m o/?c G o l d H i l l N e w s Stock Ranches r!°F r PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT GOLD Hll.L, JACKHON COUNTY, ■ ■ OREGON, BY ---------------- ---- n . T i - r TM bw i *( GrwntWtrr'x Day B en H. L am p m a n V u tta n x l M tin Gobi Hill pastoMre for (raiumn.-wion through the mails nJ awcoud-t la.'-- metier SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1916 SUBSCRIPTION $L50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE ON REPRESENTATIVE CIT ZENS AND SMALL TOWNS »T ; i Bring back the »plcndiii («rtlua and lift me out of tlte d u st; my lock ia the night attack. The SI oux brave« lanced our leader ere the bullet* beat them back. Nestled «gainst the lAubhle of tny man'« lean jaw, I spat death at a raiding Blackfoot thief one morn on Prairie Elat. I have ridden the saddle fair into tlie charging van, when wild from o a r wheeling horsemen the driven buffalo ran; and coughed my ball Io billet as, out of the log stix-kade, my uian sped on the sorrel mare to call the sword» to aid. Bring tne the lighting forties—and have your way with me then —For 1 waa a plainsman’s rifle, and took tlte trail wjth m en! 720 «tree, »«lid Ixxly, in Meadow» «11»- irlct, «mall ho«»«. «it,| gtxxl Ixirn, «»hl or­ chard in l«*«rliig, m*ver«l gtx«l aprlng». «Ixmt 40 acre« under cultivation. Price 912.50 per acre. <815 acres, near Delxutgvr Gap, It) tulle« from Gold Hill, over 100 aw »u n d er cul­ tivation, 10 room lion»«*, gtxxl l*«ru, live «'reek through It, an«l aeventl spring», all gtxxl land. Price 945.0U pet acre. -■00 scree u«*ar Beagle, liiicly improved, including nt«x*k aud all agricultural im­ plements, all to« 940.00 per acre. Term«. 004 acre» lit one »olid htxly five iiiilm out, Sam« Valley district, nearly all tin- tier cultivation, no better alfalfa or grail land in this county. Price 9100 per acre, 120 acre« on fbota Creek, 7 mile« out, 45 U* 50 acre» under cultivation, a* much or more could lx* easily cleared and cul­ tivated, almuet iiniiiiiiied range for stock, gtxxl house, two large barn», hog amt chicken house«, gtxxl stream through it. Price 975.00 per acre. 100 acres near Asbtxtto». 20 mile» out, some under eoltivatiun, » m a il house, large amount of »mall fruit, small bear­ ing orchard, most of thia 1» heavily tim­ bered, unlimited rang«* (or stock, aeveral gtxxl large spring«. This is a Ixtrgain at Bring back the splendid forties and give 94500. Cm wide ruble «tix'k ami imple­ me my man again; grant me to ride the ment« go will* tire place at that price. saddle, swung clear of tbs loosened rein. Several other farms, large and small, My scroll ia dulled in ita silver, the runt bite» deep my sight—they forge a newer several fin»* garden tracts from two up to comrade who take» ten loads a t a bib*. 50 acres, improved and unimproved, sev­ Bring me the golden forties, times I am eral of them arc decided bargains. If you making my quest—tlte blue yet bright on want anything iu this hue it will |>ay you my barrel—into tlte gallant West. Never I to call and see me. or write for particu­ have I forgotten, aa men forget ami deny, lars on any of tlte above. T H E AVERAGE, middling, fairly well to do citizen of the ■ small town possesses, to a rare degree, the clear, unblinlter- ed vision of the blind man. With this he is content, discerning neither good nor evil i n the broader conception—dotting and dreaming behind the cataract of the commonplace. He is blind to the possibilities of his town and blind to the fluttering vision of fleeting opportunity. Every little hamlet, where the fliers whistle hoarsely as they scoot through, is full of him. He is that frequent fellow whom the country papers de light to honor as “our representative citizen.” The ad-pensioned editors of the rural weeklies are telling the truth, for once, with deadly accuracy, whenever this refer ence brags out from the locals —sandwiched between a honey and tar filler and the Sunday service item. I f —let us take fancy by the hand and walk afield—if our friend were not the truly representative citizen, our town would th«aroar of swollen fording», tlte gleam of C. S. REDE IELD-GOLD HILL, OR. not take his characteristics as faithfully as the chameleon mat­ clearing sky. Wltere ia my man that ches its mistress’ gown. It might remain a little place, true; named me, and nicked his bear on my Orders taken for any book publislietl iu but it would have individuality. It would emerge from the drab »lock? I’m fit this hour for service—a tlte United States. Also we are tlte sub­ little grease o n tlte lock. Nay, but I scription agent for aU U. 8. and many for­ and do-less swaddling of the commonplace, taking on brighter yearn for service—the* press of my man's eign magazines and (tapers. colors and keener vigor. It might even be a “tough” town, lean jaw; the quick, »tire tug at trigger —John K. Kelsey, when Ite lined the sights—and »aw, Tliey with Gold iltll News. folks, but it would make itself remembered. leave me here in silence— it never was my Wood by tier or cord at lowest market This is no plea for the tough town. There are methods of man's style—to grieve for hall and pow­ price, delivered at your sltetl. Finest tir, making community fame and fortune that are moral methods— der, to yearu for a marksman’s smile. pine, laurel anti oak. John J. Ritter, Bring tne the lighting forties—and have Phone 39*21. fair, above-board and commendable. They give a town charac­ your way w it h me then—for I was a ter and faith in itself. plainsman’s rifle and took the trail with Hard rock excavation, 1,165 cubic No place is so poorly situated that it does not possess cer­ men! yards. tain natural and inherent advantages over every neighboring Rip rap, loose, 10 cubic yards. NOTICE TO tO.VTHACTOIW city or village. The soil of its tributary acres may produce su­ State o f Oregon, County of Jack- Overhaul, per 100 (set. 9.805 cubic yards. perior garden truck. Local business men should encourage this son. Clearing, 9.0 acres. Sealed proposals, addressed to the form of agriculture and provide suitable means for converting Grubbing, 4 70 square rods. it into revenue for the growers. The town may be ideally locat­ County Court of Jackson County, Ore­ Tile drain, 4 Inches, 10 lineal feet. gon, and Indorsed "Proposal for Corrugated Iron pipe, 12 inches, 26 j ed for industrial enterprise. Local business men should capital­ C onstructing a portion of the Pacific lineal feet. ize such industries as they are capable of handling, and bend Highway in Jackson County, Oregon," Corrugated iron pipe, 2 4 Inches, 28 every effort toward interesting the big fellows in its undevelop­ w ill be received by the County Court lineal feet. Jackson County at its office in the Concrete pipe, 12 Inches, 178 lin ­ ed resources. Nature may have mapped the perfect playground of Court H ouse, Jacksonville, Oregon, eal feet. in its environs. Local business men should see to it that the until 11 o ’clock a. m. o f the 4th day Concrete pipe, 20 inches, 60 lineal world is advised to come thither for rest and recreation. of A ugust, 1915, and at that time and feet. publicly opened and read. Concrete, class A, 22 cubic yards. A score of unrealized possibilities present themselves—each place All proposals must be made on Concrete, class B, 2 cubic yards. craving the vision that will perceive, and the community power blank form , to be obtained from the Concrete, class C, 12 cubic yards. that will give them birth in realization. County Highway E ngineer, at his R einforcing steel. 835 pounds. Central H otel B uilding, Cen­ Unit S, This is the plaint of the small town—a coward’s chant—a office. tral Point, Oregon, or from the Coun­ From station L484 to station L505. wastrel’s wail—that it cannot fight the city and endure. ty Clerk, Court House, Jacksonville, Miles 10. Oregon; m ust state the unit or units Embankment, 10 cubic yards. There is no need for conflict with the city. Let the village bid on ((b id d ers may bid on all the Earth excavation, 250 cubic yards. of some happy, little valley realize itself, let it throw a ton or u n its); must give the price proposed, Hard pan excavation, 400 cubic two of public spirit into the balance, and the scale of prosperity both in w riting and In figures; and yards. will rise. It will! must be signed by the bidder, with Loose rock excavation, 10 cubic his address. yards. And in that town—Utopian dream —the ‘representative Each bid is to be presented under Hard rock excavation, 275 cubic citizen” may inflate with proper pride. sealed cover, and shall be accompan­ yard». ied by cash, a bidder's bond made Overhaul, per 100 feet, 100 cubic He will represent something really worth while. new fo r Fall &, W inter & A m erica n L ad y and A m e r ic a n G e n t le w o m a n m ade by H a m ilto n B r o w n vSHoe C o. A n extra s t r o n g line o f »School fo r b o t h b o y s and girls O ur f ir s t sh ip m e n t o f Fall and W in t e r D ress G o o d s has arrived . C om e in and see t h e m . A» L an ce & C ompany T h e h o m e sto re L ive Poultry W anted payable to Jackson county, or a cer­ yards. tified check made payable to the Corrugated iron pipe, 24 Inches, 16 County Judge of Jackson County, for lineal feet. an am ount equal to at least five per Corrugated Iron pipe, 36 Inches. 40 THE PEERLESS ONE ON PEACE cent of the am ount of said bid, and lineal feet. no bid shall be considered unless such Concrete pipe, 12 inches, 36 lineal <