üZ>c G o l d H i l l N e w s BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON M en ’s U n d e p v e a ? Albaay saay have puhUr band cw»- PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT QOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, terts aach week duriac t k . o » « lM 1 . ■ -,w ------ ■ — -= r OREGON, BY - tu am ar B en H. L am pm an , W e H ave a c o m p le te lin e o f tw o -p ie c e a n d U n io n S u its for Spring' a n d «Summer w e a r The O r.gea State Master Bakera* taaoclattea «111 hold Its aanual oea- Entered * t Uw Untiti H ill pusudhe. for trau-siuuwiou through Ute inaila aa second-class matter SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1915 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE THE FIRE Contributed HILL received its first baptism o f real fire Wednesday G OLD afternoon of this week, which started in or close to the Livery and Feed bam of Darling and Hodges, on sooth side of Second Avenue North; ot better known as South Main street: Origin of fire unknown—report current that some small boys playing with matches in rear of the building, in the alley, started the blaze. The buildings being all frame and containing inflammable goods and stock, and being fanned by the wind, the fire gained instant and rapid headway, and had spread to the ad joining buildings before the fire fighters arrived. The losses were: Darling and Hodges, two barns and one dwelling house, totally destroyed. Lose $4,000. No insurance. S. V. McFarren, Jewelry store and dwelling, entirely de- stroyed. Loss $2,500. No insurance. John Ritter, one dwelling. Loss $500. No insurance. I. T. Galligar, Blacksmith shop and house. Loss $500, cov ered with insurance. Val. Snyder, Blacksmith tools and fixtures. Loss $1,000, with no insurance. Joe Hicks, iPlumber's tools, etc., $500, and no insurance. G. C. Garrett, Househbld goods, no insurance, loss $150. Tom Wes 6, Household goods, loss not known. Mrs. Dan Hkhardh, House and furniture partly consumed, but entirely ruined, as were her fru it trees and garden. No in surance, and a loss of $500. Dwelling house of George Lance badly damaged, and loss not determined? « s ’•) -. / William Flippen lost one horse, and Dave Noe one cow and one horse burned in Darling & Hodges feed stable. It might have been worse, but valiant work on the part of all the fire boys and citizens, and the girls that helped, /had the fire under control within an hour. Let us be charitable, in saying th a t no one was to blame. It was unfortunate perhaps, that the reservoir had been emptied of water the afternoon previous fo r the purpose of cleaning it, op the order of members of the sanitary committee, Patrick and Kell, in spite of the written protest served upon them by Engineer Dodge, and the drain upon the water during the night and following forenoon for the city’s uses and also for irrigation purposes kept the water much lower in reservoir than usual but when the fire started the pumps were running at their maximum power and it is due to the rapidity and the capacity of the pumping system th at there was enough water to get the fire under control and to save the dwellings close by in the east ern part of the block and the adjacent warehouses on the north. If there had been “no water” all .the buildings in the block and in the blocks east and south to the river and the warehouses to the north would have been consumed as they caught fire sev eral times and it is owing to the fact that we did have water that the remaining business portion of Gold Hill exists today, \ The community interest displayed in fighting the fire was heroic, everybody worked like “Trojans,” the fire boys, the high school students, that with quick initiative and intelligent action made a rush for the high school fire equiment, and with a re cord making dash, were soon on the scene with cart and hose and did splendid service in staying the flames, and the citizens too formed a fire brigade to be proud of. If the same unity of purpose could be exerted all the time; as well as in time of such calamity; for the saving, the uplift and progress of the city, it’s advancemet would be a marvel to all the pessimists and reactionists. It is only fair and just to add to this that the reports ap pearing in the daily press to the effect that “the water supply weakened owing to a slackening in the power, the water in the reservoir being exhausted by the exigency” is untrue without foundation in fact, as the truth is there were seventeen inches of water in the reservoir when the fire was under complete con trol and this was owing to the recent improvements made at the dam and plant that the machinery was and could be run at its maximum power and the enormous supply of water to meet the exigency, at the time required, could be kept up and supplied. Local Superin- tencfent Resigns VX >1»< Gold H ill, Oregon, , 4pr»l 26th, 1915. mbers, Board of chool Director», Gold Hill, Oregon. itiemen: hereby tender my resignation a» sup- itendent of the Gold H ill School«, e to take effect June 4, 1915. wieb to say that my three year» work odd Ilill have been most pleasant ■>nes, due very largely to the harmohlons, loyal and friendly co-operation and spp. port of the Clerk and the Board of Direr- tors given me in all matters pertaining to the welfare of the schools. Believe me, that I am snd ever shall be grateful to you and to the citiasna of our city for the m a n y considerations a n d kindnesses shown me and my family. We shall re gret very much leaving this fair little city and onr friends, hut larger fields call us and we feel that we should go. With best wishes for the continued success ,,f your scho->:, I beg to remain, Very sincerely yours, —B urt A. A dams . reatlaa 1« rorttenri, Jaas 7, 9 gad 9, B. Byvaraea. U yaara eld. waa blown to pieces at Coquille by an u - plotlen of dynamite which alee wreak ed the cnhln he occupied. < On June 10. (0.000 acres ef non-trrtc- able land In Morrow, Crook and OIIU- am countlaa w ill be opened te entry, under the enlarged hemeetead law. All resorts far Ssinday aohoel COB- ventlena In Oregon w ire broken when the thirtieth annual cenventtea open ed a thrde-day suasion In Portland. The tre a M ry department hdh award ed the contract ter the hulldtkc oP'tha postofftee at P aad l.teo te James S. W inters of Portland. Ths hid was 199,187. i* Known to nsarly nil of the world's greatest cowboys, ' Buck.'' the famous bucking bull, te deed^ a victim of too much clrtllaatloa, »aye a Pendleton report. Henry L. Bowlby, former state high way engineer has Issusd a statement denying allegations of State Treasurer Kay that he was extravagant and neg ligent when in office. The MW.OfO Elks Temple at La Grande has been cdfoplaled aad tu rn .J over to the lodge hnd w ill soon be dedicated. The structure la one of the moat beautiful In eastern Oregon. Two thousand, pupils, ranging In ngss from & to 20 years, participated In May day exorcise» and the county annual spelling contest held at H ills boro. Fully (000 persons were pres ent Twelve candidates have been nom inated In the contest for queen of the Portland Rose Festival, which will be held Jnne 9 to 11. aad half a dosen other nominations by various civic and fraternal organisations are ex- pec ted. The annual district convention of the Epworth League will be held in Medford June 4, 5 and 0. More than 100 delegates are expected from the district extending from Roseburg, on the north, to Klamath aad Lakeview, on the south. W. V /. Austen, county school super intendent of Grant county, has In formed State Superintendent of Public Instruction Churchill that a summer school w ill be held at Hamilton from M ay 31 to June 26 to prepare appli cants for teachers' examinations. Two fatal acctdeata were reported to Labor Commissioner H off during the week. J. G. Porter being killed while engaged In logging at Walten and Pete W olf while engaged in a similar occupation at M ill City. Twelve of those Injured were engaged In rail road work and 10 were logging. Henry J. Schulderman of Portland sucoeeded Ralph Watson as corpora tion commissioner, and announced he proposed to encourage the develop ment of the state's resonroea. He asserted that he would pay more a t tention to the protection of Investors than to acquiring a large revenue. Cattle prospects In Baker,-Malheur, Harney, Grant aad Union counties are the best in many years. Cattle era on the range earlier than aver after a good winter. The range la in good condition, the animals look better than aver at thia time of year and stockmen expect satisfactory prices. The extension department of the Oregon Agricultural College has com pleted a aew bulletin designed to guide the different county fair hoards throughout the state In arranging the details covering all types of agricul tural exhibits which might ba made at any kind ef a fair, large or smalL Portland — A grand Jury 1» the cir cuit court returned Indictments against Albin L. Clark, Daniel B. Col- hdme and James N. Linn, charging them with having altered 20 ballots cast in precinct 37 at the general elec tion last Notemr-er Oliis Athletic Union Suits - - $1, $1.50 per sw) Genuine Porosknit Union and Two-piece suits $1.00 per suit We have the celebrated Cooper’s Closed Crotch Union Suits at $ 1 and $ 1.50 per suit T H E N E W ,$ U M M E k W A I S T S F O R L A D IE S A R E H E R E W© have priced two numbers Special at 95c and $ 1.35 each for quick sale We have a number of broken lines of Shoes that we are closing out for less than co st. Come in and be convinced. To our complete line of Men’s and Ladies’ Shoes we have added th e White and Tdn Barefoot Sandals for Misses and Children ANCE Legal Notices &c OMPANY ere or otherwise may bo barred anil foreclosed of all rights, claim , or equity of redemption (except as allowed hv : law) in said piemlses. This summon, is published by virtue of «n order made by the Hon. F. M. Calkins, judge ol the above entitled Oourt, on the 6th day of May, 1916, the first publication to be m ad. on the tub day of May, 1915, and tbe last publica tion to be made on lbs IPtb day ol June, 1916, — M olkky A C hsrby Attorneys lor J*laiutiff Medford, Oregon, T h e people of th s city of Gold H ill do-reeolve as follows: N O TIC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N - T hat the petitions for referendum, DgfAKTMSNT or THE IMTBKIOB signed by over 100 cltlaeus of Gold 07042 H ill City, of tire resolutions men 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. tioned thereon, be referred to tbe peo April 29, 1915 ple for ratifyeutlon or rejection, and N o tic e is hereby given that Cyrus th at an election be called for this W . D o«, Father and help of Charles M- purpose oa the 22d day of May, 1916. Dow, deceased, of Gold HiU, Oregon, Approved A pril 19, 1916. Who, on March 29, 1912, mails Home J. ». R. M O RELO C K. stead Entry, Serial, No. 07942, lor the Mayor. Bt< ol N W i and W t f ol NE.fc, ot Seo- HEN H . L A M P M A N . i tion D) Township 35 8 , Range 3W , W il Recorder. I lam ette Meridian, has filed notipp o f in Nolice of Sperisi Rrferendum flection tention to make Final Three-vear Proof, to establish claim to the land above The foregoing resolution calling a Norice Is hereby given that in pur- described, before W . H . Canon, U . S. sperlal election upon referendum pe •nance with a petition signed by the re Commissioner, at his office at Medford, titio n , specifically relates to the fol quisite number of voter«, a Special Re Oregon, on tbe 14th day of, J''ne, 1915. lowing resolutions, adopted by ac ferendum Election ip and lor the City Claim ant names ae wilnesscs: of Gold H ill, Jack iron County, Oregon, tion of the council of Gold HUI, Ore George W. Brigg, of Gold H ill, Oregon. will be held on the 22<1 day of M ry , gon, on A pril 7th. 1916: "T h e people of the city of Gold George Garrison, ,” 1916, at the City Hall of Gold H ill, O r Frank Childers, ” ” egon. The poll, w ill be open from 10 H ill do resolve as follows: W, J. Smith, ’’ ” That the proposition, section A. of a. m. to 1 p. in, and from 2 p. in, to 7 the California-Oregon Power com -J. M. U pton , p. m. pany. for installation of an electric Register 4 30 The election will be tor the purpose of referring to the ciiisen. ol Gold HiU, pumping system for pumping water Oregon, the following propositions, as to supply said city of Gold H ill, and fo r furnishing electric current for In the Circuit Court of the- Htele ol adopted by resolutions hitherto p.isaed operating said pumping system for a by the City Council, of Gold H ill, Ore O »gon, for Jackson County. period of ten years, bo and the same gon: The Gold M ill Bank, the “ A R e s o l u t io n accepting the propo hereby Is accepted, and th at a corporation, :. sition of the Callforuia-Oregon Power mayor and recorder of said city are P lain tiff, ; hereby authorized to enter Into a vs. : S ummons company, made April 7, 1916, for the installation of a street Lighting System contract with said company, carry Edward J. Ede, Louise E. : and furni.liing electric current therefor ing out the terms of said proposal, Kile, his wile ; Harry C. Ford,: for a period of ten (10) years: whenever and as soon as the re Mary J, Ford, his wife, and : 400 Yee. strainin g order Issued by the c lrru lt Charles Erlw eln, : -<01 No.” court of the state of Oregon for Jack- Defendants. "A R esolution accepting proposition, son county on this date. Is dissolved; To Bdwsrd J. Ede, Louise E. Ede, it being the Intention of the council bis wife, Harry C- Ford and M .ry J. Section A, of t h e G.lifornia-Orqgon that said officers shall not enter Into Power company, made April 7, 1916, lor Ford, his wife, d e l e n d a n l i named the installation ol an electric pumping said cootract binding the city of Gold •hove. system and for furnisbiog electric cor H ill u ntil the same may be done IN T H E N A M E OP T H E STATE OF rect for Operating tbe same lor a period w ithout violating the order of said OKKOON. You are hereby required to {court; that the said contract shall be of ten (10) years: appear sod answer the complaint filed {entered Into w ithout any fu rth er ac- 402 Yee. against you in the above entitled court | tlon of the council as soon as said 403 No.” and cause, on or before six weeks from restraining order shall be dissolved.” Dated May 6th, 1916 the day of the first publication of this "T he people of the city of Gold Ben H . Lampmaa, sommons, the first public.Ron being on H ill do resolve as follows: Recorder. May 2tfi, 1916, the time prescribed in T hat the proposition, except and J. B. R. Morelock, tfie order bf publication thereof. exclusive of proposition C, of the Alayor. And yon arb hereby notified that if California-Oregon Power company, yon fall to appear and answer said com fo r the Installation of a street lig h t plaint, for,want thereof plaintiff will ap ing system and furnishing current ply to tbe court lor the relief demanded therefor for a period of ten years, in the complaint, to -w it: submitted to the council on this 7th For a decree of this court against you day of A p ril, 191a, be, and the same for.the sum Of 2560.00, with intereel DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE Is hereby accepted, and the mayor thereon from tbe 15th day of September, and recorder of said city are hereby 1918, until paid at the rate of 8 per cent DENTIST authorized and directed to enter In to per annum ; for attorney’s fees in the OSS ADKINttegRKD a contract with said company, carry sum .Of $100.00 an I costs of thia suit ing out the terms of said proposal to be taxed herein ; RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD That the ifsual decree may be made ------------ ----------.------------ when and as soon as the mayor and recorder shall enter Into the con for fbdsale of the premises described tract with said company for Install in the complaint herein as AfT df the ing a pumping plant and furnishing S W ^ o f Section 5 in Town ship 86 South electric current therefor, pursuant to of Range 3 West of jlga W illamette Me ridian, situated jn Jankaan.County, Or («solution of even date herewith. It being the Intention th at both con egon, and the proceed# of such raje be CO. tracts or neither shall be entered applied to the paymetR of said principal sum of 8660.00, i^ e re e t, gttorpey’a fees Into .” and costs, and for a deficiency judg Gold H ill, Oregon, A pril 20, 1916. ment if there be not sufficient funds B E N H. L A M P M A N , realized from such sale to pay said Eastern France Raided by Airmen. Recorder. Paris.—German aeroplanes, doubt sums; That you and each of you and all per less In reply to the recent French air Red Dragon Squirrel and Gopher Polson sona claiming under you and each of attacks on Frledrlchshafen, bombard will get tlin-i | t s . For sale at Bowers you either as purchasers, enenmbranc- ed various towns of eastern France. Pharmacy. u. Professional Cards P a tr o n is e H o m e In d u str y M T. P IT T GOV. J O H W O N C IG A R S SOL» I »Y M. D . B O W E R S R E S O L U T IO N R E L A T IN G T O K E F - KNDUM.