- , 6he G o ld H ill N e w s Overdrafts ==^- ?UBL1SIIFD EVERY SATl KPA Y KT GOLD HILL. JACKSON COUNTY, fey- —_____ s---- ------;■■■■=-----ORLYÌON, BY - - - r - g - ------------- : a I m « u rv d B. H. I. round In ■ Book I B en H. L am pm an tun enxl at tlie Gold H ill |x>-t«>tli«x' (or transmission through the mail» :usj secondila.-« m atter » SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1915 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE Somelxxly gave a Flower to you, B,xik: and closed you aud put you away. Uiuv. have I found the Rose they took, to hide a year and a day. Maybe the garden mimed you, Floteer, when summer had poured her u rn ; yon drank llie itew and the xlanting shower—to w ait a year, and return. 1 wonder if Somebody read you, Song— here wliere the crushed blooiu lay —and marked the |>age you li lt along . . . a year ago and a day. II WRITTEN ON A LAUREL LEAF of the Moth’s sureoat was an Elysian evening T HE sky, COLOR with a flaming Sun centered on each fluttering sleeve The Floweri were dust to a care lea» hand, the little dried bloom and bleat— yet it carries a message from Neman's L a n d —in w ith er am i saffron drest. The Song is only a silly tilin g , set to a madcap lay, hut it bells the heart that heard you sing—a year ago and a day. The words w ell up from the printed Book, they flow to the outward tra c k ; the Row of the gar­ den leans to look . . . sometime, Friend, come hack. ma> find Read These "just the thing’ Found— Valuable f a ir of eye glass, s,xx'ially ground lettsea. Owner may re­ cover property by ealling at News office and paying ebargea. W anted;— Good milch cows, calves and title p.gt, on tim e; deferred |>uymems w ill seemed Address Sleepy Hollow Farm, Gold H ill; 11. A, Ensign, A. R. Hixon, mauagets C le a n U p S a le O f A ll S u m m er D ress G o o d s Orders taken for any hook puhlixhed in the United StaUe. Also we are the sub­ scription agent for all U. S. and many for­ eign magaxines and papers. —John R. Kelsey, w ith G old H ill News. Wood by tier or cord at lowest m arket price, delivered at yonr shed. Finest lir, pine, lanrel and oak. John J. R itter, Phone 3F21, He loitered up to the Wistaria and lit heavily. The slender Leaf Stock Ranches $ 1 ° ? e swayed to his w eight 720 acres, solid bod,, in Meadow« dis­ An orchestra of hidden Insects began the Interlude to tric t, small house and gixxi tmrn, old o r­ chard in tx'artng, several good springs, Evening, with the Crickets fiddling the lead. alxiut 40 acres under cultivation. Price Shuttling his wings gently, so that the wondrous beauty of $12.50 per acre. III them winked and came again, the Moth communed with Nature. 005 acres, near Debenger Gap, 10 miles Sometime, my Friend that loved the (mtu Gold H ill, over 100 acres under cul­ “ Mother,” he said, “when I was a forty-footed Larvae, you Song, and ruddled the Rose thereby — tivatio n, 10 room house, good liaru, live sometime, Friend— for the days are long gave me tender nurture. I remember the delicate foliage of crix'k through it, and several springs, all come, ere tfie Mowers die. The garden gixxi land. Price fclo.00 per acre. Spring. Life had a Reason then. I lived and grew fat; until I — shall give you the witch-rose that queens slept, and woke to THIS!” The sureoat flashed in a wide stretch iu the dawniug dew; the Song shall th rill 200 acres near Beagle, finely improved, the day to close, w ith starlight silvenxl including stix'k and all agricultural im ­ of baffling colors. through. For Flower a n d Book and plements, alt lor $40.00 ,xir acre. Terms. . "But now-----” the Moth resumed, “your Wind carries me; Song, Friend, you loved aud Mid away, 004 acres in one solid Ixidy five miles whither I do not know. I am tired. Your Light lures me; why have waited overlong, Friend . . . . out, Sams Yailey district, nearly all un ­ I cannot tell. I am blinded. Is there a Reason for me. Mother? a year ago ami a day. der cultivation, no hetter alfalfa or grai l land in this county. Price $100 per acre. Tell it. I am gross, and stupid, and weary.” NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 120 acres on Foots Creek, 7 miles out, From Earth and Sky, from tossing Leaf and rustling Grass, State of Oregon County of Jack- 4-5 to 50 acres under cultivation, as much from the crooning River, was blent and borne a Voice. The son. or more could he easily cleared and cul­ Sealed proposals, addressed to the tivated, almost unlim ited range for snx'k, Crickets hushed to hear it. County Court of Jackson County, Ore­ house, tw o large barns, hog and “Child,” soothed the Voice, “be not importunate. Life is its gon, and indorsed "Proposal for gixxi chicken houses, gixxi stream through it. own Reason. I may not tell my secrets, lest the River leap in Constructing a portion of the Pacific Price $75.00 per acre. one bound to the Sea; lest the Sea yield to the wooing Sun and Highway In Jackson Count.*, Oregon." ItiO acres near Asbestos. 20 miles out, will be received by the County Court reach him with a single rush; lest the Sun free himself to count­ of Jackson County at Its office in the some under cultivation, s m a ll house, large amount of small fru it, small Ix-ar- ) less Stars; lest the Stars shiver to silver Dust; lest the Dust fade Court House, Jacksonville, Oregon, ing orchard, most ef this is heavily lim ­ to darkness, and Night remain forever. My secrets are my until 11 o’clock a. m. of the 4th day bered, unlim ited range for atock, several of August, 1915, and at that time and gixxi large springs. This is a Imrgain at secrets. Be content” place publicly opened and read.' $4500. Considerable stix'k anil im ple­ “I must know,” grieved the Moth. AU proposals must be made on ments go w ith the place at tha t price. blank form, to be obtained from the “Be content,” soothed the Voice. Several other farms, large and small, County Highway Engineer, at his several fine garden tracts from two up to “I MUST KNOW!” plainted the Moth. The faery furnace office, Central Hotel Building, Cen­ 50 acres, improved and unim proved, sev­ tral Point, Oregon, or from the Coun­ eral of tliem are decided Imrguins. If you of his wings pulsed in a glow’ of beauty. ty Clerk, Court House, Jacksonville, “Ah, my children. My wilful, wilful children,” mused the Oregon; must state the unit or units want anything in thia lin e it w ili pay you to call and see me, or w rite for pa rticu­ Voice. “Know, then—pretty Moth! Leave the Wistaria and bid on ((bidders may bid on all the lars on any of the above. take the left turning of the Breeze, beyond the Oak. Life has units); must give the price proposed, C. S. REDFIELD-GOLD HILL, OR. both In writing and In figures; and its Reason.” must be signed by the bidder, with He lifted wonderful wings. The Breeze took him forth into his address. Concrete pipe, 20 inches, 60 lineal Each bid Is to be presented under feet. the Dusk. In the eddy above the Oak it bore him sharply to the sealed cover, and shall be accompan­ Concrete, class A, 22 cubic yards. left. ied by cash, a bidder’s bond made Concrete, class U, 2 cubic yards. With a zoom of pinions the Night Hawk swooped down­ payable to Jackson county, or a cer­ Concrete, class C, 12 cubic yurds. ward. One startled second the Moth saw the cavern before him. tified check made payable to the Reinforcing steel, 835 pounds. County Judge of Jackson County, for Unit 5, The sweep of attack baffled his flight and held him—waiting. an amount equal to at least five per From station L484 to station L505. Not for long. cent of the amount of said bid, and Miles 10. “Since the first egg,” sighed the Voice. “Since the first no bid shall be considered unless such Embankment, 10 cubic yards. cash, bond, or check is enclosed there­ Earth excavation, 250 cubic yards. egg. Life is its own Reason. And . . . my fowl will be fed.” with. Such bidder’s bond shall be con­ Hard pan excavation, 400 cubic Now, the Crickets did not see the drama of the Moth; and ditioned that if said bid be accepted, yards. the Voice, being not for them, was merely melody. |So they the party bidding will duly enter In­ boose rock excavation, 10 cubic to and execute the contract. Should yards. fiddled again. the successful bidder to whom the Hard rock excavation, 275 cubic But the Toad, hungered from his siesta in the cool garden, contract is awarded fail to execute yards. the same within ten days (not In­ Overhaul, per 100 feet, 100 cubic crept closer . . . and close. cluding Sunday) from the date of not­ W e a re g o in g t o m a rk e v e r y piece o f s u m m e r g o o d s a t a p ric e t h a t w ill m a ke it g o re g ard le s s o f c o s t. N e w ric e v o ile s , p rin te d v o ile s , p la in w h ite v o ile s , lace c lo th crepes, 2 5 , 3 0 an d 3 5 c e n t g ra d e s n o w 19 cents. 2 0 c e n t p lain w h ite , p in k a n d b l u e c re p e 15 cen ts. A l l 15 and 12 c e n t la w n s and crepes 9 c e n ts . A b ig b u n c h o f r e m n a n t s a t c o st a n d less. F lo u r S p e c ia l N e x t W e e k G O O D F L O U R $ 1 .6 0 L a n c e &t C om pany T h e h o m e s to r e L iv e P o u ltr y W a n te d z yards. ification of such award, such cash, Corrugated iron pipe, 24 inches, 16 bond or check shall be forfeited to lineal feet. Jackson county, and the same shall Corrugated Iron*pipe, 36 inches, 40 MADE IN OREGON’ TEXTfBOOKS be the property of the county. All lineal feet. other cash, bonds ond certified Concrete pipe, 12 inches, 36 lineal NE and forever inseparable have seemed the text book and checks will be returned to the un­ feet. its attendant petty graft. Shifting, sliding, changing, text successful bidders who submitted the Concrete, class C, 6 cubic yards. Unit H. books come, go, and are replaced by others of different author­ same. A corporate surety bond will be re­ From station Lg782 to station ity or publication. An entire American generation recalls the quired for the faithful performance Lg795. ruination of its penmanship by the abrupt and despotic order f< r of the contract in a sum equal to one- Miles 16. Embankment. 300 cubic yards. a change from the “spencerian” to the “vertical” system, at a half of the total amount of the bid All bids are to be compared on the Earth excavation, 753 cubic yards, i formative period in school. The main idea seems to be th at the basis of the county highway engl Hard pan excavation, 100 cubic presses of the school book tru st should never slacken—moie neer’s estimate of the quantities of yards. work to be done as follows; speed to them! Loose rock excavation, 10 cubic The estimate of quantities referred The state of California prints its own text books. It prints to in the foregoing notice is as fol­ yards. Overhaul, per 100 feet, 780 cubic them for an average of 22 cents apiece. The state of Oregon lows: yards. PHONE 583 Unit 3. Tile drain, 4 Inches, 10 lineal feet. buys its text books from the trust. They cost the parents or From station L285 to station 390. Corrugated Iron pipe, 30 Inches, 40 pupils an average of 43 cents apiece. How do you like it? Miles 6, 7, 8. lineal feet. Concrete pipe, 12 Inches, 300 lln- talned at the county highway ongl- The saving of one system over the other, in Oregon, would Embankment, 90 cubic yards. Concrete pipe, 12 Inches, 34 lineal eal feet. I neer’a office. Central Hotel building. Earth excavation, 5,997 cubic feet. Concrete pipe, 15 inches, 114 lineal Central Point, or at the county clerk’s amount to $50,000.00 annually, with a like amount paid at home yards. Concrete, class B, 20 cubic yards. feet. office, Jacksonville, Oregon. FOR HOME LABOR. Hard pan excavation, 3398 cubic Concrete, class C, 4 cubic yards. Concrete pipe, 20 Inches, 48 lineal The right Is reserved to reject any This home printing plan is fostered by prominent educators yards. Unit 10. feet. or all proposals or to accept the pro- From station Lg930 to station Concrete, class A, 127 cubic yards, posal or proposals deemed best for and supported by the Typographical Union. It is not only feas­ Loose rock excavation, 200 cubic yards. Concrete, class B, 5 cubic yards. Jackson county. I,gll04-50. ible, it is an assured success. Ask California. Certain citizens Soft rock excavation, 100 cubic Miles 19, 20, 21, 22. Concrete, class C, 15 cubic yards. COUNTY COURT OF JACKSON of our state, always to the fore with the “MADE IN OREGON” yard*. Reinforcing steel, 15,116 pounds. COUNTY. Embankment, 2,077 cubic yards. slogan, will prove themselves and their sincerity by the quality Hard rock excavation, 1,165 cubic Earth excavation, 6,456 cubic yards The foregoing quantities are ap-1 F. L. TOU VEJLLE, yards. Hard pan excavation, 41 cubic proximate only, being given as a basis ' County Judge. of the support given this excellent proposal. Rip rap, loose, 10 cubic yards. for the comparison of bids and the yards. W. C. LEEVER, Overhaul, per 100 feet, 9,805 cubic Loose rock excavation, 1,462 cu­ county court of Jackson county does County Commissioner. yards. not expressly or by implication agree | F. H. MADDEN, bic yards. First Lunatic—“I invested ten thousand in a Polar refrig­ Clearing, 9.0 acres. Soft rock excavation, 100 cubic that the actual amount of work will County Commissioner. eration project. The earth shifted; bingo! my plant was value­ Grubbing, 470 square rods. correspond therewith, but reserves Attest: yards. Tile drain, 4 Inches, 10 lineal feet. Hard rock excavation, 3,566 cubic the right to Increase or decrease the O. A. GARDNER, less. So I went crazy. And you?” Corrugated iron pipe, 12 Inches, 2 6 yards. amount of any class or portion of the County Clerk Jackson County. Second Lunatic—"Interesting, but tam e—very tam e—old lineal feet. Rip rap, loose, 10 cubic yards. work that many be deemed necesaary Jacksonville, Oregon, July l«th. top. I read an emperor’s prayer to God, while his submarints Corrugated Iron pipe, 24 Inches, 28 Overhaul, per 100 feet, 6,660 cu­ or expedient by the county highway 1915. engineer of Jackson county, Oregon. bic yards. sought another Lusitania. The blasphemy sickened my sense.«- lineal feet. Concrete pipe, 12 inches, 178 lin­ Clearing, 22.8 acres. Plans may be seen and forms of For hard or soft, wood of finest quality till I became as callous as a kaiser. That made me mad.” eal feet. Grubbing, 1,360 square rods. specification and contract may be ob- order from John J. R itter, Phone 3F21. O O f A l l K in d s I n A n y Q u a n tity A t A n y T im e M ed fo rd P o u ltry a n d E gg C om pany, : < 1