Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1915)
I For that classy Hair Cut CRISIS IS BROUGHT BY GERMAN REPLY Guarantee of Safety for Amer icans in Ships of Any Na L e g a l Notices NOTICE POR PUBLICATION D sh s K i ' mknt or tu b 1 ntt » iok 97486 U. 8. Land Ollies a t Roseburg, O regon, May 92, 1915 N one« is hereby given th at Nellie Bell whose post-elfin- address is Med lord. Oregon, 25 S. O range st., tlId on the 25'h day ol A ugust, H ill, h i e In th is office Sworn S tatem en t end \p p li ra tio n , No. 07486, to purchase the [alts 12, IS. 14 and ’.5, of Section 12, Town sh ip S3 S, R ange 2 W . , W t ll . ' i n e t t e Me rn lisn , and th e lim ber thereon, under th e provtslonsol th e net ol Ju n e S , '878 and acta am endatorv, known a a the ‘ Tim ber and Slope Law", a t such value as m ig h t be llxeti b y ap p ralaem ent, and th a t, pursu an t to sucu application, th e land and tim ber tnereoti have been appraised, *561.00, th etim liei eetim atisl 1,277,009 hoard feet at *0.49 A *0 50 tmr M, and the land n o th iu g ; th a t raid ap plicant will offer final proof in support of his application and sworn statem ent on th e 10th day of A ugust, 1015, before W. H. C anon, U. 8. Com m issioner, ai bis offi «, a t Medford, O regin. Any person is a t liberty to protest this purchase before entry , or Initiate a con test at any n in e before p aten t Issue«, hv filing a corroborated affidavit In this office, alleging facts which would defeat th e entry. —J . M. UrrON, R egister. K. L. Cook, of Gold Hill, Oregon. W. W. H iille, ” " Ralph H aym ond, ” I T. GalUger, " " —J. M. U pton , 6-19 7-24 Register Newport Oregon's P opular Beach Resort In th e Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for Jackeou Couuty. An ideal outdoor retreat. H unting, fishing, boating, sur- bathing, eta. lute resting Usiting pointe In the iteighh >r- tionality Not Given. Ja n e K. G uernsey, t hood Convenient camping grounds, electric light, pure water P laintiff, : vs. : SUMMONS Low Sedson and Weelt-End Round Trip Excursion Fares W ashington.—Study of th e official Wllllaui I), G urnsey, ; tex t of G erm any's reply to th e Ameri T w o D a l l r T v s l n s V ra a st A l b a s x r D efen d an t.: can note on subm arine w arfare aa it Ash tor Illustrated folder ‘'Newport” giving list of hotels, rates, eta. To William D. Gurnsey, the above affecta n eu tral rig h ts stren g th en s the named defendant. conviction of high officials th a t a A V is it to the In th e Name of th e S tate of O regon , critical point in th e relatio n s betw een you are hereby required to appear and th e tw o co u n tries haa been reached. Baths in Connection answ er the com plaint of plaintiff filed Not only do they feet th a t th e U nit against you In the above entitled court ed S tates m ust refuse to accept the at San Francisco and San Diego la an event of and cause, on or before six weeks (ruin G erm an proposals for the fu tu re con a life-time ami one you cannot afford to uiiaa th e day of the first publication of Una j d u ct of A m erican clttxens on th e high sum m ons, the first publication being seas, but th e failu re of G erm any to R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n Special Fares In July made on th e 19th day of Ju n e 1915, th e disavow the lin k in g of th e L usitania, “ T h e C ity S h o p ” to San Francisco, h * Angeltw and San Diego on certain dates tim e prescribed in the order of publi with the loss of more than 100 Araert cation thereof. .cans. In th eir view has brought on a Low Round Trip Fares Daily And you are hereby notified th a t if crisis th e outcom e of w hich It is d if with stop-overs In either direction you fail to ap p ear and answ er said com ficult a t p resen t to foresee clearly. F o u r F in e T r a in s D a l l r In B a s k D ir e c tio n plaint, (or w ant thereof (he plaintiff Vital Q uestion Ignored. will apply to th e court for th e relief de The U nited S tates had devoted Its Stop-Overs At Expositions m anded in th e com plaint, to-wit: atte n tio n to th e principle th a t Ameri DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE All tickets to the East via California perm it stop-overa at For a decree of th e court forever dis can s should be able to trav el on the San Francisco ami law Angeles t o see the Expositions solving th e bonds of m atrim ony e x ist DENTIST high seas on unarm ed and un resistin g Ask nearest Agent for "California and Ita Two W orld Expositions" and ing betw een plaintiff and defendant, b elligerent m erch an t ships of any na G A S X D M IXISTK RK D "W ay Side Notes Shasta R oute." T his sum m ons is published by virtue tionality, In accordance with prev io u s of an o rd er m ade by th e Hon. F. M RIALTO BUILDING. MEDFORD ly recognised principles of In tern atio n Cttlklns, Judge of the above entitled NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION al law. A ssurances had been asked D kpartmicst I I P TIIK I ntkrior co u rt, on the 17th day of J u n e , 1915, th a t before any d estru ctio n would be W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. the first publication to be on th e 19th attem p ted the visit and search ot GNERXL PRACTITIONER 08189 day of J u n e , 1916, and th e last publica J o h n M . S c o tt, G e n . P a is . A g e n t . P o r t la n d , O r e g o n peaceful vessels and tra n sfe r of pas tion on the 31st day of July 1915, sengers and crew to a place of safety V. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, G old H ill , O regon . May 25, 1915. — M vi . kky A C hkrky , would be accom plished. It w as rec N otick is hereby given th at W illiam A ttorneys lor Plaintiff, ognised th a t G erm any in its latest C- Pow ell, of Sams Valley, Oregon, who A. E. KELLOGG Medford, Oregon. note had Ignored th is v ita l. question. on Ju ly 13, 1912, made Homestead Entry GOLD HILL. OREGON T he only d efinite prom ise m ade by Serial, No. 08189, for the S E tJ of S W 1, Embalmer and Funeral G erm any to change the presen t sta tu s and SW of SEAa of Sec. 20, Township 35 NOTICE FOR PU B L IC A TIO N Range 2W, Willamette Meridian, ha- —th e suggestion th a t four enemy filed notice of intention to make Final Director D kpakt . viknt o r the I ntkiuok ships could sail under the A m erican Three-year Prtwl, to establish claim to Complete line ol burial robe«, flag if n eu tral passenger facilities the land above described, before W. H. caskets. etc. 94880 proved inadequate— w as considered Cannon, V. S. Commissioner, at his of certain of rejection, because, aside fice at Medford, Oregon, on the 16th day U. 8. l.aud Office a t R oseburg, O regon. FUNERAL CAR of Ju ly , 1915. Ju n e 25, 1915. from o th er considerations of principle F a s t D r i v i n g T e a m s <SX F e e d S t a b l e s Claimant names as witnesses: Office Phone: Home, 9—M ; Residence N otu s is hereby given th a t C harles involved, the U nited S tates could not C C. G ilchrist, ol Sams Valley, Oregon. H. W ilson, of Saut« V alley, Oregon, Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 46-Main in C o n n e c tio n u n d ertak e to g u aran tee any in terfe r Thomas S tratb ern , ” who, on April 21, 1999. m ade Home Jo h n T. Peterson, ” ence w ith th e law ful shipm ent of con stead E ntry, S erial, No. 04880, lor the W t# ol NW* and N W fo t SW 1, of N o Sugar Pine Camp No. 10073 trab an d from Its shores to any of the W. A. T reshura, MTtrE HA VE added to our general livery business tion 21 Township 35 8 , Range 2W, Wil- —J. M. U p TON, belligerents. M W A ▼▼ two completely equipped G-passenger touring : lainettc .Meridian, has filed notice of in-1 Register. 5-29-15 S alient P oints in German Reply. ! tention to make Final Flve-vear Proof, j Gold Hill . .............................. . Oregon ' cars—to meet increased demand for service. Com to establish claim to the land above , We have been obliged to adopt a Meets first Friday of each month Notice of Private Sale I described, before W . H. Canon, U. 8. , mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists subm arine w arfare to m eet th e declar ---------- I Com m issioner, at his office at Medford. Jay E. Davidson—Counsul ed inten tio n s of o u r enem ies and the In th e County Court ol the S tate of Or- I Ore*0 " ’ 00 the l0lh d # ' bound for marvelous Crater Lake—will find that we A « « "« . » 1 5 . • Alvah E. Kellogg—Clerk m ethod of w arfare adopted by them C laim an t name« as w itnesses: know the roads, the country, and how to please. egon, for tb e C ounty of Jackson. in co n travention of in tern atio n al law. J. B. Fisher, of Sum« Valley, Oregon. In th e M atter of th e : Notice of A fter th e experiences in sinking Ed. Cooper, E state of : th e sale of ” ” much sm aller and less seaw orthy ves W iiiiant S m ith , : Real P roperty, Jo h n W. Aincstroug, T h e S h o rtest W ax Thomas J . P erry , " ’• deceased. : sels, it was to be expected th a t a U nder auth o rity of an order g ran ted m ighty ship like th e L u sitan ia would —J M. U pton , by the C -unty C ourt of tbe Count»- of T h e L ea st C o st ~ I R egister rem ain above w ater long enough, even Jackson. State of Oregon, dated the 27th a fte r th e torpedoing, to perm it pas dsy of M arch, 1915, I, the undersigned Complete Line of Automo T h e B e s t O ti i d e s sengers to e n te r the ship's boat3. . . . sd m in istiato r, will sell at private rale NOTICE O F C O N T E -T bile Supplies and Repairs, In addition, it may be pointed o u t th at th e following described real property, For Publication to -w it: especially Fords if the L usitania had been spared thou 98982 All of lots num ber four (4), and five A Specialist in this work, sands of cases of m unitions would (5), in block num ber seventeen (17), C ontest 35,>0 One tria l ’andJour Livery Service m akes)friends-~try|it! as well as any detail of have been sen t to G erm any's enem ies, llekiims Addition to tb e City of Gold D epartment op the I nterior I Hill, Oregon. General Blacksmithing, etc. and th ereby thousands of German U nited S tates Land Office Tbe rale will be m ade on, or about m others and children robbed of bread f tb e 6th day of Ju ly , 191'», and bid.« will R.-seburg, Oregon Ju n e 15,1915. w inners. | be receive.! a t tlio office of th» under- • To William P atrick G raham of .Med G O L D H IL L , O R E G O N In o rd er to exclude any unforeseen j signed ad m in istrato r, in G o ld H ill, ford, Oregon, C ontestée: B la c k s m ith d an g ers to A m erican p assen g er steam-1 Jackson Couuty, Oregon. You are hereby notified th a t A rchie __ „ __ . - , , . . i The term s of th e sale to th e highest ers, G erm an subm arines will be in- » wi„ upo„ ,„ ||o w in i rlllB T. Edntunson who gives C entral Point, stru eted to perm it the free and safe I t -w it: Eor cash, Gold C oin’ d th e I O p tio n , a - h i s p ist-olfice a d d re s., did passage of such passenger s te a m e rs ,! U" led Stares, ten per cent of the bid on Ju n e 7. 1915, file m th is ollie.- his when m ade recognizable by special f>aVnble “ * tht> t ‘" ,e °f J*1« ’“le. and the i ,jujy corraboraled application to contest Wood of every description at m arkings and „ „ a ___ , . , , 1 balance u | on confirm ation bv th e a f o re -1 1 * ‘ notified a t reasonable I c „ a rt and secure t h e cancellation o f your! lowest prices. Wood saw for tim e in advance. The im perial gov- Dated a t’ Gold H ill, O regon, on the Homestead E ntry No. t'HI8.‘, Seriul No. , custom work. ernm ent, how ever, confidently hopes 2nd day of Ju n e , 1915, 0«982 made July 9, 1913, for the S ', of th a t the A m erican governm ent will a s SEL. o f Section II , T ow nship 34 8, —A E . Kellogg, Y ards RivesideJAvc A dm inistrator of tho E state of Pbone 3F21 sum e to g u aran tee th a t th ese vessels Range 2 W , W illam ette, M-rida-i, and 6 5-15 W illiam Sm ith, deceased. as ground« for his contest he alleges Fresh and Salt.Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods have no contrab an d on board. in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Use of N eutral Vessels Suggested. th a t saul William P. G raham ha« aban P a tr o n iz e 'H o m e NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION In o rd er to furnish ad equate facili doned his said(hoines'end for more than Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard In d u stry D epartmknt op the I nterior ties for trav el across the A tlantic for one vear last past. T h at said W illiam 06301 A m erican citizens the G erm an govern P. G raham never m ade a Settlem ent on m ent subm its for consideration a pro U. 8. Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, •aid hom estead. Ju n e 8, 1915 posal to in crease the num ber of av ail You are, therefore, fu rth e r notified M T . P I T T (SL G O V . N otice is hereby given th a t G e o rg e th a t tb e raid allegations will be taken B L A C K E IA T Gil G A R R E T T , P r o p r i e t o r s able steam ers by in stallin g in p assen JO H N S O N C IG A R S g er service a reasonable num ber of R. Briggs, of Gold H ili. Oregon, who, ns confessed, and your said e n try will n eu tral steam ers under the A m erican on -,une 10, 1919, m ade hom estead En be cancelled w ithont fa rth e r right to be flag, the exact num ber to be agreed tr y, Serial, No 961191, for the 8)^ of SW heard, eith e r before th is office o r on ap upon. ‘i » 1 Section 29, Tow nship 35 8, R ange peal, if you fail to file in ibis office Civilian Board to Work Oui iels outlined his plan for an advisory board of civilian Inventors to aid the The Im perial governm ent bqlievcs it ■’ " • W illam ette M eridian, has tiled w itbin tw enty davs aftei tie- FOURTH Ways to Perfect Fighting navy In w orking Im provem ents to can assum e th a t in th is m anner ade entice of intention to m ake Final bive- pabllcation of th is notice, «s shown be m eet the changed conditions of w ar Machinery is Plan. quate facilities for travel across t h e ! -v"ar Proof, b) establish claim to the low, your anrw . r, under o a 'b , sp- cifi- fare as dem onstrated In the E uropean A tlantic ocean can be afforded Ameri ’ h,nd ahove deacribed, before W . l i . i-aliy responding to these allegations ol conflict. The secretary Is ^specially can citizens. T h ere would, th e re fo re ,, Canon. U. C>nnnis«ioner, at hi« oi- (ginteat, together witli due proof that W ash in g to n —The U nited S ta te s is ap p ear to be no com pelling n ecessity j ,ic,! rtt Medford, Oregon, o n the 22nd you have served a copy of your ao«wer to have the g re a te st com bination In in terested In tho developm ent of the aeroplane and subm arine In m ention for A m erican citizens to travel to Eu I ^ av of Jh ly . 1915. On the said contestant either in perron the world on the civilian board of a ing the change In conditions of navnl rope in tim e of w ar on ships carry in g C laim ant name« sb witnesses: Or by registered m ail. bureau of developm ent and Invention w arfare ns brought about by th e sub an enem y flag. In particu lar, the im- ' *’ • ' v - G arrison, ol Gold H ill, Oregon You should state in your answ er the in the navy departm ent. m arine. he w rote th a t he was confi perial governm ent Is unable to ad m it | P Childers, nam e of post office to which you d -sire O rville W right Is understood to be d ent E dison's Inventive genius would th a t A m erican citizens ra n p ro tect an - S m ith , future notici s to h - sen t lo you. scheduled to Join T hom as A. Edison aid the navy tow ard m eeting "th is new L o v e I sT.xa i w j c i ^ c k i u i i n C enem y ship through the m ere fact of '*• H enderson, — .1. M . U pton , upon the board, which Is now being danger wish devices th a t will assure M cC ALL’S is the Fashion G uide and House I i th eir presence on board. —J. M. U pton , R e g is te r . organized. Edison will devote him self I keeping Helper of more women than eny other peace to our .co u n try by th e ir effec Ki-gi-t. magazine in the world. A 1 the latest atylcj If, how ever, it should not be possb D a te of f irs t p u b lic a tio n July3, 1915 to , the developm ent of subm arines, j tiveness." ‘ »cry month; also delightful stories that enter- : ble for the A m erican governm ent to ” " second " July 19. 1915 t . n, and spjeial depai tr.’ cnts in cooking, hot? e while W right will give tils a tte n tio n to) W ith the exam ple set by E dison, It dreasmaking, fancy work, etc., that I»« ' • I acquire an ad equate num ber of neu- ” ” th ird " July 17, 1915 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION housework and seve money. Price, 5 f‘: aviation. W hile the electrical wizard | Is expected th a t all o th er Inventors a year, with o*.i celebrated M cCall Dress Pt:- ! tra l passen g er steam ers, th e im peria ’’ ” fourth " July 24, 1916 D epartment o r tiik I ntkriok and the aeroplane inventor will not be I who nre asked to accept a place on the u ra FREE. I governm ent is prepared to interpost 06942 SEND A POSTAL CARD HO W FOR lim ited In th e ir work to any partlcnlur advisory hoard will prom ptly accept. 1. A FREE «.-Ttpl, ( ,? r pf ileCALL S M A C A ZH T; o r no objections to th e placing under th U. 8. Land Office at, Roseburg, Oreg 9, 2. A FREE Cot»y of ¿Jr-CAlX’» fiM 44 rmr« field, S ecretary Daniels regards th e Edison anil W right nre selections of G erm ans T ake 33,000 R ussians. CATALOGUE ; <>r A m erican flag by th e A m erican go» Ju n e if , 1915 a. MtCAI.I. 3 l i tr I Pr . Z rtrr CIlUBeS. Berlin, by w ireless to Sayville.— subm arine and a irc ra ft as likely to Daniels, hut tho secretary will consult ' ern m en t of four enem y passenger N htick is hereby given th a t B ertram G eneral von Mar-kenzen captured 33,- play the m ost im portant p a rt In the Edison ns to the personnel of the r«. THE HcCALt CO., 2361, 246 W. 37A St., H«w YoA, N. Y. i steam ers for p assenger traffic be E. Adams, of Gold H ill, Oregon, »ho, 805 prisoners In accom plishing the fall sea w arfare of the future, and Is de m alnder of the board. 1 tw een N orth A m erica and England. on February 2, 1911, made Homesiend r LÍSTcr PREMIUMS of Przem ysl, according to official an sirous th a t they receive th e g reatest 6 à i* Enfrv, Serial, No. 96942, for th e N'._, of i g a it s iU H swine nouncem ent here. The statem en t add atten tio n from the new board. B erlin ed ito rial expressions reg ard o f Section 18, Tow nship 36 H. ed : Form al acceptance of T hom as A. ing the reply to th e A m erican note are A F A M IL IA R Q U O T A T IO N . Range 3 W, W illam ette M eridian, lias "G eneral von L lnsengen has forced Edison as head of an advisory board of!-keyed In n tone of unqualified praise i # "’y: A In th e n p rln g a f u l le r c rim s o n com e» (di d notice of inten tio n to o ake Final t passage of the D neister river near civilian Inventors and engineers for a for the stand taken by G erm any on u p o n th e ro b in '» b re a s t 1 aiee-y ear Proof, to establish claim lo g FREE FRE¿ In th e s p r in g th e w a n to n la p w in g Zaravno. e a st of StryJ, a fter terrific new bureau of Invention and develop th e subm arine question. th e land al>ovc de«cribcd, before G. A g et» h lm u c lf a n o th e r c re s t righting He has taken 13.5(10 prison m ent In the navy d ep artm en t was pre In th e s p r in g a liv e lie r i r is ch a n g e s It was officially announced a t P etro G ardner, C itin ty C l e r k o f Jkcksou e ra” Rented to S ecretary D aniels by M. IL on th e b u rn is h e d d ove grad that the subm arine which made Countv, Oregon, a t his office, a t Jack- In th e s p r in g a y o u n g m a n '« fa n c y lliitehlnson, the fam ous Inventor's a successful atta c k on u G erm an w ar l ig h t ly tu r n s to th o u g h ts o f - mvIHe, Oregon, on (he 26th day of personal rep resen tativ e. lo v e ship on July 2 In the Baltic was a B rit For hard or soft wood of finest quality Inly, 1915. —T e n n y s o n *» “ L o c k s le y H a ll " In a letter to Edison, S ecretary D an ish boat. irder from John J . Hitter, Phone 3F2I. C laim ant names as w itnesses: TRY DICK The best, and la te s t "kuts” Professional Cards T w o W o rld E x p o s i t io n s Southern Pacific G o ld H ill “A A u to L iv e r y AUTOMOBILE Q . GAS ENGINE REPAIRING CHARLES KELL D a r lin g Q. H o d g e s Fire! Fire!! E ^c C IT Y M E A T M A R K E T J. R.itter SM O K E I____ W O M E N .