For th at classy Hair Cut crea foreclosing the lien against the pr> party above described, and mentioned in said certificate. And you are here by summoned to appear within sixty days after the first publication ol thi sutnmous, exclusive ol the day ol Mid first publication, and defend this action or pav the amount due as above shown together with cuete and accrued interee and in case ol your failure to do eo, decree will he rendered foreclosing the lien ol said taxes and costa against tie- land and premises above dew rthe-l Thia summons Is published by order of the Houorahle F. M. Calkius, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Or egon for the County of Jackson, aud said order was made and dated this fiili day of May, 1916, and tbe date of th first publication of thia summons is th« 16th day ol May, 1915 All proceea and papers in this pro ceeding may be served upon the undei- signed reeidlng olm within the State ol Or n at the address hereafter mention- a°n —N ew A M ealey Attorneys lor Plaintiff, Medford National Bank Bldg Medford, Oregoi Dated May 15. 1915. (MOUNT LASSEN HAS GREATEST ERUPTION You May Visit In the Circuit Court of the State ol the Oregon, (or Jackson County. The Gold Kill Bank, a corporation, ; Flood of Mud From Volcano Plaintiff, : »•- : Si’KMOHS Causes Widespread Destruc Edward J. Ede. Louiae E. On your way to or from the East. Ede, hla wile; Harry C. Ford,: tion of Property. Mary J. Ford, hia wile, aud : Charles Erlweln, ; Defendants. : Redding, Cal.—Imssen peak burst »» To Edward J. Ede, Louire E. Ede, Into an eruption Saturday that Is re hie wile. Harry C. Ford and Mary J On sale May 15 daily to September 30 ported to have surpaaeed all the erup Ford, hie wile, d e l e n d a n t s named permitting stop-uvera en r o u te . Ten tions. several score In number, from above. days' stop allowed on one way ticket« at Its crater since a renewal of lta erup IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF San Francisco aud law Angeles. OREGON. You are hereby required to tive activities one year ago. A tre appear aod answer the complaint filed mendous funnel of smoke shot from Baths in Connection against you in the above entitled court the mouth of the peek and rolled sky and cause, on or before six weeks from ward to a great height. the day ol the Aral publication ol thia sutnmous, the Brat publication being o» Farmers, drives from their homes May #th, 1916, the time prescribed in ta panic by the flood of mud that laid Low Round Trip Fares to San the order ol publication thereof. K ic h a r d A n d e r io n a black blanket from one to three feet And you are hereby notided that if Francisco and San Diego dur “ T h e C ity S h o p ” deep over an area It tulles long and you fail to appear and answer said com plaint. lor want thereof plaintiff will ap ing the Exposition period. from one-half to two miles wide, who ply to the court for the relief demanded returned to look over the desolated NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION tu the complaint, to-wtt: landscape, found their crops utterly For a decree of thia court against you D epaktmkmt or tub I nttbiob destroyed, stock killed and large dam for the sum of *550.<0, with Interest thereon from the 15th day of Sepunihe , age done to farm equipment Every 07486 1913 until paid at the rate ol 8 tier cent bridge for 30 intlea down Hat Creek \ li»lt the Southern Pacific building at the Panama-Pa DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE per annum ; for attorney’s fees in the U. 8. Land t«tfica at Roaeburg, Oregon, valley was reported gone. •um of »100.00 and coats of this suit cific ExpiMitloii. Rest Room, Moving Pictures, Travel May 3», 1915. to be taxed herein; The volcanic avalanche from the DENTIST la-ctures, Tickets aud Validating Office and Information N oticx ia hereby given that Nellie That the usual decree may be made Bell, whose poet-office address is M m I «rater of the peak was diverted In Its Bureau. GAS ADMINISTERED for the sale of the premises described ford, Oregon, 25 8. Orange st., did on ruinous rush Sunday Into old lava in the complaint herein as All of the the 26th day of August, 1911, tile In fields and the lower part of the fertile j RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD SWl4 of Section 6 in Township 36 South this ..ffioe Sworn Statement and Appli of Range 3 W. at of the Willamette Me cation, No. 07486, to purchase the Lots Hat Creek valley was temporarily ridian, situated in Jackson County, Or 12, 13, 14 and 15, of Section 12, Town saved. W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. The latest new development In egon. and tne proceeds ol such sale he ship 33 8, Range 2 W., Willamette Me Full information from nearest A gen t o f applied to the payment of said principal ridian, and the timber thereon, under threatened danger arose from the dry GN3R AL ' PRACTITIONER sum of »550 00, interest, attorney’s fee the provisions ol the act of June 3, ’878, ing up of Hat Creek. It was dry Sun G old H ill , O regon . and costs, and for a deficiency indg and acts ameudatorv, known as the ment if there be not sufficient funds ’ Timber and Stone Law” , at such value day for the first time known. Reports realised from such rale to pay said as might be fixed by appraisement, came In that the volcanic mud had sums; A. E. KELLOGG and that, pursuant to suco application, dammed the stream near Its headwa John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon That you and each of you and all per the land and timber tnereun have been ters in a narrow canyon. Impounding GOLD HILL. OREGON sons claiming under you and each of appraised, »561.00, thetimbei estimated a grant body of water. Fear of a break Embalmer and Funeral yon either as purchasers, enccmbranc- 1,277.000 board feet at »0.40 A »0.50 iwi ers or otherwise may bo t arred and M, and the land nothing; that said ap In this dam and a consequent flood Director foreclosed ol all rights, claim, or equity plicant will offer final proof in support that would Inundate the whole valley of redemption (except ae allowed by of his app'ication sou sworn statement under many feet of water added to ROAD WORK DIVIDED Complete line of burial robes, law) m said premises. on the 10th day of August. 1915, before the terrifying prospect of new destruc caskets, etc. W. H. Canon, U. S. Commissioner, ai This summons is published by virtue Linn Judge Think« Each District tion from the mountain's crater. of an order made by the Hon. F. M. his otfi e, at Medford, Greg in. FUNERAL CAR Should Choose Day, Any person is at liberty to protest this Calkins, judge ol the above entitled ■\>ffice Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence Court, on the 30tb day of April, 1915. the purchase before entry, or initiate a con Albuny.—A new plan for volunteer first publication to be made on the 8th test at any time before patent issues, hr Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 46-Main road work has been devised by D. H. day of May, 1915, and the last publica filing a corroborated affidavit In thi- McKnlght, county Judge of Linn coun Marshfield, Or.—Except for the as office, alleging facts which would defeat tion to be made on the 19th day of tbe entry. June, 1915. ty. Instead of observing state or coun sistance of the dredge Colonel P. 8. Sugar Pine Camp No. 10073 ty good roads day» the county court Michie and the coast guard crew here, —J. M. U pton . — M vlkev A C herry M W A Register. Attorneys for 1’laintiff here will endeavor to have the ob all on board of the steam schooner Medford, Oregon <iold Hill - - - - - - - - - - Oregon Syracuse, N. Y.—Twelve men chos servance of Community Good Hoad Ularvinont, bound from Ran Francisco NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION en as a jury to determine whether days. The new plan I» expected to to Willapa harbor, would have been Meets first Friday of each month IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Jay E. Davidson—Connsul D epartment or tbe I nterior Thedore Roosevelt libeled William prove effective und result In the com- lost when the ship struck on the ex STATE OFOREGON FOR JACKSON Barnes when he charged that he work- ■ plotlon of considerable road work at G-etne end of the sunken Jetty and „1^2 07942 Alvah“ E. “JKellogg—Clerk U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon ed through a "corrupt alliance be- i small cost. COUNTY. foundered. April 29, 1915 tween crooked business and crooked Flora A. Keleey, I laintiff, vs. A. C. The experience of the crew of 23 Is The plan Is to have each road dis Cowing and also all other persons or NoTica is hereby given that Gyrus thrilling and all were taken off by parties unknown, claiming anv right, W. Dow, Fat her and heir of Charles M. politics" and that he was "corrupt trlct In the county set a best adapted title, estate, hen or interest in tbe real- Dow, deceased, of Gold Hill, Oregon, ly allied with Charles F. .Murphy of date on which to observe a good roads , breeches buoy after the line had been ho, on March 29, 1912, made Home- Tammany Hall," returned a verdict In day. The county court will furnish picked up from the drodge Michie, estate described in the application s'cad Entry, Serial, No. 67942, lor the favor of the ex-president In the belief all necessary machinery for the work which caught a line thrown off tbe herein, Defendants E% ot NtVi and W% of NE V of Sec To the above named defendants: tion ”0 Township 35 S, Range 3W, Wil of the jury everything Colonel Roose- and send umple supplies ol gravel or stranded vessel by the captain, stew I THE NAME OF THE STATE lamette Meridian, has filed notice of in -! velt halt! “ bout the former chairman crushed rock and other equipment In ard und first mate. The lines were Complete Line of Automo OF OREGON: tention to make Final Three-vear Proof, | of the republican state committee was to the district so that it will be ou qulokly arruuged und fastened to the bile Supplies and Repairs, Yon are hereby no'ifl-d that Flora A. to establish claim to the land abov. mast of the Michie. Kelsey is the bolder of certificate of de described, before W. H. Canon, U. S. true and therefore Mr. Barnes was not hand for that day. especially Fords Only one woman was aboard the libeled. The Community Road day Is expect- linquency No. 76, issued of March 7, 19«0 Commissioner, at his office at Medford, A Specialist in this work, Counsel for Mr. Barnes announced ed to prove much more successful Claremont, Miss Ollvetta Faulkner, of by the lax collector of Jackson County Oregon, on tbe 14th daj of J'<ne, 1915. as well as any detail of Oregon for the amount of »5.80, ttie same that an appeal would lie taken. than one to be observed throughout Aberdeen, Wash., who was among the Claimant names as witnesses: being the amount then due and delin- General Blacksmithing, etc. One juryman stood out through 40 the county as a whole. This was Il braveBt of those uboard the vessel. George W. Brigg, ol Gobi Hill, Oregon. puent for ta x s for the rear 1908. to Captain 8. Benson, master of the ; ballots that Barnes shouldn't pay the lustrated in the state good roads day. gether with penalty, inte'r-et and costs George Garrison, ” ” j court costs, or, if Roosevelt could not thereon upon the realestate assess *d to Frank Childers, In some parts of this county the vessel, says that just ns he headed the defendant A C. Cowing, and of W. J . Smith, - be made to bear them, that the ver- roads were too wet to work and be the boat toward the entrance of the B la c k s m ith -J. M. V iton , j diet should be given the New York cause of unusually lute raliiB the harbor she was struck on one side by which he is th.- owner of the legal title 4 30 HBarpearsof record, situated in said R egister. 1 state leader. He was Edward Burns, streams were too high in most places a breaker, and for a short time con County and Stale and describe! as follows, to-wit: Lots I, 2, and 3, Klock a Syracuse motormun, formerly a dem- to permit convenience In securing trol of the ship was lost. It was Just NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION \ of the Original To*ii, now City, of i oerat, but lately a republican. gravel. Another advantage of the long enough for the boat to hit on the Gold Hill, in Ja -kson County, Oregon, D epartment op the I nterior Community Road day will be that road end of the submerged Jetty. one-third of said amount being due as "Wood of every description at aforesaid upon each of said lots. WILSON THANKS GERMANS building machinery can be shipped 08189 from one district to another, so that VILLA BEATEN, IS REPORT /lowest prices. Wood saw for That said certificate of Delinquency was originally issued to one I,. S. Noe", U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Message of Loyalty Appreciated, but each district celebrating the day will custom work. who, on January 12, 1910 duly assigned ■May 25, 1915. General Obregon Claims Victory have an abundance of equipment Spirit Not Doubted, He Says. the same to one Z. R. Noe, who, hi N otice is hereby given that William After 16-Hour Battle. Yards Riveside Ave. Baltimore, Md.—Paul J. Prodoeal, turn, on January 12, 1914 duly assigned C Powell, of Sams Valley, Oregon, who Phone 3F21 O. A. C. Hens Near Lead. the same to this plaintiff. Vera Cruz.—Uenerul Obregon, In a president of the German Catholic Un n July 13, 1912, made Homestead Entry Corvallis.—Reports received by Pro I report received here, says that after You are further notified that the said Serial, No. 08189, for the S E '4 of SW'„ ion of Baltimore, made public a letter holders of said certificate have paid and SW*4 of 8E*» of Sec. 20, Township 35 received from President Wilson, fessor John Dryden, of the poultry de the troops of General Villa attacked P a tr o n iz e H o m e taxes cn said premises for subsequent S, Range 2W, Willamette Meridian, ba» In d u stry years as follows: On »ail lot 1, laxes tiled notice o f intention to make Final thanking the union for Its pledge of partment of the Oregon Agricultural his men at Trinidad he drove Villa College, indicate that tho Oregon Agri back to Leon, capturing or killing year 1909. in the amonnt of »1.84, Three-year Proof, to establish claim to support. President Wilson said: paid March 7, 1910, taxes for the year the land above described, before W. II. "For myself, I have never for a mo cultural College hens, entered In the 2000 of the Villa forces. The fight* 19.0, in the amount of »2.76, paid Cannon, U. S. Commissioner, at bis of ment doubted the loyalty and fidelity egg-laying contest which Is a feature continued for 16 hours Saturday. tisrch 15, 1911, raxes for the year 1911 fice at Medford, Oregon, on tbe 16th day to our nation and our flag of the at tho Panama Pacific Exposition, Generals Villa and Angeles, accord * M T . P I T T <O G O V . in the amount of » I <18, paid March 15, ol July, 1915. I Americans of German derivation and have been leading all other entries for Ing to reports, were moving south 1912, an! the further amount ol »1.68 Claimant names as witiies-s-s: J O H N S O N C I G A R S paid October 7th, 1912, taxea for the C. Gilchrist, ol Sains Valley, Oregon. ancestry, but It Is very gratifying In the past month, and stand well at the from Leon to strike Obregon'» flunk. year 1912, in the amount of »2.10, paid C. Thomas ” deed to get so patriotic a resolution, top of the list. A summary of results General Obregon says the move failed April 2, 1912. and in the further •lohn T. Btrathern, Peterson, issued May 15, at the close of the first utterly and Hint Villa lost many offi conceived In so high a spirit" am ount of »2.10, paid September 10th. W. A. Troshnm, six months of the contest, shows that cers. General Obregon put his own 1913, and taxes lor the year 1913 in the —J. M. U iton , amount of »3 91, paid May 15,1914 The Klamath Sportsmen's associa the Oregon Agricultural College pens losses at 200 men. He says he Is pur •5-29-15 Register. On said lot 2, taxes lor the year 1909 tion has been advised by Master Fish stand In second, third, and fifth place. suing Villa northward. in the amount of »1.84, paid March 7th, Warden Clanton that 300,000 trout 1910, t a x e s for the year >910 in Farmers' Quarrel Ende in Killing. Sunday Theaters Scored. the amount of »2.76, paid March 15, GERMAN ATTACKS REPULSED fry are to be furnished at once by the The Hague, via London.—From in 1911, taxes for the year 1911 in the Rochester, N. Y.—The report of the Eugene.—Walter Jay shot and killed state, to be planted in the Lake of formation reaching The Hague, it is amount of »1.12, paid March 15, 1912, The Entire Western Battle Line In- the Woods, Diamond Lake and Four- Ira Brown following n dispute allege.) committee on Sabbath observance volved in Fighting. understood that the Germans and Aus and in the further am o u n t of »1.12, paid to have been caused over a women. made to tho 127th general assembly MPe Lake, north of Klamath Falls. 7th, 191”, taxes for tie- yea: 1912 trians have concentrated approximate October Paris.—An attack made by the Ger Barring a few inevitable fatalities He then fled to the mountains. His of the Presbyterian church of the io ttie am ount of »1 40, paid April 2nd, ly 680,000 men on the Italian frontier. 1913 and in the further amount of »1.46 i manB ln Argonne forest was re in scholarship, 86 University of Ore body was found, three hours later, United States denounced Sunday mov They have occupied strategic posi paid September 19, 1913 and taxes for pulsed with extremely heavy losses, gon students will be graduated from five miles up the mountainside, where ing picture theaters and Indorsed the tions in order to meet an attack or to the year 1913 in the amount of »2 77 according to the official statement 21 courses this year. The class Is he had killed himself with a 80-39 Huturdny half-holiday movement as attempt to strike the first heavy blow paid May 6th, 1914. tending to aid Sunday observance. made by the French war department. small as compared with previous ones, rifle. On s a i ii lot 3, t a x e s for t h a in an endeavor to dishearten the new year The tragedy occurred In the coast 1959, in t h e amount of »1.85, The official announcement added that which Is explained by the withdrawal Governor Witliycombe has referred combatants at the beginning of the p a i d March, 7 th , 1910, tHxes lo r “the repulse of tho enemy in this re from the university of the engineering range mountains, 30 miles northwest campaign. th e year 1910, in t h e amount of gion has been complete.” of Eugene, on Lake creek, a tributary to Attorney-General Brown a com courses. The Germans constitute the larger ^.76, paid March 15, 1911, taxe-ifor the plaint of Frederick Zogg that more This report says also that attacks Olson & Johnson, of Missoula, Mont, to the Siuslaw river. 1911 in the amount ot ».70, paid than 100,900 Idaho sheep are being part of this force, which Is made up year along the entire front were general, were awarded the contract for the con March 15, 191”. and in the further of 34 divisions of approximately 20,000 amount of ».70 paid October 7th, 19J2, and "at only one point did the enemy structlon of the proposed wing to the Willamette Pacific to Build to Acme. pastured on the West Fall range, In men each. Only ten of these divisions taxes f ,r the year 1912, in the amount obtain a footing for even a moment,” Eastern Oregon hospital for the In Eugene.—Tho Willamette Pacific this state. of »1.40. paid April 2, 1913 and the fur this was In a French advanced trench, are Austrians. The new state pure food law pro sane at Pendleton by the state hoard rails will be extended from Mapleton, ther -utn of »1 .40, paid April 7th, 1913, hibits the use of alcohol or liquor In German and Austrian diplomats and and the French report goes on to say at the head of tidewater, to Acme on of control. The award was made on the taxes for the year 1913, in the here apparently are not perturbed by amounted »2.61, paid -May 5th, 1914. that the Germans were immediately the alternate calling for tile floors, the Lower Siuslaw, within three or any form In the manufacture of candy. the entry into the war of a new antag The rate ol interest which all the’ fore driven out with the loss of several .which made their proposal »83,125. four weeks, according to the an Any manufacturer caught violating onist. going amounts bear from the date of prisoners. , Fire Insurance cost the people of nouncement of W. R. Fontaine, assist this law will be prosecuted, according There is much interest among diplo the several payments is 15 percent pqr Oregon last year »4,338,378, which ant engineer on the Willamette Pacif to State Dairy and Food Commission annum. er Mickle. mats here in regard to the attitude Marconi Called to War. was ^573,863 more than the losses. ic construction. The last piece of Said A.C. Cowing as the owner of the According to official announcement, of Routnania and the other Balkan New York.—William Marconi, In grading—that at the rock quarry, This Information, contained in a re legal title of the above described prop the O.-W. R. & N. company will begin states. The general opin'on of these ventor of the wireless, sailed on 0 • here right-of-way was delayed—Is port Just made by State Insurance erty as the same appears of record, and work the 1st of June on the construc m en Is that Roumania will not Join each of the other persons above named steamer St. Paul, ln response to a Commissiouer Harvey Walls, shows' •">arly completed. tion of Its new shops at The Dalles. th e war for some time, but that even are herehv furl her notified that Flora A. summons from the king of Italy, to also that fhe losses paid in 1914 Approximately »200,000 will be ex tually she will take up arms with the Kelsey will apply to the Circuit Court ol serve his term of military service in amounted to »815,267 more than ln If you don’t like this pa|ier—<1 m't bor pended for the Improvements under the County and State aforesaid for a de- the Italian army. allies, together with Bulgaria. 1913. row it. consideration. ‘•Kk* L 1 k . TRY DICK Thi best» and latest» “kilts California Expositions Summer Excursion Tickets Professional Cards SOUTHERN PACIFIC VERDICT FOUND IN ROOSEVELT’S FAVOR AUTOMOBILE CAS ENGINE REPAIRING CHARLES KELL Fire! Fire!! J. R itter SM O K E 680,000 TEUTONS FACE ITALIANS SCHOONER WRECKED OFF OREGON COAST