U n lv trs iiy of Oregon X * * 4 K »H Gold Hill Cr««(««t N u l u i u l R u - o r t u » o f S o u l h a rn O r a g o n I I O n b a a u li f u l R o g n a R iv a r ®he «Mb Mill GOLD H IL L JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 7,1915 V O L 18 AUTOIST SLAIN BY TRAIN 54 _________________~ 5 . 1 HODGES, O r CITY, STRICKEN AT CROSSING _____________ Dies Instantly in Wreckage of His Car—Inquest Places No Blame in Verdict July Osfleit »16.000,000. Washington.—Treasury receipts for July, the first month of the new fiscal year, ran |16,000.»00 behind expendi­ tures. A working balance of approxi­ mately *100,000,000 is still available, however, from all sources. F irs Blight Spreading. Pendleton, Or.-Frequent complaints have been made of the effect of fire blight on rrutt trees In this city re oently. The disease hae been unknown here. In the Milton-Freewater section fire blight has damaged tba orchards to such an extent that revaluations of properties are being made by the tax assessor, to allow for the Injuries to t crops. British Subm arine Sinks Movlee to T a ll W eather. W ashington.—Fifteen cities now get dally weather forecasts through mov­ ing-picture shows. Wherever desired the weather bu­ reau will co-operate with moving-pic­ ture shows by furnishing the fore­ casts tor presentation. Transport. Petrograd, via Ixmdon.—An official communication iaaued hare saya a British submarine has eunk a large Oerman transport In the Baltic sea. THE M ARKETS Portland. Wheat—Club, >0c; bluestem, **c; Caught by the deadly Impact of filer red Russian. *7o; forty-fold. Me; No. M 'a pilot, on Hardin« Creek grade red rife. 90c. Hay—Eastern Oregon timothy, *17; «roaring, .Samuel T. Hodgea, of tlila d ly , waa iiKttanlly killed in the tangled wreck, alfalfa. »13*0. Butter—Creamery. *7c. age of hla Ford car at 7:45 Monday even­ Eggs—Ranch. 24c. ing. Within a train length the flier came «o a full «top under emergency brake«. j Wool— Eastern Oregon, Me; valley. Faaaengera a n d train crew thronged Me. Mohair—3 le. about the derooliahed machine, which wae tlirown a distance of fifty feet by tlie Seattle. terrific force of the collalon. Tlie car waa Wheat—Bluestem . 99c; club, 93c; -apeedlly lifted from the brulard laxly of red Hueslan. 90c; forty-fold, 91c; fife, its driver, but life waa already extinct. The accident waa witneaaiHl by manager 92c. II. A. Ensign, of the Sleepy Hollow | Harley—*24 per ton. Hay—Timothy, *17 per ton; alfalfa, ranch, and two boya, Verne Smith and William Meade. Tlie latter were «land­ *14 per ton. ing in the road, only a few «core pace« beyond the fatal croaaing. Two unknown motorists, whoae c a r bore a Portland legend, were courier» of tlie tragedy. They passed through («old Hill immediately after the train, and came upon tie* «cene of the accident with- , Roseburg.—One of the moot enlhue- 1 In a few momenta Turning about, they lastlc celebratione ever held In Rose­ raaal liack with tlie new». Local atinai burg was the jollification celebration ; .harried to Sardine Creek, carrying pliyai- on the streets here after receipt of ciaiiN. Tlie aaddening identification of j news that the Oregon supreme court . the victim followed. C a U r t a r y a f R a r l l a n J Ö r a g o n la N had reudered a decision upholding the Mr. Hodge« left thia city ahortly before . Miss Claire Tucker city in the *300,000 bond issue recent- I the arrival of No. 54, in auawer to a liv- ' iy voted by the people of Koseburg to ery call, lie waa unaccompanied. Before aid Kendall Brothers In the construc­ Miss Claire Tucker, of this city, whose brilliant playing in the tila car had reached tlie creek bridge, one tion of a standard gauge railroad ex­ Oregon State Tennis Tournament, held at Portland last week, anile from town, tlie flier waa almost even tending from the city 30 miles e u t to j won her a place with stars of the .game in the semi-finals, and ■with it. Witnesses say that tlie doomed recognition in the metropolitan dailies. the timber belt, and the construction < ¡mail waa looking Inieutly at the wheel, 1 of a large sawmill near thia city. IIIIIIIU IIIIIIIIIIU IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllllltlllllllllllH IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH IIIIIII and made tlie abort turn at tlie croaaing . The celebration assumed the propor­ without raising Ida head. He Mamed un- i tions of a strawberry carnival and conscious of tlie approaching train. Di- : Fourth of July celebration In one. rectly upon tlie cmaaing it «mashed into ( By J ohn B. H a s x u m z y , Attorneys and others Interested lu . the Ford and Ita driver. the case are of the opinion that tb li . I have been asked by a number of out of politics, deputize efficient men who The theory that Mr. Hodge« attempted decision will end all litigation in the sportsmen and residents to give my opin­ ; are familiar with the game which they 'to win aero«« tlie croaaing in a race with matter, and that Kendall Brothers | ion, Iwaed upon actual experience and seek to protect and who also are willing death ia scouted. During tlie day lie had | may now safely proceed with actual | ola«*rvatinn of years spent in tlip large to spend their time in the mountains in­ frequently complained of a roaring in Ida game districts of Oregon, Idaho, Mon­ stead of in tlie valleys and towns and note conatructlon of their projects. oars, interfering with hi« liearing. Till«, tana and California. Man with the as­ the result. Compel each deputy game togellicr with the noiae of tlie river, and sistance of predatory animals, if allowed warden to deliver to the state game war- Gets Job at O. A. C. the hum of the auto engine, donlitleaa Dallas.—E. M. Smith, former county to gratify his greed for gain, will destroy ilen each year at least four predatory an­ prevented Idin from noting tlie repeated , clerk of Polk county, has accepted the one of the greatest ««sets which our for­ imal hides, which would be the means of whistle of the engine. position of auditor of the state agri­ ests contain, viz, aa a food supply and keeping the wardens wliere they would Tuesday afternoon Coroner I’erl, o f ' do the most good and also protect much cultural college at Corvallis and will revenue derived from tourists. Medford, conducted the inquest. The ' The slate of Oregon contains hundreds | game. Bounties should be arranged uni­ move to that city about September 1. en rlne crews, train crew, and other wit- of thousands of acres of waste lands tliat formly In each adjoining state and in­ neaset gave testimony. can never be utilized for settlement, hence creased as tlie occasion demands instead It waa shown that the whistle waa Heavy Damage Is Caused by Storm. an ideal refuge for tlie propagation of ol repealing the la w , as heretofore, Baker. — Bridges were torn out, sounded in the regular crossing warning, roads gullied and part of the O.-W. R. game if proper methods are followed in through t h e change of administration, and tliat, as train ami motorist approach­ their protection. In my opinion the state thereby allowing such animals to soon be­ ed the croaaing, fireman Ben Lohr called & N. track near Durkee was swept of Oregon needs more game wardens to come as plentiful as ever and also the tax away by a cloudburst in this vicinity. to engineer Ed Kinney for an additional patrol the monntainous districts, wliere payers’ money to be cast where no pos­ Standing grain In the Burnt River wldatle, w h ic h waa sounded; calling tlie majority of gam«' breeds and exists sible results are obtainable. again, “ Hold her!” as the anto made tlie country worth thousands of dollars and where also numerous hunters annual­ There is then needed co-operation by turn. The emergency brake« were im­ was destroyed ly slaughter inditcriiuiiiately. Tlie length all citizens *f tlie several states in which mediately applied. The testimony o f and limit of the open season, restrictions onr wild life exists and the federal au­ Housekeeper Awarded Estate other witnesses tallied, in effect, with thia. as to amount, license, provisions, and thorities as well as state must use every Eugene. — Elizabeth Murray, who After a brief session the jury returned similar enforcements materially affect the available means to seenre best results in kept house and cared for James San­ a verdict of “ accidental and unintention rate of game increase and if not properly tlie protection of our game which if al­ al death." Members of tlie jury were; ford for 13 years on conditon that enforced at once will in tlie near future lowed to be consumed by man and beast he leave her hla property when he -J. M. Hutaon, W. F. Blackert, G- B. he useless, as is the case of the now ex­ at the present rate must soon be as the Turner, C. 8. Redfield, W. H. Miller and died, was not left anything by San­ tinct districts, where hut a few years ago buffalo, oaly found on preserves or in ford's will. Court upholds her and M. D. Bowers. large herds of elk, deer, goats and sheep private parks. Mi. Hislgee was a life long resident of ahe will receive *25,000 estate. were numerous. Take game protection —John B. Hammersk-y. southern Oregon and Gold Hill. The Church Union le Proposed. shock of Ilia tragic passing shrouded the Eugene.—Demand for the elimina­ city in a deep ami general grief. Miss Catherine Barker, the *30,000,- over 1914 and of *1*4,000,000 over tion of church competition In small 000 helreaa, ot Chicago, was married 1913, the prior high record year in towns unable to support several de­ at Harbor Springs, Mich., to Howard total trade. Both the French and German offi­ nominations, the radical but chief This Is the expense of putting about Spaulding, Jr. cial reporta tell of great activity by theme of the third annual Sta'.e Inter- N et profits of *390,244.01 were earn­ 9.000,000 men into the field for the avlatorB on the western front. Denomlnatlonal Ministerial Confer­ ed by the Panama-Pacific Exposition central powers, and about 13,000,000 During the month of July, Berlin ence In session here, took expression during the 23 weeks of operation, for the allies. It does not include, says, the Germans captured more than In the creation of a state-wide Inter­ which ended July 31. according to * however, the far greater amount lost 95,000 .Russians between the PUica denominational church commission, through the destruction ot towns and financial statem ent issued. river and the Baltic alone. delegated to work Out some method of Chas. Becker, former police lieutMi- villages, the ravaging of the country­ 'An unoonflrmed report comes from unification. ant of Nsw York, convicted of the side, the wrecking of bridges and rail­ Rome that the 'Austrians are prepar­ murder of Herman Rosenthal, a gam­ roads and the w holesale sinking of ing for the evacuation of Trieste, and Eastern Oregon Lumbermen to Testify bler, was executed at Sing Sing. After shlpR, and the economic loss through have already removed the machinery La Grande.— Eastern Oregon lum­ three shocks he was pronounced dead. the diminution In productive industry, of the munitions factories. bermen decided to aond representa­ From the pulpit of Trinity Methodist the killing nt the strongest men in the Announcemeqts which are apparent­ tives before the fédéral trade comm is­ Episcopal church at Berkeley, Cal., community, and the creation of a class ly Inspired, declare Emperor William sion when It sits In Spokane August of cripples and madmen. The war Is will Include in the proposals for a new 6, to present problems of manufactur­ Judge Alton B. Parker, democratic candidate for president in 1904, made now costing about 345,000,000 a day. and independent state of Poland, not ers and dealers, and the Western *2.000,000 an hour, and *30,000 a min­ only the Polish provinces of Russia, White Pine association's plan to enter a plea for stronger coast defense". ____________________ In exports of domestic products, In ute. but alBO the Galician domains of Aus­ Into the National Association’s adver­ tria and certain, German territory, in­ tising catnpulgn, which contemplates aggregate value of foreign trade and Prison Pee Abandoned. cluding the Duchy of Poaea and Dap- an expenditure of *50,000 annually In in favorable 1 alance of trade the Unit­ Salem.—Harry P. Minto, superin­ ed States made a new high record in zig as a free port. tendent of the state penitentiary, be­ the Interest of lumber, was heartily In­ The first year of the war has cost dorsed at a meeting of the Eastern the fiscal year ended June 30, 1915. ing informed that members of the Figures made public by the depart­ the belligoreut governments about Oregon Lumber Producers' association state board of control opposed his pol­ ment of commerce show that imports *16.500,Olio,000 In direct expenditures which convened here. icy of charging an admission fee of 25 and exports combined totaled *4.442,- for military purposes. cents to visitors, said ha would dis­ 864,272, an increase of *184,000,000 continue it at once. Put a dollar and a half in The News. Roseburg Jubilant O v e rlo a d Victory TRITE TRUTHS OF GAME PROTECTION NO. 14 R. R. P. S. PLAN BIG PROJECT WILL ELECTRIFY LOWER VALLEY DURING SUMMER Bad Portland Fire Tuesday. Portland, Ore.—Fire which broke A. A. Eiynn 1$ Made General eut Tuesday morning at 2:30 in the Superintendent—Work Near pool bail in the basement of the A lia Gold Hill to Commence ky building, at the northwest corner of Third and Morrison streets, burned over alm ost a quarter of the block, re­ A. A. Flynn, for the past two years as­ sulting In a loas af property of about sociated with the Rogue River Public *230,00«. Service corporation as superintendent of installations, has been named as general superintendent of the company’s proper­ Trade Wltn Germany Palls Off. ties in Oregon, according to advices re­ Washington.—The effect of the war ceived liere this morning. Mr. Flynn is on the trade of this country with Ger­ an electrical engineer of long experience. many ia clearly shown In a statem ent La-al offices are maintained at Gold Hill, of the declared value of exports to the the head offices of the company being at United States through the porta of Grants Pass. Hamburg, Kiel and Luebeck, made General superintendent Flynn announ­ public by the department of commerce. ces tliat construction work upon the Gold ; During the first six months of 1914, Hill power project, of which a large sec­ these ports sent to the United States tion of the reinforced concrete dam !s goods valued at *14,994,585. Thia year. already installe I one-half mile above thia In the same period, the shipments city, will be resumed at once in order to I amounted to *1,153,257. prepare current for the Beaver Portland --------------------------— Cement company’s construction work. It is understood that the latter company will start work immediately, upon the completion of their *500,000cement plant at this place. F. W. Dodge, of this city, superintend­ ent of constmetion, is now busily occnpl- Dr. David M. Roberg. of Portland, re­ ed with plans of the extensive summer cently appointed state health officer, who building campaign Visiting engineer«, , will sneered Dr. Calvin 8. White, was in who have inspected the completed section I southern Oregon last week facilitating the of the Gold Hill dam, installed by engi­ introduction of the new law for compul­ neer Dodge, say that it is perfectly pro­ sory registration ol births and deaths. portioned and of lasting excellence. Tlie purpose of th« measure, known as The Gold Hill power plant will be com­ the “ Model Law" is to bring about the pletely re-equipped with three Dowling uniform and effective registration of vital turbines, each of these possessing a cap­ statistics. It provides for the registration acity of 400 h. p. and over. Additional of births and deaths and fixes penalties equipment, harness and gears, have been for violation of its provisions. shipped from the Plamadon works, at The value of such a measure, long of Chicago. Together with the g ivernors practice in European countries, is sum­ and turbines this constitutes the new marized as follows: generating equipment, capable of devel­ 1. Legal records for the protection of oping more th a n 1500 electrical h. p. the rights of individuals, and especially Contracts already made by tlie company of the more lielpleas classes, infants and are said to call for power approximating women, for court purposes. this amount. 2. Sanitary records of the prevalence of Near Grants Hess, the Golden Drift disease is absolutely necessary for the ef­ dam, unutilized save for irrigation pur- fective work o^ public health services— poses heretofore, w i l l be immediately city, state, and national. electrified by the company. Robert E. 3. A knowledge of tlie character and Gaut, consulting engineer, is now in Chi­ movement of population, essential for en­ cago arranging for the shipment of ma­ lightened legislation and study of the chinery adapted to this purpose. Within growth of the United States. the month he will return and work upon A part of Dr. Hoberg’s mission was the the Golden Drift power project will com­ appointment of local registrars. While mence. in Gold Hill he issued a commission of A number of important and valuable registrar to Mrs. Myrtle Day, who will power sites along Rogue river are con­ have local charge of state District 27. This trolled by the R. R. P. 8. Notable division comprises Gold Hill, Sams Val­ among tliese is the project at picturesque ley, upper Sams Valley, Beagle, Asbes­ Mill creek falls, below Prospect, and that tos, Tolo, Rock Point, Foots Creek and at the far famed Hell Gate. Galls Creek. Irrigation will be a telling factor in tlie By the provisions of the law all births development of the -field occupied by the must lie reported to the local registrar power company. Extensive systems are within ten days, and all deaths within 72 already i n operation near («rants Pass, hours. Mrs. Day has been completely and the policy o f the company will in­ supplied with the necessary instructions clude the extension ot these and the plac­ and blank forms, and the “ Model Law” ing of cheap water in other districts. is now in operation for District 27, where it will be rigidly enforced. Eugene.— Further tightening of the The Twohy Brothers company waa screws at the university in an effort awarded the contract for the construc­ to raise the standard even higher la tion of a 30 mile extension of the Ore- the edict circulated about the campus. Ten per cent will be added to all re­ gon Eastern railroad from Riverton to quirements during the coming year. Crane Creek Gap, Harney county. Coos county will conttnue to have Required hours of study will be in­ a county agriculturist The county creased, lessons will be longer, gen­ court has appropriated the *1000 nec­ eral standards higher, the field of essary to help maintain the office for study larger and the depth of subject th e.^ ^ tt year, The state gives a like greater. The tightening Is not in the univer­ aqioupt. , sity" alone, Says President P. L. Camp­ A '.