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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1915)
S jo IÎ i Mill Jietùs Gold Hill fiw a fa a f H atarat K u r n n t t a f Saat hara Oragaa n b .a u l.fu l R ataa Riva' Oa VOL. 18 GOLD H ILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JU N E 12,1915 Jackson Co. Ona C o m n ta a ily 'a f O p p a " tu a ity -Ragaa Riaar VaRay, uhara tha o ppia ga in a tifa m a NO. 6 =P Visitors Up Aloft in Perfect SECOND WARD NO Swings Safety; Giant Thriller at Exposition BACK HOME AGAIN LONGER EXISTS-AH! AFTER MANY YEARS «M large, and W. K. Walker for councilman. Both petitions were signed with only oc casional protest and bear more than tlie required amount of signatures. Under tlie Mate law die recall election ■ hum be called hy the city recorder with Ward Refused Right to Name in twenty days after tin- tiling of the pa- Man for Vacancy; Recall is titlous with him. Five days is, however, given for tha oonteen-d officials to take Answer of Citizens oth-r action before the machinery o f public decision 1« set in motion. Council Casts Vote to Deny Petitioners Wheat— Clab. M e; bluestem. »1.00; rad Russian, M e ; forty-laid. M e ; rad flte .M e . ftio z . >. Hay— Eastern Oregon timothy. »1«; grain hay. »11; alfalfa, »I1 .M ; valley Uaiothy, »12 50 U \ „ b Butter—Creamery. 2»e. Bgga— Ranch. l(c . Wool— Eastern Oregon, 25e; valley. Me. M ohair—31c. The city council met In regular amalon "Monday evening. For the first time, «Ince the 4N«conl preoeeding the referend- oin election, th e councillor» of the town appeared to lie In harmony—a condition mi ml agreedble to themselve» and wel «om eto the long mitfering public. Nine-tenth« of the evening*« hull nee« went through with celerity and without dissent, then— The resignation of Burt A. Adam« a« councilman for Ute second ward was eaad by the recorder. A pregnant si lence fell upon the tiny chamber while Mr. Adams’ missive announcing a retlr toent to private life, was made officially public. Councilman Redfield moved the accept ance of tlie resignation j councilman l*alrlck replied Instantly with a second. Tile motion carried. More silence. A few preliminary Ad- get» Erank Cohen and W ife Visiting Relatives Not Seen for Half Century; Recall Old Days To southern Oregon and the Gold HUI district has come a change alm<s*t as great as th at which greeted tlie retnrning Rip Van Winkle, since Frank Cohen threw np his job with Thomas Cavanaugh and left for California-over foriy-three years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cohen are . now the guests of Kanes C re k friends Brief oketenes of Happenings : and relatives. Mrs. Cohen is a daughter of Week in Best VaHey of I of Grandma Rhoten and sister of Mr», Emma Boggis. Goodly Oregon i Back to the home of their youth, for " ®r,t *Wt >n almost half a century, Rudy Scholz, a Medford boy, has been catne fhe Cohens from Seattle, arriving chosen captain of the Santa Clara college Wednesday morning. While Waiting for football team. By experts he is declared • conveyance to take them “ out on the the best player yet discovered oa the Creek,” Mr. Cohen became reminisu nt. Over there somewhere«,” he waved coast. Fearing water shortage during the dry : his hand to the river, “ used to he the weather, the city of Medford has been town of Danlcneiles. There weren’t no I diMricted for irrigation and will strictly Gold Hill then, son; I shouht say not! Forty-three years ago I ploughed for Tom ' enforce the ruling. Cavanaugh just about where we’re stand Jud Pemoll. late of the San Francisco in g ” pitching staff, will spend the season in Agiin he faced the river and pointed a , retirement at Grants Pass—starring oc- wavering digit. “ About over tliere was ! casionally for the home team. i Tom Cavanaugh's home place. I work It is rumored that the Barnum line to ed for him. Is he here yet, or what?” ! Jacksonville has been merged with the Bystanders told him of tlie pioneer’s pass Southern Ore-jon Traction line, owned by ing, years ago. Cohen shook his head i the Bullis interests, for a consideration slowly, and tnmed to greet Abe Crabtree, i of M l,000. who remembered him weli. O, it was pitiful! Near a whole c ity -, Since their departure in tlie days of fnl o f Hilt baseball hugs tlie Medford 8ince> Mr. and Mrs. Cohen have merrymen of the diamond defeated their ^ved in California, Montana and Idaho, hosts by a score of 20 to 2. This disconr- an,i ,or the I1“*1 ,en years in Seattle, tesy was committed last Sunday ^ r- Cohen was asked what businesg he a . followed in the Washington metropolis. On Green springs mountain, near Ash- h .. «~wi ki. __- i . i land, the chief industry is goat raising, i _ ...... . ___ „ , , - . piciotw gaze, then rallied to the occasion. « « » n t visitation« by nranrtmdlng te w s r‘O; real estate, real, state, In replied are making the busine« an onpnffitehle | » antl b„ildinir We’ve done very one, and hunters are busy with prepara- wen >• | tions for an outing after bruin. Hig wjfe her twjDkHng Expert Says It’s Hawg Country News Notes of Valley Hamlets J. Advises Com and Hog Grow ing; Local Pork Practically Cholera Proof Medlord, Or., June 8.— C. M. McAlis ter, special representative of die I*ort>and Union Stockyards company, has sjs-nt i the past week in the itogue River Valley in tlie interest of the livestock Industry. I Mr. McAllister thinks the Rogue River Valley an ideal hog-raising section and advises that small orchard owner« plant corn between tlie rows of tree« and real- iae a double profit. " I visited your sec tion a year ago," said Mr. McAlister, I and found hut a comparatively small ' numlier of farmers raising h o g s and ' cattle. Today many have turned their j attention to this business and the conse- i luciiecs are tliat these people are realizing “ big profit. Hogs raised in this section , a r e practically I in in fine from cholera, ! which is prevalent in many sections, and j the loss by death is very small." He slates that it is Ids opinion that western companies will tsi compelled to send east for much stock this year as western raisers have not paid the proper attention to this industry. Gold Hill Not Here When Couple Left The petition of resilient« anil voters of the second ward was read by tlie record er, praying that A. J. T. Hmith, resident of that ward and U. A. H. veteran, be ap|>oink*d t > tlie vacant council seat. Councilman Red fluid, of the First ward immediately addressed his colleagues. H e saw no reason for hurry in the matter <tl siduc-ting a councilman for tlie Second ward. Tlie vacancy had just been cre ated by the acceptance of the resignation. Tlie petition, despite its overwhelming aiguature, was not a fair indication of <he popular choice of that ward. He, therefore, moved that tlie iip|s>iuttuent OR the seeker of amusement there Is opportunity a-plenty In the great be laid over until tlie next meeting. Mr. mechanical achievement, the aeroscope. on the Zone. Panama-Pacific Patrick voiced a prompt second International Exposition. , San Francisco. The — aeroscope Is built on -- the . . . --------------------- Thirty she thousand acres that lisas Uprose then the galahad of the S-cond order of a giant crane of a novel and Intricate design, with a seating been tied up by a Carey land p ro je c t! want, W. W. Truax. The councilman capacity of loo and standing room for twenty more. The ear Is perfectly bal verbally scorched t h e methoda t h a t in Pine valley. Baker county, are ex- i anced. and perfect safety and a Jarless ride of ten minutes are assured to pas would tend to deprive his ward of its full pected to be thrown open within a sengers who enjoy ibis trip of 204 feet into the clouds. This is four feet representation. Arose also councilman few months, if the United States land j higher than the Ferris wheel. Two motors control the ascent and descent In Quarantined with but slight hope o f “ Why don’t yon tell him that you’re a W. A. Stickel, of the Second ward, who departm ent acts upon the request of i conjunction with the counterbalance of this huge car, and when It reaches Its . improvement, thirteen head of valuable bricklayer?” she queried, extreme height It begins to swing slowly around on the series of wheels at Its pleaded as a plain citizen for the rights those in that vicinity. Mr. Cohen wears a G. A. R. button, The forest service is advertising for base, giving the passenger a view of the surrounding country from every point dairy cows, on the upper Applegate, may of his ward In the matter of naming its pos-ibly have to be killed. The animals He proved in this emergency that he re- sale 4 3 ,0 (1 0 ,0 0 0 feet of timber. 92 per own candidates. are all afflicted with tuberculosis, as was members his strategy, Mr. Redfield was pleasant uixnit the cent of which is w estern yellow pine •••■••I'llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllltlllllllllllllllllllf |||I|||||||||H ||||||||||||||||||||H ||||| discovered at an examination made by a “ I’m wondering m ost," he said, half J and the balance made up of Douglas ; matter. Very well, he would withdraw deputy state veterinarian. Tliey were to himself, “ whetiier Grandma Rhoten his motion. He would move, however, i fir. w estern larch and other species— | recently purchased from a Corvallis firm, will know tlie ‘black haired boy,’ as she the iinuiisliate election of Itoy Cameron ; all locatud upon the Whitman national j Death from scalds received while tak- U*Hi 04,1 lne' Tl>e thatch of the re- forest In eastern Oregon. to tlie vacancy. Mr. Patrick hustled the ing a bath was the fate of Henry Tiiomp- turn'“ " »»»»le’vr is silvered, It Is expected th a t 1,000,000 pounds i last word of the motion with ids second. sou, a resident of Ashland. He was They will visit in this vicinity for sev- (Mr. Cameron served one term as term of wool will be offered at the Shaniko + + . taking the Helman baths for rheumatism. era* weeks, renewing old acquaintances us councilman; w as defeated by Mr sale on June 21. At present only about .j. After turning on the hot water he was an<' rec®N*n& ”id times Mickel at the recent election by one vote; 400,000 pouuds have been hauled there "*■ ----------------- —------ - filed a contest alleging miscount of bal as shearing lias boon delayed. Last + Exposition Grounds, San Francisco, Cal., June 8.—Ore .j. stricken with weakness and was unable j lo turn it off or arise from the tub. A t-; lots; was aguin defeated whim the re year 1.300.UOO pounds were sold at + La Grande Sheriff Shoots Man. gon has scored a tremendous triumph at the Panama- + tendents found him with scalding water J count determined tlie official canvass to Shaniko and the year before 1,350,000 + La Grande.—John Keefe, aged 20, Ì pounds. Pacific International exposition by being awarded the gold + ’ flowing over his body. Death followed ' of Moscow, Idaho, lies have been correct.) dangerously + within a week. Councilman Truax moved the election medal for her horticultural exhibit The jury on awards wounded in the local hospital, having + of A. J. T. Smith as the choice of tlie a bullet wound in his chest. He was was made up of eminent horticulturists from the N ether Second ward petitioners. Tlie motion shot a t Union Junction by Sheriff Hug lands, the east, Japan, and California. I : was seconded by Stickel. Onlookers felt while resisting arrest and ignoring all the thrills of expectancy. The roll calls to stop and preliminary shots The competition was extremely keen, and Oregon won + w as called. fired over his head when be attem pted Owing pi the resignation of councilman Buffalo. N. V ., June 7.—The wills of + over magnificent exhibits from all over the world, many to escape. + Adams the Second ward was represented Elbert Hubbard and his wife, who lost of the states, and all the Pacific coast states. Oregon’s Ashland, Or., June 10.—Reports came tiy lint two votes—the First by three. their lives in the Lusitania disaster, were + Governor W ill Greet Liberty Bell. from Norm, state of Sonora, Mexico, last exhibit cost the state $2500, Washington’s $7500 and Cali This was the vote: for probate in surrogate's court here + Baker.—Baker is making great pre week that Ira Bowers, brother of Benton fornia a much larger sum. C. N. Ravlin, of Hood River, For Cameron: Kell, Patrick, Redfield, today, Bowers, of this city, had been attacked parations for th e reception of Gover + chief of horticulture for Oregon, lays his success to the of the First ward. by some oi tlie bands of Mexican bandits nor Withycombe when he comes here T h e documents were drawn hy Mr. + For Smith: Stickel, Truax, of the Sec Hubbard and were a l m o s t identical. + fact that he prepared an all Oregon exhibit, even the who are devastating the northern part of JulF 12 t0 welcome the Liberty Bell ond ward. Roth provide that in case one survived + frame work of the Oregon section was of Oregon logs, the that disrupted country. Serious feais to Oregon. Baker is the first stop The First ward had spoken—at least its were felt for the safety of Mr. Bowers made In the state hy the bell and the tlie other, the estate should lie divided * representatives had. One half of the city and his wife. A telegram was received city is planning an all-day patriotic between Flliert lluhbard II, son anil Mi + floors of Oregon timbers, the hedges of Oregon shrubs, was entitled to no representation other riam, daughter. Several other children + and plants, the fruit and flower exhibit was varied, fully + this morning from tlie sheriff of Nogales lelebratlon. tliun that dictated by them. The Second ■F stating that I. E. Bowers and wife were by Hubbard’s first marriage a r e not ward, us a political identity, has ceased •F representing the state. This is the first time California mentioned iti the will. + O. K., thus relieving the anxiety for their Lower Columbia Fishermen Arrested. + has been beaten horticulturally. pi be. Astoria.—As a result of the investi + safety felt here. Mr. Bowers is a heavy The value of the estate is problematical, Mayor Morelock announced the vote. + + land Hnd stock owner in Mexico and has gation made during the last few days Tin’ll Rome howled. Citizens of both although It is known that Mi. Hubbard + It is a magnificent thing for the state and will boost it, + resided in that country for a nomber of by H. F. McGrath, deputy collector and wards, present at the meeting, greeted carried insurance policies amounting to + horticulturally to thousands of people now thronging the + years. chief Inspector of customs at Portland, He owned considerable the effrontery of this official act with liver »100,01)0. 35 fishermen of the lower Columbia + —---------------------- — buildings. real estate at East Aurora. jeers, objections, cries of “ rotten” and have been arrested for violation of A shipment of 150 bushels of new + threats of the recall. It was a splendid motor boat rules. ■ F + -F + + + + + + -F 4 ’ - F ’F-F -F-F -F -F -F -F -F -F -F -F -F -F -F -F -F potatoes sent to Eugene from Sacra + miniature mob scene, with tlie outraged By the terms of the late Era’s will it mento was condemned by C. E. Stew populace voicing their disapproval. A appears that Ralph Hllblwrd, son hy Woman Murdered at Bend. British, French and German official paratory to a general assault In an at art. Lane county fruit inspector, on hurried motion to adjourn, made by Pat the first wife, will be among the children Bend.—Mrs. N ettle Cole, a middle- account of the existence of tuber meth reports agree th at the fighting has tem pt to break the British fro n t rick, closed tlie session. It bad entered who are forgotten financially. This aged woman who lived alone In a cab With Przemysl again in the hands among them, and they will either have the minutes after the occasional fashion i young man is iiersnitally known to Gold been Intense on the w estern front, and in on the outskirts of town, was found to be shipped back or destroyed at the the British and German accounts are of the Austrians, sledgehammer blows of Mari b—like u lamb. I lill iH-ople, having taught manual train dead In her home apparently m urder The lm|iending act of the local comedy- ing and music in tlie local schools two In accord in indicating engagements are being struck at the Russians on expense of the shippers. As a result of action by the Portland ed. The right side of her head had drama will Is- a recall election—unlean years ago. He visited here last Christ of especial severity between those two the eastern front. General von Mack been crushed by a heavy Instrum ent. enzen’s victorious army is closely fol city council formal request la to be the city is saved that cX|>en ■ by resigna- ' mas. Sims: Ills departure from this city contenders. zk determined offensive has been lowing the retreating Russians east of made of United States Senators Lane lions. Recall pe'.iilons for councilman he has attended college at Boulder, Col Villa la Reported Badly Defeated. ('. S. Redll I I, -I !■’ rs. ward, and orado. Friends of Ralph, whose youth launched against the British line about Przemysl. As yet there are no lndi and Chamberlain and Representative Vera C ruz—Defeat of the forces of McArthur th at they urge the depart for councilman-at-large O. II. Patrick, of and pleasant personality won many, Ypres. Dispatches tell of a renewal cations of w ithdrawals from von Mack Generals Angeles and Villa, the cap ment of the interior to give the city of the vigorous bombardment of the enzen's forces for use in France and the First ward, lin e Isen circulated and have hinted that the will is certain to I«’ ture of the town of Leon and all of signed by ov r the r q li-ite number < I ennh’sted. For years Ralph has made British trenches. The center of this Flanders, but the apparent determin of Portland 240 acres of government Villa’s trains and artillery was an land adjoining Gordon falls. Gordon attack Is from Hooge and the heavy atlon of the Austro-German forces Is citizens. liis own way in the world, and complet nounced In a report of General Obre- falls and 380 acres around it was giv artillery fire being poured against the to crush the Russians and drive them Silas FI - t ilin g lias b- 1 n iiom ii atod by ed Ills edueiition, without assistance from en to the city by S. Benson for a pub gon, of the Carranza army, received English line Is accepted as being pre completely out of Galicia. I s'tition for th e office of councilman-at- East Aurora. here. lic park. F OREGON FRUIT FIRST State Awarded Gold Medal at Exposition Hubbard Will Cuts Son, Known Here ¿ Bandits Baffled by B. Bowers’ Brother