F o r th a t classy H air C u t RUSSIANS RETREAT ON RIVER DNIESTER Petrograd War Office Admits TRY DICK Th« b e st and la test “kitts »♦ Retirement on Bobafca* Zurawna Front. Legal Notices NOTH’« FOR PUBLICATION DarAKTMKNT or tub iMi-rmoa 074X6 u. 8. (And Office at Roesborg, Oregon May M, 1916 N oticb is hereby green that Nelli. Bell, Whose post-office address is Men lord. Oregon. 26 8. Orange at,, did on the 26ih day of August, 1911, hie In this «(Rea Sworn Statement and Anpli cation, No. 074X6, Io purchase the latí» 12, 13, 14 and 16, of Section IS, Town­ ship 33 8, Range 2 W., Willamette Me­ ridian, and the limber thereon, andei the proviatoosol the act of June 3, ’ 87K and acts ameodatorv, known a s the ‘ Timber and Stoi.e Law", at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that, pursuant to eucn application, the land and timber tnereon have been appraised, 4661.00, thetimhei estimated 1.277.000 board feel at 40.40 A 40.60 |>ei M, and the land nothing; that eaid ap­ plicant will offer final proof in support of hit application and sworn statement on the 10th day o( August. 1015, before W. H. Canon, U. S. Commissioner, at his old u, at Medford, Oregon. Any parson is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, or Initiate a con­ test at any time before patent Issues, bv filing a corroborated affidavit in thi- ofllce, alleging (acts which would delrai tbe entry. —J, M. U pton , Register. R. L. Cook, of Oold Hill, Oregon. W. W. (little, “ •• Ralph Havmond, " . " I. T. Galllgar, “ " —J. M. U pton , 6-19 7-24 Register In the Circuit C->ar; of the State of Oregou, (or Jacksou Couuty, Jane K. Guernsey, i Plain tiff, i vs. : SUMMONS William D. Gurnsey, ; Defendant.: To William I). Gurnsey, the starve tiatned defendant. la the Name of the State of Oregon , you are hereby required to appear am: answer the complaint of plaintiff filed against you In the above entitled court and cause, on or before six weeks from the day ol the first publication of this summons, the first publication being made on the 19th day of Juno 1916, the time prescribed in the order ol publi­ cation thereof. And you are hereby notified that If you fail to appear and answer said com­ plaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de­ manded In the complaint, to-wit: For a i'ecree of the court forever dis­ solving the bonds of matrimony exist­ ing between plaintiff and defendant, Thia summons is published by virtue of an order made by the Hon. F. M Calkins, Judge of the above entitled court, on the 17th day of June, 1915, the first publication to be on the 19th day of June, 1916, and the last publica­ tion ou the 31st day of July 1915, — M il k ay A C hbbbt , Attorneys for Plaintiff, .Medford, Oregon. The Glorious 4th will be celebrated in vario u s tow ns along the S o uthern Pacific and special London.—The Russian force« which for several days made a determined stand at Pons, to the east of Lemberg, «era again In retreat on the entire front In that region, according to an official statement Issued by the Aua- betw een all sta tio n s in O regon (where tro-Hungartan general staff. B aths in Connection A Russian official statement admits t h s one way fa re does n o t exceed $6) | that the Russian forces on the front will be in effect Ju ly 3, 4 and 5, w ith between Bobrka and Zurawna In Ua- final re tu rn lim it Ju ly 6th. llcia. south of Lemberg, are falling R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n back. The statement adds that In the Caucasus theater. In the region of “ T h e C ity S h o p ” Van. Turkish Armenia, a battle be­ tween Russian troops aud a great hos­ tile force le In progress. With the Russian emperor on the Galician front, a new minister of war, General Pollvanoff, in charge of Rus­ sian military affairs, and the grand DR. ARTEM AS W. D EA N E Call on n e a re st A gent fo r full inform ­ duke's lines still Intact, there la a gen­ DENTIST ation, fares, tra in schedules, etc. eral expectation that the Russian forces will yet oppose strong resist­ G A S A D M IN IS T E R E D ance to the Austro-Germans, whose RIALTO BUILDING, MBDFORD sweep along the southeastern part of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Galicia still continues. D epartment or tux I ntkrkik W. P. CHISHOLM . M. D. The latest advices virtually agree that the Russian retreat has been an GNERAL PRACT ITIONER 0X189 orderly one. although obliged to evac­ J o h n M . S c o t« . C o n . F a s s . A g e n t , P o r t la n d . O r e g o n G old H ill , O regon . uate such important towns as Lem­ U. S. isuid Office at Roseburg, Oregon, May 24, 1015. berg, Mlkolalow and Hallcx, but this. N oticb is hereby given that William | it is Intimated by Petrograd, has been A. E. KELLOGG C. Howell, of Sams Valley, Oregon, who for the purpose of seeking better de­ on July 13, 1912, made Homestead Entry GOLD HILL, OREGON fensive positions, which the nature of Serial, No. 0X1X9, for the S E t/ ol SWG E m balm er and F uneral the country farther to the east affords. and SW G of 8 E l4 of S«v. 26, Township 34 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Besides the occupaUon of Halics. a S, Range 2 W, Willamette Meridian, lias D kpaktmkxt or the I ntkkiok D irector filed notice of intention to make Final Berlin official statement announced Three-year Proof, to establish claim to Complete line of burial robes, that the river Dniester has been tin« land above described, before W. II. 048X0 caskets. etc. crossed by the Germans along the en­ Cannon, U. S. Commissioner, at his of­ U. 8. l.and Office at Roseburg, Oregon. fice at .Medford, Oregon, on the 16th day F U N E R A L CAR tire front June 25, 1915. of July, 1916. In this withdrawal movement hard N oticb la hereby given that Charles Office Phone : Home, 9— M ; Residence Claimant names as witnet***s: F a s t D r i v i n g T e a m s 'r^~n to establish claim to the land above c a rs - to m eet increased dem and fo r sendee. Com­ Meet.-¿first Friday;«,i each month described, before W. H. Canon. U. 8. Notice of Private Sole m ercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglere, to u rists Commissioner, nt his office at Medford JaygE. Da vidson-—Conasul Oregon, on tbe 10th dav of Aug 'st, 1916. bound fo r m arvelous C ra te r L a k e -w ill find th a t we Alvah E. Kellogg—Clerk n the County Court of the State of Or­ Claimant n*mes-as witnesses: know th e roads, the country, and how to please. egon, for tbe County of Jacksou. J. IL Fl-her, of Sains Valley, Oregon. In the Matter of the s Notice of Ed. Cooper, •• >■ Washington.—Pressure of a formal Estate of : the sale of John W. Armstrong, ” ” and organized character was exerted William Smith, : Real Property, Thomas J. Perry, ” •• T h e S h o rtest W ay deceased. on the United States Government to -J M. U pton , Under authority of an order grauted j secure from Great Britain modifica- by the C-unty Court of the Countv of 1 Register. T h e L ea st C o st , tion of the embargo on all commercial Jackson, State of Oregon, dated the 27th intercourse between Germany and day ol March, 1915, I, the undersigned Com plete Line o f A utom o­ NOTICE OF CONTEXT T h e B est G u id e s administrator, will sell at private sale neutral countries. bile Supplies and Repairs, For Publication the following described real property, Twenty members of a committee ap­ to-wit: especially F ords 68982 pointed by more than 1000 American All of lots number four (4), and five Contest 35.»0 A Specialist in th is work, importers laid before Secretary Lans­ (5), in block number seventeen (17), One tria l and our Livery Service m a k e s jfrie n d s ~ try |it! D epartment of the I nterior as well as any detail of ing, Solicitor Johnson and Robert F. Liekums Addition to the City of Gold Uniter! States Land Office Hid, Oregon. General B lacksm ithing, etc. Rose, of the board of foreign trade The sale will be made on, or about Roseburg, Oregon June 15, 1915 advisers, a petition setting forth that the 6th day ol July, 1915, and bids will To William Patrick Graham of Med­ Great Britain has "studiously avoided be received at tbe office of the under­ ford, Oregon, Contest««: G O L D H IL C . O R E G O N , answering the American note of signed administrator, in G o ld Hill, B la c k s m ith You are hereby notified that Arcbia County, Oregon. March 30; that in the meantime valu­ Jack9on The terms of the sale to the. highest T. Edmunsori who gives Central Point, able time has been lost in preparing bidder, will be upon the following terms Oregon, as his pist-office address, did for future business and that this gen­ to-wit: et,r cash, Gold Coin of the on June 7. 1915, file in this office his Un.ted States, ten per cent of the hid eral effect has been harmful to the at the time of ttie sale, and the luly corrub.irated application to contest Wood of every description a t long established trade of this coun- payable i alance m oo confirmation by the afore­ and secure t h e cancellation o f your said Court. low est prices. Wood saw fo r Lry■ Homestead Entry No. 08982, Serial No. In a statement issued by the im Dated at Gold Hill, Oregon, on the 08982 made July 9, ¡913, for the SI«' of custom work. porters after their conference, it was 2nd day of June, 1915. SEJ^ of Section 14, Township 34 3, Yards Riveside Ave. revealed that Secretary Lansing had —A E. Kellogg, Range 2 W., Willamette. .Meridan. and Phone 3F21 Administrator of the Estate of "expressed a determination on the as grounds for Iris contest he alleges 6 5-15 William Smith, deceased. F resh and S alt M eats :: Sea Fish and Foods part of both the president and himself tbat said William P. Graham has aban­ in Season :: O ur hom e cured H am s and j to do all in their power to aid the im- P a tr o n iz e H o m e doned bis said homestead lor more than NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 1 porters in securing the rights to which Bacon :: P u re L eaf Lard In d u stry one »ear last past. That said William D epartmxxt or the I nterior they are entitled under the laws of Graham never made a s-tilem ent on 06301 nations and by treaty obligations.” U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, said homestead. You sre, therefore, further notified June 6, 1915 M T. P IT T ta G O V. ASK BERLIN TO RECONSIDER N otice is hereby given that George tbat the said allegstiorrs will he taken B L A C K E R .T (21 G A R R E T T , P r o p r i e t o r s JO H N S O N C IG A R S as confessed, and your said entry will American Note Requests Settlement R. Briggs, of Gold Hill, Oregon, who, be cancelled without further right to be on June 10, 1910, made homestead Eu By Diplomacy of Frye Case. try, Serial, No 061401, for the 8>$ of SW heard, either before this office (iron ap­ Washington.—By agreement with ment of the Fifteenth United States of Section 20, Township 35 8, Range peal, if you fail to file in this office the German foreign office, the state cavalry Instead of being accompanied 3 W, Willamette Meridian, lias filed within twenty davs after tbe FOURTH department made public the text of only by General Pascual Orozco, an notice of intention to make Final five- publication of this notice, ss shown be­ the note sent on June 24 by the Unit­ ex Mexican general, and Major Luis year Proof, to establish claim to the low, your antWrr, under oath, specifi­ ed States, asking Germany to recon­ Feuntes, a son-in-law of General land above described, before W . H. cally responding to these »negations ol _______ sider her refusal to settle by direct Huerta. Canon. U. 3. C Jtninisdoner, at his of­ contest, togetiier with due proof that diplomatic negotiations instead of by For several days there have been fice at Medford, Oregon, on the 22nd you have served a copy of your answer Government Believed to Have prize court proceedings, the claim pre­ on the said contestant either In person persistent reports that June 28 had dav of July. 1915. Frustrated Pian for New sented on behalf of the captain and or by regtelere l mail. been fixed as the date for far reaching Claimant names as witnesses; owners of the American ship William You should state in your answer the developments at Juarez in connection Revolution. G. W. Garrison, ol Gold Hill, Oregon. P. Frye, sunk with her cargo of wheat name of post office to which yo i d sire with the so-called third revolutionary F. Childers, ” ” .W O M E N. by the commerce raider Prinz Eitel future notices to b" sent to you. movement. Some observers professed J. W. Smith, ” ” El Paso, Tex.—General Victoriano Friedrich. L o v e T h is M a g a z in e —.1. M. U pton , to see a close relation between this M. Henderson, ” ” Huerta, ex-presluent of Mexico, arrlv Aside from tbe question of how the M c C A L L ’ S Is the F ashion G u id e and H ouse­ Register. movement and the arrival of General —J. M. U pton , keeping H e lp e r o f m ere wom en than any o her ed here Sunday, accompanied by sev­ indemnity should be paid, the note Huerta. They expressed the opinion magazine in the w o rld . A ll the latest atyh . Register Date of first publication JulyS, 1915 eral well known Mexicans. Soon after­ brings out clearly the refusal of the every m onth; e 'so d e lig h tfu l stories that erre r- second July 10, 1915 that Ills detention had prevented such t iia ,a n d jc ia l departr. er.ta in cooking, fc-»- - ward he was taken Into custody on United States to accept the contention dressm aking, fancy w o rk , etc., that I ' l t ’ c i ' third July 17, 1916 a consummation by removing the pos­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION housework and aeve m oney. P ric e , o r b ; 5 : charges of conspiring to Incite con- 1 that Germany has a right to stop the fourth July 24, 1915 sibility of Huerta's participation In a year, w ith o cclcbretad M c C a ll L r . . . Pat D epartment O f the I nterior splracy against a friendly country, carrying of contraband by American tcru r . i t E , such a movement, despite his declara­ er.HO A POSTAL CARO NOW FOR 06942 and held for a time at Fort Bliss, un­ ships "by the destruction of the con­ I. A 7.1EE Sample O - . y o f M e C A L L S MAG A r t " * ; or tion that he had no Intention of at­ Under the terms of a contract enter­ U. H . Land Office at Roseburg, Oregcn, til he gave «15,000 hail. traband and the ship carrying it.” tempting to cross Into Mexico. ed Into recently between the federal June 11, 1915 General Pascual Orozco was detain­ 3. M cC A LL S Í4UU.OO I r k a Offer L» Every CIIUBCH. A d d rrtu I b p t . N N otice 1« hereby given that Bertram reclamation service and State Engl ed with him, on the charge, and also Medford.—Stewart Patterson, a T ” EÆAU CO, n o I, 2 H 17. 37ii S l . lie« fork, R. Ï. E. Adams, of Gold Hill, Oregon, w ho, neer Lewis the state will be able to released later, on »7500 hail. An adverse report on the plan of wealthy Medford rancher, died as the on February 2, 1911, made Homestead avail Itself of data with relation to ir­ The charges were filed by special R. C. Washburn, president of the Ore result of an automobile accident which inlry, Serial, No. 00942, for the N ), o, rigation projects in the state, which agents of the department of Justice. gon Historical association, to convert occurred when the electric lights on XEJ4 o f Section 18, Township 36 S. is valued at «25,000. Provision Is The coming of General Huerta to I Table Rock into either a national park the car in which he wag riding sud­ made In the contract that If the pro Range 3 W, Willemette Meridian, has El Paso had been predicted here, but or a national monument, was sent to denly went out on the Pacific & East filed notice of intention to make Final jects involved are developed the gov­ news of his detention came as a sur­ Secretary of the Interior Lane by era curve of the Pacific highway and rbree-year Proof, to establish claim to ernment shall be reimbursed for the prise te the public. His entrance was f ommlssloner Tallman, of the general the car plunged into the ditch at the the land above described, before G. A expenditures made. The data relates accompll.'M-il as he had planned, in | land office, who expresses the opinion side of the road. Gardner, County C le r k of Jackson to the Malheur-Owyhee, the Harney, that lie left the train at Newman, N. , Table Rock Is not of sufficient import- Lucio Mintzer, of San Francisco, the Silver Lake, the Anna creek, the wner and driver of the car, and J. C. Countv, Oregon, at his office, at Jack­ Powder river, the Chewaiican, the M., traveling the last 20 miles by auto. ance to be mado a national park, nor sonville, Oregon, on the 26th day of It differed In that he was driven Into of sufficient historical significance to laillargeon, of San Francisco, were f'rooked river, the Deschutes and the j the clty as th„ RURgt of Unlt#(, Sute# be made a national monument. July, 1915. adly injured, but will recover. John Day projects. Claimant names as witnesses : I officials, and escorted by a detach Professional Cards Low Round Trip Fares Convenient Train Service to All Points Southern Pacific G o ld H i l l [ ] A u t o U iv e r y IMPORTERS PROTEST BRITISH EMBARGO!i AUTOMOBILE <& GAS ENGINE REPAIRING CHARLES KELL D a r l i n g Q. H o d g e s Fire! Fire!! S7?e C I T Y M E A T M A R K E T J. R itter SM O K E HUERTA AND OROZCO I ARRESTED AT EL PASO