the gnestsof their sister, Mrs. Ever­
John Bowman return«! to his employ­
manager of the Mountain King mine, ed. Chicago site remeni Ix-rs as an isolat­ ett Wahl, tlie for part of the week.
ment at Weed on Thursday.
Mr». C. II. Bowman visited with Grant» tlie Ramsey canyon renown«! cinnabar ed outpost in th? Indian country. Two
Win. itee Greenleaf, formerly a ranch­
property, was in Gold Hill for supplies children are- living, twelve grand child­ er of this district and later superinten­
Pa«« friends Thursday evening.
last Saturday. He is engaged in an ex­ ren, ten grcat-gianilchildren, and two dent of the Central Point schools, is in
Miss Viola Myers, of Rogneriver, visit­
tension of the tnnnel and has disclosed g r e a t-grvat-grandehildre-n.
Grandma Gold Hill the present week looking after
's! with Gold Hill girl friends this week.
ore even more remarkable for richness Whitney’s mind, vision and general his Kanes Creek property. Mr. Green­
Miss Katherine Foley has been re-en­ titan that previously shown.
Tlie health are blews-d. She reads, sews anil leaf is now engaged a» superintendent of
gaged as teacher of the Dardenelles Mountain King is owned by James R.
makes la«-, without glasses. She is a the Santa Monica achools. His abilities
UR itrong box it a GREAT MAGNET for the money of thoxe wh*
Hayes, a capitalist of Detroit, Michigan. Riiinerilxr to several prominent news­ as an interpreter of Shakspere and other
conduct their homes and business by check. It DRAWS the DOL­
Cnt out the Ice bill. The teeless refrig­
H. If. McCarthy, several years ago paper* and pursues current events with classics lias six-nred him frequent engag--
erator will do it. For sale by Gold Hill located in thia city on mining interests, great interest.
nients for special courses in tlie Loa 'n g - you would let it magnetise your money. Our FINANCIAL SERVICE i»
Implement Co.
recently return«! from Randsburg, Calif.,
Judge C. C. Gall writes Tlie News from eles city schools. At tlie solicitation of BACKED by YEARS OF EXPERIENCE.
Miss Alta Smith, of Portland, visited In the desert country, to investigate some
Roseburg where he is enjoying a visit hx-al frii-nils lie is hilled to appear at the TOWNSMEN on our board of directors is our BEST GUARANTEE.
with Mrs. Hixl-res for aeveral days the iproiiiisiiig southern Oregon properties.
with relatives, to say that Freni Riedel Is Comus theatre Monday evening, in “ Rip
first of the w«ik.
Since arrival he lias made his headquar­ doing a “ land offi«-” hnsineas in his Van Winkle” , one of his strongest char­
Mrs Win. Kinney Hnd children were ters at Medford, but is now on a motor model grm-ery store. One day last week acter interpretations.
with relatives in Central Point Wednes­ trip to tlie confluence of the Rogue and he wentito see O. W. Akers, who former­ Ashland correspondent in Mail Tribune:
day and Thursday.
Applegate rivers, o n mining business. ly liveil in Sams Valley where the Judge —Contingent upon resigning the princip-
P e r r y llulhnrt returned on Sunday He is accompanied by a party of four, of dispensed justice. Mr. Akers is ft-eling alship of the East Side schools Prof. G. j
from Auburn, Calif., after a year’s ab­ which Mike Womack, the man whom fine, and looks like a youth of seventy- W. Milam pledged hiinw If in the event
dynamite couldn’t damage, is a member. five summers, although he admits having of his leaving here- to tsk - i barge of the
sence, greatly improved in health.
During die next two months Gold passed Ids 102d birthday. He spends his Gold Hill schools, to furnish a venison
Mrs. Lynn W. Smith and Miss Dorothy
Smith returned Saturday from two weeks’ Hill will be served at the Southern Pac- time in mental improvement, re-ailing feast to tlie load school board. He re­
ifle office by an agent whom nil reinem- magazines, states Judge Gall. Tlie ven­ deemed this bond on Monday evening by
pleasant visit with friends in Seattle.
ber anil are glad to welcome back. Carl erable Sams Valley jurist adds that the furnishing tlie meat from a fine three
Jud-je C. C. Gall returned from his
1*. Easley, relief agent, for several months old controversy anent the naming of prong buck which he shot on a recent
Roseburg visit on Thursday and is visit­
last summer, ami since that, time station­ (¡rant« Pass is raging in Roseburg histor­ hunting excursion into Dead Indian ter­
ing his daughter, Mrs. Hodges, and fam­
ed a*, a score of places on relief duty, was ical circles, and submit» his own testi - ritory, just, previous to departing f >r San
assigned to Gold Hill during the absence mony in the m atter: ‘‘Thomas Croxton Francisco, not being able to appear per­
Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods
“ Dad” Turner, bronzed and happy, of l he regular incumbent and arriv«l stay«! al! night with us when w ellw don sonally at the banquit talile owing to a
arrived home Thursday front a seven day Wednesday. Agent L. Boyd left last Galls Cre ek. He told ns he had Iteen to hurried trip to see the exposition. As a
in Season Our home cured Hams and
vacation at ('rater latke and Klamath week for a brief vacation, before return­ Jacksonville and had applied for a post-
Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard
lestilt, rare venison roasts and steaks
ing to Halsey, whence he came tlie office close to James Tnfts’ place, and were served up at T H. Simpson’s on
John Hammersley a n d Master Dale month before. Mr. Easley says that it named tlie p. o. Grants Pass. Said lie Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Simpson
left Tuesday afternoon for a week’s hunt­ will probably lie two months before the heard that Grant had passt-d that place having for their guests Messrs, and Mes-
ing and camping trip in the vicinity of office is "bid in” by some senior em­ or campi«I there, That was about Î867 dames Briscoe, Eubanks, Poldand and
B L A C K E R .T <SX G A R R E T T , P r o p r i e t o r -,
Willow Flul.
or ’68.”
Mail Order House Competition
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The Truax Co.
D. M. M IL L E R ’S
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