For that classy Hair Cut T R Y DICK T5® best> and la te s t "lnits” Baths in Connection R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n " T h e C ity S h o p ” Professional Cards OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Events Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. Commissioner Walla Resigns a Plaaa. Salem. — Insurance Commissioner Harvey Walls has noUfled Circuit Judge Galloway that ha finds it lm possible to continue aa receiver of the Horticultural Fire Relief company of Oregon. Oregon Marchants' Mutual Fire association and the Pacific Home Mutual Fire Insurance company, for the reason that he cannot do justice to the work and the lnsuranoe depart meat and give proper attentlen to the receivership. Walts asks that ha be relieved of the receivership August 1, at which time he will make a report. Douglas County W ins Audit S u it Nelle« e l Sheriff's Salt lindar taecalien in rem loaure Legal Notices ) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION D bpaktmbmt or t h i I nttbiob 0748« U. 8. lend Office at Roeeburg, Oregon, May 82, 1915. N oticb is hereby given that Nellie Bell, whose post-office address it Mad ford, Oregon, 26 8. Orange at., did on the 26ih day ef Augurt, 1811, hie In this office Sworn Statement and Appli­ cation, No. 07466, to purchase the Lola 12, 13, 14 and 16, o( Section IS, Town­ ship ¿18, Range 2 W,, Willamette Me­ ridian, and the timber thereon, under the provieioneof the act of June 3, 1676, and acta amendalorv, known a a tba Timber aud Stone Law", at such value aa might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to aucb applioaliou, ttia land and limber tnereon have been appraised, $661.00, the limber estimated 1,277,000 board feel at $0.40 A $0.60 per M, and the land nothing i that said ap­ plicant will offer final proof in support ol his application anu sworn statement on the lOtb day ol August, 1816, before W. H. Canon, U. 8. Commissioner, at bis offi e, at Medford, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest thia purchase before entry, or initiate a con­ test st any time before patent issues, hv filing a corroborated affidavit in this office, alleging facts which would defeat the entry. —J. M. U pton , Register. Roseburg.—In a decision handed down here Judge Hamilton held that DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE a contract executed between the state insurance commissioner and account­ DENTIST ants employed by the state to expert 0 * 8 ADMtNISTBRBD the books of county officers la not binding upon the counties affected. RIALTO BUILDING. MEDFORD The decision waa rendered on a de­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION murrer filed to the complaint of Mc- W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. D epartment or Tint I ntibiob Kenxte A Sons, of Portland, who 06942 GNERAL PRACTITIONER sought to collect $550 for auditing the U. 8. Land Office at Roeeburg, Oregon, books of Douglas county. Payment G old H ill , O regon . June 11, 1815 of the bill was refused by the county N oticb is hereby given that Bertram court here and suit was Instituted. E. Adams, of Gold Hill, Oregou, who, A. E. KELLOGG on February X 1811, made Homeetoad GOLD HILL. OREGON Land Suits Net to Be Dropped. Salem.—Prosecution of the Benson Entry, Serial, No. 06942, for the N S of Embaí mer and Funeral and Hyde land cases will be pressed, NEt* o f Section 18, Township 36 8. Director according to an announcement made Range 3 W, Willamette Meridian, has to the state land board by Attorney- filed notice of intention to make Final Complete line of boriai rabee, General Brown and C. R. Rundel, spe­ Three-year Proof, to establish claim to caskete, etc. cial agent of the federal government the land above described, before O. A FUNERAL CAR Negotiations for a compromise be­ Gardner, County C le r k o f Jackson Office Phone : Home, 9—M ; Residence tween the board and a number of al­ County, Oregon, at bis offioe, at Jack­ Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 46-Main leged innocent purchasers are In prog­ sonville, Oregon, on the 26th day of ress. but Messrs. Brown and Rundel July, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: say the interests of the state might be Sugar Pine Camp No. 10073 jeopardised if further delay were al­ R, L. Cook, of Gold Hill, Oregon. W. W. Hittle, ” " M W A lowed. Eight suits were instituted In Lane Ralph Haymond, " Gold Hill - - - - - - - - - - Oregon T. Galligar, county, but only one was pressed. Meets first Friday of each month —J. M. U pton , Judge Harris overrruling a demurrer Jay E. Davidson—Connsul 6-19 7-24 Register. to the state's complaint Alvah E. Kellogg—Clerk AUTOM OBILE <& G AS ENGINE REPAIRING SYNOD INDORSES GOVERNOR Presbyterians W ill Celebrate Passing of Oregon Saloons. Eugene.—The Oregon Presbyterian Synod closed its annual convention Complete Line of Automo­ here after a three-day session. The bile Supplies and Repairs, keynote was a demand for closer re­ especially Fords lations between churches. Dr. John K. Bailee, representing the Southern A Specialist in this work, Oregon Presbytery, in an address, ad­ as well as any detail of vocated church union, not through the General Blacksmithing, etc. loss of the denominational identity, but through co-operative effort and the abolition of the petty sectarian dif­ B la c k s m ith ferences. A resolution was passed indorsing a report on Sabbath observance, and agreeing to co-operate in an active fight for preserving the Sabbath. The Wood of every description at report in part read: “There are great lowest prices. Wood saw for forces at work trying to break down custom work. our legal rest day." The synod went on record as Indors­ Yards Riveside’Ave. I V) Î A * - M Phone 3F21 J , I v l l i e r ing Governor Withycombe in his an- nounced intention to enforce the li­ quor laws of the state. P a tr o n iz e ^ H o m e A state-wide revival service, to be­ In d u stry gin at midnight, December 31, cele­ brating the passing of the saloon in Oregon, was authorized by the synod ir. a resolution similar to one passed M T . P I T T (O, G O V . by the state organization of Christian Endeavor in Eugene last February. JO H N S O N C IG A R S CHARLES KELL Fire! Fire!! SM O K E I-C-E I have constantly on hand a supply of ICE th at’s chemically PURE and safe for table use as for refrigerating. W i l l d e l iv e r to r e g u ­ la r p a tr o n s every m o r n in g . S p e c ia l o r d e r s fille d at o n ce You|can’t afford to eat tainted food, or drink luke warm beverages when ice costs only A FEW CENTS DAILY W. A . C o o k Paul Farrell la Killed. The D alles—Paul W. Farrell, the 19-year-old son of Mr. and Mra. W. A. Farrell, of Rainier, Wash., and nephew to President J. D. Farrell, of the Ore­ gon-Washington Railroad & Naviga tion company, was fatally Injured in the railroad yards here, when he at­ tempted to hoard a moving work train. He fell to the ground and in trying to get out of the way of the train raised his foot, which was caught by a car, his body being drawn under the wheels. He was rushed to The Dalles hospital, but there was no chance to save his life. His body had been bad­ ly mangled and be suffered a deep gash on the head. Germans Sink Another American Ship. Washington.—Destruction of the American ship Leelanaw by a German submarine drew sharply to the atten­ tion of officials of the United States government the fact that Germany was insisting on her own interpreta­ tion of the Prussian-American treaty of 1828 in disregard of two American notes on the subject. The Leelanaw, from Archangel, July 3, for Belfast, with a cargo of flax, was sunk July 25 by a German sub­ marine off the northwc t coast of Scotland. All the members of the crew were saved. They were taken Into Kirk­ wall in their own boats. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Jackson County. Jane E. Guernsey, : Plaintiff, : vs. : SUMMONS William D. Gurneey, : Defendant.: To William D. Gurneey, the above named defendant. In the Name of the State ol Oregon , you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled court and cause, on or before six weeks from the day of tiie first publication of this summons, the first publication being made on the 19th day of June 1916, the time prescribed in the order of publi­ cation thereof. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and answer said com­ plaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de­ manded in the complaint, to-wit: For a decree of the court forever dis­ solving the bonds ol matrimony exist­ ing between plaintiff and defendant. This summons is published by virtue of an order made by the Hon. F. >1 Calkins, Judge of the above entitled court, on the 17th day of June, 19J5, the first publication to be on the 19th day of Jnne, 1915, and the last­ tion on the 31st day of July 1915. — M u l k e y A C hkrky , Attorneys for Plaintiff, Medford, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION D epartmxnt or the I nterior 04880 U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon June 25, 1915 N oticb is hereby given that Charles H. Wilson, of Sam-« Valley, Oregon, who, on April 21, 1909, made Home­ stead Entry, Serisl, No. 04860, lor the W ^ ot NW* and NW*of HWW of Sec­ tion 21 Township 35 S, Range 2W, Wil­ lamette Meridian, has filed notice of in­ tention to make Final Five-vear Proof, to establish claim to the land abov. described, before W. H. Canon, U. 8. Commissioner, at his office at Medford. Oregon, on the 10th da\ of Aug-st, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: .1. B. Fisher, of Sams Valley, Oregon. Ed. Cooper, ’’ " John W. Armstrong, ” ” Thomas J. Perry, ’’ ” —J. M. U pton , 7 1 Register Britain Sends Apology to Norway. Christiania, via London.—The Brit­ ish government, through Sir Edward Grey, secretary of foreign affairs, has expressed regret to the Norwegian government at the violation by British warships of Norwegian territorial wa­ ters, especially by the seizure by an auxiliary cruiser of a German steamer Inside the three-mile limit. Newport Edward J. Kdi Ttie Gold Hill Hank,) Louise K., his a corporation, ) wife, Harry C ve. )Ford, Mary ,1. Ford tatui Citarlo« Krlwcin By virtue of an Execution and an Or­ der of Sale duly lanksl out of and under the real of Its Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In and for the County of Jack son, dated the 17th day of July 1915, in a certain cause therein, wherein The Gold Hill Bank, a corporation, as Plaintiff; recovered >n the 14th day of July 1915, a judgment against the defendants, Ed­ ward J. Est thereon from tile 16th day of September, 1913, at the rate of 8 per vent per annum and Sixty five ($06.00) Dollars attorney's fee, and the further turn of Fifteen ($16.00) lXillars costs which judgment was enrolled and dock­ eted in the Clerk’s office of said Court in in aaiii County oil the 14th day of July, 1915, and is of record in Volume 23 of tin* Circuit Court Journal at pages 149 and 150 thereof. 1 am commanded by said Execution and Order of Sale to make sale of the hereinafter described real property, to satisfy the judgement above named, to- gvther with the attorney's tees costs and tile accruing coats of this sale, I will there­ fore on TUESDAY the 24th day of Aug­ ust, 19)6, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in at the front door of the Court House in Jacksonville, J'ckson County, State of Oregon, oiler for sale and will sellât pub­ lic auction, for cash only, subject to re­ demption as is by law provided, all the rigiit, title, and interest tiiat the defend­ ants iiad on the 25tli day ot Septeuitrer, 1913, tiie date of said Mortgage, or liave since acquired, or now have in and to tiie following described real property, to-wit: All of the Southwest quarter (8 W lf) of Section Five (6) in Township Thirty- six (36) South of Range Three 13) West of tiie Willamette Meridian, situated in Jackson County, State ol Oregon. All of tiie above described tract of land w ill be sold at said time and place in tiie manner provided by law fur tiie sale of real property under execution to satisfy tiie judgment i n favor o f tiie Plaintiff and against tiie Defendants to­ gether witli the attorney’s fees, costs and the accruing costs of this sale. Dated this 17th day of July, 1915. —W. II. S inolkh , Sheriff of Jackson County, State of Oregon. By E. W. W ilson , 7-24—8-21 Deputy. Oregon's Popular Beach Resort An ideal outdoor retreat. Hunting, fishing, boating, sur- liatliliig. etc. Interesting visiting points In the nwlghh ir- hood. Convenient camping grounds, electric light, pure water Low Season and Weefc-Cnd Round Trip Excursion Tares T w o D a l l r T r a is » « F r o m A l b a n y Ask fur ill listrated folder "New|iort" giving list of hotels, rales, etc. A Visit to the T w o W o r ld E x p o s i t io n s at San Francisco and Han Diego I n an event of a life-Lime and on« you cannot afford to m i« Special Tares In July to San Francisco, Isw Angele« and San Diego on certain dates Low Round Trip Fares Daily witli stop-overs in either direction F e s t F t a e T r e i a i D a lly In E a c h D lr a a tlo n Stop-Overs At Expositions All tickets to tiie East via California permit stop-overs at San Francisco anil I xm Angeles to see tiie Expositions Ask nearest Agent for "California and Its Two World Exprsdilone" and "Way Side Notes Shasta Route." Southern Pacific J o h n M . S c o tt, G o n . F a n , A g e n t , P o r tla n d , O r e g o n J G o ld H ill [ A u t o L iv e r y F a s t D r iv in g T e a m s