i »uw I'nrilWiMNl to slov« lin g U M W illi power «aw, promptly on order. Phone John J, Hitter, 3F2I. Cedar Pence Posts lor ssl< » I reason D o n ’t allou) your atock able price. For Information «•«II at tin New« office. to auffer the ravagea Information hs to the whereabout« of o f thoae peaky ........... fliea! the I mi lies Aid'« large eoflve pot will I«’ greatly appreciated hy the society. DR. HESS F L Y C H A SER DON’T WAIT! I hull your atock are ilia, guaranteed to keep ’em o ff eaaed. Hit,IN NOW! Vain« Dr. He«» Dip and Dlainfcclnnt. it meet« the govern ment requirement«. Bower« Pharmacy, Mr. and Mr». F. (*. Waldron departed for Yoncalla on Saturday evening. For the pa»t several month« Mr. Waldron waa relief agent for the Eaptxiat thl» city Mre. 1,. Boyd and Non arrived Saturday from llal»cy and joined Mr. Boyd in thi city, where he will henceforth »ell ticket« and manage thin«» for the Southern Pa- ifle. Fritz Dean, civil engineer for the It. It. *. S. cor,Miration, is now cn«n«ed in sur veying a new company project a t tin Splendid sssortnrnnt «>1 Anient dam, lie will return to thi» city Flin< Kode—nil prl.u«— next week. Silk uml Unen Utica, I weave rag carpet* or ru«» to your order at reasonable price«. (.'all or write. Reels, Così», Hie» mid Mr». It. M. Nicholeoti, Gold llill, Ore«. Fish buree—new Kt«»'k One and one-half mile« northeast of city. Order» may lie left at New* office. Mi»» Alta Farmer, of A»hland, ha» E v e ry th in g fo r the a«‘n the gtte-t of Mr». Luke Jennliiga throughout the past two weeks. Mi-» a rd e n t A n g le r Fanner is the daughter of Chari«-« Farmer, formerly a busines» man of thi* city. Mi»» Nina II, Sharpe, who visited re lative« in lid» city last slimmer, arrived from Portland on Saturday hurt to «j»'nd will» (I m * law, for nah* on her varatili.! again in Gold Hill Ml»* XvWO OfBOO. Sharpe is a t e a c h e r in the Portland Ke. p your p r e m ia clean and Hanitary schools. with Dr. H. «» Dip and Disinfectant. Pete Myer» and I «ester l«ord deserted Prevents Hies, destroys germ* and foul tle-ir counter* la*t week for a vacation on «»lore. For aide in gat., half gal., and Jump <>ff-J«s< crick, wliere they will be quart can* at Bowers Pharmacy the guest» of Tommy Andcr* in during Choosing the apparent p a r a l l e l of the coming monili. Mr. Amlersoii is operatili« some excellent mining claim« America’s destiny with that of favored Judea, for Ida aubject, Rev. C. E. Whar in tiiat district. Wm. G. Myer» transacted hiisines» at ton preached a very interesting sermon Medford Tuesday. Mr. Myer* had In for luisineaa men last Sunday evening, tended to »oon leave for Texas to engage pointing out tlie peril* to be avoided lest In buainesa, hut now inform» hi» friend» America, like tlie ancient Jewish com that it I» not unlikely lie will elect to re monwealth, forfeit ita heritage. Although main in aoutbern Oregon, If present the sermon wa» announced and delivered for the tienefit of buaineas men, the at plan» go not awry. tendance wa* not noticeably increased. Definite de. ia lin i will i»i given by the " I w m t a Coffee that ie always the After a ten year ahaenee from thia city, eanie,” aaid the particular Coffee drinker. Medford city council on July 1.5 regard- where he formerly operated the Nellie in« the propoaed franchi»«' to the Rogue “ Here 1» just what you want—Folgi r’e River Public Service corporation. A ma Wright mine on Blackwell, Z. Drumm, Golden Gate—the beat w e can huy— jority of the councilmen have already now of San Francisco, stopped off In this couldn’t give you any better if we charg exprossctl themselves a» favoring th e city Monday and shook hands with many old time friends. Mr. Drumm stated ed a dollar a pound. It 1» alway» uni change in lightin« contract». that lie wa* gratified to note the great form and very deliclou» George W. Soranaon, of Grant* Pa»», improvement In the city, and added that You will never know «<»»1 Ootlee until w a a in thi» city hurt Saturday with a he felt sure the efforts of the rejuvenated you try Foiger’a Golden Gate. We are coterie of mining men, looking nt I«»-al commercial c l u b would shortly afford M r. Sanderson, formerly Gobi Hill it* place In the forefront of val «lad to recommend it for we know it is propertiea secretary of the R. R. P s . corporation, ley cities. the best. i* no longer actively connected with that Mr. and Mr*. W. C. Thom, formerly company, Inti is looking after various mining venture* in which lie I» interest«»!. managers of tlie Wego and Cornua thea ters in this c i ty , departiil tor Portland v of A. J. | Monday evening. They will secure em- _ The . . mysterious , , diaappearam , - , M rs . C o ra J. T ru a x , M a n a g e r. T. Smith was solved in.».h.y hy I,.» re- p|«,y,„vnt „» musicians, as both are ex tom . In company with Ezra Webber ot j upoll „ v„ril.|y of Sam» \ alley he spent two w.a ks motor-1 Doring the year of tlieir residence mr. farmer at bowers’ FISHING TACKLE 1 SA L T ! SA L T ! H a v e ju s t r e c e iv e d a c a r o f L e s lie S a lt D A IR Y a n d T A B L E Our prices cannot be eqvalled-lower than ever offered! M e r r itt &, C o m p a n y The BoN-ToN U SE TH E BEST f al I a a Iii tin* manner we desire to express some portion of the sincere and lasting gratitude we feel toward those whose con- soling services and floral offerings were so kindly extended at tlie passing of oor beloved husband, fattier and brother. Reuben T. Caine. —Mr*. R. T. Caine and Children, —Mrs. F. L. Hiding», —William Caine. Kingfisher lines are the world’s stand ard. The big ones can’t get away. A ll o f our T ackle Is selected on t h e same standard of quality. We can completely eqpip> the angler for a bout with the tini est trout or the lus tiest steelhead. Our judgement is back ed by years of practical exper ience in Rogue River fishing. The Truax Co. L A N D D . H . M I L L E R ’S mg in southeastern Oregon, and north cm in Go|tl H j„ Mr T ,lot|, WH„ ,,.a,h.r (>f ('alderm a. All inform ation hitherto, ,,un(1. G reat progress was made C O M M IS S IO N E R like the European war dispatches, li....... ullll(.r ,d* tutorage. Many friend* here our n »|*'i'tcd friend as “ somewhere” in sincerely hope tiiat circumstances will P ersons wishing to make California. again |s'rm it their location in this city, © by American Preaa Association. homestead entries, timber en Rains which fell heavily «luring the wlicn conditions in the valley improve. tries, homestead proofs, con (Millenixation |»<riod, ami not aliscnce of It is locally believed that George Cox, Colonel E. M. House, intimate friend of President Wilson, who is supposed precaution for frosts during t h e chill tests or transact any business niglits, were the r«-«l cause of a shorter alleged to have died from the effects of a to have sounded the warring powers blow received in a fist tight at Medford relating to government lands crop than was expected at tlie Gobi Bol last Saturday evening, was none other on peace during a recent trip abroad. ton «'berry orchard—Attorney Phipps' than flic soil of I. W, Cox, formerly a should write or call upon fliie property, just across the river. Ko blacksmith of this city. If this is true, W ater from the Goose Lake valley W . H. C A N O N stale» munugvr Handels, in contradiction I l a ' victim is well known ill Gold Hill. irrigation reservoir in Lake county is U . A. C O M M I S S I O N E R of a statement recently appearing in Tin- Killy Jackson, w h o engaged in the now flowing over lands comprising 50,- News. Room 29, Jackson County Bank 1'poit t h e liattle laiwed head of the trouble with Cox, is also known locally, 000 acres adjacent to Lakeview. The lia' iug lieen employed at various times project, under construction for six Bldg., M edford , O re . weather man, scores of grateful Rogue in this vicinity. At a coroner’s inquest . , . , , . I ...... .......... J ' ’ Mix.-» uiiiiivret years, is now completed, save for the river rancliers la ats.l ts „.-«li,l.ons this H,>M<1| ve<1 froln for digging of such lateral canals as water wis'k—for file warm and gentle rain tiiat Cox’s death, the tcatlmony showing tiiat users ma} hereafter arrange for. generously aide«! the crops oi Monday, Jackson had defended- an old man from Tuesday ami Wednesday. Spring grain, abuse, and that the unfortunate's demise hitherto of a dubious appearance, is new was caused not from the blow, but from G. It. Walters, of Portland, was a said to be an assured success; late fruit a cerebral liemorrhage Induc'd hy excite guest at the Pelton ranch on Thursday. and garden truck is slated for a record ment ami the heat. A. A. Flynn returned Monday from a yield. brief business t r i p to Portland, later Mr. and Mrs. Riley Hsmtiicrsly re OBITUART leaving for Medford. I have constantly on turned last week from a three weeks' SadncsH came to every home in Gold Mr». W. R. Walker »pent the fore part stay at the warden’s cabin on verdant hand a supply of ICE of the week as the guest of Grants Pa«» Willow Flat. On Tuesday oP this week Hill last Friday afternoon, when the sudden death of Reuben T, Caine, one th a t’s chemically PURE Warden Haniineraly, accompanied by relative» and friends. of the city’s young men and best liked Frank Schm'dt, returned to the Flat to Doc Vroman, of Ashland, auUs'd to and safe for table use as Gold Hill and gansed with old friends spend a week in active service. At this boys, was announced. The most fitting and sincere tribute that can be paid to for refrigerating. season of tlie year, it Is said, the nefari Wednesday afternoon. ous poacher is imwt apt to pluy havoc anyone is the sorrow of neighbors and Mrs. Geo. B. McOjeUan and grand comrades at the loss of him they called with tlie deer. W ill d e liv e r to r e g u daughter, Unwood Blakely, visited with “ friend.” To all Gold Hill was “ Retib” Itcgnlar meeting of the Gold Hill fire la r p a tr o n s every Mrs. Ada Blakely at Medford Saturday department will lie held on Tuesday ev Caine both friend and good fellow. last. m o r n in g . S p e c ia l Mr. Caine came to this city while in ening, July 13th, lor the purpose of elect Ml»» Mildred Myers, accompanied hy o r d e r s fille d ing officers a n d deciding upon needed childhood, accompanied hy his parents, her brother Abram, departed last Friday at o n c e new equipment. At an informal meeting liotli of whom precede him to the mys for Portland, where they will make their licld Thursday evening it was decided to tery. His father was once proprietor oi future home. issue a call for new members, ami for a tlie local pharmacy. Since then his res J. W. Merritteame down from Central pu.iod of thirty days to remit the initia idence in Gold Hill has been continuous. Point the first of the week and »pent, sev tory fee of $1 to those who decide to join He was aged alino«t thirty years and was a native of Minnesota. eral «lays in this city attending to his tlie department. mercantile interests. The young man is survived by his wife Professor Charles F. Beck and wife, of You can’t afford to eat H. D. Reed, of tlie Rogue River Public Peru, Nebraska, visited W. E. Darling and two small children, and by his sister, Service corporation, was called to Grant» and family from Friday until Sunday of Mrs. F. E. Eddings, and his brother, tainted food, or drink Pass upon buaineaa of tiiat company last week. Mrs. Beck is a sister of W. E. William Caine, both ot this city. luke warm beverages Funeral services were held at the re s i Wednesday forenoon. Darling. Professor Beck has been presi dence of his sister Sunday forenoon at when ice costs only Common lumber, sized, $13 ,pcr thou dent of the Nebraska State Normal School sand, thnrou«hly seasoned. All building at Peru for many years. They an' mak 10:00, Rev. A. Coslet, former pastor of A FEW CENTS DAILY materials at reasonable prices. All com ing quite an extended tour of tlie Pacific this city, coming from Jacksonville to preside. A host of friends brought floral petition cheerfully met. coast state«, ami left here for San Fran i , . tributes to th.' li me and to the Rock i W V F A —Big Pines Lumber Company, cisco, where th e , w.ll visit C. C. Darling. ,.(lillt m „„u.ry, wh„re the n,lnttins ar, a Gold Hill, Ore. and wife and take in the Expositioa. now at rest. “"is are | Local News Notes I-C-E W A TT • A Ae •»M. G en eral M e r c h a n d is e | C O O K a I r r ig a tio n is C r o p In su ran ce You can raise some crops every year and all crop« some years without Irrigation, hut if you want to raise all crops every year you should irrigate. Irrigation hy Electrically driven Pumps is Economical, Reliable and Ef ficient and excell«* all other forms of Power. If you have a water supply from well, creek or stream, an Electric Pumping Plant can be installed at a small cost per acre, and at a minimum of expense for operation. Our Power Lines cover a large portion of Jackson and Josephine coun ties and we are constantly making new extensions. Full information of cost for installing and operating can be obtained by inquiry at any of the Company’s Offices. CALIFORNIA-OR.EGONPOWER. COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. Phone 168 216 West Main Street Money Makes the Mare Go Lack of it sometimes makes the hair go—or turn grey. The saving habit is not the slaving habit—it is the only right way to freedom—try it!!!!!. We pay interest on time depoaita THE GOLD HILL BANK