Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1915)
•Jn 'rsr-it.y i,l Oregon K'lirnnii ()r8 Clyde H. Doalherage. player of the big bass In the lis'al la n d , departed last Hull- day for Ui Grande, when* be lout secured employment. I I e anticipates employ- Don't allow your »lock mi nt with tin' Pendleton baud the com ing acaM>n. Clyde will ba mourned in to auffer the ravages musical and social circles, o f those peaky .......... flies! Dey Hehrump, war strategist and pis.l champion, ia now able to la- alsiut town, DR. HESS FLY CHASER much to the gratification of his many frienda. Mr. Hchrump’a health ia much guaranteed to keep ’em off improved, and he plana to soon visit Portland for a consultation with the s|s- ciallsta who have been treating him Mrs. Formin Zaua, of Ashland, was in thia city Wednesday on linsiness matters Mra. Zaua has completely recovered from her recent serious illness. The Zanas will return to this city, to make their home liere, within the next two weeks, having leased their restaurant properties in Ashland. Waging a campaign against the nfever- tn-la-autllciently-dnrncd fox-tail, d e a d grass and unsightly weeds, Marshal Bill Cisik and his assistants have carried II m - Hplundld MMurliiMMil of torch about town, setting tire to the nui Fine Risto— all prices— sance. The horning of dry grass should Silk ami U nni Lilies, be carried on with great caution—as It was by Marshal Cook — lest the fire spread Reels, Orasia, Mira ami to the brush. Fiali l.ures—new Stock Au exod'M of Gold Hill you) hs to seek fortu ic ufar occurred the first of the k. William Kelsey, D ob Avery and E v e ry th in g fo r the Dave Avery, went to ltnaebtvg, wlien a rd e n t A n g le r the trio have secured employment for the summer. All three will Is- sadly missed in the News office, where ft whs their kindly custom to lielp out on press day. ; Applieiints us paper folders and paste Olympta, Wash.—The tranquility of same purport!*, and left for Portland, siup|s<rs will 1st examined at auv time accompanied by bis wife. Carson was the administration of Mrs. Josephine for the vacated |ss<itions. formerly employed by the company a« Preston, state superintendent of pub In a diss* eonte-t on Ila- home dia trackwalker f r o m this station. H ix lic instruction, was marred Saturday mond last Hunday afurnism the Tolo months ugo he lost his situation. Pre by announcement of the resignation braves took the measure o f the local vious to that time he alleges that, while en masse of the major portion of her team by a score of tl to 7. The garni* removing his speeder before an oncoming office force. Those who have resign was a gissl one und Interest in the n a train, he received injuries which have ed are C. A. Sprague, assistant super tional pastime moved Up several notches. is'rmanently disabled him, and on this intendent; Miss Martha A. Sherwood, One accident marred the occasion, In • > ground bases his suit for $10.000 damages. deputy superintendent; Miss Hannah luckless rail' for first base Charley Reed Ix)cal opinion, for the once, appears to Cordy, chief clerk; Miss Edith Roe. suffered a badly sprained ankle und was favor the justice of the corporation’» at Mrs. Preston's secretary, and Mrs. invalided to the crutch squad—where he titude. Viola French, clerk. | will mark time for the next two weeks. Writing from Wolf Point, Montana, Stage driver J. B. R. Monduck has the At Wolverton informs The News that its Southern Vote Restrictions Illegal. Washington—In probably one of liugli on his son Dick, following a few weekly arrival “ is like a breath of the thrilling moments Tuesday morning on gods to a soul starved wand.-rer.” We the most important race decisions in the Hams Valley road. With Dick at the i are not at all certain alsjut that compli Its history, the supreme court an wheel and Mr. Moreiock and the River ment. Tlie gods were, in legend, given nulled as unconstitutional the Oklaho side orchard crew as passengers, the Ford , to certain vinous relaxations that render ma constitutional amendment and the “ I wmt a Giffre that ia always tin rounded a turn anil bora down upon a i tlie comparison odious—or odorous, as Annapolis, Md., voters' qualification same,” said (hr particular (><«• drinker. meandering cow. Before s|ss'<l could he j the case may be. However, Mr. Wol law restricting the suffrage rights of “ Here ia just what you want—Folgtr's slackened tlux car took Ismay amidships verton is well, and that is the main thing. those who could not vote or whose an Golden Gate—the brat w e can buy— ami dived into the ditch, narrowly es For some months he has been employed cestors could net vote prior to the rati couldn’t give yon any bettor if we charg caping a complete turn over. The Ford j by the Great Northern railroad. An In- fication of the 16th amendment to the federal constitution. ed'*« dollar a pound. It ia alwaya uni was uninjured—also the cow. ' tention to accept the governmint’s hos form and vury delirious " J. I). Montgomery, a resident of (iold pitality and file on Montana desert has Indianapolis, hid.—Thomas Taggart, Hill several years ago, died at his home : given place to a resolve t o build a flat- former chairman of the national dem Von will never know good Coffee until in Denver on Friday. June lltli, accord you try Finger's Golden Gate. We are ing to advice received by Cashier Lynn 1 Isia t nt Williston, North Dakota, and ocratic committee; Mayor Joseph Bell. ! drop down the Missouri to Ol' Mississip’ Chief of Police Perrott and 125 other Iliad Io recommend it for we know it ia W. Smith, of the Gold Hill bank No — thence continuing the voyage to New Indianapolis citizens, were indicted by the beat particulars were given. Mr. Montgom ; Orleans. Nevertheless, with this adven the Marion county grand jury here. ery and family lived in this city for two ture in prospect, the exile is mourning They were charged with conspiracy to y ars, owning and occupying the present for "cherry time in the valley.” They commit 48 felonies In the recent coun Myers’ home. He was highly esteemed. all come liack. ty primary registration and election. M r» . C o ra J. T ru a x , M a n a g e r. In Denver he conducted ■> curio store ten Going down in the green water of the years. Local friends give his age as 48. Loggers Get First Aid Instruction. — His wife and four children survive him. Rogue for the third time, Joe Vasbinder Olympia, Wash.—Workman in log found a friendly oar under his armpit The motion picture drama of southern last Hunday afternoon and is still with ns. ging camps are responding with en | Oregon history and local views will be But for the timely assistance his death by thusiasm to first aid instruction being I completed nt Medford within the next drowning had been certain. In company given them by Red Cross physicians, B. G. Harding was w ith relatives in week, ami the films ready for exhibition with his step-father, Mr. Nicholson, the who in a special car have started a by July 4th. They will be sent to the young man waa swimming in the still, tour of all logging works in the state. M edford Tuesday. Fiti'b Snyder visited friends at Central Exposition when1 the pictures will 1 I broad sweep of river just above the pow shown at free entertainments. Several er company’s project. A sturdy m et. Oldfield Makes 111 Miles an Hour. Point last Sunday. of tlie film were taken in the Chicago.—Barney Oldfield establish Mr». 1! E. Howard ia visiting her mo jsirtions . , . , ... , , man, he thought little of his attem pt to yic m t y o f G old 11,11— p o rtra y in g an ,he stream u n til, when m id w a y in ed a new American automobile speed ther at Merlin the present week. M. S. Johnson transacted business at Indian light in the Sams Valley hills, J t e slow Its’P current, t h e spasm of record at Speedway Park when he ne and one immortalizing the local herns' cramps seized him. Nicholson was close gotiated a lap in 1:04 2-5, an average M edford on W ednesday. who donned character garb at the recent of 111.5 miles an hour. A . 11. latnsing, o f M edford, visited "Roaring Camp in ’82” festival, held in to shore when the call for aid alarmed him. Nearby was their lioat, with oars frienda In thia c ity Sunday. this city. in the rowlocks. As his step-son sank Loss In Nebraska Nearly $2.000,000. J. W. Merritt, ibe Central Point mer Lincoln, Neb.—The loss as a result Two changes in the personnel of school for the third t i m e lie reacheii him, chant, waa in tbi» city on business Mon officialdom for the ensuing terms of office thrusting the oar under the drowning of hail is estimated at between $1,- day. is'curre-l at the annual meeting Monday i man’s arm. Vasbinder was only semi- 500,000 and $2,000,000. Numerous Gold Hill peopl • witneaned afternoon. W. II. Miller was tinani* conscious and the craft nearly capsized the aeroplane tligbta of PcKor at Mtd- mously elected to succeed Ben If. Lam p-, M ore he wa» drawn to safety. He was ford laat Saturday. man, the retiring director, a n d Mrs. weak and ill for several days following Miaa Bessie Newton returned Thursday Maude Landis to succeed the retiring his close call with the crayfish, from Corvallis, where she attended the clerk, Mrs. M. E. Patrick. The meeting It’s cherry picking time at the Gold A. C. during the past term. extended a vote of thanks to Mrs. Patrick Bottom Orchard, jnst across t li c river Tony Gleen went to Grant» Pane Wed- for her efficient, work as a clerk during from Gold Hill, locally known as the neaday to receive treatment for a trouble- the past three years. Reading of the ff- nanrial report and an explanation of the Godlove place. Never were the Royal some ulceration of the right ear. Anns so luscious and beautiful, though I have constantly on Mr. ami Mra. W. L. Childers returned curtailed expenses for the caning school the crop—owing to inadequate smudging year were endorsed by tin* meeting. hand a supply of ICE via auto from Crook county on Tuesday. — is comparatively light. Gold Hill citi Tlie appearance of tlie Boston Ideal zens, w 11 o feel a n almost proprietary They visited their sons, Harry and James th a t’s chemically PURE Information Wanted of whereatamta of Opera company, locally known a» the interest in this fine orchard, Ix'came ex and safe for table use as Edward J. Jones, age 27, laat beard of Andrews, at tlie local opera house Thurs ceeding wroth when the first boxes arriv at Gold Hill, Greg., going to Grants day evening, was a typical case of unap ed at tlie depot for shipment. The con for refrigerating. Pass, June, 1914. Address A. K. Jones, preciated talent. The house was what is signments were stamped with the name known In stage parlance as " a frost” , of the orchard and the address of the 44 Stanton St., Dorchester, Mas» W i l l d e liv e r to r e g u hut the small audience which attended owner, W. E. Phipps, Medford, Oregon. , M iaa Gladys Hinman, instructor in was cheered to spontaneous and delicious it looked to the Ixiys as though tlie in- i la r p a tro n s e v e ry music at the Gold Hill schools during the laughter by the old time comic o|x*ra tent was to deprive Gold Hill of its just m o r n in g . S p e c ia l last term, underwent an operation for favorite, "The M ikado," as interpreted credit, for tlie location of the orchard. 1 o rd e rs fille d ap|iendicitia at the Sacred Heart hospi- by the company. The News regret« that Rumors of tlie disapproval reached At tai, in Medford, Tuesday morning. at once its limited facilities prevent a detailed re torney Phipps. Wednesday he called at Mias Edna Proctor k'ft on Tuesday for view of the cast and tlielr work, ami Lindsay, Calif., where she will spend the must resort to the time-worn subterfuge the News office, explaining that tile ad summer holiday with her parents. Miss of merely, ami insufficiently, declaring dress wa« merely for the purpose of busi- nes« correspondence, and stating that lie Proctor has beet) reengeged as teacher in that tlie work of no member was grieved at tlie unintentional over the local schools for the coming term. could have been improved upon. Tlie sight in not mentioning the exact location On the opposite page to Dr. Howard’s opera was given tinder the auspices of You can’t afford to eat of tlie orchard. Further, to show that dental announcement. Read it carefully tlie band, and barely netted ex|x>nses to his lieart was correctly situated, he de tainted food, or drink —it means that your opportunity for good troupe and sponsors. clared his intention to send a fancy pack- i dental work at affordable rates to to be Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Beeman, J. F. ed exhibition liox to (lie Oregon exhibit luke warm beverages found in Gold Hill. Dietrich, Clyde Walker, and Alex Mor at the Panama-Pacific, giving this city as when ice costs only Bills are out announcing a ball game ris, departed on Tuesday for Portland, the locality of production. Mr. Phipps lietween the Merlin Magicians and the where they wen: summoned hy tlie rail considerately left in the sanctum a full A FEW CENTS DAILY town team tomorrow, Sunday, afternoon. road company to give testimony in tlie crate of tlie splendid Royal Anns—which The game is called for 2:00. The pro personal injury suit of IV. C. Carson vs. may, or may not, have added to the phets say that it will be swift stuff and tlie Southern Pacific. Wednesday even sjxs'd of tlie typewriter in chronicling I unlmdy ‘lionld nil»» attending. ing Dr. W. 1’. Chisholm was called for this correction. X mr. farmer SALT! SALT! at bowers’ FISHING TACKLE H a v e ju s t r e c e iv e d a c a r o f L e s lie S a lt D A IR Y a n d T A B L E Our prices cannot be equalled—lower than ever offered! M e r r it t & C o m p a n y The BoN-ToN G en eral M e r c h a n d is e USE T H E BEST Kingfisher lines are the world’s stand ard. The big ones can’t get away. A ll o f our Tackle Is selected on t h e same standard of quality. We can completely equip the angler for a bout with the tini est trout or the lus tiest steelhead. Our judgement is back ed by years of practical exper ience in Rogue River fishing. The Truax Co. D . H . M I L L E R ’S Local News Notes I r r ig a tio n is C r o p In su ra n ce I-C-E W. A. C ook Yon can raise some crops every year and all crops some years without Irrigation, but if yon want to raise all crops every year you should irrigate. Irrigation by electrically driven Pumps is economical. Reliable and Ef ficient and excells all other forms of Power. If you have a water supply from well, creek or stream, an Electric Pumping Plant can be installed at a small cost per acre, and at a minimum of expense for operation. Our Power Lines cover a large portion of Jackson and Josephine coun ties and we are constantly making new extensions. Full information of cost for installing and operating can be obtained by inquiry at any of the Company's Offices. CALIFORNIA-OKEGONPOWER. COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. Phone 168 216 West Main Street Money Makes the Mare Go Lack of it sometimes makes the hair go—or turn grey. The saving habit is not the slaving habit—it is the only right way to freedom—try it!!!!! IFe pay intereat on time depoaita THE GOLD HILL BANK