Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1915)
ü For that classy Hair Cut R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n “ T h e C ity S h o p ” Professional Cards DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE DENTIST GAS A D M IM S T S K K I) M A L T O B U IL D IN G . M ED FO R D W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. GNERAL PRACTITIONER G old H ill , O regon . A. E. KELLOGG Embalmer and Funeral Director Complete line ol burial robes, casket«, etc. FUNERAL CAR Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence Phone, Home 2—K; Pacific 46-Main Sugar PineJCamp No. 10073 lyHBM W A Gold 3H ill - - - - - - - - - - Oregon Meets first (Friday (of each month Jay E. Davidson—Connsul Alvah E. Kellogg—Clerk AUTOMOBILE <& GAS ENGINE REPAIRING Complete Line of Automo bile Supplies and Repairs, especially Fords A Specialist in this work, as well as any detail of General Blacksmithing, etc. CHARLES KELL W ebster ^ N ew I nternational AMERICAN SAILORS KILLED BY SNIPERS Washington.—Two American blue jackets were killed In an attack by na tives on Port-au-Prince, Haiti, held by Rear-Admiral Caperton with 400 men from the cruiser Washington. The at tacking party was beaten off without having approached closer than the out skirts of the city, and order was main tained In the city itself. No sailors were wounded and the loss of the at tacking force was not reported. The dead are William Gompers, sea man. of Brooklyn, and Cason S. White hurst, ordinary seaman, of Norfolk, Va. The attack came at 8 o'clock in the evening, the bluejacket battalion bear ing the brunt of the fighting. From the brush, beyond the last houses, snipers opened fire on them. The fire was returned and the attackers driven off but not before Gompers and White hurst had been killed. With the consent of the United States, French marines have been landed at Port-au-Prince. A detach ment from the cruiser Descartes Is I now guarding the French legation. lomestead entries, timber en tries, homestead proofs, con tests or transact any business relating to government lands should write or call upon W. H. CANON V . « . C O M M IS S IO N E R loom 29, Jackson County Bank Bldg., M edford , O re . FISHING TACKLE Splendid assortment of Fine Rods—all prices— Silk and Linen Lines, Reels, Creels, Flies and Fish Lures—new Stock Everything for the ardent Angler Wood of every description at lowest prices. Wood saw for custom work VILLA EXECUTES MERCHANTS V K D lltC I - — J. T a a P a tr o n iie ^ H o m e hand a supply of ICE th at’s chemically PURE and safe for table use as for refrigerating. W i l l d e liv e r to r e g u la r p a tro n s e v e ry m o r n in g . S p e c ia l o rd e rs fille d at once German-American Alliance Meeta. San Francisco.—From all parts of the country delegates arrived here to attend the eighth annual convention of the National German-American Alli ance, which opened Monday. »SM O K E M T . P I T T < û : G O V . JO H N S O N C IG A R S I-C-E l"hav e^co n stm itij^ m i Hooper Adm its He it Parole Breaker. Youfcan’t afford jto eat tainted food, or'Tdrink luke’gw arm " beverages when^J ice'IJcosts only A FEW CENTS DAILY W. A . C ook Grants Pass.—Sheriff Smith, accom panied by Special Officer M. Cotturl, of the Southern Pacific, returned with John Austin Hooper, who was arrest ed at The Dalles for the robbery of the Southern Pacific ticket office at this place a few months ago, when two night operators were held up about midnight by a lone robber, who got away with about *300. Hooper admits that he is a parole breaker, but denies all participation In the Southern Pa cific robbery here. Legal Notices NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION D si - irtmkmt or t u » I.vrrsioa 07486 U. 8. Laud Office at Roseburg, Oregon, May 22, 1918. N otick is hereby given that Nellie Bell, whose post-office address is Med ford, Oregon, 25 S. Orange st,, did on the 25ih day of August, 1911, hie in th is office Sworn Slateinent and Appli cation, No. 07486, to purchase (he Lots 12, 13, 14 and ¡5, of Section 12, Town ship 33 8, R arge 2 W., Willamatta Me ridian, and the limber thereon, under the provisions o' the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known a s the ‘•Timber and Sto:.e Law” , at such value as m ight be fixed by appraisement, aod that, pursuant to sucn application, the land and timber tnereon have lieen appraised, f5«<l.U0, tbetim bei estimated 1,277,000 hoard feel at $0,40 A $0.,<0 per M, and the land nothing; that raid ap plicant will offer final proof in support of his application and sworn statement on the 10th day of August, 1915, before W. H. Canon, U. 8. Commissioner, at : bis otfi e, at .Medford, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest Ibis purchase before entry, or initiate a con test at any time before patent issues, hr filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry, —J. M. U pton , Register. The BoN- ToN Six Put to Death for Refusing to Give Funds to Rebel Leader. El Paso, Tex.—The confiscation of the property of merchants doing busi ness in Villa territory and the execu tion of six of 42 Mexican merchants, imprisoned by the northern leader after a conference at which unsuccess ful efforts were made to raise a forced loan, was reported by persons arriving here from Chihuahua City, where the conference was held. During the con ference It was said General Villa sa id : "The American government can go to hell if It does not like my actions.” Foreign merchants, it was said fur ther, were then ordered to leave the country. Villa is quoted as having charged the merchants with exacting exorbi tant prices for their goods, and is said to have given this as his reason for the confiscation order. In d u str y “Here is the Answerfin You A n Sure o f a Good Timo NEWPORT All round Seashore Resort on Yaquina Bay and the Pacific Ocean. A Place of Charm and Beauty. A Delightfully Restful Atmosphere. Newport offers wide variety of recrea tions and entertainments. There are plenty of hotels, boarding houses, cot tages and camping accomodations. Newport is an ideal place to send the family. Our illustrated folder “New port” will interest you. A postal card will bring it. t o w ROUND TRIP TARfS from all (minta on SOUTHERN PACIFIC Two trains a day from Albany Inquiries for tickets and information will receive courteous attention from our nearest agent L A N D GOLD HILL. OREGON Yards RivesidejAve. Phone 3F21 find INVITED TO CONFER Baths in Connection Fire! Fire!! I* "just I For hard or soft wood of finest quality order from John J. Ritter, Phone s m . Cedar Eaoc« Posts for sale a t reason- able price. For Information call at the Tht M u m m i w a t m Lansing Asks Representatives News office. t ■ ro w day la year talk and Nadln«, Butter paper, printed InJ accordance hM M .sa th satrm trsr, Is U m sar«. «kos of South American States aad «shoot roa Hk«I r ««aattoa U m M a a - with the law, for aale on order at The News office. to Discuss Mexico. U m looattoa o f Ama CaO ctottoa a f A S S » Wh I saw cord wood to stove lengths with Thia K«w Crmtton aaaw«ra i _ _______ power saw, promptly on order. Phone Washington. — The United States has decided to ask the co-operation of John J. Ritter, SF21. Found—Valuable pair of eye glasww, South and Central America In the next step to restore peace to Mexico. specially ground lenses. Owner may re The ambassadors from Argentina. Bra cover property by calling at News office Th« oalr dlrttoaarr with ■11 and Chile and the ministers from rnd paying charges. ........................ M * o o * - e l "A Strok« i Bolivia, Uruguay and Guatemala, have Wanted:—Good milch cows, calves ami been asked to confer with Secretary ittle pigs, on time; deferred payment* Lansing here. 9 « , t h i n , « I r o n s , | well secured. Address Sleepy Hollow W hile the state department charac Farm, Gold Hill; H. A. Ensign, A. E «•Datar In a R im ao light terised the conference as an Informal Dixon, managen a d «o conrcnlrnt to u m I 1 On« h a irth « thl. h n ra a n d î one, the sentim ent has been growing I weave rag carpets or ruga to your w « l« k t o f Recular Kdltiuo. J among American officials that the order at reasonable prices. I'all orwritr, ■ I next atep la the Mexican situation Mrs. R. M. Nicholson, Gold Hill, Oreg. •troa« book pater. W t l i l t lb*. S i a a i r t i i r i t i should be one which would meet the One and one-half miles nortlieast of city Hachea. approval of the world and should be Orders may be left at News office. taken In concert with the nations of Prom pt Auto Sarrica.— My machine is Central and South America, even If In always ready for service and to hire at the last event the trend should be to lowest possible rate. For four passenger ward military action. parlies the rate is no more than railroad The conference la the step President fare. Phone 32J. W ilson and the cabinet had In mind —C. L. DoaxNsaaav, when a few weeks ago a statem ent Gold Hill, Oregon was Issued to the American people on Common lumber, sited, *13 per thou the Mexican situation, and Intended for the Information of the Mexican sand, thoroughly seasoned. All building Orders taken for any book publialied In leaders them selves. This statem ent materials at reasons We prices. AU com the United States. Alan we are the sub declared In forceful language that the petition clieerfully met. scription agent for all U. H. and many for —Big Pines Lumber Company, patience of the United 8tatea was be eign magaxine* and |>apers. Gold Hill, Ore. coming exhausted with three years of —John R. Kelsey, revolution and chaoa, and that unless with Gold Hill News. the Mexican leaders them selves found Wood by tier or cord at lowest market some way to accommodate their dif price, deliver'd at your slied. Finest fir, ferences. the United States, as Mexi pine, laurel and oak. John J. Ritter, co's next friend and neighbor, would C O M M I S S I O N E R Phone 3F21. be constrained to decide what means ■* ersons wishing t o make should be employed to restore peace. TR Y DICK Ite b e s t and la te s t “kilts » B la c k s m ith Read These EDWARD D. BALDWIN NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION D kpartmxxt or the I nterior 04880 U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon June 25, 1915 NoTtc» 1 s hereby given that Charles H. Wilson, of Sams Valley, Oregon wbo, on April 21, 1901), made Home stead Entry, Serial, No. 04880, for the Wt$ ol NW f and N W io l HWW of Hec- tioii 21 Township 35 8 . Range 2W, Wil lam ette Meridian, has filed notice of in tention to make Final Flve-vear Proof, to establish claim to the land above d-scribed, before W. H Canon, U. 8. Commissioner, at his office at Medford Oregon, on tbe 10th da» of August, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses; J. B. Fl«her, of Sams Valley, Oregon. Ed. Cooper, ” ” John W. Armstrong, ” ” Thomas J. Perry, ” ” —J. M. U n o s , 7 1 Register Notice of Sheriff’s Sale Under Execution in Foreclosure Edward D. ("Ned”) Baldwin, secre tary of the Republican State Central Committee, tallied about at a possible candidate for Secretary of State of Oregon. A dispatch from the Austrian head quarters says the offensive of the Aus- tro-German armies in south Poland la proceeding with machlne-llke regular ity and that, although the Russians are clinging desperately to their posi tions they are being driven back and arc now upon their last main line of defense south of the Cholm-Lublln- Ivangorod railroad. G o ld H ill [ A u to L iv e r y F a s t D r iv in g T e a m s F eed in C o n n e c t io n S ta b le s 1 I/E HAVE added to our general livery business two completely equipped 5-passenger touring cars—to meet increased demand for service. Com mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists bound for marvelous Crater Lake—will find that we know the roads, the country, and how to please. T h e » S h o r te s t W a y T h e L ea st C o st T h e B est G u id e s One trial|andjour Livery Service makesjfriends—tryjit! D a r lin g Q. H o d g e s G O L D H IL L . O R E G O N Ir r ig a tio n is C ro p In su ra n ce You can raise some crops every year ami all crops some without Irrigation, hut if you want to raise all crops every year you shonld irrigate. Irrigation liy FlectrlcaMy driven Pumps is Economical, Reliable and Ef ficient anil exeells all other forms of Power. If you have a water supply from well, creak or stream, an Electric Pumping Plant can he Installed at a sthall cost per acre, and at a minimum ot egpenae for operation. Our Power Lines cover a large portion of Jackson and Josephine coun ties and we are constantly making new extensions. Full information of cost for installing and operating can be obtained by inquiry at any of the Company’s ( iffices. CALIFORNI A-OR E GONPO WER. COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. Phone 168 216 West Main Street ) Edward J. Kit The Gold Hill Bank,) Lottine E. Ede, hi* su m of Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars costs a corporation, ) wife, Harry C. which judgment was enrolled ami dock- vs. )Ford, Mary .1. Foni ted in the Clerk’s office of said Court in )and Charles Erlwein in said County on the 14th day of July, 1915, and in of record in Volume 23 of Ute By virtue of an Execution ami an Or Circuit Court Journal at pages 149 and der of Hale duly I hmiw - i I out of and under 150 thereof. the seal ol the Circuit Court of the State I am commanded by said Execution of Oregon in and fcr the County of Jack- anil Order of Hale to make sale of the son, dated the 17th day of July 1915, in hereinafter described real property, t o certain cause therein, wherein TheGold satisfy the judgement, above named, to Hill Bank, a corporation, as Plaintiff; gether with the attorney’s lees costs and recovered in the 14th day of July 1915, a tiie accruing costs of this sale, I will there . udgment against the defendants, Ed fore on TUESDAY the 24th day of Aug ward J. Ede. Lonlse E. Ede, his wife. ust, 1915, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. in. Harry C. Ford and Mary .1. Ford, his at the front door of the Court House in wife, ami each of them for tlr- sum of Jacksonville, J«ekson County, State of Five Hundred Fifty ($860.00) Dollars Oregon, offer for sale and will si'll at pub with interest thereon from the 15th day lic auction, for cash only, subject to re of September, 1913, at the rate of 8 per demption as is by law provided, all the cent per annum anil Sixty five ($66.00) right, title, and Interest that the defend Dollars attorney’s fee, and the furthei ants had on the 25th day ol September, 1913, the date of said Mortgage, or have since acquired,' or now have in and to the following described real property, to-wit; All of the Southwest quarter (H W ^ ) of Section Five (5» in Townahip Thirty- six (3fl) Houtli of Range Three (3 ) West of the Willamette Meridian, situated in Jackson County, State of Oregon. All of tiie above described tract o f land will be sold at said time and place in tiie inunner provided by law for the sale of real property under execution to satisfy tiie judgment i n favor o I the Plaintiff and against tiie Defendants to gether with the attorney’s fees, costs and tiie accruing costs of this sale. Dated this 17th day of July, 1915. — W. H. S iniii . kh , Sheriff of Jackson County, Htate of Oregon, By E. W. W ilson , i-24 8-21 Deputy.