Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, August 14, 1915, Image 3

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    Put a dollar and a half In The Newa.
Ilillle Funaher, atar member of Lance
Co.’« clerical/orce, la autnewhere In the
high lull,, taking hla vacation and pur-
auing la-ar and other »mall game
Mr». Lily D urker and Maater Richard
King departed laat Saturday for McCloud,
Calif,, Pi «|»i:d a month aa the gueat of
Mra. Durkeo'a aiater, Mra. N. It. Young
Splendid UMortiiMnt of
Fine Rial»—»II priuee—
Hllk and Linen Une»,
■titilli, Creel», File» «ml
Fluii Lure»—new Htnek
Mr. and Mra. E. Jamieaon and family,
accompanied by Mra. Haight and (taught
er, drove to Huckleberry mountain, on
the Crater latke road, laat Sunday; Juai
going “ a-lx-rrylng. ”
Everything for the
ardent Angler
Manager Kellogg of the Cornua theatre
haa hooked Ile<*‘Georgia Merry Maker»” ,
seven people, in “ Klaaay Koon Koon
edy” at popular prices, Sunday evening,
one night only.
in o u r sto r e
Are being sold for the lowest
possible cash prices.
This must be true
Or else
We could not meet the
Keen competition
And stay in business.
Cash does i t
We keep no books.
The Truax Co.
Mr». Cora J. Truax, Manager.
PERSONS wishing t o make
homestead entries, timber en­
tries, homestead proofs, con­
tests or transact any business
relating to government lands
should write or call upon
W . H. C A N O N
U. « . C O M M IS S IO N E R
Room 29, Jackson County Bank
Bldg., M edford , O re .
Local News Notes
Exira "Hut Point” Iron con, at the
Newt otfioal I
J. K. Davidson returned last Saturday
(r un a fortnight’s visit to the Applegate.
Have you seen the Iceleiw refrigerator
at Johnson’s Implement house?
Cut out the Ice hill, The icelern refrig­
erator will do it.
For »ale by Hold Hill
Implement Co.
Mr. and Mr». Win. Myer, of A»hland,
visited Mr». H. T. Hodges anil family
laat Sunday.
M. H. Johnson and fam'ly motored to
Crater Lake laat Sunday with Dick More-
lock at the wheel.
The Ulaekhurn residence ia b -ing im­
proved by the addition of a »creened
sleeping porch.
Mr». Daiaie Gilchrist, of Hama Valley,
wan the guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mra. Walb.r Dungey, laat week.
Cecil Johnaon haa been confined to his
home by illneaa for aeveral daya thia
week, but la now aaid to be improving.
Mlaa Plerey Herron arrived on .Thnra-
day from Portland and will viait her
father, J. W. Herron, during the next
three week».
Mr. and Mra. John Palmer made their
regular pilgrimage to the old home in
(fold Hill Sunday laat, returning to Med­
ford that evening.
Mra. Maud Iatndia left on Friday even­
ing laat for Newport where ahe will viait
hor mother and aiater at the (»each, re­
maining aeveral week».
Mr. and Mra. K. Lacey, of Roacburg,
were in Gold Hill Thuraday. It ia not
Improbable that they will return and
make their home in thia city.
Miaa Claire Tucker and Roy P. Tucker
are visiting at the Exp<»iition the praaeat
week. Mlaa Tucker will not return home
until the winter vacation, but will reenter
Berkeley college at the concluaion of her
viait to the fair.
M. H. Johnaon laat Portland attending
to huaiueaa during Buyer’» Week. He
lepurted Wedueaday evening and la ex-
peeled home on Sunday During hi» ah
nee If. C. Itacdel ia in charge o, the
Implement house.
G. W. Milam, recently elected aupor-
intendeut o f ha-al schools, came down
from Anldaud Thuraday to arrange tut
reaidence quarter» in thia city.
the next two week. Prof. Milam and fam­
ily will arrive to make their home hero.
Sam L. Handry, atale inspector of flab
screens, waa in thia city on official bual-
neaa the fitat ol the week. Mr. Saudry’a
promotion in t h e aervice ueceaaitatea
eonKtanl travel to a|l part» of the atatc,
and hla activities will be invaluable in the
preservation and protection of game fish.
Every Boy or Girl
in each o f th e School Districts o f Gold Hill, Sams Valley,
Kanes Creek, Galls Creek, Rock Point, Foots Creek, Sardine
Creek, Rogue River, or Evans Creek, who buys a pair o f shoes
from us for cash will receive, gratis, with such purchase, 3
scratch tablets, 1 ink tablet, 1 bottle o f ink, 1 pen holder, 1
ruler, and 1 lead pencil.
A ll Summer Dress goods are offered at Reduced Prices:
12 1-2 cent Lawns at 10 cents
10 cent Lawns at 8 cents
15 cent Flaxons at 12 1-2 cents
20 cent Renfrew Cloth at 16 2-3 cents
25 cent Mercerized Poplin at 20 cents
12 1-2 cent Ginghams at 10 cents
50 cent Summer Underwear, Porosknit at 40 cents
50 cent
Balbriggan at 40 cents
M erritt &, C o m p a n y
Allen Hodges, of Eon-ku, Calif., ar­ to ship such fiotatoea ont of tlie county to
rived Holiday at the terminal of Ida long be eater.. Theae potatoes are being raw­
overland trip via team travel. He will ed on land that baa never been planted
viait in thia city and vicinity for the to potatoes and are as free from scab aa
next month or ao. Allen ia an old time though such a tiling bad never existed.”
reaident of Gold Hill and Ida coining w-aa Early in the year Mr. Britt and family
heartily hailed by many friends. Owing left thia city to make their permanent
to ‘lie fact that he waa enroute at the time home on a farm near Rushville, where
of Ida brother'« accidental death, no inti­ they formerly reaided.
mation of the tragedy had reached him ,
Thia country haa not gone to the bow
and theaad aurpriae awaited him on hia wowa aa tlie tuirtistn calamity howlers
| would have you believe. The Crane Gro­
.HI Fleming and Fait Rowe convoyed
and conveyed I he John Eddington family
to Prospect in their cars laat Sunday, to.
gether with complete camping equipment.
John will remain during the hunting aea-
The board of achool di re«- to n haa re­
aon and, perhaps, secure employment
ceived the reaignation of Miaa Judith Bal-
that will make Ida reaidence In the hill»
coui, re-engaged this spring aa a teacher
a permanent t ne.
n the high achool department.
Rev. C. E. Wharton took aa Ida topic Balcom wrote from East Aurora, N. Y .,
for laat Sunday evening’« sermon, "Our where six- la at present a guest of the Roy-
Friend, tlx; Knocker.” The diacourw ia crofters, fax-al rumor, not without ap­
highly apoken of aa instructive, fear- parent foundation, haa it that tlie young
leaa and replete with community «pint of lady will very soon enter the Hubbard
the right aort. Thia Sunday evening he family a n d relinquish schooltoaching,
will apeak on "Glrla,” the subject afford­ Ralph Hubbard, son of the late Fra, El­
ing latitude for exhaualive and pertinent bert Hubbard, was formerly employed aa
manual training instructor I n the Gold
J. 0 . Burch, preaident of the B eaver' Hin «hooU .
Portland Cement company, waa in Gold
Attorney W. E. Phipps, D. R. Hill and
Hill Thursday afternoon, perfecting ar­ Alfred Weeks, of Medford, accompanied
rangements for the reopening of the con­ by Albert Whlteliead, of Hood River,
struction work. Mr. Burch stated that motored to Gold HUI Thursday on an in­
moat of the machinery waa already in spection tour o( orchard, properties and
transit from the east, and that work fruit conditions in geiu-ral. Both Mr.
would ho commenced upon its arrival.
Phipps and Mr. Week» o w n orchards
Deputy warden Kiley Haiuiueraley spentj near this city, while Mr. Hill operates a
the fore part of the week in thia city large orchard at Oakdale, near Medford,
provisioning for the active aervice of the! Mr. Whitehead represents H. F. David-
hunting acaaon—when metnbera o I th e ' soil, who handles much of the state’s
service will la- constantly on scout for ; New York and foreign fruit exports. He
violations. Horton Reeman ai d Frank is now in ihe Rogue river valley “ getting
Schmidt will unpack their duffle at tlie ; a line on” the probable yield o f thia
Willow Flat station for the opening day, • section.
aa guests of warden llammi rsley.
; Mr. and Mra. W. L. Childers motored
Mr. and Mrs. W. Z. Hight expect to I home Mondiy from a fortnight's visit
leave Gold Hill thia evening or tomorrow 1 with their sons. Harry and Jim, in east-
for Portland, where Mr. Hight will take ern Oregon, near Bend. Both boys, well
a position in tlie Brooklyn yard office of known here, are now in the federal forest
the .«lonthern Pacific. For more than a aervice as rangers, one at the Kos«lyn sta­
year he has been employed as assistant tion and the other at Crane’» Prairie.
freight agent at this station, and was Mr. Childera saw many of the natural
prominent in the now defunct bam, or­ marvelaof the old volcanic fields, and was
deeply impressed One experience was
Many a cramped neck pivoted its bead the climbing of a huge mountain of obj
It was ol this
skyward Monday and Tuesday nights, in sidian o r volcanic glass.
yearning gaze toward tlx- Polar star, material that the tribes chipped their fav­
whence, said the learned astronomers of orite arrow- and spear-points, an I the
the east, would fall n brilliant display of mountain waa a mecca to t h e savage
Mr. Childera picked up sev­
meteors—flotsam of a “ busted” comet. craftsmen.
Tlie cramp was all tlx- star gszrrs acquir­ eral fine specimens of arrowheads, des­
ed for their efforts. A few shooting stars, pite tin- fact that tlx- vicinity has been
inch aa limy he seen on any clear night, explored for years by curio hunters.
did not justify the prophecy.
Throughout tlie world the Topperweina
"Dad" Turner is going with tlx; K. of are known aa top talent in the field of
P. excursion to Crater 1-ako, from Med­ rifle, pistol and shotgun marksmanship.
ford, Tuesday morning. Two daya will be Mr. Topperwt-in’a inauy peaceful exploits
enjoyed at tliti lake by the large conting­ with the rifle and revolver In trick and
ent of lodgcmcn who have enrolled for fancy shooting well entitle him to the
tlx- trip.. After visiting tlie scenic marvel universal championship.
Mra. Topper-
Mr.Turner continues hia trip to Klamath wein, who travels with her spouse, has
Fall, where he will viait hla son, Frank, «w. pt the field of fair rivalaand ia scarce­
who ia rapidly uonvalesclng from an oper­ ly leas adept than Ad himself with ahoot-
ation for appendicitis.
ing-irona. The famoua couple travel aa
Helplessly cripplixl and Buffering acute exhibitors for the Winchester Arma com­
pain, R. B. Prentiss, a transient labor, pany and their appearancea are eagerly
waa sent from thia city to tlie county hos­ ,sought. It will afford pleaaed anticipa­
pital on Monday. Prentiss came here ten tion to sportsmen and aureshots of thia
daya ago, with hla right knee infected district to learn that tlx; Topperweina are
from an alx»as.
The conditioh of his aoon to appear in Gold Hill at a free ex­
limb grew rapidly worse and he soon be­ hibition, under t b e auspices of Uncle
came iiiiatile to walk. During the week Dave Miller, the veteran guncrank and
past lie waa canxl for at the expense of hardware man. The exart date will be
the city. Hia home address is given as announced in a later issue of The News.
Hogeaon, Idaho.
The Standard, published at Ruahville,
Mr. and Mrs. Ixaiter Lord and little son, Nebraska, haa the following to aay of the
hade gcxxlbye to Gold Hill friends Sun­ agricultural success ol J. H. Britt, a for­
day morning and departed for Danbury, mer resident of thia city: “ J. H. Britt,
Recent letters from their who ia farming the L. P. Cummins place,
former home announced theJU health of brought the Standard force a few meaaea
Mr. Lord’s parent*, and it waa to aaaume of fine new potatoes Tuesday afternoon
charge of hia father’s hardware biiaineaa and it would be putting it mild to say
that Mr. Lord returned to Danbury. that they were simply great. Thev were
During the past year and a half the Lords raised from the Red River variety of the
have lieen residents of thia city, where Early Ohioa which were shipped In by
I-estor was employed as Uncle Dave Mil­ John Higgins last spring for seed, and
ler’s chief clerk.
we think It would be doing an injustice
Kingfisher lines are
•the world’s stand­
ard. The big ones
can’t get away.
All o f our
cery Company have been in buaineaa a
month aa auex-eaaora to D. H. Sturtevant
and ao fai no laborer, mechanic or husl-
iie-w man haa asked for one cent’s credit
and sales have increased over 100 per
cent. This store ia growing in popularity
and volume of buaineaa because it special
ires on Chase A Hanbo;n coffee, Fisher’s
Art and Blend flour, Heinz vinegar,
fruita ot all kind, and guarantees every
article leaving their store to be satisfac I
to rv in ev -ry particular.—Central Point
Herald. (A dv.)
Don’t fail to see “ Nell” the queen of,
fire io her wonderful “ DANCE INFER- j
NO” at the Cornua thia evening.
Klasey Koon Kornedy at the K0MC8. '
Ordinance Number Eighty-Eight
An Ordinance Prohibiting the Sale
or Uae of Confetti on Septem ber 18,
The people of the City of Gold H ill
do resolve as follow s:
That on Saturday, Septem ber 18,
1915, being the date o f the Third
Annual dold Hill Industrial Fair, the
sale, distribution or throw ing of
confetti, or like substance, on t h e :
streets of the City of Gold Hill, Ore­
gon, be and Is hereby prohibited.
Violation of thia act shall be pun­
ishable by a fine, not in excess of
Five I *5.00 > D ollars for each offense.
The foregoing resolution was pass­
ed by the City Council of the City
of Gold HUI, on th e 5th day of Aug­
ust. 1915, by the follow ing vote:
Aye: Stlckel, Sm ith, W alker, F lem ­
ing: No: Truax: absent, K ell.
G en eral
M e r c h a n d is e
Is selected on t h e
same standard of
quality. We can
completely equip
the angler for a
bout with the tini­
est trout or the lus­
tiest steelhead. Our
judgement is back­
ed by years of
practical exper­
ience in Rogue
River fishing.
D. M. M IL L E R ’S
Stretch Z4e A&lue
o / ’ìfeur Income
Mrs. Sally Ann Cnthurth was horn in
Meade county, Kentucky, January 13th,
1834, and died at. Talent, Ore., August
7th, 1«’5, agist Hl years, tt month« and
24 day«.
At the age of 111 years site removed whh
her parenta to Laclede county, Mo. She
removed to Gold H ill.In 1SS44 to reaid,-
with her daughter, Mrs. S. K. DeBoy,
who passed away in 11101.
Early in life ahe waa converted and
united with the M. E. Church, of Which
ahe waa a faithful and consistent ux mta-r
for more than fit) years.
She is survived by -tanns liviii" in Mis­
souri, and 2 sisters; Mm. Lavina Morgan,
ofMisaouri; and Mr». Henry Barnes, of
Gold Hill, Or.
Her body v w liid to
rest in the Odd Fellows cemetery, at Rock
Point, August fith. Rev. C. E. Wharton,
Card of Thanks
The underaigqad desire to thank tlie
friends and neighlxirs wlto ao kindly
allowed their tricndsliiphy gifts of dowers;
by personal ministrations, and by their
sympathy, duringour recent ta'reavt-menl
by the death of our beloved sister. Mrs.
Sally Ann Cutburlli. Sixth manifesta­
tions of regard make the heart lighter, i
the world brighter, and life more worth j
— Mas. H enry B arnes
WO way» of stretching your income: P in t, yon and yonr wife can
pull on it from. OPPOSING ENDS until the poor little long n f-
fering pay envelope FAIRLY GASPS for BREATH.
»tretching it the WRONG WAY. Second—and the RIGHT WAY—
yon and the better half oaa g e t right down to BRASS TACKS and work
Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods
in Season :: Our home cured Hams and
Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard
B L A C K E R T <81 G A R R E T T , P r o p r ie t o r s