4 (Eoli) Util Gold Hill Groatsst of X N a tu r a l l l i u * r c > t O r tg a n I t O n k a a u tlfu l ù» R iv a t f u i l R ag VOL. 18 Jackson Co. O n t C o m m u n ity e t O p p o r -“ t u n ity - R ag u a R iv t r V ä lit y , ui K t r t t h t a p p i, g a m t d fa m » =* GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JU N E 2 6 , 1916 Oregon Sweeps High Honors at Exposition Grand Prizes and Numerous Medals - ........ — Villa's Artillery Chief Laavaa Him. Washington.—(Jenera! Felipe An­ geles, artillery export and right-hand man of General Franc taco Villa, has , left bis chief and Is now In the United First for rn iit; firs t fo r fo ra g e ;' Twenty-four Gold and Sixty* nine Silver Awards *" rou"’ ‘° Uo8ton to ’ b" ________________ Warship Speeds 32 Knots. Interior of Superb Siamese Palace at the Panama-Pa< . ciffc International Exposition, San Francisco NO. 8 Veteran Shows Scars Received at Meadows Pupils Oe te Bair. Fought the Rogues on Olsen’s Ranch Corvallis.—Tea young people, la era of Oregoa a young mea aad women are now an additional attraction at the Oregoa building a* the Faaama- Paclflc Exposition. These young clti- Portland W riter Finds Man Who sona, three girls and saves boys, are Escorted Chief Sam to Cap­ the winners af the 19 capital prises offered fer the best work accomplish- tivity A fter Eight sd ia each at the 10 laduatrial club projects carrlad os by the stats da- Fred Lockley, who write* feature pertment of educatiea aad the agricul- I stories of the Oregon country, en- tural college Girls’ aad Boys’ club de- title ’In Early Day," for the Port- partmeat. . Their Journal, --------- recently - met with _ trip to the expoai- ;and ----------- In *U r' T1“1. John Sldaey -Montgomery, of Spring- all expenaea paid, la their reward of field— an Oregon pioneer of 1853. w’.aning the highest honor* in their Mr. Montgomery, with C. C. McClen­ respective contests. The youag peo­ don, patriarch of Gold Hill, la one ple are in charge af H. C. Saymaur. of the few remaining veterans of the county school superintendent of Polk Rogue River Indian war. Together county, and Mrs. Seymeur. and will with other data of an interesting make their headquarters at the Ore­ early career In the gold camps, he gon building with living aocotamoda- was persuaded by the journalist to HIM photograph abovrs the Interior of tbe palace erected by the king of tioaa at the Oregon laa. hark back to the thrilling days when faraway Wain at tbe i ’auaina-PacIflc International Exposition hi San Chief Sam and his warriors made Francisco. In this palace priceless oriental treasures are shown. The Ralls at Asma Bridge. bad medicine in this very locality. I a lace I* an exact duplicate of the palace In tbe Royal Gardena In Eugene —Steal rails _ on the Wlllam- ¡Of particular local Interest, his nar- , „ -I w it s carved out of ebony, aet up In Slam and then taken apart and atte-Pacific have reached the site of , ratlon „ ag followa; ■j Suu Francisco In knocked down shape the Acme bridge, th . point at which 1855 , enll8ted at in for the ■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii iiniia tha rimd turn. aojBh te (teo. Bay. T h. ; CapUin Matlock-S ................. Norfolk. Va.—The torpedo-boat de- On-gon Building, E m position Grounds, ! ,trojf*r Jouet‘ «*‘« « « 1 ‘° ‘he Nor- San Francis«», June 25th.—-Grand prize ,o'k llavy yar<* »*‘«r a «peed test. In for the "licet, moat complete, and moet *hlch It was said she developed 12.73 attractive" exhibit In horticulture, to- hnota. gather with a wore of gold and «liver T H E M ARKETS medals fur Individual exhibit« in horti­ Portland. culture; GRAND PRIZE for llte "heat general display of forage products", in­ Wheat—Club, 91c; bluestem, 93c; cluding a l l unthrmhed grain, together with Utrce medals of honor, twenty-four, rod Russian, *8c; forty-fold, 92c; red gold medals, alxty-nlne «liver medals and fl,e- S8c’ eighty-niue bronie medal« for various, ,,8y Eastern Oregon timothy, $16; product* of the soil! How is that forone ' *ralu hay, 312; alfalfa, 913.60; valley week’s awards for Oregoo? From the “ mothy, 312.50. noise being made by the six or eight Butter Creamery, 28c. «latm in direct competition, the Oregon : Eggs Ranch. 19c. winning« ought te be satisfactory te Ore-' Wool- Eastern Oregon, 27e; valley, goniana. Oregon fruit i« now officially 30c. Mohair—31c. recognised bn tlie Is-st ami Oregon forage product* will become a« favorably known Seattle. a« tin- On-gon rusu. , m ’ re” “ mp!eUMj U * * >t t Rogup RlTer »hi. Wheat—Bluestem. 94c; olub, 92c; In the horticultural award«, the Wil­ within the ten day* predicted whan scar on my head? That was made red Russian, 90c; forty fold, 92c; lamette Valley wan given a gold medal the steel crowa commenced. by one of those black obsidian ar- «m Italian prune*. However, long before Ifa, 91c. Ballasting commenced Monday to N ew s Brevities o f the W eek From Rogue River Valley Cities . . I row heads going through my hand, Barley—322 per ton. tlie jury announced it* decision the pub­ make possible the oparatlo. at train. Thlg broa„ Hcar Qn arm wg# Huy—Timothy. 310 per ton; alfalfa, lic hnd decided that the Willamette prune te the lower Bluslaw. Th. work 1. where an w„nt through u Kxcaped from » sanitarium ia*t jann- Quarterly Financial Report wa« ¡iicomparahlv superior to any other, 314 per ton. ary and «ince miming, tlie niter disap- Butter—Creamery, 28c. . for r"1 the k m ter h ad an The arro nagtiegt w head m ade u , f h wag oo to be tasted on the ground«. big steel at drawbridge lron woun(J of Gold Hill School District . 1.1. •“•arani-e ol Mrs. Emma Dickey wa* Hal­ When it came to proa-med fruits, tlie I Eggs—19c. across the Sluslaw may be moved. The .u „ t , in a fight on the Big Meadows on ved last week by th- finding ol a body splendid display from tlie Rogue River •xcavatlon for the central pier of the , T . .. . . . . . . , . Evans creek. I got an arrow through in tin- Willamette river. Mrs. Dickey Valley raptured tlie gold medal and the March brldee has been eoRiDlpted bridge completed. wa« a »¡«ter of the vice president of the my leg. It stuck out about eight admiration of every vlnitor to the exhibit. June Hinman, Music.................... $ 15.00 8. I1., and formerly resided in Ashland. B. E. Adam«, M. T. inches. I broke It off and pulled Itouglas, a n d Wasco counties and tile I 24.00 the arrow out and went on fighting. With tiie U-n prize winners in tlie scho- W. P. Chisholm . . . . Willamette valley were each given a sil- , 13.00 11 tied up the wound, but my leg be- la»llc agricultural contests, from all part* R. C. Kelsey .................................. 10.00 ver medal (or their tine display of Ixittlcd 1 I gan swelling. My leg got so big my fruit*. t^K" 8t8te’ -^l,dk‘y Meyer and Clans Bowers Pharmacy, Chemical i trousers were skin tight. They took Charley, die bright boy» who brought \ supplies....................................... 22.56 All of tlie award* in horticulture wen* * ik » honors to Jackson county, left last Silas Fleming, Grading ground... 14 00 made mi the «bowing in tlie Palace of M *lf1 r t f M o rlfrtr-r l me to a barn and 1 The lay oa the barn I V Id ll O l IV IC aT O rd floor for 22 days doctor said Horticulture alone, the magnificent ilia ; f ,,' ‘ 'h»ld Hill club now Msturday for their free visit at the Pana- Electric light service ................. . . 2.00 plays in tlie On-gon building being ex- Ibaa 11 bonie what Is a home. Furth- nia-I’acific exposition. ------------------- j I had blood poison and he got out Merritt A Go., Janitor supplies.. 1.50 «luded from oornpelition. Tin- winning *rn,or®' lbe nieinbera are Justly MEDFORD, Ore., June 21.— , kit of saws and k“*'es to take Q —Why a re t h e chinook salmon D. H. Miller, M. T. supplies----- 4.82 <> egon exhibit. In charge of C. N. Rav- pr,,,ld of "• "nd have renewed their scarce in the upper river? A —Canner- B. A. Adams, Supplies............... 2.20 Stewart Patterson, prominent Med- ° ff mv leg near the bIp 1 refused tin, ia a beauty, particularly delightful ‘a“ b ‘n ,bp ability ol the club to ies at tlie mouth of die river, closed by Hilror Burdett Co.......................... 1.88 ford orchardist. died Friday after- t0 have R cut off’ He inf'ls‘ed and for Its simplicity and the alss-na-of the ,""k,‘ *o<,d for Guld Hill and Boutli- tlie people and reopened by the legisla- Laboratory BnppUea..................... 5.14 noon from Injuries received in an *ald 1 would die lf *‘ didn’t come off. fuasinew ao common here. Eat-li fruit ”rn Oregon, ruesduy evening's ses- lure, have already packed thousands of Janitor service.............................. legs 6.00 auto accident early Friday morning 1 881(1 1 wouId die with “H aection of the state- contributed a full *l°n * a8 ‘he first meeting of the or- cases. —■■■ when the electric lights on the Sim- On’ 80 he 8a,d a11 rI^ht- 8° ahead ar.d sliare to the big winning and ia entitled Kanlxation in the newly finished club An old German came in and Total Gaab........................... $123.79 plex 60 In which he was riding su d -idie (■rant* P a s s celebrated Tuesday a s I rooms— now tastily papered and to equal credit. Warrants issued................ 820.00 denly went out on the Pacific & East-J83W me He 8a,d’ Don ‘ >« “ 'em Twohy Day paying tribute to the enter-1 Oregonians on the Exposition grounds decorated. Thanks is due to George prising capitaliata and contractors who era curve of the Pacific highway and Ra* your ,e8 off. I will fix It for an- particularly plea*i-d that die state Iverson, who worked his committee w ill OHsumc die construction of South­ Total expenditure.. .$743.79 the car plunged Into a ditch at the ' on' He carae back with some stuff raptured tlie grand prise on forage crop«. of one overtime to accomplish the ern Oregon’s railroad to tile coast at side of the road. Lucio Mintzer of ln 3 big bottle tba‘ smelled like horse While Oregonians know tlia t general almost perfect result. San Francisco, owner and driver of linlment- He made a fire and got Crescent City. Apr* Various business of moment was farming represents tlie larger portion of S|s-eders on the Pacific highway, par C. C. Wilson, Cleaning furnace.. 4,00 the car, was thrown against the gear ' some w’ater scalding hot and put a the wealth ol tin- slat»-, and that the »tatc ‘•hen up by the club and assigned to licularly the paved portion, will soon W. P, C h ish olm ..... ................. 12,50 rods and suffered a fracture of three , ,^lank.et aroun,‘ my >eg and poured is unexcelled in tlie production of super- oom m ittaei. A purtlul resume of tbe that hot water on. For hours he quail" tlie cup of grief—if luck saves them Electric light sen-ice......... .. .50 ribs and internal injuries, while J. C. lor forage and grains, the apple and ja-ifr evening’s business Includes the re kept soaking my leg in water so hot Baillargeon of San Francisco sus­ for tlie judgi*. Prosecutions an- ia pros- Tissue Toweling .. 14.53 l-ooster, more active than the n-st. has port of W. J. Hayes, who lias se­ It nearly took the skin off. He tained a double fracture of the right peel. Typewriter paper............................ 1.75 made Oregon known most largely as a cured a new flag pole goon to be thigh. E. L. Eyre of San Francisco, would pour the medicine onto the 18.15 An Ashland man, Tom Roberto, «et hi» »«PPHea. Man. Training........ premier horticultural stab-. Tlie magni­ erected; the discussion of plailH for a wound and he told me to keep the 2.49 the fourth member of the party, was Financial report... ficent showing in the Palace ol Horticul- home picnic on the Fourth of July; teeth andaawed through a aectiou of tree cloth on the wound soaked with the thrown 50 feet against a wire fence, E. C. Stewart, Supplies 13.90 10 1°* bis badly crushed foot be- lure ha« made a tremendous impression discussion and appointment of coql. j medicine. It burnt like fire but I Chas. Kell, Repairs 1.80 but aside from a few scratches and in winning die grand pria- has dins mit tees to serve In the work of pre­ iiealii said section. He is out on crutch­ kept the cloth wet with it. Next day Dipl >mas......................................... 8.76 escaped uninjured. brought Oregon’«“largi r side to die at­ paring a camping ground for auto es. The party was returning from Gold GAL TWO— GOLD HILL Janitor services.............................. 55.00 Eagle Point is reading its daily papers tention of tlie nation, which will now tourists; the report of the dancing Teachers Salary.............................. 618.00 Hill after a dance at the Country Club my leg was all over wrinkles, but It know that Oregon can raise hogs, feed pavilion committee upon the project twenty-four hours late owing io an in­ Warrants redeemed .......... 820.00 given by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bowne was a heap smaller. In a day or two dairy animals and ls-at the world i n of erecting a large structure for fu- convenient change on the P. A E.—Jim Interest on warrants..................... 9.20 In honor of the San Francisco visitors it was the same size as the other other thing« than fruit. Thi« is parden- ture club entertainments; and the Hill’s extensive southern Oregon system. where they had taken Harry Porter leg, and pretty soon the wound quit larly gratifying to O. E. Frcytag. of On-- preliminary plan« for Gold Hill’s $1,898 13 lia s is-eu received by tlie Total $1580.28 a member of the orchestra. Ac­ running and healed up. goti City, who is director of agricultural third annual Industrial Fair. county treasurer a s Jackson county’s ! After the Rogue River war was cording to Mr. Bowne, who with Liv­ exhibits. j The establishment of a tourist »hare of tin- state appropriation for coun­ over, Frank Drew, the Indian agent, ingstone Baker, another member of May "Bill ” Hanley, Oregon’s biggest ranch- ' for aut0 traff|c wns deeme), ty fairs. asked for an escort of soldiers to take J. W. Hicks, repairs. .................. 1.75 the San Francisco party, was follow- Important, and the following Ing the first car, they were going be- j ^ ld ®am 8 hand of Indians to the Si- W. P. Ciiislmlin............................ 4.50 2'J0,lXX) acres in Harney county, was here committees were appointed by Dr. tween 35 and 40 miles an hour at le,z re9ervatl°n. I was one of the Wesley Hill, Janitor ................... 5.00 a liny or so ago and said the Exposition It. C. Kelsey, whose pet scheme now I the time of the accident. guard. Old Sam was a we.i built ! Electric light«.................................. 2.00 lia s finally placed On-gon when- all* nears realization: Street improve­ This accident occurred on the same man and 9‘t>u‘ as a horse. He looked W. H. Gardner. ought to I n * among the farming stales ment, J. E. Davidson: grounds and 3.25 curve that the car driven by L e v lillke 8 ‘borouKbhred and was very and lie is as delighted with her success as advertising, F. W. Dodge; finance. .Mrs. B. H. Lampman, conduct' Stagg turned over on two weeks ago. i brave- be hadn’t have been a _______ ing Eighth grade exams .......... 4.40 any proud father could Is- of an only son. W. II. Miller; plumbing, J. VV. lllcks. This is the first death that has oc- j pesky ‘ndlan he would have been con­ Il is worthy of note that the medals of ! 'Ins. W. II. Stickei, Hall rent.. 5.00 These committees are now at work To (la- business men ol Gold Hill, their I Supplies, Manual T rain'g........... 14.05 curred in an auto accident on the sl,,ered a handsome and courageous honor, which an- one degns- alsivc gold preparing plans for the auto tour­ fam ¡lie» and friends, gn-eting: Merritt A Co., Janitor supplies .. 2.08 Jackson county paved highway and man’ meds!», went to the Eiisb-rn On-gon, ists’ encampment. Mr. Davidson 1 dldn t think so then, but I know You an- hereby invited to attend a Supplies for school........................ 3.00 will no doubt curb the speeders who Willamette Valley and Southern Oregon volunteered the services of a team special service, in your favor, at tlie Me­ have been turning the highway into now tbat tbe Rogue River Indian A. E. Kellogg, Insurance............. 46.00 Exliibils with eqnsl honors. and semper in grading and slmilur thodist church, July 4th, 8 p. ni. A ser­ war was the white man’s fault. If I Clerk’s salary ami stationary . . . . 30.00 a racetrack. work. J had been an Indian I would have mon in accord with (tie day and ot-casion Commencement expense............... 4.81 Bids are now being received at the The club heartily endorsed the pro­ will Is- delivered, and special nm-ie will Roseburg.—The Douglas county ta x -1 W a,d ’ . 'I / ” " He '” Pn Teachers sa la ry ............................. 80(1.00 offices of tho United States engincer posal of H. I). Reed, that an informal Is- rendered. ' ° ,ooze ant1 bother Warrants redeem ed......... ........... 1585.00 payers league was organized at a th In Portland for the construction of leeeptlon and housewarming he tend­ A special effort will lie made to interest Interest on W arrants....... ........... 31.08 largely attended and enthusiastic t <,Ua.,T8 ’ n . pretty yo”nK the north and south jetties at the ered Io the wives and friends of cluh and plea««- all who attend, without refer­ meeting held here. Robert S. Smith, r<,„pnt ,, e” . e n(1ian men would mouth of the Sluslaw river. The norlh members nt the meeting of nexi ence to religion« or political pn-ferem-e», Total cash expenditure.... ......... $2350.92 secretary of the state tax reform h’ , . ' 6 runken white would Jetty will be extended 300 feet and tin- Tuesday evening. The affair will be and witliout reference to kind or quality league, was the principal speaker. :, ... , ’ n ans Somp of those E. i ’ A T H Il K, —M. south one 200 feet. There will be illsllnrllv "open house," with tin of business. Thirty-five directors were elected. , ans 'yprG certa’n,y 3°0