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About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1915)
the lie» ag ain st th e pro- l>«»rty above described, and mentioned in said certificate And you are here by summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publication of till’» summons, exclusive of the day ol Mid first publication, and defend this action or par the amount due as above shown, together with costa and accrued interest and in case of your failure to do ao, a decree will be rendered foreclosing the lien of said taxaa and costs against tha land and premises above deerrtbed. This summons is published by order of the Honorable F. M. Calkins, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Or egon for the County of Jnckaon, and said order was made and dated this 5th day of May, 1915, and the date of the first publication of this summons Is the 15th day of May, 1915 All process and papers in this pro ceeding may be served upon the under signed residing within the State of Or egon at tha address hereafter mention ed. —N irr A Maacav Attorneys (or Plaintiff. Medford National Bank Bldg. Medford, Oregon Dated May 16. 1915. cree foreclosing For that classy Hair Cut TRY DICK Th. best, and la te st *‘k«ts »9 In the Circuit Conn of the State of Oregon, for Jackaou County. The Gold Hill Bank, a corporatioa, : Plaintiff, : vs. : 8 vmmoms Edward J. Kde, Louise E. : Ede, hie wife; Harry C. FWrd,: Mary J. Ford, bit wife, and : Charles Erlwetn, : Defendants. : To Kdward J. Eds, lxtuise E. Ede. BERLIN ASKS FIRST TO AGREE ON FACTS Reply to American Note Defers Main Issue. But Expresses Regret for Injuries. “ TAs WAoJs W o r M K no w » (As P o rtla n d K o » » ” and tha Portland Rose Festival June 9 -1 0 .1 1 Berlin, via London.—The German A Time of fun anil frolic for young and old to forget Ute cares ami reply to the Americas note, sent after worrit*« of tiie day amt join in Ute spirit of mirth and amusement hit wife. Harry C. Ford and Mary J. the slaking of the Lusitania, was de Ford, hit wife, d e f e n d a n t s named livered to Ambassador Gerard Satur above. day for transmission to Washington. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF The note expresses Germany's re OREGON. You are hereby required to SPECIAL ROUND TRIP FARES gret tor lajuriee sustained by Ameri appear and answer the complaint filed 1 Albany $3.10 From Junction O ty $ 4 .3 0 against you in the above entitled court Baths in Connection cans as a result of submarine and aer- and cause, on or before six weeks from 1.80 Chem awa U b erai 1.10 eplaae attacks and offers compensi- the day of the first publication of this Corvallis 3 .5 0 M t. Angel 1.50 tloa In cases In which Germany la summons, the first publication being on May 8th, 1915, the time prescribed in found te be In the wrong. Eugene 4 .8 0 M olalla ¡.2 0 the order of publication thereof. It defers a direct answer to the ques R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n H arrisburg 4.15 Salem 2 .0 0 And you are hereby notified that if tions raised by President Wilson pend you fail to appear and answer said com " T h e C ity S h o p ” ing a further exchange of views. Ger plaint, lor want thereof plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief demanded many desires to establish whether the NOTICK FX>R PUBLICATION in the complaint, to-wlt: With corres|Mindlng low round trip (area Lusitania waa a defenseless merchant D s sà K t m k n t o r T H i I n t t b io » For a decree of this court against you from all other points. Tickets on sale ship or was being used for the trans lor the suiu of 5550.00, with Interest from all peints souUi of Roseburg June portation of war niuuttlona and sol thereon from tiie 15th day of September, 07486 6th to 19Ut, inclusive, (rout Roseburg 1913, mull paid at the rate of 8 per oent diers, on which unsuspecting passen U 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, per annum ; for attorney’s fees in the and alt points north June 6th to 11th, gers were permitted to take passage DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE nim May »J, 1916. of 5100.00 sod costs of thie snit inclusive. Final return limit June UUt. to safeguard the war materials. to be taxed herein; N otick is hereby given that Nellie DENTIST The American representations re Bell, whose post-office address is Med That the usual decree may be made GAS ADMINISTERED for the rale of the premises described lord, Oregon, 25 8. Orange h L, did on garding the torpedoing of the British in the complaint herein as All of the the 25th day of August, 1911, hie in steamer Falaba, In which au Ameri RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD Full particulars from nearest Agent of the SW ^of Section 5 in Township 36 Sooth this "ffioe Sworn Statement and Appli can citisen lost his life, are answered of Range 3 West of the Willamette Me cation, No. 07486, to purchase the Lots with the statement that It was Intend ridian, situated in Jackson County, Or 12, 13, 14 and *.5, of Section IS, Town W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. egon, and tiie proceeds ol such sale be ship 33 8, Range 2 W., Willamette Me ed to offer ample time (or the passen applied to the payment of said principal ridian, and the limber thereon, under gers aud crew to leave the ship, but G N E R U . PRACTITIONER sum of 5550.00, interest, attorney’s fees the proviaionaol the act of JuneS, *878. the action of the captain In attempting and costs, and for a deficiency judg and acta amendatorv, known a s the to escape necessitated more summary G old H ill , O regon . ment il there be not sufficient funds ‘ Timber and Sto-e Law” , at such value realised from such sale to pay said as might be fixed by appraisement, action. and that, pursuant to aucn application, Germany expresses regrets for "the sums; John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon A. E. KELLOGG the land and timber thereon have been unintentional attacks" on the Ameri That yon and each of you and all per GOLD HILL. OREGON appraised, 5561.00, tbetimbei estimated sons claiming under you and each of 1.277,000 board feet at 5<»0 A 50.50 tier can steamer Cushing and the Gulf- you either as purchasers, encumbranc M, and the land nothing; that said ap light. The Cushing was attacked by Embalmer and Funeral ers or otherwise may bo barred and plicant will offer final proof in support Director foreclosed ol all rights, claim, or equity of his application aod sworn statement German airmen In the North Sva and • of redemption (except as allowed by on the 10th day of August, 1915, before the Gulfllght was torpedoed off Bcilly Complete line of burial robee. law) in said premises. W. H. Canon, U. 8. Commissioner, at Islands. caskets, etc. This summon« is published by virtue his offi e, at Medford, Oregtn. Germany disavows any Intention to of an order made by the Hoo. F. M. FUNERAL CAR Any person is at liberty to protest this attack harmless neutral craft. She of- ■ Calkins, judge of the abovo entitled purchase before entry, or initiate a con Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence Court,on the 30th day of April, 1915. the test at any time before patent issues, bv fers to pay compensation wherever , first publication to be marie on the 8th filing a corroborated affidavit in ibis she Is found to be in the wrong and Phone, Home 2—K; Pacific 46-Main Seattle, Wash.—Fifteen tons of dy day of .May, 1915, and the last publica office, London.—Some Idea of the despar alleging facts which would defeat to refer doubtful cases to The Hague tion to be made on the 19th day of the entry. namite. stored on a scow anchored In at« character of the fighting lu central for a decision. Camp No. 10073 June, 1915. Sugar The passages In the American note the west waterway, said to have been Galicia Is given In both the Berlin and —J. M. U pton , —M ulkey A C hkkbt Register concerning a possible disavowal by awaiting shipment to Russia, exploded Petrograd official report«, each of W A Attorneys for Plaintiff Germany of intent to sink the Lusi at 2 o'clock Sunday morning and caus which unlqu«ly admits reverses suf Medford, Oregon. Ciold H ill....................................... Oregon tania and the discontinuance of her ed damage estimated at 540,000 to fered at the hands of the other. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Meets first Friday of each month D epartment or the I nterior present practices of submarine war plate-glass windows In Seattle. An The German war office announce« Jay E. Davidson—Counsul IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE fare are not mentioned specifically In unidentified watchman who la sup that the Russians forced the Teutons Alvah E. Kellogg—Clerk STATE OF OREGON FOR JACKSON U. 8. Land Office 07942 at Roseburg, Oregon. the reply. posed to have been guarding Ute dy near Sleniawa hack across the San, COUNTY. April 29, 1915 namite la tulaslng und doubtless was capturing six cannon. The communi Flora A. Kel-ey, I lain tiff, vs. A. C. N o T icb la hereby given that Cyril» killed. Cowing and also all other persons or W. Dow, Father and heir of Charles M. cation adds that 9000 Russians, 35 The cause of the explosion has not cannon and 20 machine guns have i>srties unknown, claiming any right, Dow, deceased, of Gold Hill, Oregon, title, estate, lien or interest in the real- who, on March 29, 1912, made Hosts- b*en determined, but Port Warden been raptured In the San engage estate described in the application stead Entry, Serial, No. 97942, for the Paysee is of the opinion thut It was ments since May 25. herein, Defendants of NW* and W t, of NE W of Sec not accidental. i The R ubs I uu war office admits that tion î'O Township 35 8 . Range 3W, Wil To the above named defendants: The explosive was brought to Seat the Austro-Gertnan forces have made lamette Meridian, has tiled notice of in Complete Line of Automo I THE NAME OF THE STATE tention to make Final Three-vear Proof,, Washington.—Germany's reply to tle from San Francisco on the steamer further gains on both hanks of the OF OREGON: bile Supplies and Repairs, to establish claim to the land abov> the American note concerning the F. 8. Loop, May 13, and was transfer Yon are hereby notified that Flora A. especially Fords before W. H. Canon, U. 8. sinking of the Lusltaniu produced a red to the scow upon the steamer’s ar- San. This communication adds that Kelsey is the holder of certificate of de described, 7000 Austro-Germans and 17 cannon Commissioner, at hl» office at Medford, A Specialist in this work, linquency No. 76, issued of March 7, 19»0 Oregon, on the 14th day of -I "ne, 1915. feeling of profound disappointment rival. Mr. Llllico said the explosive were captured on the Sleniawa and by the tax collector of Jackson County as well as any detail of here. Dissatisfaction at the failure was awaiting the arrival of a steamer Plgary fronts and that the Teuton for Claimant names as witnesses: Oregon for the auiouot of 55,*<0, the same General Blacksmithing, etc. being the amount then due and detin- George W . B rig g , of G o bi B i l l , O rego n. 1 of Germany to answer the demands to take It to Russia. tifications were carried by storm, the Th- explosive was to be shipped to Austro-Germans leaving 2000 dead. puent for tax s for the year 1908. to George Garrison, of the United States was reflected In gether with penalty, interest and costs F r a n k C h ild e rs , Vladivostok on the steamer Hazel Dol government circles generally. Renewed German activity Is noted thereon upon the realestate assessed to W. J. Smith, ” ” lar, now loading army supplies at Ta all along the front from the Baltic to It was generally predicted that a the defendant A. C. Cowing, and of —J. M. U pton , B la c k s m ith coma. the region of Przemysl. which he is tile owner of the legal title 4 30 Register. prompt answer would be sent to Ber lin. as ar pears of record, situated io said County and Mate and described as This is expected to give the Amerl- : Snrapnel Suit It Lost. Work on Canal Likely to Begin Soon. follow-, to-wit: Lots I, 2. and 3, Block NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION can government's understanding o f ; Milwaukee.—Circuit Judge Turner Oregon City.—Judging by present s, of the Original Town, now City, of D epartment of tiie I nterior the facta—that the Lusitania was un- I dismissed the action of General Sam- activity of government engineers on Wood of every description at Gold Hill, in Jaeksou Couniy, Oregon, of said amount being due as armed and carried no concealed guns; ! uel Pearson, who sought to restrain the site of the locks and canal, active lowest prices. Wood saw for| one-third 08189 aforesaid upon eacn of said lots. that she sailed from the United States the Allis-Chalmers company, Otto H. reconstruction will begin In a few custom work. That said certificate of Delinquency U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, a peaceful merchantman and that un- ; was originally issued to one L. 8. Noe, May 25, 1915. der all rules of International law and | Falk and others from manufacturing weeks. Shipments of machinery are Y ards Riveside Ave shrapnel shells which, It was alleged, being received almost dally. A large who, on January )2, 1910 duly assigned N otice is hereby given that William Phone 3F21 the same to one Z. R. Noe, who, in C- Powell, of Sams Valley, Oregon, who humanity the vessel should have been i were being supplied to the allies. quantity of supplies has been received turn, on January 12, 1914 duly assigned on July 13,1912, made Homestead Entry visited and searched and her passen from the Celilo canal, recently com the same to this plaintiff. Serial, No. 98189, for the SE'< of SW>4 gers transferred to a place of safety, pleted, and It Is said additional ship P a tr o n iz e H o m e Judge Humphries of Seattle Diet. You are further notified that the said and SW '4 of 8E*^ of Sec. 29. Totvnshit>35 whether she carried ammunition or ments wlH be received for some time In d u stry holders of -aid certificate have paid S, Range 2W, Willamette Meridian, lias not. Seattle, Wash.—John E. Humphries, to come. taxes on said premises for subsequent filed notice of intention to make Filial Germany's failure even to discuss luperlor court Judge, died here of years as follows: On sail lot 1, taxes Three-year Proof, to establish claim to uraemic poisoning. lortbeyear 1909, in theauionntof $1.84, the land above described, before W. Tl. the reparation demanded by the STATES TO LAY WATER PLANS paid March 7. 1910. taxes for the year Cannon, I’. S. Commissioner, at his of American note and evasion of the re M T . P I T T <a G O V . 19i0, in the amount of 52.76, paid fice at Medford, Oregon, on the 16th day quest that guarantees be given that Ita ly Buys U. S. Beef. Delegates to Confer on Program to Be March 15, 1911, taxes for the year 1911 of July, 1915. J O H N S O N C I G A R S in Chicago.—The Italian government American vessels and lives he not en the amount of 5i 68, paid March 15, Put Before Congress. Claimant names as witnesses : has placed orders In the United States 1912, and the further am >unt of 51.68 C C. Gilchrist, ol Sams Valley, Oregon. dangered lu the future are the main Salem.—That a comprehensive pro paid October 7th, 1912, taxes for the Thomas Stratbcrn, points, however, to which the United for 7,000,009 pounds of beef, according ” gram for the development of the wa year 1912, in the amount of 52.10, paid Jobit to an announcement made here. T. Peterson, States government, It was generally MKXLS XA&Ü1NÎ April 2, 191.!. and in the further ter-power and the settlement of affili believed, would refer in the second amount of 52.10, paid September 10th, W. A. Treshnm, ated land problems of the west advis —J. M. 11ETON. 1913, and taxes for the year 1913 in the note. W. C. T. U, TREASURER DIES ing congress of the wishes of the resi 5-29-15 Register. amount of 53 91, paid May 15,1914. dents of this section w ill he prepared On said lot 2, taxes for the year 1909 Hutchison, Stricken While in at the conference of delegates of 12 or in the amount of 51.84, paid March 7th, BELL TO START ON JULY 5 Mrs. Notice o f Private Sale Portland, Succumbs to Operation. 1910, t a x e s for the year >910 in probably 13 states In Portland Sep the amount of 52.76, paid March 15, Historic Treasure W ill Be Accompan • Portland.—Mrs. Elizabeth B. Hutch tember 21, 22 and 23, is the opinion of 1911, taxes for the year 1911 in the In the County Court of the State of Or ied on Trip by Party of Fifty. son, o-f Winfield, Kan., National Governor Wlthycombe who has charge egon, for the County of .Jackson. amount of 51.12, paid March 15, 1912, and in the further amount of $1 12, paid In the Matter of the : Notice of Philadelphia, Pa.—With the neces Treasurer of the • Women's Christian of the arrangements. < tetober 7tli, 191*’, taxes for the yea: 1912 Estate of : the sale of Citing legislation pending In con sary appropriation to pay the expense Temperance Union, died here at the in ttie amount of 51 49, paid April 2nd, William Smith, : Real P ro p e rty , of the trip now virtually available, the Portland Surgical Hospital, where she gress designed to encourage the de .W O M E N . 1913 and in tiie further amount of 51.49 deceased. : has been hovering between life and velopment of the water-power re L o v e T h is paid September 10, 1913 and taxes for Under authority of an order granted councils' committee that will be in the year 1913 hl the amount of 52.77, by the C-unty Court of the Countv of charge of the Liberty Bell on the trip death for several weeks, following an sources of the west, a possibility of M c C A L L ’ S Is the Fashion G u id e and House keeping H e lp e r o f m ore wom en than any other paid May 5th, 1914. Jackson, State of Oregon, dated the 27th to the Panama-Pacific exposition, Is jperation more than a month ago. the federal government retaining a magazine in the w o rld . A ll the latest atylcs On s a i d lot 3, t a x e s for t h e day of March, 1915, I, the undersigned preparing for the ceremonies that will Mrs. Hutchison was 60 years old and preferential reversionary interest In every m onth; also d e lig h tfu l stories that enter ta in , and special departm ents in cooking, home year 1999, in t h e amount ol 51.85, Hdininistiator, will sell at private rale hail been national treasurer of tho W. the powers developed, and giving the dressm aking, fancy w ork, etc., that lighten p a i d March, 7 t h , 1910, taxes for the following described real property, attend the departure of the relic from C. T. U. for seven years. housework and »sv? m oney. Price, SGc states one-half or less of the prospec this city. t h e year 1910, in t h e amount of to-wit: a year, w ith one celebrated M c C a ll D rc o j Pat She catne to Portland several weeks tive profits, the recent legislature All of lots number four (4), and f i v e tern FR EE. 12.76, paid March 15, 1911, taxes for tiie The bell and the escorting party SEND A POSTAL CAPO WOW FCR year 1911 in tiie anionnt ol 5.70, paid (6), in block numt'er seventeen (17), will leave July 5. The escorting party ago to make preliminary plans to ad adopted a resolution providing for the 1. A FREE Sample Copy o f MeCALL'3 MAGAZINE; or March 15, 1912. and in the further Oekums Addition to the City of Gold will Include about 50 persons. Ac vertise the national convention, which conference and urging the federal 2- A FREE Copy o f McCAI.L’3 44-pa«e I'AEMIUU CATALOGUE; or amount of 5-70 paid October 7th, 1912, Bill, Oregon. 1. McCALL’S ilUO.OO I’riso Offer to Every CHURCH. The sale will be made on, or ahrjut cording to the Itinerary arranged, the is to be held In Seattle next October. government to relinquish to the states taxes fjr the year 1912, in the amount A A irrta D t?'-- H the 6th day ol July, 1915, and bids will party with the bell will arrive In San She had been Huffering for some time the title to lands needed for water of 51.40, paid April 2, 1913 and the fur THE M c a ii CO., 236 Io 246 W. 37Ui St. Rew York. R. Y. with an intestinal tumor and when she) power development. ther sum of 51 40, paid April 7th, 1913, be received at the office of the under Francisco the night of July 16. and tiie taxes for the year 1913, in the signed administrator, in G o ld Hill, LIST of PREMIUMS^ Tho resolution Invited the legisla The itinerary for the Pacific coast reached Portland her ailment became amount of 52.61, paid May 5th, 1914. Jackson County, Oregon. icute. tures or governors of Washington, The terms of the sale to the highest definitely decided upon Is as follows: The rate of interest which all the’ fore Idaho, Montana, Colorado, California, July 12—Boise and Caldwell, Idaho; going amounts bear from the date ol bidder, will be upon the following term» the several payments is 15 percent per to-wit: •’’or cash, Gold Coin of, the Huntington, Baker, La Grande and 8hoots Estranged W ife at Marshfield. Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, South Dako United States, ten per cent of the bill annum. Marshfield.—Frank Gilbert, a recent ta and North Dakota to name five de> I payable at the time of the sale, and the Pendleton, Or.; Walla Walla, Wash. FREE FREE Said A. C. Cowing as tiie owner of the balance upon confirmation by the afore July 13—Spokane, Wenatchee and arrival from Colorado,, went to the egates each to participate in the con legal title of the above described prop said Court. Everett, Wash. home of relatives of his estranged ference. C. 8. Hudson, of Bend; 8. erty as the same appears of record, and Dated at Gold Hill, Oregon, on the July 14- Seattle, Tacoma and Olym wife, with whom she was staying, shot B. Huston, of Portland; Edgar B. Pi each of the other persons above named 2nd day of June, 1915. pla, Wash. and seriously wounded Mrs. Gilbert, per, of Portland, and W. Lair Thomp are hereby further notified that Flora A. —A E. Kellogg, July 15— Portland, Salem, Eugene and then fired a bullet Into hit own son, of Lakeview, were elected Oregon Kelsey will apply to the Circuit Court of Administrator ol the Estate of delegates with Governor Wlthycombe brain, dying Instantly. the County and State aforesaid for a de- 6-5-15 William Smith, deceased and Roseburg, Or. as ex officio delegate. Professional Cards SOUTHERN PACIFIC RUSSIAN DYNAMITE BOTH SIDES ADMIT EXPLODEO ON SCOW GALICIAN REVERSES AUTOMOBILE <& GAS ENGINE REPAIRING CHARLES KELL Fire! Fire!! J. Ritter g«H Uli SM O K E GERMAN REPLY GAUSE OF DISAPPOINTMENT