Gold Hill Grswtas« N o l o t a t K t t w t f a f S o u lk a rn O ra p o n II On k a a u tifu l ffo pu * ttiv a r V O L 18 Jackson Co. he tG o It) H i l l O n a C o m m u n ity o l • tu n H y- R o p u a jt.c a i V u flar. u ikara ik a a p p i* p a i n . J fa m . | GOLD H IL L JACKSON COUNTY, O RIG O N, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21,1916 b O . 16 GOLD HILL GETTING READY FOR FINEST FAIR SCHOOL ON SEPT. 6; TO BE BETTER Than Fine Record o f Past; Faculty Well Qualified to Train the Young Idea Boise, Idaho.—Revised figures on the abstracts of the 37 counties in the state as complied by the state auditor and placed before the state board of equalisation show the total assessed valuation on all classes of real prop­ erty for ISIS a t »300,842,0««. An In­ crease Is shown in this year's values over last year's of 13,937,041. ADMIRAL CAPERTON Ths school year open* on l-*bor Day, Monday, Brptenilwr Oth. Gold Hill face« th s coming term with ronflilenoti in the ability ol the PtWpS of Instructors ungag­ ed, and in the superior equipment of Ita model school structure. NEW FEATURES TO ENLIVENJPROGRAM September 17 and 18 Selected for Fair Weather; Growers Urged to Exhibit; Roaring Camp Once More “ Of thee, J. Pluv., we fervently Implore, Kain not on Fair Day—or by gosh, we’re sore!” Superintendent Milatu will open hla ot* The Third Annual Industrial and School Hue at the high school building one week Fair will be held in Gold Hill on Friday Iwfora tlie term lisgin«, and may be found and Saturday, September 17 and lit. •ihen- each day from V to 12 a. in. lie You remember that rain ruined a re­ «late« his dndre that all high school pu­ coni for the second annual Gold Hill In­ pils who may conveniently do so, call at dustrial Fair, h id last fall? Threatening tlie office during that time and talk over weatlier and showers kept fully fifty per tlie work In pros|M-ct. Parents are also cent of our prospective guests at home, requested to call for the discussion of invoking maledictions on J. I’luvitis, tlie school tiusineMM. Grade pupils an* urged Weather Man, or who and whatever was to appear ami take left-over examinations responsible for the disappointment. Even before school commences. so, the most conservative calculation of Tlie Gold Hill schools, witli every edu­ attendance placed the number o l very cational advantage required, and more, pleased vi-iton at 3,000 -ome said 5,000. issue an invitation to all pupils of Ollier ■ districts, who have completed tlie Stb grade course, to enmll as students at the dural high school. This tender is freely made and no fw«t or tuition charges am Admiral Caperton, the American attached. naval officer who has been placed In | From a g nut number ot applicants, the charge of affairs In Haiti. school Isiard has selected a faculty of ex- <‘e|4i<>ual promise and auemnfnl previous experience. The |s*r«ouiiol is as follows: ■G, W Milam, superintendent, mathe­ matics; Victor Flint, commercial; tola* yet supplied, English; Helen Van Doyne, •W ater Fete and Sw im m ing’ Latin. The Junior high school will have . Races; afternoon Ball Game . j tile same teachers as the high school. Itertha Eliaaon, 6th and dill; Edua Pnat- tor, 3d and 4tli; Myrtle Davis, 1 st and Refusal to Audit Cantm e’s pills May 2d, also music. Result in Test Suit. Salem —Pending a decision by Sec­ The iicci«siary school books are as fol retary of S tate Olcott as to the legal­ ity of claims Incurred by Deputy State lows: First Grade—Beginners or I It: Wheel­ Highway Engineer Cantlne, hostilities e r’s Primer ; pencils, tablets and drawing between the majority members of the material as directed by teacher. I A state highway commission and State tirade: Wheeler’s First Reader; pencil, Highway Engineer Lewis over the j tablet and drawing material as directed question as to whether he or Cantlne is highway engineer are suspended. by the teacher. Should the secretary rifuae to audit Second tirade—Wheeler Second Read­ the claims on the ground that they er; |s*ucils, tablet and drawing material are not indorsed by Lewis, the ma i as directed by tlie teacher. Third tirade— Wheeler’s Third Reader; Jority members contemplate mandam­ Hick’s Champion .Spelling Book; Nuin- us proceedings to determine whether ls-rs Step by Step; pencil, tab l't and Lewis or Cantlne Is highway engineer. ilrawing material a s directed by th e ; Should he audit the claims. Ix-wls will have legally either to assert his title teacher. Fourth Grade—Wheeler’s Fourth Read- to the office or cease to exercise juris e r ; Numbers Step by Step; Kimball’s diction over highway work. Recently Lewis asked tlie commis­ Elementary English, b o o k I; llick s Champion Spelling B o o k ; penholder, sion to rescind an order putting Can- pencil, tablet and drawing material as tine, hiB chief deputy, in charge of the highway work, or institute suit to directed by the teacher. Fifth Grade—Wheeler's Fifth Reader; | determine whether he or ('am ine was Numbers Step by Step; Kimball’s Ele­ entitled to the position. The commls mentary English, book I; Hick’s Cham­ Blon did not comply with cither re­ pion S p e l l e r ; Introductory American quest Hiitory, Bourne & Renton; dictionary, Pork Held Not Infected. is-nholder, pencils, tablets ami drawing Portland.—Portland’s recent hog material as directed by the teacher. Fifth A Grade World Geography by cholera scare was without foundation. Tarr A Mc.Murry in addition to books Bacteriological tests of four hogs con flscated by the health bureau on sup for 5th B. Sixth Irade— Wheeler’s Fifth Reader; position that they were slaughtered Complete Arithmetic; World Geography; i while Infected with cholera showed Kimball's Elementary English; Hick's under tests that the real trouble was Champion Speller; Krohn’s Graded lx*s I overfeeding and overheated condition sons in Physiology and Hygiene; Intro- I when slaughtering took place. The dnetory American History; dictionary, outward appearances of hogs slaught Street Scenes at Last penholder, pencil, tablet and drawing ered under these conditions and hogs suffering from cholera are similar. material as directed by the teacher. This year it isn’t going to rain on Fair The hogs were shipped to Portland Day. S e v e n t h Grade— Elson’s Gratutner School Reader, book 8{ Complete Aritll- I from Yamhill by a farmer. In support of this prediction we have inetie; Hick’s Chuinpior Speller; World | the statement o( the Kanes Creek weather Geography; Mace’s II. S. History; Agri­ Big Osin In Licenses for Autos. wizard, Prophet Foster, that it will. As culture by Burket and Stevens; Kimball's I Salem.—Secretary of State Olcott tin* weather always hedges on tlie Pro­ Elementary English, Issik 2; dictionary, I has Issued 21,660 automobile licenses phet, Gold Hill Inis issued its bulletin for penholder, pencil, tablet a n d drawing so far this year, an increase of 8110 a fair Fair Dav, and is confidently pre­ material as directed by the teacher. over the same period in 1914. Three paring for a 10,(XX) attendance. Eighth Gradi— Elson’s G r a m m a r thousand motorcycle licenses have so Tlie first. Industrial Fair held in Gold School Reader, hook 4; Complete Arith ; far been Issued, as compared with Hill was merely a timid experiment. Yet metlc; Hick’s Champion Speller; Mace’s i 21R0 in the corresponding period a tlie guests of that occasion were pleased I S. History; Agriculture by Burket A | year ago. Chauffeurs’ licenses show a and told their friend» so. They demand­ Stevens; Kimball's El mentary English. rem arkable increase, there being 3350, ed the second Fair—and it wasn’t so bad, Isiok 2; dictionary, penholder, |K*nctls , while last year at this time the total at that. For a good time, people said, it tablets and drawing material as directed ' was 1533. relegated the con ity fair and the rose by the teacher. festival to (lie uncut timothy. Hence, Eighth A Gradt— Reinsrh’a Element tlie management of the third Industrial State of Washington Wins Medal. of Civil Government in addition to bool; j San Diego.—A gold medal was Fair approaches its task with a goisl deal lorHlh B awarded by the Jury of nwards of the of assurance, and in possession of invalu­ Panama-California exposition to the able experience. ('ill mil tin- lee bill. The íceles« n-frit- Tin program of previous years will I k * State cf Washington for general re «•nitor will do It For «ale by Gold IHN source.« improved and enlarged, while retaining Implement Go. tlie several features that have hitherto proven m o t popular. I Completion of the Pleasure Pavilion a<- ' fords an Ideal staging for amusement features of the day, and will be used in the reproduction of “ Roaring Camp In ’62“ , tlie Gold Hill spectacular enter­ tainment that gave such satisfaction this spring. The management has been fre­ quently entreated to again stage this pleasing historic recurrence of tlie old days, and “ Hearing Camp’’, as a reply to many requests, will lie in full swing <>n Isith evenings, the 17th and lKtb. Another stunt that will please the big drowd is tlie “ High Line Trail” , modest­ ly adapted from tlie famous Pike and id way of more pretentious fairs. Both nip ami Trail will lie under the direct are, o f course, secondary to tlie success of the exhibit hall, as the occasion is, first of all, designed for the encouragement of industry and the producing of actual evi­ dence of Houthern Oregon’s superiority. None can possibly be more interesv-d in this connection than the grower, who by hir representations in tlie exhibits is ac­ tually adding value Io tlie acres that grew his produce. THOMAS A. EDISON TA-TA HIS FAREWELL TO PRISON Bandit Hooper Outwits O ff­ icer and Breaks Jail at Pass; Armed and Lost „X 1 Jailors ol J ilin Austin Hooper, bandit and bad man of various varieties, think they know why he whistled ami sang during his incarceration at Grants Pass. John Austin wasn’t worrying. Sunday morning Hooper broke jail with artirtic ease. He is still at large, nor have any clues been received to hie subsequent travels. When Sheriff Smith ente re* 1 the bandit’s cell with a dinner tray, Tony Brccko, prison companion ot Hooper, pinned the officer’s arms behind him. Hooper secured his gun. Tlie pair bound Smith securely, took his keys, lib­ erally supplied themselves witli ammuni­ tion and walked out. At tlie point of a pistol they compelled the owner oí a buggy to loan liis proper­ ty. and drove to tlie north. Half an hour later the plight of Sheriff Smith was discovered, and a posse went in pursuit. Brecko had been ’ ditched’’ by liis clever & 1913. by A m e r ica n F rees A sso c ia tio n companion, and was easily recaptured. Thomas A. Edison, noted inventor That evening, at 9:00, Hooper reap- who has accepted an invitation to head | peared near the Pass, this time comman- an advisory naval board of civilian |(leering an auto and its owner, E. Kroh. inventors. ¡ With liis, or t h e sheriff’s automatic, waving directions the party proceeded to j Rogue River. Hooper «a.- very pleasant ; to Kroh and to his family, who were with i him, explaining that “ he hail never—yet it necessary to kill a man.” Pass- ■ Opening Dance at Gold Hill’s • ¡ —fonnd ing through Rogue River the liandit i-all- . new $1,000 Pleasure Pavilion . , ed attention to t h e (tank, which, lie • stated, wee a job that hail been credit, d to him. Tlie bank was robbed tw o Lumbermen T ell of Business Ills. i months ago under dramatic circumstan­ Portland—Untoward conditions con­ ces. Tlie evidence strongly indicates tlie tributing to present stagnation in the guilt of Hooper. Beyond Rogue River, a t the bridge, lumber industry absorbed much atten ­ tion at a hearing of the federal trade Hooper hade his unwilling escorts fare­ commission held here. Mill men, lum­ well, and disappeared in the brash. Since ber exporters and bankers gave their that time lie has been as mysteriously views as to causes of the troubles of missing as the old man of the mountain— the lumber trade, and unanimity of whom nobody ever saw. Special agents, view was noticeably lacking. Over­ detectives, sheriffs a n d under slwriffs production, overspeculation in stump- | have been as plentiful as cainjiaign candi­ age, shortage of available tonnage for dates since t h a t time. Monday night export and general financial stringen­ , Gold Hill was under strict watch, lest cy were variously assigned by those | Hooper might fiel inclined to raid tlie who spoke as being, in their respec­ local bank. Officers say that In» ba« the tive opinions, the chief cause of the requisite cold nerve and love oFhravado to dare anything. dulness. The theory that is generally. accepted is Evidence also was taken regarding conditions in the grain business, and that Hooper had a cache of coin from the other speakers explained to the com­ Rogue River robbery, somewhere in the mission the difficulties th at Oregon hills near that town. It is argued that he fruit growers and shippers have re­ had n o other reason for alighting there cently encountered in finding profit­ and taking to the woods. In northern California there are many halt-breed and able markets. Indian friends of Hooper, to whom he has endeared himself by gifts of guns and S. H. Friendly Dies. Eugene.—S. H. Friendly, pioneer ammunition, and it will not he «uprising business man, and for 22 years a mem­ if be has made directly for that district. Hooper lias an extensive criminal re­ ber of the U niversity of Oregon board cord for a young man. He is a paroled of regents, died here. No other death in the history of life term convict of Folsom, Calif., prison, Eugene has produced a shock so gen­ bank robber, street - c a r hold-up and eral as that of the man who 50 years clever crook. Postmaster R eedítales that Hoopei at ago came to Eugene a poor boy, with­ out acquaintance, and left a fortune one time this sprinft received mail, under of more than $200,000 and hundreds another name, from the Gold Hill office; while W. H. Miller states that, from an of friends. Mr. Friendly'8 death came unexpect­ examination of the badm an’s photo, he is edly. Apparently recovering from an equally certain that Hooper purchased illness, he had engaged a drawing­ supplies in this city several, times, just room on the train to go to the exposi prior to the Rogue River robbery. T h is N ig h t T om orrow Year’s Industrial Fair tion at San Franylsco. management of tlie Greater Gold Hill Glnb. Serving thousands of hungry guests with savory baked salmon, salad and java is a titan task—successfully accomp­ lished on two previous occasions. Al­ though it is considered necessary to pre­ pare for twice as many p irtions as were served last year, there is no intention of abandoning the free salmon hake. The .salmon will be served—plenty for all— together with a dray load Jof potato salad and other appetizing edibles. Exhibits are now in prospect that will eclipse tlie showing of l a s t year, whin much of the produce was considereil of sufficient merit- for shipment to the state Fair nt Salem. That this portion of tlie Industrial Fair he a success, the managers ask all ranchers, farmers andftruck gar­ deners to plan their exhibit« now and to present them for entry on the first day of the Fair. The amusement features o f the day Given Full Authority to Suppress All Disorder« in Haiti. Washington.—Admiral Caperton, lu charge of American forces In Haiti, has been clothed with full power to curb malcontents who rebel against the newly elected president of the is land and marines will be kept in Haiti for months If necessary to bring about oomplete order there. It is understood th at France, whose financial interest in Haiti is large, is in sympathy with the steps taken by thls government to check the revolu­ tion. T hat the revolution has left hun­ dreds of natives in want was reported to the Red Cross by Admiral Caper­ ton. In response to an urgent request by the American commander, the Red Cross sent $1000 through the war de­ partm ent to relieve famine. Hop Crop is S h ;r \ Springfield.-MThe Oregt .i li3;j crcp for 1915, which has been variously es­ tim ated at from 140,000 to ISO.COO bales, will be less than 100,000 bah a, according to J. L. Clark, vice-presi­ dent of the Oregon Hopgrowers’ asso­ ciation, who has com plete! a.i spec- tion ot 600 hop fields, representing the greater part of hop acreage in Oregon. Copperfield Hit by Blaze. Baker.—The business section of Copperfield, which came into promin­ ence when Miss Fern Hobbs closed the saloons there under orders from former governor Oswald West, was practically wiped out by a fire be­ lieved to have been of Incendiary ori­ gin. The three undertaking parlors of Salem have agreed to hold no funer­ als on Sunday after August 16.