,i i The D aintiest Dish o f Delicious Ice C ream A T T U R N E R ’S PORTUGUESE REBEL PRESIDENT IS KILLED For that classy Hair Cut TRY DICK The b e st and la test “kuts” Baths in Connection K ic H a r d A n d e r s o n " T h e C ity S h o p ” Professional Cards DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE DENTIST OA8 ADMINISTERED RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD Parts, »1* London.—Joac Chagas, proclaimed president of the Portugese cabinet nt Lisbon by the revolution­ ists. waa ahot and killed, and righting In the streeta of the capital haa been reaumed, more than 100 persona being killed, according to dispatches reach lng here. Warships are again bom hardlng the city. President Chagas waa ahot four times while on a train at Entrooamen- to by Senator Frletaa who waa imme­ diately killed. One report haa it that a passenger killed the president's as­ sailant, while another aaya Senator Frietas waa shot to death by gen­ darmes. Many of the persons killed In the latest fighting were Spaniards, says a dispatch from Madrid. The Spanish warships España and Rio de la Pats and a Spanish torpedo- boat have reached Llabon to protect Spanish Interests. The rebellion broke out at Llabon aboard the cruiser Adamaater. which bombarded the city. A band of 200 civilians stormed the Alcantara bar­ racks. They entered the barracks cheering the republic. Many were killed and wounded. GERMAN DECLAFES LOYALTY W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. SAUNDRA A6REES TO STAYJN CABINET Deckten to Retain Premierchip Has Quieting Effect Upon Italian Populace. Complete Line of Automo­ bile Supplies and Repairs, especially Fords A Specialist in this work, as well as any detail of General Blacksmithing, etc. CHARLES KELL B la c k s m ith Fire! Fire!! Wood of every description at lowest prices. Wood saw for custom work Yards Riveside Ave. Phone 3F21 J. Kitter P a tr o n iz e H o m e In d u stry .SM O K E M T . P I T T <& G O V . J O H N S O N C IG A R S CLEAR T H E WAY Lo, a c lou d’s abou t to vanish F r o m th e day And a b ra ze n w ro n g to crum ble In t o c la y ; Lo, th e r ig h t's ab o u t to conquer! C le a r th e w a y ! W it h th e r ig h t s h a ll m a n y m ore E n t e r s m ilin g a t th e door. W it h th e g ia n t w ro n g shall fa ll M a n y oth ers , g re a t a n d sm all. T h a t fo r ages lo ng h a v e held us F o r th e ir prey. M e n o f th o u g h t a nd m en o f action C le a r th e w a y ! —C h a rle s M a c k a y . A irm en Raid Ramsgate, England. THE HALL OF FAME. HENRY W A 1» 8 W O It T II LONGKKLI.OW-Aiucrteau poet. perhaps the moat popular of all poets h ero and abroad dur­ ing bit ca­ reer. D o r n P o r tla n d , Me.. Feb. 27. 1807; d i e d C am bridge, Mam., March M. 1882 Waa graduated from Bowdoln college In 182ft Profeoaor of inixiem languages at Bowdoln 182S-38. Professor of modern languages and bellea-letlrea at Harvard 1830-64. Published many vol­ umes of poems, beginning in 1830 with "Voices of the Night." Among bis most noted long poems are “The Song of Hia­ watha." "Evangeline" and “The Courtship of MlleaStandlah " H la shorter lyrics, such as “A Psalm of Ufa." "The Children's Hour" "The Bridge" and "The Day is Done." are widely known. Home, via Paris.—Antonia Balandra haa consented to rolala the premier­ ship. ■ v Xs the haws tprhad that Oigaor Sal aadra would remain la powar a aud dan change cante evkr tMa people As if rfbeytng some secret atgn the popu­ lace calmed down and the infuriated mobe seemed to disappear Preceding the quieting announce­ ment of Premier Salam*ra'a decision ! there was a night of rioting Ona of the moat elolant outbreaks waa an at­ tempt of the crowds to approach the Austrian embassy. At a meeting In Borughese square >0 speakers, moat of them deputies, made addreasea In favor of war.* A resolution waa passed to the effect that the people of Roma believed the country to be In danger and would ! 1 • prevent with all meana at thalr dis­ posal "the sacrifice of national honor." When the people In Milan heard T H E P IL G R IM S P IR IT . that the Salandra cabinet Instated on The pilgrim spirit haa not fled: resigning, a gathering at 10.000 men It walks in noon's broad light, and women protested with great vio­ Aud It watches (be bed of the lence. There were cries of "Down glorious «lend with the Parliamentary Camorral" With the holy stars by night; "Death to Emperor William!" “Death It watches the bed of the brave who have bled to Giolitti!" "Death to Bmperor Fran­ And still guard thia Icebound cis Joseph I” “Hurrah for the war!" shore "Hurrah for the revolution I” “Down Till the wavea of the bay where with all traitors!” the Mayflower lay The excitement at Milan subsided Shall foam and frees? no more. on receipt of the news of Premier Sal­ —John Pierpont. andra a retention. The general strike there passed off without serious inci­ dent MUSIC. When I hear music 1 fear no danger. I am Invulnerable. I see no foe. I am related to the earliest limes and to the latest. —Thoreau. FRANCE AND AUSTRIA REPORT VICTORIES London.—The defeat of the Ger­ GN ER AL PRACTITIONER F orm er Soldier Says Those in A m eri­ mans north of Ypres by the allied ca W ill Sustain Prealdent. forces, who carried several trenches G old H ill , O regon . Sioux City, la.—Rudolph Beerend, before Het Sas aud occupied that por­ member of the city council, president tion of Steenstraate which lies west A. E. KELLOGG of the National Organization of For­ of the Yser, and took possession of GOLD HILL. OREGON mer Members of the German Army, the bridge across the canal at this Embalmer and Funeral declared that in case of war between point, was reported by the French war the United States and Germany, Ger­ office. Director As an offset the Austrian report man-Americans would be found stand­ Complete line of burial robes, ing solidly behind the president and states that in both Poland and Galicia caskets, etc. the Russians continue to retreat, I fighting against the Fatherland. while In the Pruth region all the Rus­ "There can be no question as to the FUNERAL CAR sians have been repulsed. With the attitude of the German-Americans,’’ □tfice Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence said Mr. Beerend. "The Germans | Teutonic forces "standing before the Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 4&>Main would organize in their own ranks gates of Przemysl,” announcement regiments to defend this country, was also made of the occupation of directly north of Przemysl, Sugar Pine Camp No. 10073 should the need arise, and would be Jaroslau, i fighting for this country Just as was by the Germans, and the capture of M W A the case when Germans organized Dobromil, Stary Sambor and Borys- Gold Hill - - - - - - - - - - Oiogtn (heir own troops during the civil war." lau, to the south and east of the great Austrian fortress, by the Austrians. Meets first Friday of each month Severe ftghtibg has been resumed Jay E. Davidson—Counsul Speedy Destroyer Sank the Goliath. along the eastern end of the line in Alvah^E. *|Ktllogg—Clerk Constantinople (via Berlin wireless) ________/__________________ France, where the allies are attempt­ —The Mauvanet Mllleh, the speediest ing to penetrate the German lines pro­ destroyer in the Turkish navy, sank tecting Metz. Here Berlin reports that th£ British battleship Goliath inside French attacks against the German the Dardanelles, it was officially an­ positions on the road from Essay to nounced. Flirey were repulsed three times. AUTOMOBILE © . GAS ENGINE REPAIRING ♦eeew eeee-M -w -H -t-i-t-M -.i-rw Just as gymnastic exercise is necessary to keep the body healthy, so Is musical exercise necessary to keep the soul healthy. The proper nourishment of the intellect and passions can no mote take place without mu­ sic than the proper functions of the stomach and the blood with­ out exercise.—Plato. You May Visit the California Expositions On your way to or from tho Fatal. Summer Excursion Tickets On sale May 18 .tally to Sejgember 30 permitting stop-overs en r o u t e . Ten .lays' stop allowtnl oil otib w«y ticket« at Han Fram lsoo and L a Angeles. Low Round Trip fares to San Francisco and San Diego dur­ ing the Exposition period. Visit the Southern Pacific bnUding at the Panama-Pa- clli. Exposition. Rest Soon. Moving Pictures, Travel Is-etiires, Tickets aud Validating (Mice and Information Bureau. f u l l in fo rm a tio n fro m n e a re st A g e n t o f SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon G old H ill ] A u t o L iv e r y F a s t D r iv in g T e a m s F eed in C o n n e c t io n S ta b le s MMZE HAVE added to our general livery business ▼▼ two completely equipped 5-passenger touring cars—to meet increased demand for service. Com­ mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists bound for marvelous Crater L ake-w ill find that we know the roads, the country, and how to please. AN O P T IM IS T 'S A P H O R IS M S . Men are beginning to see tiie value of living In tbe moment. Tbnt Is a poor human soul that can only he beaten Into comely shape. We have to be trained by fate or life—or God. If you will let me say so—to put higher nnd higher quality into our Joys. This Is a fearsome nnd awe­ some world, aud out of Its dan­ gers nnd difllcultles n man muk«w character and courage. As one looks around at life one someli/nea feels that the first vtrtuo and the last, the one In­ dispensable quality for living this hutnnn life, Is Just cournge. Courage Is Nile virtue of the strong, fortitude the virtue of the miserable. Cournge Is strength In action; fortitude is strength In endurance. Cournge Is the masculine, fortitude the feminine virtue. The brave soul has three chances to one. More men have suffered through Ignoble fear than through all tbe maladies of earth. Joy never“lenns on what hap liens, but on wbat Is. It would seem that only spirit­ ual gifts can he equal.—Lonl.se Collier Willcox In "The Road to Joy.” Ramsgate, Eng.—An air raid occur- j GERMANS EXPRESS REGRET red here early in the morning and Loss of Am erican Lives on Lusitania about 40 bombs were dropped. Three i Deeply Deplored. persons were injured. Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, N. _ , . i Y.—The Overseas News agency gave ' G overnor Nam es Fish Commission. . , ,, i out the following: Salem.—Governor Withycombe has "The whole German press, partlcu- ! announced the appointment of I. N. larly the Cologne Gazette, the Frank- | Fleischner, Portland merchant; Frank fort Gazette and the Berlin Tageblatt, i M. Warren, prominent fish packer; deeply regrets the loss of American Marlon Jack, farmer of Pendleton, and lives caused by the sinking of the Lus­ C. H. Stone, of Klamath Falls, mem­ itania. bers of the state fish and game com­ “The Tages Zeitung and other news­ mission, created by an act passed at papers say that the responsibility the recent session of the legislature, i rests with the British government, which, attempting to starve the peace­ Members of Eugene Council May Quit ful civilian population of a big coun- A F A M IL IA R Q U O T A T IO N . Eugene.—Every member of the Eu­ s try, forced Germany, in self-defense, In th e s p rin g a fu lle r crim so n comes upon th e ro b in 's breast. gene city council has threatened to I to declare British waters a war zone; In th e s p rin g the w a n to n la p w in g resign if the charter of the city, which 1 with shipowners,who allowed passen­ gets h im s e lf a n o th e r crest. In th e s p rin g a liv e lie r Iris changes has a provision that any one may sue gers to embark on an armed steamer on th e burnished dove the Individual members of the council carrying war material and neglected In th e s p rin g a youn g m a n ’s fa n c y for damages on account of injuries German warnings against entering the lig h tly tu rn s to th o u g h ts of love. received in a fall through a broken war zone; and, finally, with the Eng­ —T e n n ys o n 's " L o c k s le y H a ll." sidewalk or a defective street. Is not lish press, which ridiculed Ambassa­ amended. A recent supreme court de­ dor von Bernstorff’s warnings, calling J cision in a case wherein Mrs. Josie them a gigantic bluff and thereby pre T H E L IT T L E T H IN G S O F L IF E . Pullen sued the city for damages be­ venting passengers from canceling ; A B O U N D th e lit t le th in g s n t Ilf« " I 1* A w o rld o f storm and sunshine lies, cause she fell over a broken board in their passage. Yet those too busy soldom see a walk, stated that the city could not “Heartfelt sympathy Is expressed by T h e tlrs d look In o th e r eyes, be liable to the extent of more than the German press and public for the . R O U N D th e lit t le th in g s o f Ilfs $100, but the individual members of victims of the catastrophe and their “ A *eslth o f lo v in g m e m r le s center, A n d Joys u n d re a m t o f by th e w o rld the council could be sued for dam­ relatives.” T h e h u m b le st d w e llin g places e n te r. ages for any amount. A R O U N D tho lit t le th in g s o f life, T h e S h o rtest W ay T h e L ea st C o st T h e B est G u id e s One trial and our Livery Service makesjfriends"-tryjit! D a r l i n g Q. H o d g e s G O L D H IL L . O R E G O N BRIEF WAR NEWS Spending Money on Diamonds is Investing It Victories in the west for the allies and a continuation of the Austro-Ger- man drive of the Russians In the east are chronicled in the latest official re­ ports of the various war chancellories. Two miles of German trenches cap­ tured by the British first army In the region of Richebourg L'Avoue, the taking of a large number of German prisoners and tbe annihilation of one German contingent numbering several hundred men by their own artillery fire, are recorded by Field Marshal 8lr John French and the Paris war of­ fice In announcing further success for the British arms In France, a short dlstanee north of La Bnssee. In spite of desperate resistance it is claimed that the Turks have been forced back on the Gallipoli peninsula It’s investing it, too, in a way tliat is and that they have suffered loss of sure to pay dividends. 45,000 men. Diamond prices have been steadily ad­ it Is estimated that up to noon May vancing for years, and they are almost 10, 201 merchantmen, trawlers and sure to continue to do so. other craft have been destroyed by I We have here a pretty, attractive dis- German submarines since the war j play of diamonds to show our customers. blockade went Into effect and that the We back up every stone with onr per­ loss of lives totalled 1556. Confiscation of German owned prop- sonal assurance of its purity. erty In Great Britain valued at more I Also, it will lx, found that we’ve priced than $1,000,060,000, was demanded by I thorn close to cost. England's most influential uewspa- . Which is a guurant. that a Diamond pers. purchased here will prove the very Iwst sort of an investment. Ita ly Ready w ith Army of 1,700,000. If you are in the market fo ra Dia­ Geneva, via Paris.—A telegram mond, let us point out to you just WHY from Lugano, a Swiss city near the "»r display excells. Italian border, says that Italy now has ) Graduation Presents of All Kinds 1,700,000 soldiers mobilized and equip- At the annual meeting of the board *"*• Connected by a th re a d so slender. No Passports Required In Canada. of regents of the state normal schools A re long lost sm iles a n d bygone tears ic h helped to m a k e o u r h e a rts m ore i Montreal.—No passports are re at Monmouth, It was voted to turn the W h tender. i quired for travelers in Canada. This normal school properties at Weston We Pay Strict Attention to Mail m a n y th in g s In life ■ definite information is being sent and Ashland over to the school dis­ D A L A A S re , how ped. those o f w h ich w e c an n o t boast I order broadcast by the railway and steam tricts In which they are located to A ctions a nd w ords wo th in k o u r best— Kansas Expects Big Wheat Crop. ’ ship lines of Canada to offset any er- use for school purposes, until such H o w poor and w eak th e y a re a t m ost I Topeka. Kan. — Another bumper j roneous impressions which may have time as the state or legislature makes AfOKH fu ll o f love, oh, m a y th e y be, Kansas wheat crop in 1915 is predict- , Le,i full,of "elf “M Jn th® been gained by the public through so some disposition of the buildings or H e lp us. d e a r L o rd , to ofTer thee e.1 by J. C. Mohler, secretary of the THE JEWELER much war news in the papers. may ,! ■ • to reopen them as training , M o re p e rfe c t " lit t le th in g s " a t la s t state board of agriculture. places for teachers. -M. Waymta 212 E. Main st. Medford, Ore. s eri u w aa,«.: , . 1 1 . .J. - Martin J. Reddy