F o r th a t classy H air C ut THE LINER OROUNA HAS NARROW ESCAPE Notice of Sheriff’s Safe Under execution in Foreclosure Legal Notices ) Edward J . Kilo, The Gold Hill B ank,) Louise K. Eile, Ids a corporation, ) wife, H arry C. vs. (Ford, Mary J. Fowl land Charles Krlwein NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION U kpa K tmkni or thx I nttsio « Steamer With 227 Passenegers TR Y DICK The best» and la te s t “kuts” O748B Including 21 Americans At u. H. I And Office at Roseburg, Oregon, tacked by Submarine May »2, 1816. N otics is hereby given that Nellie Bell, whose post-office address la Msd ford, Oregon, 86 H. Orange s i., did on the 26ih day of Augoat, 1811, hie In th is office Sworn Statement and Appli cation, No. 07486, to purchase the Lots 12, 19, 14 and 16, of Sect>oo 12, Town ship 33 8, Range 2 W„ W illamette Me rhlian, and the timber thereon, ander the provieionsol the act of June 9, 1878 and acta anteudaiorv, known a s the " Timber and Ntotie La«*', at such value as m ight be fired by appraisement, and that, pursuant to sucn application, the land and timber tnereon have been appraised, 9601.00, thetiinber estimated 1.877,000 board feet at $0.40 * »0.60 per M. and the land nothing | that said ap plicant will offer final proof in support of his application ami sworn statement on the 10th day of August, 1813, before W. H, Canon, U. S. Commissioner, at his olfi o, at Medford, Oregon. Any person is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or initiate a con testâ t any time before patent Issues, bv filing a corroborated affidavit In this office, alleging facte which would defeat the entry. —J. M. U pton , • Register. By virtue of an Execution and an O r der of Sale duly issu,-I out of and under the seal of fl e Circuit Court of the State of Oregon in and for the County of .lack- son, dated the 17th day of July 1916, in a certain cauae therein, wherein The Gold Hill Bank, a corporation, as Plaintiff; recovered m tire 14th day of July 1913, a judgm ent against the defendants, Kd- ward J . Eile. Louise E. Kde, his wife, H arry C. Ford and Mary J . Ford, Ids wife, and each of them for ll«> sum of Five H undred Fifty (9350,00) Dollars with interest thereon from tlie 13th day of Septem ber, 1813, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum and Sixty five (966.90) Dollars attorney's fee, and the further 1 u n i of Fifteen (913,00) Dollars Ousts which judgm ent was enrolled and dock eted in the Clerk’s office of said Court in in said County on the 1441» day of July, 1916, and is of record in Volume 23 of the Circuit Court Journal at pages 149 and 160 thereof. I am comm anded by said Execution and O rder of Sale to make sale of the hereinafter deeerihed real property, t o satisfy tlie judgem ent above nam ed, to- gether with the attorney’s lees costs and the accruing costs of this sale, I will there fore ou TUESDAY the 24th day of Aug ust, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in. at tlie front door of the Court Hons»' in Jacksonville, Jsekaon County, State of Oregon, offer h irsu te and will m il at pub lic a u c tljn , for cash only, subject to re demption as is by law provided, all the right, title, and Interest that the defend ants hail on the 26th day ol H ep te in ber, 1913, the date of said Mortgage, or have since acquired, or now have in and to Ote following descrihisl real property, to-w it: All of the Southwest quarter (H W lf) Newport Oregon’s Popular Beach Resort An Ideal outdoor retreat. Hunting, fishing, boating, sur- lukthlng. etc. Interesting visiting points in the nclghh >r- hood. Convenient camping grounds, electric light, pure water New York.—The Cunard llnar Ordu- Low Season and Weelt-Fnd Round Trip Excursion Fares na bound from Liverpool to New York with 227 passenger», Including 22 T w o D o llr T r a in s T ra m A lb a a r American«, waa attacked without Ask lor illustrated folder "Newport” giving list of hotels, rates, etc. warning, It waa learned on her arrival here, by a German submarine on the A Visit to the morning of July 9. Twenty mllee from the graveyard B aths in Connection of the Lusitania, off Oldhead of Kin- tale. the Orduna eacaped the Lusi at San Francisco su d San Diego la an event of tania's fate by half a second of time a lifetim e and one yon cannot affimi to tnim or 10 yards of »pace, the German tor R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n pedo churning the water that distance Special Fares In July “ T h e C ity S h o p ” behind the liner's rudder. Then the to Han Francisco, Iasi Ängste* and Han Diego on certain dab's Orduna sped away. She was followed by the submarine, which rose to the Low Round Trip Fares Daily surface, manned a gun on her deck with stop-overs In d tlie r dlroctlnn and shelled the fleeing steamer. F s u r F is » « T r a t a » « D a l l y I n C » c h D l n c t l o n The attack was at 10 minutes to 6 o'clock In the morning, when all but Stop-Overs At Expositions DR. ARTEM AS W. D EA N E a few of her passengers lay sleeping All tickets b> the East via California perm it sb»p-overs at in their bertha. Aroused by stewards, Han Francisco ami Loa Angides t o se«' the Bxpnaitlons DENTIST the passengers dressed hurriedly and Ask nearest Agent lor "California anil Its Two World Expositions” and went to the upper deck, where they GAS ADMI.S'lSTXKXD ' Way Hide Notisi Shasta R oute.” put on life belts and took their places RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD at the lifeboats. They heard the NOTICE FOR PU BLICATION scream of the shells and saw the D epartment opthk I ntkriok W. P. CHISHOLM , M. D. ocean spit up columns of water where 06842 the shells struck. GNER4L PRACTITIONER U. 8, Land Offics a t Roseburg, Oregon, J o h n M . S c o t * . O «r». P « « « . A g o n * . P o r t l a n d , O r e g o n Ten minutes before the attack a June 11, 1816 G old H ill , O regon . sailing ship, with two America* N oticb le hereby given that Bertram flags painted on her side, was seen E, Adams, of Gold Hill, Oregon, who, ahead. Captain Taylor became sus A. E. KELLOGG on February 2, 1811, made Homestead picious of this craft and began man GOLD HILL, OREGON Entry, Serial, No. 06943, for the N 4 of euvering his ship. Then came the N E l4 o f Section 18, Township 36 S, E m balm er and F uneral attack, the first warning of which Range 3 W, W illamette Meridian, has s the streak of a torpedo which D irector filed notice of intention to make Final whirled through the water and Three-year Proof, to eetablish claim to Com plete line oi burial robes, missed the Orduna's stern by ten the land above described, before G. A caskets, etc. y ards o r thereabouts. Gardner, County C le r k o f Jackson F U N E R A L CAR Countv, Oregon, at Ids office, at Jack of Section Five (5) in Township Thirty- Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence sonville, Oregon, on ib e 26tli day of F a s t D r i v i n g T e a m s iQ. F e e d S t a b l e s six (36) Sooth of Range T h u s1 (3 ) West Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 46-M ain July, 1915. of the W illam ette Meridian, situated in in C o n n e c tio n Claimant names as witnesses : Jackson County, State of Oregon. R, L. Cook, o f Gold H ill, Oregon. S u g ar Pine Cam p No. 10073 All of tlie above described tract of HAVE added to our general livery business W. W. H ittle, ” land will be sold at said time and place M W A Washington. — Secretary Lansing- R alph H aym ond, ” V v tw o com pletely equipped 5-passenger to u rin g in the m anner provided by 'aw for the G old Hill - - - - - - - - - - Oregon made public a paraphrase of the note | j T. G alligar, ” cars —to m eet increased dem and fo r service. Com sale of real property under execntioti to presented by Ambassador Page to the i Meets first Friday of each m onth —J. M. U ptos , satisfy tlie judgm ent i n favor o f the m ercial trav elers, outers, hunters, anglers, to u rists B ritish g overnm ent to conserve th e | q.jj) 7.04 Jay E . Davidson—Counsul R egister. Plaintiff and against tin - Defendants to rig h ts of A m erican citizens in cases 1 Alvah E, Kellogg—Clerk bound fo r m arvelous C ra te r iMike—will find th a t we gether w i t l i tlie attorney’s fees, costs and being tried by B ritish prize courts. I t ' know th e roads, th e country, and how to please. has no relatio n , be said, to th e general • 1» th e C ircu it Couri, of th e S tate of the accruing costs of this sale. Dated this 17th day of July, 1913. note on co n trab an d still in course of Oregon, for Jackson C ounty, — W. H. Sijtni i K, prep aratio n . T he p arap h rase issued Ja n e E. G uernsey, : Sheriff of Jackson County, T h e .S h o r t e s t W a y by the s ta te d ep artm en t follows: P lain tiff, S la te o f ( b e g o t). : “ In view of differences w hich are vs. SUMMONS By E. W. W ilson , T h e L ea st C ost j said to ex ist betw een th e tw o govern- W illiam D. G urnsey, : 7-24—8-21 Deputy. ! D efendant. : Com plete Line of A utom o ! raents as to th e p rinciples of law ap- T h e B e st G u id e s bile Supplies and Repairs, 1 plicable in prize co u rt proceedings in To W illiam D. G urnsey, the above —r" — - .....—.............. ——- i cases involving A m erican in terests. naated d efendant. especially Fords and in o rd e r to avoid any m isunder- In th e N am e o f th e S tate of O regon , A Specialist in th is work, stan d in g as to th e a ttitu d e of th e Unit- j yoo are ,ierebv requjrei, to appea-. and One trialTand’our L ivery Service m ak es]frien d s~ -try jit! as well as any detail of ed S ta te s in reg ard to any such pro- allBwer th e L.onlplai„ t o( p |alntiff rt, pd G eneral Blacksm ithing, etc. ceedings, th e governm ent of the Unit- as(ainst you th e aUove e o tu le d (.ourt ed S ta te s inform s th e B ritish g o v ern -. and caua#i „ „ or fl)l wt.ek# , r()m W ashington.— With the re tu rn here m ent th a t in so far as th e rig h ts of th e day of t h . first publication of tins G O L D H IL L . O R E G O N A m erican citizen s a re conerned, it will ! SUIliniong th e flr9t p at,)j,.ation M onday of P resid en t Wilson, the for B la c k s m ith in sist upon th e ir rig h ts u n d er th e p rln -, lllade on th e n ,th day o , JufH, {h(. m utation of the policy to bo pursued ciples and ru les of in tern atio n al law tim e prescribed in the order oi publi by the U nited S tates aa a consequence as h ereto fo re estab lish ed governing cation thereof. of G erm any's lust note on subm arine n eu tral tra d e in tim e of war, w ithout And you a re hereby notified th a t if w arfare w as begun. W hile d etails ns to the course which Wood of every description a t lim itatio n or im pairm ent by o rd ers in you tail to a p p e a r and answ er raid com low est prices. Wood saw fo r council o r o th er m unicipal legislation plaint, for w ant th ereo f th e plaintill Is to be followed a re w ithheld, it is by th e B ritish governm ent, and will will apply to th e court for the relief de- know n th a t both the president and Mr. custom work. n o t recognize th e v alidity of prize m anded in th e complaint, to-w it; L ansing have practically made up Y ards R i\• -idc’Avc. I 1J co u rt proceedings tak en u n d er re th e ir m inds th a t a definite statem en t ¡■ ’or a decree of th e co u it forever dir- Phon.- IF21 stra in ts im posed by B ritish m unition solving tile bonds of m atrim ony e x is t of w hat th e consequences of fu rth er law in derogation of th e rig h ts of ing betw een plaintiff and d efendant. .violation of A m erican rig h ts would be A m erican citizens under in tern atio n al P a t r o n iz e .H o m e T h is sum m ons is published by virtue should be given to the G erm an gov law.” In d u str y of an o rd er m ade by th e Hon. F. M e rn m en t in the next com m unication. You can raise -0111c crops every year and all crops some ycar.i w itliont C alkins, Ju d g e of th e aliove entitled T h ere is little likelihood th a t there Irrigation, hut if you « an t Io raise all crops every year you should irrigate. will he any fu rth e r discussion of the PANKHURST HEADS PARADE c o u rt, on the 17th day of J u n e . 1916, the first publication to be on th e 19th principles involved. Irrigation by f leitriially driven Pumps is Economical, Reliable and Ef M T . P I T T <a G O V . B ritish S u ffrag ettes Ask to Be Em day of J u n e , 1915, and the last pnb.ica- By th e recent a tte m p t to destroy the ficient— and cxcells all other forms of Power. If you have a water supply ployed in Munition Factories. B ritish lin er O rdur'a, carry in g a score ti< n on the 31st day of Ju ly 1913. JO H N S O N C IG A R S from well, crick or stream , an Electric Pumping Plant, can lx> installed at London.— Enorm ous crow ds of wom of A m ericans on her voyage to the — M clkev & C herry , a small cost |s r acre, and at a minimum of expense for iqs-ration. en thronged V ictoria em bankm ent, de U nited S ta te s with no m unitions or A ttorneys for Plaintiff, sp ite a drizzling rain, to p articip ate in Our Power Lines cover a large portion of Jaekson and Josephine coun Medford, Oregon. co ntraband, officials h ere feel th a t the the w om en's procession voicing the position of the U nited S tates, as given ties and we are constantly m aking new extensions. dem and th a t the B ritish governm ent In its previous notes, has been m a te ri NOTICE FOR PU B L IC A TIO N Full information of cost for installing ami operating can Is- o b ta in e d by utilize women In th e work of m aking ally stren g th en ed . They declare It D K l’AKT.MRNr o r TH E IN T E IH O R b • ears out the A m erican contention inquiry at any of the Com pany's Offices. • am m unition and In replacing th e mçn. It is estim ated th a t 30,000 m archers, th a t the c h a ra c te r of a vessel, h er des * - 01480 led by Mrs. E m m eline F’an k h u rst, tin a tlo n and cargo can be safely d eter I.am i Office at R oseburg, Oregon. m ined only by visit and search. founder of th e W om en's Social P oliti U. Ju n e 23, 1913 cal Union, w ere in the ranks, which N otice is hereby given th a t Chari*» contained m an; noted women, includ H, W ilton, of S am i V aliev, O regon, COMPETITION NEEDS A CURB ing Lady C olebri , Lady K nohys and who, on April 2!. 1909. m ade H o iiic - . V / O l v i E ï ’-î. Mrs. W aldorf Astor. stend E ntry, S erial, No. 94880, lor the ‘•y.lj of NVVf and N W Jo f HIV1,' of He - L um ber Industry R epresentatives Lay Phone 168 216 W est Main S tre e t L e v Case Before F ederal Commission. tion "I Tow nship 35 S, Range 2W, Wit- M e x ic o C it y is A g a in T h re a te n e d lailiette M eridian, has filed untie of in Chicago. -G overnm ental regulation W ashington.—Mexico City is again ten tio n to mak<- Final Ftve-vear Proof, of com petition, as opposed to th e gov th reaten ed with attack anil th e Car to establish claim to th e land abov NOTICE OF CONTEST You are, therefore, liirtli.-r notified For Publication ranza forces under G eneral Gonzales d scribed, before W. II C anon, U. H. ern m e n t's activ ity a g ain st tru sts and th a t tin ' said a lle g -t oiis will he tak> 11 m onopolies, ’is a necessity, according 98982 Comm issioner', at his office a t Medford. as confessed, and your said e n try will who drove the Z apata arm y from tin ( ' < n lR st 3 5 3 0 Oregon, on th e 10th d ai ol Aug -st, 1913. to re p re sen tativ es of the lum ber In be uaiicnllsd w ithout fu rth e r rig h t to be capital 10 days ago. have m arched hur heard, e ith er before this office or on ap D efahtmicnt the I ntekiok Cliinriant nam es as w itnesses: d u stry , who presented form al s ta te riedly no rth w ard to engage an ad U nited S tates Laud Office peal, if you fail to tile in lid s offico J . 15. Fi«her, of S am s V a lle y , O re g o n . m ents describing present conditions vancing colum n believed to be plan E it. Cooper, R o s e b u rg , O re g o n J u n e 15, 1915 w ithin tw enty davs aft.ei Hi- FO UItTH ” ’ In th e ir trad e a t a conference held nlng a junction with the Z apata Jo h n W. A im stroug, To William P atrick G raham id Med publication oi th is notice, »s shown be ” ” low, vour ansiVi r, un.ler m t'li, spccill- h ere betw een th e’ federal trad e com ford, Oregon, C nnlestee: ” ” troops now m enacing com m unication Thom as J , P e rry , You are hereby notified th a t A rchie eslly res|,i,„dm g to these Hllegations of m ission and a com m ittee rep resen tin g with V era Cruz. S tate d ep artm en t —J . M. U p to n , r. F lm u n so n who g i v e s C entral Point, contest, together with dm proof th a t 1 patches announced th at G eneral Gon R egister the N ational L um ber M an u factu rers’ Oregon, as his post-office address, did you have served a copy of your answ er association. z a '-s, w ith m ost of his arm y, had on Ju n e 7. 1915, file in th is office his on the said co n testan t eith e r In person O verproduction, uncontrolled price- • Inly corroborated application to contest, or by registered m ail. evacuated Mexico City, tu rn in g the Seattle. You sh mid state ill vour answ er th e cu ttin g and o th e r ruinous com petitive and secure t l i e eaneella, ion o t your go em in en t over to the civil au th o ri W h eat—Bluestem , 95c; club hue; praettees were blam ed 1 ; It. it. Down Home-lead E ntry No. 0898.’, Serial No. nam e of post office Io wh eh vo i d mire ties. 98982 mail" July 9 . 11)13, lor lie - S 1^ of filtioe indices to I) sent, lo you. red R ussian, 89c: forty-fold, 90c; fife, man, of New O rleans, president of the - E 1^ o f Heetion 11, T ow nship 34 S, 89c. —J . M. Urro.N, association, for the p resen t situation Bang" 2 W., W illam ette. Mcridan. and Swiss P ro h ib it Gold E xperts. I t e g is l.e r . Barley—$22 per toil. as ground- for his ooutest Io- iille. es In th e lum ber industry. P aris.—T he Sw iss federal council Hay—T im othy, $17 per ton; alfalfa, He described the situ atio n as being tb a t said William P. G raham lias aban has decided to prohibit the ex p o rta $14 per ton. doned his said hom estead lor more limn of first publication Julyfl, 1915 one of dem oralization tor the last one vear last past. T h at said William Dato ” "second ” July Id, 1915 tio n of gold in any form, say s a Havas B u tter—C ream ery, 27c. eight years, Including a t th is tim e a P, G raham never m ade a settlem ent on third July 17, 1915 d ispatch from Berne. E ggs—24c, -aid hom estead. fourth condition of actual loss. July 2), 1915 Professional Cards AMERICAN NOTICE IS SENT TO THE BRITISH Two W o rld E x p o s itio n s Southern Pacific J G old H ill A u t o L iv e r y AUTOM OBILE Q . GAS ENGINE REPAIRING WILSON LIKELY TO BE FIRM WITH GERMANY CHARLES KELL D a r lin g Q. H o d g e s Fire! Fire!! J. Iv ltte P I r r ig a t io n is C r o p In su ran ce SM O K E CALIF0R.NIA-0R.EGONP0WER. COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE.