Crowds on the Fun Zone at the Pan am a-Pacific International Exposition ROLAND G. GARROS You M a y Vis# the California Expositions On jrour way to or from th < East. Summer Excursion Tickets On sale May Id daily to Kepumdicr 30 permitting «top-overs e n r o u t e . 1>n days' stop allowed on one way ticket« si Ran Francisco and I s m Angel«». lo w Round Trip Fares to San Francisco and Sen Diego dor- ing the Exposition period. Roland Q. Carrot, the noted French aviator, who waa brought down and captured by the Germane. BRIEF WAR NEWS V AST crowds throng The Zone, the amusement and conceaalona section of the P u e m e PidA e IbiernauosMi Exposition at Ran Francisco. The Dayton Flood le shown on the left, the Chinese Vina*» and Toyland Grown Up on the right The Exposition la breaking all world's attendance recorda. T?e a in tuest» tifch o f Delicious M ISS JANE ADAMS □ Ice C ream For that classy Hair Cut T R Y DICK The best; and latest, “kilts »» AUTOM OBILE <& G A S ENGINE REPAIRING Complete Line of Automo­ bile Supplies and Repairs, especially Fords A Specialist in this work, as well as any detail of General Blacksmithing, etc. CHARLES KELL B la c k s m i t h Baths in Connection R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n " T h e C i t y .S h o p ” Wood of every description at CANAL OPENING BIG EVENT lowest prices. Wood saw for Distinguished Men Attend the Open River Celebration. custom work Yards Riveside Ave. Phone 3F21 Professional Cards DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE DENTIST GAS ÄDMIXJ8TKRKD I D J . K lttC r P a tr o n iz e H o m e In d u stry MOKE M T . P I T T (SL G O V . J O H N S O N C IG A R S RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. GNERAL PRACTITIONER G old H ill , O regon . A. E. KELLOGG GOLD HILL, OREGON Embalmer and Funeral Director Complete line ol burial robes, caskets, etc. FUNERAL CAR Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence Phone, Home 2—K; Pacific 46-Main Sugar Pine Camp No. 10073 M W A Gold Hill - Oregon I Meets first Friday of each month Jay E. Davidson—Connsui A1 vah’ L. "TKellogg—Clerk However dull a woman may be, she will understand all there Is In conjugal love: however In­ telligent a man may be, he will never know but half of IL—Mme. Fee. Mias Jane Adame, who presided over the International Woman's Peaca Congress held at The Hague. Fire! Fire!! RAYMOND SWOBODA French reports say that 12,000 to 16,000 dead bodies He unhurled be­ tween Ypres and the coast and that the health of the soldiers In that sec tlon la menaced. Practically the entire starboard side of the French cruiser Leon Gambettn was blown out by a torpedo launched Austrian submarine, which sent the vessel to the bottom off Otranto. Turkey's army demonstrated last week that even under German tutor­ ship It has not Improved Its morale over the form It showed during the Balkan war. With every natural ad vantage favoring the defense, th«. Turks have been unable to prevent a j Rrltlsh army under General Ian Ham 1 llton landing at four places on the i Gallipoli peninsula. | The battle of Ypres ended with the i Germans consolidating most of the 20 square miles of territory they hnvo won from the allies. The engagement has had no result of major Importance. During the battle of Ypres. It was reported the Germans were using 17 Inch guns, the newest output of the , Krupp works. Confirmation of the presence of record making artillery within the German lines came when Dankirk was bombarded from the Ger­ man positions near Nleuport. This Is a distance no less than 17 miles. Never before have field guns been able to fire so far. So amazed were the authorities at Dunkirk that they believed the bombardment camo from a German squadron along the Belgian coast until airmen revealed the true •ource. Along the east Prussian frontier and In central Poland there has been a renewal of the fighting, which the spring Roods Interrupted, while In the Carpathians where the ground is dry­ ing. the Russians and Austrians again are contending for Uzsok pass. Full information from nearest Agont o f SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon G old H ill [ A u to L iv e r y F a s t D r i v i n g T e a m s Ol F e e d in C o n n e c t i o n S ta b le s HAVE added to our general livery business ▼ ▼ two completely equipped 5-pasaenger touring c a r s - to meet increased demand for service. Com­ mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists bound for marvelous Crater L ak e-w ill find that we know the roads, the country, and how to please. T h e S h o rtest W ay T h e L ea st C o st T h e B est G u id e s One trial and our Livery Service makeslfriends—trylit! D a r l in g ' H odges G O L D HILL», O R E G O N After Bootleggers at Roseburg. Roseburg.—In his determination to rid Douglas county of bootleggers, Sheriff Quine has posted notices offer­ ing a reward of $25 to persons who will furnish evidence which will re­ sult In the conviction of persons vio­ lating the local option laws. Lewleton, Idaho. — Distinguished men from throughout the northwest were here to participate Monday in the waterways celebration to com­ memorate the completion of The Dalles-Celilo canal. Those in attend­ Bishop Scanlan la Dead. ance Included Governor Alexander, j United States Senators Borah and Salt Lake City.—Laurence Scanlan, Brady and ex-Governors Hawley and bishop of the Salt Lake diocese of the McConnell, of Idaho. Senator Jones Roman Catholic Church and a pioneer and Representative Humphrey, of missionary of the west, died here. He Washington, Governor Lister, of had been $11 for a long time. Washington, and Governor Withy- combe, of Oregon. ROBERT W. WOOLLEY The celebration marked the first trip a steamer from Portland has ever made through the new canal to Lew­ iston. Special trains over all lines running Into Lewiston brought large numbers from all points and the city was thronged with visitors. A feature of the day here was the firing of salutes along the river to herald the coming of steamers on their maiden trips to Lewiston. German Big Gun Believed Silenced. Paris.—The official report given out by the French war department says It Is believed that the great German gun which twice has bombarded Dun­ kirk from a range of 23% miles, has I been put out of action. It also an- J nounces the bambardment by the French of one of the German fort* at Metz, the Lorraine capital. YLlt the Southern Pad He Inrfldlng at ths Panama-l*w- - itic Exposition. Rest Room, Moving Pictures, Traw l I Arturos, Tickets and Validating Otfice and Information Bureau. ' PEACE CONGRESS AT THE HAGUE ENDS -- V Spending Money on Diamonds is Investing It The Hague.—AU neutral countries will be invited to take steps for a con­ ference at which they can offer con­ tinuous mediation to the warring Eu­ ropean nations and also to Invite sug­ gestions from the belligerents them­ selves as to the most reasonable pro­ posals for a basts for peace. This, In effect, Is about all that the Women’s International Conference ac­ complished. The closing session was very turbulent. In its official manifesto which was written by Miss Fearn Andrews, the congress recommends the holding of world wide mass meetings for the I t’s investing it, too, in a way that is purpose of influencing the press. The sure to pay dividends. brochure calling for a conference of Diamond price» have been steadily ad­ neutrals and continued mediation vancing for years, and they aro almost without an armistice was Introduced sure to continue to do so. by Miss Wales of the University of We have hero a pretty, attractive dis­ Wisconsin. play ol diamonds to show our customers. The congress agreed to have the We hack up every stone with our per- International convention name two delegates from each country to ar­ j sonal assurance of its purity. Also, it will be found that we’ve priced range for another and more represen- tlve congress to be held simultaneous­ I them close to cost. ly with the next Hague conference. Which is a guarantee that a Diamond purchased here will prove Hie very best 3pokane Growers Change. l sort of an investment. Spokane.—The Spokano Fruit Grow­ If you are in the market for a Dia­ ers’ company announced withdrawal mond, let us point out to you just WHY from the North Pacific Fruit Distribu­ our display exeells. tors as the sub-central organization Graduation Presents of All Kinds for the Spokane district. M. E. Bishops Accept Unity Overtures Des Moines, la.—The board of bis­ hops of the Methodist Episcopal We Pay Strict Attention to Mail church, in session here, accepted the Hail at Big as Baseballs Falla. order overture of church u Ity made by the Robert W. Woolley, who was ap­ Raymond Swoboda, who was ac­ Methodist St. Louis.—Hall stones as large an scops’ church, south. pointed Director of the United States cused by the French of having set fire The resolut baseballs were hurled upon scattered of acceptance wag to the Steamship La Touraine at sea. adopted b> ;■ uanlmous rising vote. mint to succeed George E. Roberts. sections of Missouri Sunday. The damage to crops and livestock will THE JEWELER run Into thousands of dollars. 212 E. Main st. Medford, Ore. Marlin J. Reddy