Mr« W alter Hticki-I visited her daugli ter, Mrs. W. A M a r In, at Medford tl lath', part of this Week. ATURDAY »PECIALS 15c Rexall Glycerin Soap 10c 25c Violet Dole Talc P’der 15c All odors Colgate ” 15c Any 50c box Stationery 40c 1 lb bx Quintex Chocolates 40c Bowers’ Pharmacy Jas W hitsett, of Glendale, stopped oil the first of the week as the guest of J. M , Hutson, on the way to Nehrasku. Mrs. T. J. B rlnkerh >ff, was the guest of Mm. J. E. Dietrich Tuesday, to attend the local eoniua-ni'enient exereistsi. M r s . Belinda Masterson a n d h e r daughter Mrs. D Ipha M<s»re, of G rant l'a«s were visitors here last -Sunn-day. Wood hy tie r or cord at lowest market price, delivered at your «tied. Finest Hr pine, laurel ami oak. John J. R itter Phone 3F2I, Mr. ami Mrs. C. E. Young, aceompan ' led hy Mm. Roht. Ham m ond and Master | Itohhis, motored to Gold H ill Tuesday | from M isllord. Miss Viola Meyers, of Rogta*rfver, ; visited form er classmates and attended the Junfor-Bsntor lium pict in this city last Saturday evening FISHING TACKLE Mrs. Frank I .add returned t o h e r home at Glendale, after having «pent sev eral days w ith her mother, Mrs. Eranees Nor, northeast of Gold H ill. Splendid assortment of Ellie Rod»—all priaes— Silk ami Lln.-n Linea, Gasoline and auto oils alwuy- on hand and for sale at unheatalile price«, at the I Darling,Ic ihslgi-s «table. Gasoline Street Recia, Creels, Flies ami Fiali Lures— new stock SALT! «A LT! Miss Agnes Dietrich left for M -dford Wednesday, where she Is taking a short summer course of teaeiu-rs’ training. a v e j u s t r e c e i v e d a c a r o f L e s l i e .Salt D A IR Y a n d T A B L E O u r prices can n o t be e q u a lle d -lo w e r than e v e r offered! M erritt & C o m p a n y G en eral M e r c h a n d is e I pump, prompt, efficient service. Mrs. Mary Cantrell, of Sisson, Calif., returned Tuesday after u four days visit ' w ith her sister, Mrs. Surah Blaekert, and I lier niece, Mm. George G arrett. E verything for the arden t A n gler I ’r I. Burt A. Adam«, who has aceept- M. D, Bowers was summoned to Aslt- I the superintendeney of the Lakeview lam l Sunday hy the serious illness of his « lusils, recently sold his residence prop father, Renton Bowers, who is eon fined erty, near th e high school building, to hy ait attack of bronchial pneumonia. Mrs. M. D Bowers. Poss ««ion w ill la- Hals at Reduced Prices W hile They Last given upon the departure ut the Adams 17.80 hats at S3 73; »7.00 lints, »3.30; fam ily fr >m this city. T lie European war trsik a seat in tla i rear while the ha-al wiseacres ilelstted whether tlie personn-l of Shanko's show e xh ib itin g here Monday evening, was m ainly Mexican, or South American as advertised. T lie aggregation was pictu r esque, w ith the tra in of gypsy wagons, ♦HIX» hats, kil ls); >6.00 huts, »2.80; •Mr. snd Mrs. Frank Turner came down brown fared and gay silk shirted riders. others accordingly. —The Ladles* Shop, from Medford last week and remained Tlie tent was pitclied Monday afternoon John Palmer, now M edford's most u n til Thurmluy of this week as the guest when tlie cal vaeade dusted in from Grants popular photographer, condescended to of G. B. Turner. They w ill locate in Pass. Before a crowd that taxed the visit Ids old friends in this city Tuesday. Klam ath Falls where Ermik has a posi lim ited seating capacity tlie troupe did John iso t stuck-up a hit—-he even «|s,k tio n in the leading barber shop. Miss rough rid ing stunts, fancy roping, etc. Olive T urner is also visiting friends in i W ith the exception of the clowning— H ill E halter was t li >11 day guest of to us. Mr. sm l Mm. Wm. Myer, ami Miss K lam a,li Falls at present. which was horrible— the entertainm ent M edford relatives ami friend«. Bernice, ami M r. and Mm. G. E. Billings A sack of Crown Hour given away at W. P. W etherell, form erly and for was well worth the modest admission : charged. tile Cotnila lla ater Saturday evening. j were guests of the Hodges fa m ily , from some years a resident of Gold H ill, was ' Ashland Monday. wedded to Miss A l vie E. Scott, a Rogue- i For recklessness in d riv in g his automo Fur hard or «oft wood of flnc«t quality B illy Fansher's Gold H ill Giants w ill river schoolmistress, on Thursday of this , Mfe and tor discourtesy in not rendering order from John J. R itter, Phone 3F 2I. clash w ith H a rry Porter’ s equally re week. M r , Wetherell Is station agent' assistance to the victim of his folly, John Social Dance at the opera house given doubtable Gold H ill Tigers on the local ami mayor of tlie latter city. The cere Prader, of Talent, w ill pay »548.00. This hy the Hand Saturday evening. Tickets diam ond tom orrow afternoon. B o t h mony took place at M idfort!, the happy was the sum awarded in the circu it court • SOc. teams are backed hy loyal fans. The couple leaving Immediately for a bridal last Friday to Mrs. Marie B arkh off who Fletcher Stout, pharmacist a t Bower«’ , game w ill Is* called at 2:00 and continue tr ip to the expositions at Frisco and San I suffered a broken w rist through the care «pent Sunday w ith the old folk« at Jack indefinitely. Diego. less chauffenring of Prader. Tlie accident sonville. George Iverson, Instructor of the man occurred at a narrow place on the Sams One of the most popular features of the Get your dynamite of D. H. Milter, all ual tra in in g depatinent of the sehisils, I Valley road l a s t summer. W ithou t orders titled promptly any day In Ihe has constructed a sightly trophy esse for season in Medford school entertainment, sounding a warning Prader drove his and perliai« tla- most carefully trained presentation to tin- high acltool. The For.l around a rig occupied by Mrs. Bark- and suevessful from a dram atic stand T lie frenzied Butter paper, printed in accordance ease shows fine workmauship to a super point, is said to have been the presenta ! hod and W . G. Myers. w ith the law, for aale on order at The io r degree. team prom ptly bolted and in the in e vit tio n of scenes from “ Mid-summer N ight's New« office. A1I members of the Gold H ill fire de Dream” by tla- children of the Rooaevelt able spill Mrs. B arkhoff suffered lie r in Mra. S. T . Hodge* and Miss H a rriet partm ent ar>- requested Io assemble at school. T lie production was directed liy ju ry. Prader glanced over his shoulder liodgca w nt to Ihwel lirg Thursday, to the city hull on Monday evening, June tla- principal of tlie school, Mrs. I. T. at liis handiwork, it is said, and con tin 7th, to confer w ith the city council rela G alligar, of Del Rio ranch, near Gold ued liis tr ip w ithout stopping. visit relative«. tive to matters concerning the welfare of H ill. A. A. Flynn, of the Rogue River Pub Ml«« Grace Itaypholtx, of Medford, »as Ihe department. the guest of Mlaa J u d ith Balcotn for sev T h ird in a scries of ten Saturday even lic Service corporation, was in Medford Till- graduates of Class 1018 motored eral days thia week. ing concerts the following program w ill 111" first of the week representing his to Medford in the tw in liriscis- e a rs of Dr. C. R. Ray, presiding genius of the Prof. Adams and "T oo ts” Dusenberry be given at the band stand to n ig h t: compttny in certain proftosala made to Braden mine, was summoned to Med Wednesday afternoon, and were there “ I. A uditorium , M a rd i; 2. M ountain tha t city and under consideration by the Echo.-s, Selection, Dalhey; :5. Beautiful Medford city council. In a report of the ford hy liiisincsa Tuesday. immortalized hy photographer John B. Blossoms, W altz; 4. Carnival K i n g , council meeting the M orning Sun says:— Sen the beginning of the new serial Palmer at his studio. M arch; A. L iv in g Pictures,'Selection ; 6. “ The Rogue River Public Service corpo photoplay at the Counts on Saturday Hay m aking has gone forward w ith Ben B uxton, Cake W a lk ; 7. On Desert ration submitted contracts and asked for evening, “ A Diamond From the S ky.” the ini|s-tus of a bullet the |sist week, Sands. Intermezzo; 8. U. S. A. National a ten year franchise to furnish the city Just received a carload of dynamite for which has been signalized by wplendid March, M arch.” The evening concerts w ith electrical power. T heir price«, ac all purpose», with better prices, bellei sunny days. But little hay was down are tun eful trium phs for tlie hand boys cording to the contracts are twenty per powder, and better service, at D. tl during the recent heavy rains Hml the and are highly appreciated by the public. cent lower than tin* rate now being paid MWer's. 1 «« to growi rs is said to Is- light. t-o the ( aiifornia-O rw on Power company. M l« Ih len Vau Duyn, teacher of the Tlie c o n tra c t wen* turned over to the 7th and Ktli grades, departed Tnursday to lig h t and water committee. Inve«tiga spend her vacation at home in Eugene. tionn w ill be made this week. I f it is Shelias accepted tlie position for next found that ihe letting of the contract to year and w ill return. M issR uthT urner, the corporation doe« not conflict w ith the of (lie 4 ;Ii ami 5 tli grades, bade regretful California-Oregon Power company’ s fran fan-wells to Gold H ill friends the same chise, a change improbable” . * day. Miss T urner w ill vacation at Ash land, She declined reelection tô lie r pos itio n Itère having accepted an offer at in creased salary w ith the latkeview schools. Both young ladies an- clever and capable instructors. The BoN-ToN Just received, a big as sortment of Cane Poles.' Every size. At best prices you can get anywhere. Local News Notes Deputy game warden Riley Ham m er- sley was quietly married t o Oral Opal O rth at the Presbyterian parsonage in G rant < Pass on Tuesday forenoon. Both bride and groom are of Gold H ill, where as elsewhere, they possess many friends to wisli them great happiness. T h e y w ill make the ir home in this city, w ith in te rm itte nt vacations at W illow F la t— the cabin residence of the warden wlien on duty along Upper Evans Creek. Tin- News desires to jo in in the chorus of con gratulation. A Little Out o f the Way, But it will pay you to walk into our Cash Store and “see what you will see.” Try our Coffees in package or bulk. 25 c and 30c and 35c The Truax Co’y / the pound Mra. Cora J. Truax m o n a g e r The S a n Francisco “ inkers” really ought to unionize, decide a day's walk, settle tin- schedule and hold a convention. There are so many of them. Mrs. A. M. M ills and tier daughter, Jane E llis M ills, brushed off tin- dust of travel in this city Sunday evening. They were dressed in dark khaki w alking suits which laire tlie Stencilled legend upon the back: ‘ ‘ Port land to San Francisco” . U nlike thé re cent visitors, the “ g irl hikers” , they were content to travel in comforUble tram ping skirts. They were 30 d a y s out from Portland and have agreed to make Frisco w ith in 80 days for tlie entire trip . Vau deville performances afford funds f o r travel. From Frisco they plan to com mence a trans-continental tram p to New Y ork. I-C-E I have constantly on hand a supply of ICE th a t’s chemically PURE and safe for table use as for refrigerating. W i l l d e liv e r * to r e g u la r p a tro n s e v e ry m o r n in g . S p e c ia l o r d e r s fille d at once You can’t afford to eat tainted food, or drink luke warm beverages when ice costs only A FEW CENTS DAILY W. A . C ook ELYS;that CATCH the EISH. We can fill your wish from Red I Ants t o Caterpillars You can always get the best at D. H. MILLER’S E le c t r i c C o o k i n g ' ^ ONCE A L U X U R Y , NO W A CHOICE. Pbrfect cooking first demands a clean k itc h en. Modern kitchens have no coal buckets or ashpans. There is an Electric Range b u ilt to suit your needs and at a price you can aftnrd to W - Flat rate for Electric Rang? »5.00 per m onth. W o liave all tlie latest types of Electric Ranges on display in our office. Ask for demonstration C A LIF0R NIA-0R.EGONP0 WER. C ompany :: Phone 168 medford , ore . 216 West Main Street D o n ’t, y o u th in k it» w o u ld be safer to leave y o u r m o n ey in the Bank? W e are insured against B u rg la ry . O u r vaults are fire p ro o f. THE GOLD HILL BANK