Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1915)
G h e C IT Y M E A T M A R K E T Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard BLACKERT G A R R E T T , P r o p r ie to r « FISHING TACKLE Gvt your dynamlt, of D. H. Miller, all orders Idled promptly any day In Ihr wash. r 1 SALT! -SALT! H a v e ju s t r e c e iv e d a c a r o f D A IR Y a n d T A B L E 1 saw eordwood to »love length» witii power naw, promptly on order. Hione Johu J. Ritter, 3F2I, R. II. Moore, Oscar E. Blackington and L. W. Smith, are members ol tlie next petit jury, from Gold Hill Mr. and Mrs. Tom Weal an- now dotn- oclleil in the Johu Harvey house, on till avenue, having moved the first ol the week. Harry Porter, local manager lor the Rig Pine» Lflmber company, made a tlip to Medlord Saturday, returning Sunday evening. Mrs. Frank Parent, a memIs-r of the Rogueriver school faculty was in Gul l Hill for a few hours hurt Saturday visiting relatives. BMC Mrs. Ada Blakely, of Medford, visited In thi» city with her parent», Mr. and If you don t like this pa|»-r—don’t hoi- j For Hale:—15 h.p. motor, farm wagon, Mrs. George L. McClellan, -unday and row ll- ) double harness, two colts, calves, frosh M mday. Just received a < arload of dynamite for j heifer, horse and buggy, farming imple M. 1). Bower» and family »ere visitors I purposes, with better prices, better ment», and furniture.—Greenleaf Ranch, with Mr». Bowers’ parent», Mr. and Mr», j powder, and better service, st D. M. Kane* Greek. T. J. O'Hara, at Central Point, Saturday M iller’s. Notice i* hereby given that the part and Sunday. F. J Alex. Maver, adjuster for the nership lately »ub*i»ting between A. E. Wood by tier or cord at lowest market Liverpool uud London and Gloiie Fire Kullogg and W. C. Thom, of Gold Hill, price, delivered at your »lied. Finest fir, Insurance Go., was in town Mondiy set Oregon, under the firm ol Kellogg and pine, laurel and oak. John J. Ritter, tling witii 1. T. Galligar for his kisses in Thom, was dissolved, on the 10th day of Phone 3F21. May, 1015, by mutual conaent. All debts tile recent fire. owing to the said partnership are to be Mrs. 11. H. latmptiian, of Hillbilly Y o h can buy flour for 81.85 that is Ranch, Asls'stx»,, ba» been visiting with guaranteed a* good os any in town. received by said W. C. Thom, and all her son, Ben H. lauiipmun, during his Also liuvc u small tmonnt of alfalfa bay. demands on said partnership are to be presented to him for payment. illiit-MH the past week. Gall at Fountain’s Furniture store, south —A. E. Kellogg, Found—Valuable pair of eye glasses, aide of town. - W. 0. Thom. *|»s'ially ground lenses. Owner may re Charley Reed, who has been in atten d -! For those who ha-e eaten of the apple- cover property by calling at New» office anee at the O. A. Cr arrived home Wed butter made by Ad Graham, and desired rnd paying charges. nesday, (we presume, to be sure to be in tile reeeipe, we are printing the follow 20 hard-working men desire positions at the “ Roaring Camp” tonight). He ing—Fare, core and quarter one bushel of in the country at reasonable wages. Ad ays, Gold Hill looks good to him. nice ripe apples. Place in common lard dress Portland Commons, 106 Burnside I desire v ry much to thank the many I can and add one pint of water, six pints St., Portland, Oregon. [»»■pic wtio helped save as much ol my sugar and flavoring to suit taste. Now Mr and Mrs. Gulson and child arrived property as was possible, during the late place eight large nails on »love in circle Thursday from Marshfield to visit Mr». fire. and set can on them to prevent scorching. —Mrs. Dan Richards. ! Place lid on the can and weight down. Gulson’» parents, Mr, and Mr». Lee Vincent, of Sams Valley. il. D. Reed, bs’al postmaster, proprie- C *>k four hours without removing lid. Ernest Lyuian left Thursday evening tor of the Bon Ton, and one of. Gold When done you have a delicious apple for Eugene where he will represent the Hill’s mdst active anti-knockers, was in butter of a bright red color, without stir- Gold Hill high school in the Interscholas- Medford Tuesday p a s s i n g the word ring, as the steam prevent* crusting on I around about the “ Roaring Camp” meet tip. tic Field meet held lliere today. ing. Gasoline and auto oils always on hand Miss Agnes R. Dietrich left last Friday and for »ale at uulicatahle prices, at the FOR SALE: S tock R anches : for Grunts Pass, wiiere she was Darling A Hodges stable. Gasoline street evening the guest of Mrs. T. C. Brinckherbotf { 720 acres, solid body, in Meadows dis pump, prompt, efficient service. until Sunday afternoon. The Dietrich trict, small house and good barn, old or Mr». Maude Neuter returned to Grant* and Brinrkhcrhotr families were neigh chard in bearing, several good springs, Pass Tueaday evening, after spending alsiut 40 acre* under cultivation. Price bors in Colorado. about two weeks in this city visiting with 812 .60 per acre. When boosting for home industries her daughter, Mrs. Harry Porter. 665 acres, near Debenger Gap, 16 mile* don’t forget that the local newspaper is Gel your Pianos tuned by the home one of the most important industries, and from Gold Hill, over 100 acres under cul tuner. Beginning Feb. 15th, special re tlie payment of a renewal or new subscri tivation, 10 room house, good barn, live daction in price» (or two months. Satis ption will do as much for the town and creek through It, and several springs, all good land. Price 835.00 per acre. faction guaranteed.—W. C. T hom . vicinity us any one thing. 200 acres near Beagle, finely improved, Ttie many local friend* of Mrs. Ferniin Orders taken for any book published in Zana, of Ashland, will be glad to hear that the United States. Also we are the sub including stock and all agricultural im at last reports Friday she was improving scription agent for all U. 8. and many for plements, all lor 840.00 per acre. Terms. 604 acres ill one solid body five miles and bad a good chance for recovery. eign magazine* and papers. ont, Sams Valley district, nearly all u n Wanted to trade— Light driving team —John R. Kelsey, der cultivation, no better alfalfa or grain for ¡200 lb. work horse. with Gold Hill News. land in this county. Price 8100 per acre. D arling A H oimiks , Judge Witliington, of Medford, was in | 120 acres on Foots Creek, 7 miles ont, Gold Hill, Oregon. town Tuesday cotnpleteing preparations 45 to 50 acres under cultivation, as much 8. P. trains were still off schedule yes for the moving pictures to be “ staged” or more could be easily cleans! and cul terday owing to the repeated washouts in this atternoon at Rock Point. They are tivated, almost unlimited range for stock, nothern California since Monday, but to feature the arrival of the Foots Creek good house, two large barns, hog and trains are expected to make schedule time stage with its load of mail and passengers ciiicket, houses, good stream through it. today. at the Rock Poiut store and postofficc, as Price 875.00 per acre. 160 acres near Asbestos, 20 miles out, All pioneers living in Southern Oregon in tiie pioneer days. The regular Tuesday evening meeting some under cultivation, s m a ll house, before I860, who register at the Roaring Camp bank tonight, will be given one of tlie Greater Gold Hill club was calk'd large amount of small fruit, small (tear hundn-d “ nuggets” , with which to “ play to order by Vice President H. D. Reed. ing orchard, most of this is heavily tim Minutes of the last meeting read and ap bered, unlimited range for stock, several ll * game” . W a n te d G o o d milch cows, calve* and proved. A motion was made and seconded good large springs. This is a bargain at ittle, on rime; deferred payments that the usual committee work be dispen 84500. Considerable stock and imple well sectnei’ Address Sleepy Hollow sed with and all tlie time devoted to tlie ments go witii the place at that price. Several other farms, large and small, Farm, Gold Hill; H. A. "Ensign, A. E. “ Roaring Camp’’ arrangements. Martin Erlwein was initiated into the first degree several fine garden tracts from two up to Dixon, manage»» 50 acres, improved and unimproved, sev requiring a payment of fifty cents. Oliver Typew riter for sale and rent:— eral of them are decided bargains. If you To tlie Citizens of Gold Hill and com No. 8 Oliver.Machines ic first-class con want anything in this line it will pay you m unity:—We do not know how to thank ditions rented at the rate of 84.00 for to call and set' me. or writ« for particu you enough for tlie kindness bestowed to three monihs. —-A. ;E. Ksixtxio, lars on any of the above. Sales agent for the Oliver Machine. us in our hour of trouble. Never in all —C. 8. R kdfikld , Agent. our travels and different localities, have Tor Sale a t 1-2 price t h e following Gold Hill, Oregon. we found such friends as in Gold Hill. articles of furniture— Library table, writ We will always remember your kindness in g desks, rocking chairs, book shelves, and sympathy in saving what you did FRENCH PROVERB3. dining chairs, dining table, kitchen table, for t il The man Is best served who kitchen chairs, beds and springs, dressers, — Mr. and Mrs. S. V. MeFarren. has no occasion to put the hands child’s bed, stoves, tubs, fruit jars, and An adjtimed meeting of the City Counci i of others at the ends of his arms. other Articles. He who devours the substance —B urt A. A dam *. was held Monday evening, for the re of the poor will find at length a counting of the ballots for councilman in ■Dr. R. E. Howard made several busi the .Second Ward. M D. Bowers, 8. V. bona to choke him. He must needs swim that’s ness trips to Grant» Pass this week. Me Farren and A. E. Kellogg acted as held up by the chin. While in that city Monday he learned of judges. Mr. Bowers filling the place of ■What makes many persona dis the dentil of itis fattier, which oecttred at one judge who failed to appear. J. H. contented with their own condi San Francisco about a month ago, and Beeman with power of attorney acted for tion la the absurd Idea which through an inability to locate Dr. How W. II. Htiekel, the eontestee, who was they form of the bapplneae of ard, due to wrong addressing, the sor unable to be ptesent, Roy Cameron, the others. rowing message just reached him. The contestor, being there in person. The What orators want In depth deceased was about sixty-three year* of resulting recount was as follows — they give you In length. age, and leaves a wife, two son* and a Cameron— 30, Stickle— 31, leaving the daughter. council unchanged. (S alt Our prices cannot be equalled—low er than ever offered! Hplendid aanortment of H iii * Rod.—all price«— Silk and Linen IJiuw, Heeia, Creel«, Film and Fish Lure»—new Stock Everything for the ardent Angler The BoN-ToN Special Prices All Next Week. Read Them. 3 Ibe. U ne, lage Haleta» for 28c. Bent Toilet Soap ; per Bar 8c. An Excellent C leaner per Can 8c’ And llauiM will ko at 22c per lb. Big Velum In 8, 10, and 16 cent articles. We Have Flour, Sugar, Potato«», anil good« of lb« boat quality, all new and clean. At The Old Gold HUI Cafe Stand. T H E T R U A X CO. M rs. C o ra J . T r u a x , M anager E . R. C rouch , Assayer, Chem ist, and M etallurgist Custom Away Olli««, Mall Order Busi- new Solicited Price*; Gold, |1.00; Gold and Silver, 81.28; Copper, 81.00; Gold, Silver and Copper, 82.00. Mailing en velope« tree on reqnrat. Reference: Jose phine Co. Bunk. Room« 201-203 Hall bldg., Grant* Pa*», Oregon. Local News Notes It 1* high time to fly the »wat A. A. Flynn wo* among the crowd at Medford last Saturday. E. E. Brockman, of Merlin, visited Dr. R. E. Howard Tuesday, L. 8. Noe wo* a buxine«« visitor at Medford lietween train» Tuesday. Mi»« Emma Ice of upper Sam» valley, ha* lieen in town the post week. For hard or »oft wood of finest quality order from John J. Ritter, Phone 3F21. Butter paper, printed In accordance with the law, for »ale on order M Tin- New» office, Mr». George Hackett returned Tuesday from a vi»lt ol »everal day» with relative* in Ashland. Marion Lance, of Medford, but former ly of this city, was in town for a short time Wednesday. Mr». W. P. Chisholm and Mrs. W. H . Stickel »pent last Saturday, Community Day, in Medford. M. 8. Johnson, manager Of the Gold Hill Implement company, waH in Rogue- river on business Tueaday. A. B. Cornell, an ever industrious and congenial insurance agent of Grants Pa«», was in Gold Hill Monday. Clyde Deathridge returned last, Friday evening from a trip into the Klamath Falls district. He report« condition» no better there. M erritt & C o m p a n y G en eral M e r c h a n d is e D. M. M IL L E R ’S E le c tr ic ONCE A LUXURY, NOW A CHOICE. Perfect cooking first demands a clean kitch en. Modern kitchens have no coal buckets or ashpans. There is an Electric Range built to suit your needs and at a price you can afiord to pay. P a t rat« for Electric Rang? 88.00 per month. We have all tlie latest types of Electric Ranges on display in our office. Ask for demonstration CALIFORNIA-OR.EGONPOWER C ompany :: medford , ore . Phone 168 216 West Main Street Don’t you think i t would be safer to leave your money in the Bank? We are insured against Burg lary. Our vaults are fireproof. THE GOLD HILL BANK j.i.T *4