ô/?e G o l d H i l l N e w s O verdrafts( s ln Jj» » T n *d x « * -d W ork w ill bo resumed In a few days on Columbia county's unit of the Co ? l Hl. 'H E U EVERY SATURDAY VT GOLD HH.E. JACKSON COUNTY lumbia highway. The controversy with Ih< Bedtimr Sh««p ~ ---------- ------- OREGON. BY — « n ro .. ■„ ----- x r - , the Consolidated Contract company was formally settled by the payment B en H. L am pm an I of 8(5.000 and a new contract was Back to t h e starlit la n d of sleep, awarded to the Standlfer, Clarkson liotut'wanl hasten the pattering sheep; 1 company of Portland to complete the in ' red at tin f ì i i l . l H ill |x*<tittHci' for tntnsnnwiun thrvugh the mails count them all aa th e, the gate ~ one construction at unit prices a little un twcoiut-clare matter of liie rascals is always late! (The rose der those paid the Consolidated Con at the window u p s the glass, by a broom tract company. SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1915 At ths request of Governor Johnson, stick stirred a s tike witch rides faun.) Always I play at sheep in bed. till the of California, Governor Wlthycombe sandman comes with his dreams instead; has appointed three delegates to at SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE always in , fl«x-k romp home at dark from tend) the ninth annual conference of the National Tax association, to be their pasture land in the prince’s park, held at Ban Francisco, August 10-14 II THE POISON PARAGRAPHER AGAIN The delegates are: Henry Reed, As All are fnzxy ami some are brown, hut sessor of Multnomah county, Port most are white aa the thistle-down; ail ol OME JOUNALISTIC JOSHERS, with the sensibilities and de them answer to my call—all save one land; Charles V. Qalloway, member of tax commission. Salum, and F. A. licate Rood taste common to the African rhino, must havt when the shadows (all. (The tree toad the Rosa, Portland. their funny fling at Bryan’s risignation from the cabinet De shrills from his leaf again—be ttiows, I At the request of the National Top gu-Ms, it’s going to rain.) Somewhere siring nothing more devoutly than the embarassment of the out on t h e road he sloo|M to browse a Notch Farmers’ club. Governor W lthy administration in these critical times, they profess a sy m p ath y - weed where t h e innllen droorw—just aa combe has announced the appoint ment of three boys from each county shallow and insincere in tru th —for the President in what they I’m tired, he joins the rest; and, daddy, of Oregon ae delegates to the Univer I lo w the black slieep beat. sal Corn convention to be held In Ban are pleased to term the “embarassment” afforded by the “rene I ll Francisco. August 6 and 6. These boys gade” Bryan. Little B o , Blue of Sluiulwriand, dreams have been selected upon recommenda These fellows are the’ jackals of letters, always on the qui and the dreamer walk hand in band; the tion of ths county superintendents of vive for some crocodilian feast. To them t h e high motives, pastured slieep ol the prince’s park really the state because of the Interest they through the magic dark. (The have manifested iu agricultural work, which prompted the Secretary of State’s voluntary relinquish come curtain stirs to the soft night wind—fays either In school or on the farm. ment of the portfolio rather than yield a sincere belief, or cause and pixies are always kind.) Where During the week 168 accidents, four strife in the official family, are riddles unreadable. The equally clover faces lift them up to bid the strag fatal, were reported to the state In stay and sup. romping home, when dustrial accident commission, T14 be sincere and friendly attitude of the President, in the acceptance gler the .lew la down, h , the while road that ing subject to the workmen’s compen of Bryan’s resignation, is beyond their soundings. leads to town, comes your ftock—gixxl sation act. while 31 were from public Already they are playing the press to array Wilson against night—and rest. . . . I’m glad that utility corporations and 23 from firms you love the black sheep twat. or corporations not under the act. An Bryan—to encourage epmity and split t h e party—and, font unknown man was killed by a train at hope, even to contrive the appearance of Bryan as leader of tht Drain; L. E. Sheppard was killed at Falls City while logging, Iso Grzoda- Democratic insurgency. Just why a satisfied party should in BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON | mis, logger, was crushed to death at surge is a bothersome quiz—theym ust breed strife to answer it. Marshfield, and Ole Olson was simi In thiswise it is schemed to deliver the nation again—1< The state O. A. R. encampment larly killed at flanks. Thtrty-slx of the Injured were hurt In sawmills, the slavering maw of big business and the campaign contributor opened at M cMinnville Sunday. Elghty-flve seniors were graduated and 27 In construction work. of Wall S treet B. M. I . S This May ja r a l- I llX I iilf> ut hang on* *b Ifs B w ill do y o u good This ¡8 the time for putting up berries, and a little later in | ¡1 the season fruits of all kinds will be in abundance DON’T W A IT T O B U Y JA R S B U T B U Y THEM W HILE th e PRICE IS R.IGHT W e h a v e the old M A S O N , t r ie d and tru e : Quarts, per dozen 1 J L .dozen 1-2 gallon tf-4 per doz. 4 ) I N ew c a p s 2O c d o z e m b ea t r u b b e r s 3 d o z e n fo r 2 5 c E C O N O M Y J A R S , w e have them to o ; y o u k n o w w h a t b h e y are —none b e tX e r Pints, per dozen $1 Quarts per doa. 1.25 1-2 gallon per doz. 1.60 N ew lid s 2O c p e r d o z e n from the University of Oregon Wed Allied F lltrs Burn Zeppelin. nesday. Henry Woodward, author of the Paris.— A German Zeppellu and five "Lyrics of the Umpqua," and other Tsubes were destroyed and 19 Oer works, died at Roseburg at the age ot man soldiers killed in a raid by allied 88 years. aviators on the German aviation camp Ninety-four tier cent of the pupils at Evero. north of Brussels, according When you are starting to work in the morning, be sure that of Polk county schools, who took the to unofficial reports from Belgium. recent eighth grade examinations, you haven’t forgotten something. Rummage yourself a bit and passed successfully. remember to be courteous, kind and conscientious. Then fly at The 19th annual Institute conven your job. If circumstances arise to which this treatm ent will tlon of the Epworth leagues of The For hard or soft wood of finest quality Dalles district held a four days’ ses not apply, weigh your words carefully and shoot them straight ■Ion at The Dalles. order from John J. Ritter. Phone 3F21 Be fearless. People will get next to you—they will like, adm in The Clatsop county fair board has Found—Valuable pair of eye glass«-«, and respect you. Do you measure up to this standard? Few ol set September 21, 22 and 23 as the specially ground lenses Owner may re dates for this year's county fair, to cover property by calling at News office us do. But YOU can! be held at Gearhart Park. end paying « barges The 23d annual session of Oregon FOR BALE—farm wagon, good donhh The Rogue River valley does not need irrigation because it yearly meeting of the Friends’ Church harness, horse, good in saddle or buggy, was held at Newberg with a large at an«l saddle cheap. -G n-anlcaf Ranch, rains. Therefore it does not need a lumber mill because most of tendance from Pacific coast states. Kane« Creek the stoves burn coal; it does not need new railways, because the Twenty-five hundred persons were Wanted:—G«xxl milch cow«, calves and Southern Pacific has been on the job for forty years; it does not fed at an open-air barbecue served at iltle pigs, on time; <leferre«l payments by Corvallis merchants to need a beet sugar factory because sugar can be shipped in.— Corvallis well seemed Address Sleepy Hollow farmers of Benton and Linn counties ] Farm, Gold Hill; II. A. Ensign, A. E From the Smudging Pot, in Medford Sun. In the vicinity of Corvallis. Dixon, managem Forty-seven out of a total of 56 ap Oliver Typewriter for sal«- anil rent: — plicants for admission to practice den Notice o f Special Recall Election Recorder on the date hereof. tistry successfully passed the examin No. 6 Oliver .Machines lc first-class con Dated at Gold Hill, Oregon, June 17 ation held at Salem the past week by ditions rented at the rate of 84.00 for —A. E. K n u isio, N otice is hereby given, That in pur 191«. the Oregon State Board of Dental Ex three months. —B en H . L ampman Sales agent for the Oliver Machiue suance with petitions signed by the re aminers. City Recorder for Gold Hill quisite number of voters and filed with Or«iers taken for any book published in Members of Moose lodges in every Oregon. the City Recorder on June 11, 19’5, a town In the north W illam ette valley, the United States. Also we are tlie sub Special Recall Election in and for the including Oregon City and Molalla, scription agent for all U. S. ami many for City of Gold Hill, Jackson County, O re-, will gather at Aurora June 22, when eign magazines and papere. gon, wfll be held on Tuesday, the 29th . A“ ° mcU1 «tatement from the Aus- —John R. Kelsey, the Aurora lodge w ill give a carnival day o f June, 1915, a t the City Hall of) ‘rian war ofiice adDailted Italian with Gold Hill News. and picnic. Gold Hill, Oregon. The polls will Le tr°°?s cro“ *d the laonzo, five miles In another week the administration WTErE HAVE added to our general livery business open from 10 a. rn. to 1 p. m., and from 1 ? ° rt w e,t Gorlta, after a three-day building of the University of Oregon battle. two completely equipped 5-passenger touring — POR — 2 p. in. to 7 p. in. will be completed. The concrete work S A I t , 1“ the north the Germans are mak- cars—to meet increased demand for service. Com The election will be for tlie purpose of ln_ . Is already finished, plasterers are , . . . *“ g a sew move In the direction of 720 acres, solid body,, in Meadows dis deciding tlie questions: Shall George H. x- « j putting on finishing touches and the mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists Patrick be recalled from th e offiT of | " ‘ 7 X f i Z ’ .‘x ’ ’T " / marble walls, hall and staircases are trict, small house and good Iwrn, old or bound for marvelouc Crater Lake —will find that we chard in liearing, wveral grxxi springs, Councilman-at-Large?” and “ Shall C. 8 . i weavv firtitin? M ° D '«a aw “ in place. know the roads, the country, and how to please. alxnit 40 acres under cultivation. Price Redfield be recalled from the ofiice Clackamas county won 49 of the 128 812.60 per acre. Councilman of tlie First Ward?” | — ____ _ gold, sliver and bronze medals award 065 acres, near DebengcrOap, 10 miles And for the further purpose of voting ' Bryan Appeals to Garman-Americana, ed for exhibits of the W illam ette val T h e S h o rtest W ay ley exposition association, or more from Gold Hill, over 100 acres under cul upon the following named candidates: Washington. — W illiam Jennings tivation, 10 room bonne, grxxi barn, live than one-third of the total. Eight For Councilman-at-Large: Bryan Issued an appeal addressed to T h e L ea st C o st counties had entries In the valley as creek through it, and several springs, all Silas Fleming, "the German-Americana” urging them g'xxl land. Price 835.00 per acre. sociation's display. George H. Patrick. to aid in maintaining peace between T h e B est G u id e » Congressman W. C. Hawley has re 200 acres near Beagle, finely improved, For Councilman of First W ard : the United States and the fatherland ceived word from Washington that including stock amt all agricultural im C. S. Redfield, by exerting their influence with the V - B. Walker. German government to persuade it not the secretary of the interior had ap plements, all tor 840.00 per acre. Terms. proved the clear lists tor patents cov One trial and our Livery Service m akes|friends~try it! The nominating petitions of Silas Flem to take any atepa that would lead In 004 acres in on«: solid ixx1y five miles ering 11,361 acres of the central Ore ing and W. R. Walker, for the respective the direction of war. out, Sams Valley district, nearly all un gon Irrigation project, same being lists offices, have beeh filed with the City der cultivation, no better alfalfa or grail numbers 6 and 8, with the exception land in this county. Price 8100 per acre. of 49 acres. G O L D H IL L . O R E G O N 120 acres on F«x>ts Creek, 7 miles out, Attorney General Brown has ren dered an opinion that the state board 45 to 50 acres under cultivation, as much of control can expend a part of the or mon- could be easily cleared and cul 850,000 appropriated by the legisla tivated, almost unlimited range for at«x:k, ture for the promotion of flax retting g'xxf house, two large barns, hog anil and other work at the state penlten chicken houses, g«xxl stream through it. tlary for the purchase of road material Price $76.00 per acre. "• ■—... and machinery. 100 acres near Asbestos, 20 miles out, Additional Klamath county acreage some under cultivation, s m a ll house, is to be brought under Irrigation this large amount of small fruit, small heat season. R. Em m ltt is installing a ing orchard, most of this is heavily tim Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods pumping outfit to irrigate 1200 acres bered, unlimited range for st«x-k, several in Season :: Our home cured Hams and of land on the Keno road. Pipes are gfxxl large springs. This is a bargain at now being laid and the pumps will be $4500. Considerable stock ami Imple Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard electrically operated on power fur ments go with the place at that price. nished from Keno. A T w o A c t C o m ic O p e r a Several other farms, large and small, Secretary of State Olcott say3 that several fine garden tracts from two up to U n d e r t.*»« A u s p i c e s o f t h e numerous notaries throughout the 50 acres, improved and unimproved, sev B L A C K E R T <& G A R R E T T , P r o p r i e t o r s state are not complying with the law eral of them are decided bargains. If you passed at the recent session of the want anything in this line it will pay you legislature providing that every time to call and see me. or write for particu P R IC E S 25 A N D 5 0 C E N T S I saw eordwotxi to stove lengths with For Hale—One 2A Fohling Brownie in their seal is used they must write or lars on any of the above. power saw, promptly on order. Phone j first class condition, also Portrait Attach. stamp on the document when their C. S. REDFIELD-GOLD HILL, OR. John J. Ritter, 8F21. I meat. Inquire at The News coupniasloa expires. So firmly are the roots of our national friendship and es teem enlaced in the careers and characters of both Wilson ant and Bryan, that It can’t be done. W e o n ly guarantee these prices fo r a s h o rt t im e - t h e price is sure to he hig h er Read These 2ft CiUP L ance C om pany T h e h o m e s to r e J G o ld H iili A u t o L iv e r y F a s t D r iv in g T e a m s (EL F e e d S t a b le » in C o n n e c t i o n Stock Ranches D arling' H odg'es S P E C I A L A T T R A C T IO N ! T h u r s d a y , J u n e 2 4 , 1915 B o s to n Id e a l O p era Co. 1 » in - T H E M IK ADO G o ld H ill B a n d Ghe CITY M E A T M A R K E T