Mr, and Mr«, Jim Ifiilsoii and Mrs. D im ' Hutson returned Saturday from an enjoyable visit to tfa- old home at Myrtle FISHING TACKLE Creek. Mr. amt Mrs. T. J. O'Hara, of Central Point were guests at the home ot their son-in-law, M. D. Bowers, and family last Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Uogue and family departed Tocwlay foreiKMin tor Tangent. They will visit throughout lit" summer at the home <>, Mrs. Bogue’s mother, near that town. Misses fa ils and Gpal Harvey, who are now living with llielr grandma in Ash land, arrived Haturday and have since been tlie guests of friends and former playmates in this city. I waavc rag (srpels or rugs to your E v e ry th in g fo r the order at reasonable prices. Cull or write. a rd e n t A n g le r Mrs. R. M. Nicholson, Gold Hill, Greg Ona and one-half miles northeast of city. Orders may Is- U-fl at News office. Miss Gladys Hinman is now eoiivales- cunt from lier recent severe illness and operation (or appendicitis, atHacred Heart lusipltal. Tlie young lady taught music •n the local schisils last term. Common lumbar, sixed. (13 per thou- sail I, thoroughly seasoned. All building materials ut reasonable priors. All com petition cheerfully met. —Big Pines lsr Company, • • • Gold Hill. Ore. It. H. Moore, W. II. Miller, J. W. flaycs and Horace Pelton, motored to Jacksonville Monday and paid their tri bute of sorrowing friendship at the fune ral of tin- Jackson county pioneer, Robert Vinton Beall. Miss ( lain- Tucker is tie- guest til Port- and*Edwsrds, who wrestled a «tern bout Prompt Auto Service. -M y machine is hind friends, having left for that city on i to a tie on the former occasion, will again r always ready for service ami to hire at Wednesday. ap|«-ar. Several (su in g bouts, of various lowest possible rate. For four passenger Dr. und Mrs. R. E. Howard returned ages and weights, are now being arranged. parlies the rate is no morn than railroad Monday from u weekend visit witli liome Tie- public is urged to attend and bring fare. Piiunc J'.’J. its dimes—all proceed« to lie used for the oiks ut Merlin. • Kingfisher lines are —C. L. DcsKsnsMar, purchaae of apparatus and equipment for Mrs. *. J McDonald, of Portland, ar Gold Hill, Oregon. the world’s stand 1 strengthening the body and keeping the We have sold more Coffee dur M. 8. Johnson and Oscar Baker, as rived Wednesday afp-rtusin and is the mind clean. A» before, the performance ard. The big ones ing the past eight weeks than Moose of nstahliscd standing, convoyed guest ot her brother, Fred Witt, and will be given in the boys’ gymnasium family. can’t get away. we expected to sell during the Floyd Sutton ami Alva Walker to Med Mr. and Mrs. John B. Palmer came room of tlie old school building. ford Tuesday evening, where this«- fortu Almost did a tragedy settle on Gold Hill entire year nate youths were duly initiated into the down from Medford Sunday morning and Monday afternoon, but the stin set with parsed the day visiting at the home of mysteries of tin- L. O. O. M. T h e r e is a r e a s o n ; folks laughing about it, although in nerv- ‘ Mrs. R. E. Smith, Miss Esther Smith Mrs. Palmer's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth . ous fashion. -A number of young ladies • We sell splendid (kiffaes, cither Bolt. Is selected on t h e and Master Smith, accompanied by were disporting in the river at the bath in bulk or can, per p ou n d .. . . ‘'Circus’’ Baker, signalman for the S. ing ts-ach, disdaining the instruction and Charles Reed, returned lust Saturday same standard of Wo haw Coffee unequalled at T r t r » from a week's motor outing through P. from this station, narrowly escaped attendance of the afternoon crowd of quality. We can ¡IV per pound and at . . . . O V IC Crater la k e national |>urk and the Kla playing Ids last performance Thursday i youths who daily seek the river. lx-txy completely equip math lake country. Tliey returned via aftermsin. Running at high velocity, his Hodges left the merry-go-round, where Fulger's Golden gasoline speeder left the track. Raker was Ashland. . the angler for a Gate, per can all were practicing, and wandered into Supervisor E . R . Peterson motored badly cut and bruised alMiut the head, tl«* current. She struggled ton-turn, but bout with the tini We have secured two brands of through this city on Tuesday, pausing to but was otherwise without injury. Tlie could not. Followed Marguerite Whar est trout or the lus accident («.-cured neat Toio. discuss the near approach of Gold Hill's ton, to lend assistance— followed a l s o . Coffee exclusively for fancy third annual Fair. Mr. Peterson recent- tiest steelhead. Our Marguerite Walker, Lela Flippen and trade; they are for those who ly returned from a trip through tlie Wil Special deputy warden lain Applegate, in company with district warden Driscoll Florence Wharton. The current bore all judgement is back delight in luxury. We will sell lamette, and attendance upon an educa and deputy Walker, visited Antelope five girls toward tlie little dam which ends , ed by years of these two brands at the follow tional committee meeting at Salem. creek the first of this week on an errat-d the pool. A few strokes distant on either practical exper W. II Miller returued Tuesday from a of mercy. Thousands of trout fry, im side was shoreline—a n island and the ing prices: ience in Rogue Week’s motor trip as tlie guest of John prisoned in the rapidly waning pools of mainland. None of the girlscould swim, H ill’s Red Can Brand Thompson, the well known grocery sale- i the drouth stricken stream, were taken however, and the distance might have ' River fishing. |>cr |Hiiind can ............ man. While alss-nt lie visited ut Suther by hand nets and conveyed in c»fhs to the been a mile. Letay Hodges sank, Mar lin and Roseburg, ami beard Terrible : river, wliere they were liberated. This is guerite Wharton went under, rose and Hill’s Blue Cun Brand per |H)iind cun. . . "Mw/C went under again. Tlie other stragglers Teddy make a few wildly-chosen remarks constructive fish protection. screamed. Fred a n d Floyd Eddings, from the rear-end of his train. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hammersly Cash tells the story —we keep Benton Bowers, accompanying a party and son Dale, and Chas. Young, left Med Clayton Thompson, J o h n Cameron, no books of Independence motorists, went through ford Wednesday afternoon for a fort- Charley Rv»-d and Bill Knotts, heard and Golrt Hill Monday enroute to the Willam nigth’s hunting and prospecting trip into hastened. T h e rescues were effected ette valley. For some months recently the Applegate headwaters country. The promptly and though weak and frighten Mr. Bowers was gravely ill at his Ash forepart of the week Mr. Hammersly ed none of the fair bathers were otherwise the worse for their tragic experience. M r» . C o ra J. T ru a x , M a n a g e r. land home, but now appears to lie robust spent as the guest of his brother Riley,the Several of tlie young men who served as ly convalescent. gon e warden of Willow Flat. The Ap Mrs. C. 8. Dodge, Miss Helen Dodge, plegate expedition will be made partly lift-savers took to the Rogue fully attired. Mrs. A. A. Abbott a n d M is s Sophie via Charley’s unto, and the rough and All the girls stoutly maintain that now Dislge, who wen- guests of Fred Dodge ready remainder with the aid of John's they “ Will learn to swim!’’ They should. More than 100 horses have recently upon their arrival from Frisco last Week, train of pack horses. been shipped from Dallas by Will Ta- departed Sunday witli Seattle a s their Manager Kellogg, of the Coinus theatre P ersons wishing to make J tempo.ary ■ lestiuation. The ladies will i» fortunate in securing for ids popular tom. who Is acting as agent for east ern buyers who are supplying the de return to their homo in Michigan by the homestead entries, timber en Canadian route, us fur as is practicable. movie house tonight, one of the Great mands of French and British army of Northern Film Company's late produc tries, homestead proofs, con Professor und Mrs. l.uthey have desert ficers. “ The Ghost of tlie White Lady” in tests or transact any business ed their Sardine Creek ranchero for a tions, Three entomologists of London, four parts, featuring Miss Rita Sacchetto relating to government lands midsummer visit with friend« ut Salem. the talented international actress and England, visited Forest Grove last The l.uthey«, who have hitherto merely dancer— her real merit is shown in this week and consulted with Cecil W. should write or call upon s|«-nt their vacations on tlie classic little interesting drama. The evenings per Creel, who has charge of a govern creek with the unlovely name, have tl«-- formance w ill conclude w ith a split reel ment laboratory on clover and grain cided Pi make their permanent home of farce comedy entitled ‘‘By Parcel pests. V . » . C O M M IS S IO N E R tlie re. Room 29, Jackson County Bank Bill Stuewe was peeved by tlie shutt Post’’ and “ Rowdy Starts Something.” Mr. and Mrs. George Holcomb»- came Bldg., M edford , O re . ing down of his mill at tlie Red Ribbon back from their wandering tour of the mine, owing to the breakage of an en coast, arriving Sunday. They left late in gine part. Milling operations were sus March to visit the Exposition, travelling pended for several days, until on Wed via the coast road and driving the family nesday tlie repairs arrived. Rails, Ed dobbin. Bad roads and inconveniences he PROGRESSIVE MANAGEMENT ot thii bank it proud of tho munds and Hutson now comprise s ana- I have constantly on Butter paper, printed In* accordance ger St»« we’a crew, und much fine ore is switched them from their appointed fact that it is founded on certain STRONG FOUNDATION course and they turned inland, visiting hand a supply of ICE with tl«- law, for aale on order at The being taken out. STONES, some of which the artist has drawn here. Our endeavor various points of interest. For several New« office. th at’s chemically PUKE Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. Hodges, Miss Nina days they camped near Mt. l-asscn while is to treat ALL CLASSES ALIKE with banking EFFICIENCY and 0. W. Martin, o f the California-Ore Sharp- and William Blackert, comprised the crater waa in active eruption. Mr. SAFETY. We try to lend money on all DESERVING ENTERPRISES and safe for table use as gon Power company, waa in thia city a motor party that visited Crescent City Holcomla.- describes the spt-ctacle as awe and extend FINANCIAL SERVICE of ALL KINDS to the business Tuesday. for refrigerating. and the beach last Sunday and Monday. inspiring to the nth degree. men of this territory. We are glad to do business here. F. W. Dodge, of the R. R. P. 8. cor- The trip from Gold Hill p> the surf was According to Jim Davis, of Kanes Creek, poratlon, made a husincsd trip to Grants made in a trifle more than seven hours, W i l l d e liv e r - to r e g u the Tolo liall team should be debarred P oms Monday, tlie roads were fairly good, and the red from practice during tlie dry season Fire la r p a tro n s e v e ry I saw cordwood to stove lengths with woods and the Pacific were magnificent. broke o u t recently somewhere to the m o r n i n g . S p e c ia l power saw, promptly on order. Phone W. W. Truax cycled to his Eagle Point southeast., and, though it quickly subsid- o rd e rs fille d John J. Ritter, 3F21. ranch Sunday morning and returned on ed, the local curiosity club were on the Cedar Tenet Posts for sale a t reason Monday. at once All o th is crops were looking qui vlve for information They button able price. For information call at the well with the exception of hay, which holed Mr. Davis. He confessed to a full News office. had suffered a 50 percent shrinkage ow knowledge of the origin of tlie blase, but Mrs. Geo. Hammersly, of Weed, is at ing Pi the peculations of an untrustwor was reluctantly pom aded to disclose Un present tile guest of her parents, Mr. and thy employe»-. On Tuesday Mr. Truax truth, as, he explained, it might injure Mrs. J. W. Clark, of this place. went to Medford to adjust the matter or his repute. The facts in the vast- were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Porter and Wil seek legal satisfaction. that tlie Tolo hall team while practicing You can’t afford to eat liam Fansher were the guests of Medlord Mr. and Mrs. I ester Ixtrd, for the past uncorked a portion of their real speed. tainted food, or drink friends and relatives last .Sunday. two years residents of Gold Hill, are pre The pasture grass was dry and the con ; Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods F. W. Dodge and Fritz. Dean went to paring P> return to their former home in flagration which resulte»! was but the luke warm beverages in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Grants Pass Thursday and spent the ev Danbury, Nubraska. Their departure is natural result. Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard when ice costs only ening as guests of friends in that city, re to occur within the next month. Mr. The succt-ss and good feeling that at turning the following forenoon. lord states that their stay in tlie east will tended the athletic program given two A FEW CENTS DAILY Marion Hodges returned to Bandon, lie but a temporary one, and that their weeks ago for the benefit of the hoys’ Cons county, oil Tuesday, afttr visiting future and permanent home will undoubt gymnasium and club was so genuine that his brother, 8. T. Hodges, and various old edly lie in southern Oregon and at Gold Manager Shaver announces another pro B L A C K E R T <SX G A R R E T T , P r o p r ie t o r s Hill. friends, during the past month. gram for the evening of July 30. Jacobs S|>k-i»ll<l assurtiiient of Fine K< m I s — all prljee— Silk anil Unen IJnee, Reels, Creels, Hie« ami Fish burea—new Kl<«-k The B o N T o N W e are A s to n is h e d fit U SE THE BEST A ll o f ou r Tackle 45c D. H. M IL L E R ’S The Truax Co. pHJNßAllONSrONES |N|rih|)ANIi^lCŒSS L A N D C O M M IS S IO N E R EQUAL TREATMENT W . H. CANO N SAFETY! PERSONAL!CONSERVATIVE > Local News Notes FA IR l r i | i r i ^ LARGE STERE9I (OUK»^ 5UR PLU S I-C-E ■ attention I management careful I enterprising T m o dern LOAN 5 1 SERVICE ] SAFEGUARDS T WE WILL BE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU. The GOLD HILL BANK CITY M EAT MARKET W . A. Cook