4 e Gold Hill Jackson Co. l/ c V r ? " ! ' N atu ral f o f S a a t k . r n Oro g o (Jne C o m m u n ity o f O p p o r* t u n ity K a ^ u t R t u r V a lle y t w h e r e th e a p p U n a m e d fa m * GOLD HILL, JACKSON^eOUNTY, ERMANS ATTEMPT TO IREAI LINE AT YPIiES ■runt of Fighting in Terrific H Bottle in Flanders Borne by Canadians. T h at n i - o f tiu n -ad V. n; (-> - fur l o u e u l v u iitartlin n p ls ta la in view o i »to* progress ta li ’ . flgureu g i t f t i In tiu- p r i v a t « „dvlesrf by the üKIcInl <-: >m m im t( utuni, which ■aya th<< dlsenibnrkalfoii uraa h ,, re s s a fui "lu spite of Mt-rlo m "i i -'aillon from the niii'iny In ström t e u t rent* hnssbtt p ro tetto li by barbed w ire." BEGON, SA1 Opening Day at Pafttma-Paelflc Expo- aition Broke W rX tp ra ttfo if *' ’ * A t» *"**^ A 1 ***J Z i.V,:;/ ROOSEV" ' unren, , t pratosi against the terrible conditions ¡ » pvevsIBag ta Enropa. -Fesse Feaoe to r HOma anythin g | t i » e can do hero today w ill have Influence In the Immedl- 'BESS’ Lw - , HIM Letters Read She Colonel Consulted Senate 'latt in Many Matters, w ar tn history. iBVBlrtng mere th a n half the people a t -file clvlllaed -world, but we I London. — T he bloodiest fighting Syracuse, N. T.—Th- ■dore Ftoose- caa raffia our voices In earn est protest Otnce the b a ttle of Neuvn Chapelle exam ination agstnat condition* in Rnrope too terri veit adm itted under cri, took placo betw een Y pres anti th e ble to ¿wntemplate to loan o f Hfe. In the In the su it for alleged li- 1 xhicb WU- llo r th Sea. R einforced by troops w ith dM tovcttos of property, la, tbe suffer llam B arnes h as brougl a io st him. tlv lty le d b a re céottoaed te de eo. ■ a a n from the e a st P ru ssian front, ing of homeless women and children th a t w hile governor he ■ freely ton- T b a Bxpooltloo bee already del the O erm ans have evid en tly renew ed and 1n the effect upon th e world at suited the "boss ' of : r publican •«voted at thia early dele th a t It |a e l r a tte m p t to b ach th eir way lBt«B G a a u n e m a l aetielty Io checked. p arty in New York 8 ta te in reference be a great succeee la every. w a it T he G erm an nuccars. Induatriea a re paralyzed, civilisation Is to th e app o in tm en t of < •: rough (ka allied Una to Calais and t Y pres Is ieiats in the being forced b ack w ard .' hum an 1m the m ost Important th « k irk . lin y hpve pulaaa ace being supplanted by the b ru s ta te governm ent and xa. ious legis.a- Aa official rep o rt to th e w ar office achieved l n ttb e western th e a tre of war ta l praettoea of w ar. T h e cries of tbe tlve and political m atters. tad th a t C anadian troops bore the since th e b a ttle of Holeeoue In Janu T he ’’boss'' nam ed w as I hom as C. Innocent have wraadad a cat! for relief, ,brunt of the G erm an d riv e across th e ary. and w ith dynam ic fores: th a t call is P la tt, who a t th a t tim e rep resen ted ta e r T he G erm an ru sh es In F lan d ers and generating a sentim ent through the New York In th e U nited . ' a tes senate. , . T h at the C anadians suffered ex the W o«vre, w here th ey cl. aim to have length and breadth of thia country for T he ex-president said b ■ook the ad- trem ely heavy loasea la adm itted, tin hud eonslileruhh sin - c i nr re believed peace. E very one seem s sobered and i vice of the sen ato r In n ure h er Idg d e r violent a rtille ry and shrap n el fire to lie th e fornrum . . ■ertoas a n d determ ined. T h a t one T he testim ony res alt . w q pis* word has taken on a new significance, tlons asked a fte r let: idad rifle and bayonet a tta c k s they effort to b reak through t , - t ullh (I lin e s ! of a series a s e w m eaning—peace—peace for hu- in the west. 4 tood tb e lr ground until It waa obvious th a t passed betw een Col e! Roosevelt ■aanlty, p eace to pursue th e upw ard ,i re tire m e n t waa Im perative. T hus T he a tta c k In Flanders, Inally and S en ato r P la tt hail been i read to th e and onw ard course of civilization, peace g Ivon a b reath in g spoil, th e C anadians leveled a t th e French, v. m t sod re s t and tranquillity fo r tbe mil - Jury. In th ese letters, i. oth w ritore jf eform ed th e ir linos under fire. They to the H rlllrh Hr Ilona who suffer, suffering I d spirit as ! discussed all m anner of ; o-ltical and s ben developed a su rp risin g coiiuler Bus, w here fo ' legislative affairs. In ae, Colonel thous udfortu oate soldiers are s u f f e rin g i tlack . recap tu red four of (heir can th e Dominion R oosevelt asked the s-; : In body, royalty and subject together ion. w hich had been lost, and look te s t w ith U p In the present aw ful Burupean con 1 about m aking speeches. lum erous G erm an priso n ers, including say Irt th e ir In an o th e r le tte r, the Olct They desire a cessation forever . i colons I. and stood tb elr grouud until- bswn ms ( rom Left to Right Am Show s the Palace of Education, of tbs super-cruel methods of w arfare the sen ato r a proof of 1 Aupport srrlv o d and checked th e d o r Ypri as a means q f settlem ent o f Interna i the leg islatu re, w hich . . wUfeif Palace o< Liberal Apta and Tower of Jeweia. m an charge, which would have un tack bus been i - ,,leed. tlonal c o a tw tto o . > am ong o th er things, ; , ¿c atilities, goubtedly pierced the m ain lino of the The F rench account, on th other « ■ td* ■>• . ¡{5 . Each closing day hope looks forw ard the franchise tax, th e true s. industrial aiUed arm y. T Is egjiinated by th e traffic experts of the (treat transcontinental rallw oyd to tbe morning, longing th a t word rbail hand, declare-i th at th e allli ' codnter- conditions an d labor. T he p a rt d- d - g dEverywhere th e G erm ans w ere on a tta c k s co n tin u e « u h uucq<-N„ utnl th at ► th a t th e travel m ovem ent wesHvard d arin g the present year, w ith the Come th a t our brothers In E nrope shall lng with th e tru sts, the - th e offensive, denoting a concerted of the B ritish hold an th eir ,■• tlons, ami g reat w orld's Exposition a t San Francisco as the goal, will be the great- have laid aside their arm s. T^int gio “had been subm itted to fort to force th e allies to m aintain repeats the . f.,.- t i n t th«- C trmans est In all history. T here a re bat tew persons an yw here w ho have not rlous day m ust come, and when It does p erts' ” Including E llhu F will It not be possible to respond to the tb e lr positions to the exclusion of s o ; aro using burnt,,, co n v en in g mqdiyxtat- felt the longing to visit C alifornia some time, and w ith the attractio n of the world’s wall th a t th e sw ord of anger H adley, P ro fesso r Jen k . of Cornell, OgTort to strengthen the Ypras salient log gases. w orld’s g re a te st and possibly Its last universal Exposition to draw them w est and of hate be sheathed forever? Then and Jam es A. Dill, who wa s described The German altn- k In the tVoevre. w ard those who go traveling In 1915 will "see America first.” w ith San Frnm shall coma the tim e for International In the le tte r a s "a big corp- »ration law- Assailant of Egypt's Sultan Hanged, or In as directed convention and treaty . G reat sta te s yer.” d sco as an objective. Cairo, E gypt.—The young E g y p ti a n " ( Itiönä to the men will be engaged In negotiating the And In the la s t le tte r r id, w hich Rome ludk-atlon of th e Interest taken In the Panam a-Pacific International m erch an t nam ed K halil, who made trem endous d ocum ent Speaking out w as dated in I9ijj, ( olo ei R oosevelt s. and. according unsuccessful atte m p t to kill Hu»»* - ■nt, th e French E xposition Is found In th e pre-Expositlon attendance, the greatest In the entire of inexperience and from a fa r am ong told th e se n a to r , t i e <1;-1 not w ant K am el, the su ltan of E gypt, a t C aln *' c a t F aria, hAw history of expositions, am ounting to an average of lo.uuo persons a day. These m yriad minds, we ourselves hope th a t to be vlce-pri - - ient of 1Hie U nited on April 8. w as hanged. r , co u n ter a tta c k th e visitors carried aw ay w ttb them to all p arts of th e country and of the world In this tre a ty there shall be established S tates, as it w as co t a n o.ii-ce In w hich G orm ar letely d riv en out accounts of th e beauties and th e m arvels they had seen, an d as a result the such a basts of defense on land as Is he could do anything. alone necessary to protect local peace » of th e i line, w hich they rem ark hns become common throughout tb s Dotted S tates and abroad. “ It's and th a t such arm ed ships as are nec BOMBS SET YPRES AFL'.lti hn.| pu, not a cane o f 'C an I afford to visit the Exposition?* but 'Can 1 afford to essary to police the sea shall alone be PORTLAND F- 'LL i ESWEPT T he coate it h as been enjoying M IR R ltT " T hlrtesn-lnch Guns and Armoreu perm itted, each nation contributing its a .period of •alive calm except quota to this International naval police, A lbers B roliters’ Mil T ra in s Are Also Ussd. The Psnam a-P aclflc In tern atio n al Exposition has m ore foreign national P lan t and In th e m' which shall be controlled In Its move ana, w here the L ondon.—-"Ypres Is In flam es, the Stock is Da pavilions th an any ex|Misltlon ev er held*— this tn spite of the E uropean war. •nt. R ussians «•< m ents by an International adm iralty, 1 to a tta c k th e Aua- G erm ans having throw n a hull of In No exposition ever w as situ ated as this One Is w here soeb a large num ber whose w hole duty shall be to preserve P ortland.—F ire, wh for a period trla n s In lb -cis, and to th e east- cendlary bom bs Into th e tow n." I th reaten ed to develop - a disastro u s of th e scenie w onders of the w orld can be visited a t no Increase of cost w hile peace Instead of prepare fo r war. w ard, w hor A u strian s and Oer- teleg rap h s th e M orning P o st's cor, w aterfro n t coofidgmt? w ept a por- ciana a re t - --.I, the R ussian cn route, going and coming, and It Is the only g reat International Exposition Sits of Peace Conference. p en d en t In N o rth ern F rance. tlon of tho p lan t of tl ers Broth- flank. lint ■ report successes. to be ready on tim e! The rates agreed upon by the g reat transportation The Exposition In San Francisco will "T he fighting co n tin u es hotly i I era* M illinz com pany w est rlv- have reached its highest purpose If It com panies, of approxim ately one-half fare for the round trip, w ith a ninety along th is front," th e c o r n - i -td M arshall can In any way assist in the settle ilny lim it, have never been equnled. adds. ‘T h e G erm ans show <- S NUGGETS m ent of the terrific conflict which is onday morn- dlnary d arin g In bringing h - c . C ertainly not lu th is generation, and probably not. for generations to come, now being waged w ith such titanic sti m ated a t ro abolishing capital will such an o p portunity lie offered to combine In one trip visits to th e scenic flereeness, hellish wenpons nnd aw ful lery d o s e to th eir fro n t line, the ’ly covered p 1 th te rrito ria l leg- used being m ostly 13-lnch An t i i - : w onder s|x>is o f the continent, w ith the education and en tertain m en t to be cousequences. T he Exposition being by n of tjie fire set a p art on e x traterrito rial grounds. is c how itzers on m ovable carriag es. hud In the dazzling w onderland th a t has risen on the shore o f the Pacific. F ield er of New Jersey "T he G erm ana also a re ualng effect- dedicated to th e use o f all nations on . ’. efficient w ork of the hill calling for th e suhmls- lvely arm ored tra in s carry in g 4.7 gu:m. IIU follow ing Interesting article rs a l expositions, of which the term s of equality, could fittingly, w ith ■'■’ save I a com plete W(man su ffrag e question For the use of these arm ored trail c g by It. U. H ale, vice presid en t of Pnnamn-Paclflc" In tern atio n al Exposi out prejudice or em barrassm ent, be . i : ' s a grave w aterfro n t th e people of the s ta te on th e G erm ana have c o n so lid a t'd a I th e Fuuum a-Facltlc In tern atio n al tion Is the fourth In th e D nlted S tates, used for a peace conference designed c>. f. Had th ere been high stren g th en e d th e sy stem of light rail Exposition of Sail Francisco, expresses have alw ays stood for peace. In P hil to settle th e differences of th e w arring win I o i ,,mes had reached th e S trik e and lockout troubles, which nations and bring nl>o,it tlie signing of the keynote of th is g reatest and most adelphia In 1870 the lio n . Joseph It w ays, uniting a num ber of ainnll tow ns wooden docks the dam age m ight have In the neighborhood of Y pres, to which a rc affectin g th o u san d s of union men w onderful celebration of all time. Mr. H awley, president o f the C entennial a treaty of pence for w hich the world exceeded th a t of any o th er P ortland Is praying. they have added stra te g ic a l branch In Chicago, may be settled as resu lt H ale Is one of th e forem ost public-m en Exposition, In his opening rem arks said w aterfro n t Pro. At th is place the New Cycle of Brotherly Love. of w illingness of th e co n tra c to rs' asso o f A m erica, an d bis tho u g h tfu l article , "From the association here of welcome lines." docks a re the ih ick est and the Broad One effect of the w ar now In prog ciatio n to m eet th e uuion m en to re show s a m arvelous grasp e f th e sub- visitor« ftwm all n ations there m ay re ress will be to em phasize the Impor way bridge m ight have been badly en ject anil will |>rovo of v alu e a n d inter- Bnj( I10{ alone g re a t benefits to lnven- open th e conference. W ilh e lm N ot to Dash fo r Home. tlon, m anufacture, agriculture, trad e tance of and Intensify the Interest In dangered as the m ills lie on e ith e r side T h e capture, of Irap u ato by G eneral est to every render o f th is paper. W ashington.—A nnouncem ent from Most Interesting In H istory. . and comm erce, but also stronger luter- the g reat International peace congress of it. ' N ew port N ew s w as received th a t the O bregon, as well a s th e occupation of ------------------------------ , T he F unniua-Faciiic In tern atio n al Ex- natloual friendship and m ore lasting projected by the m anagem ent a t the com m ander of the big G erm an sea G u ad alajara, th e second la rg e st city position, which Is now tinlshed, stan d s 1 peace." Exposition. L et us hope th a t this w ar M ust T eat the Sanity of Thaw . may he recorded history before th l s j raid e r K ronprlnz W ilhelm had gfcen In Mexico, by G eneral Diguez, w as con revealed as th e m ost Interesting Expo “A cq u a in ta n c e Softens P re ju d ic e .’’ New York.—T he question of th e firm ed a t th e C arran za ju n ta a t W ash congress couvenes. T he horrors of notice he would Intern. sitiou lu history. Tltose who have not "A cquaintance'softens prejudice" has fngton. yet visited th e Exposition should make been ringing lu my ears ever since present day w arfare will then be fully siftilty of H arry K. Thaw will be de appreciated, and fbese m ost directly term ined by a jury. S uprem e C ourt W ives of strik in g laborers a t S tam early plan s to visit 8 an Frmietsco. The those three w ords w ere uttered by a affected may be available w ith their Ju stic e H endrick, in a decision handed ford. Conn., to th e num ber of 50 or foreign g rad u ate of one of our A m eri experience and advice to assist In pre down, granted th e application for a m ore, arm ed w ith broom sticks, pick can universities In a speech delivered paring a code of international law and h andles and salt, fought hand to band some years ago. T he learned sta te s police [lowers nnd [irovlde such other I trial m ade by T haw ’s atto rn ey s. w ith th e police when th e la tte r a t man, Hon. Ellhu Root, voiced the sam e recom m endations ns may be best fit tem pted to d isp erse them a fte r a Italy 's Strength 2,000.000. sentim ent when about to leave the ted to Insure lasting peace. d em o n stratio n n t th e Town Hall. And when we look Into th e fu tu re i high office of secretary of s ta te In sub P aris.—F rench m ilitary a u th o rities London.—Indications of a com bined stantially these w ords: “It w ere Impos. may we find the new cycle o f brotherly estim ate the full m ilitary stren g th of R eports i (lent W ilson %ad land and naval attuck on th e Darrtan- slide for any nation to Lie a t w ar If the love supersed/»ig the discord of today. Italy a t 2,000,000 men, of whom 800,000 p ersonally la. a ch arg e of th e gov slles. In w hich a B ritish arm y of en o r peoples of the conflicting countries u n May the settlem ent of International ern m e n t's ease a g ain st th e Riggs N a probably form the active field artpy. mous proportions Is tak in g part, a.i derstood each other." strife by w ar nnd blood and suffering tional bank h ere, In which th e bank Is given In official rep o rts by the utlinlr U niversal exixisitlons soften p reju nnd devastation be supplanted by con charged with ce rta in irre g u la ritie s by ally and w ar offlco and p riv ate ad dices, rem ove com m ercial an tip ath ies ference and negotiation nnd a rb itra Schooner Randolph Upset by B reaker tile tre a su ry d ep artm en t, w ere em p h at W h ile M aking Port. and settle political differences by tion: then w ill follow rest nnd peace vices. ically denied a t th e W hite House. bringing the people of all nations Into nnd contentm ent for th e everlasting The official com m unications con i Bandon, Or.—One passen g er an I friendly Intercourse for the dlseusslo., enjoym ent of m ankind. As John G. tw o m em bers of th e crew of five ot firm the re p o rt th a t iui arm y h as been I G erm ans C ruise gt Sea. of Ideas, the exchange of comm odities W hittier beautifully expressed It In landed and th a t a b attle Is In progress. I the gasoline schooner R andolph w ere Berlin, via London.—Tho O erm an anil fo r th e advuueenieut of m ankind his C entennial hymn It, 1870: P rivate advices nrc to tho effect that socially, morally, intellectually and Oh. m ak e th o u u s th ro u g h c e n tu rie s long drow ned w hen th e vessel capsized ju s t ad m iralty gave o u t a re p o rt reading K itch en e r’s arm y, num bering from 1 off the bar here. Of the th ree rem ain commercially. They reflect the thought In p eace secure. In ju stic e stro n g ; us'fo llo w s: A round o u r g ift of freedom d ra w 100,000 to 200,000 men, h as arriv ed in ing m em bers of th e crew one sw am and action of peaceful pursuits and The s a fe g u a rd s of th y rig h te o u s lsw . "T ho G erm an high sea fleet h as re the Aegean Sen, from the Islands of ashore and the o th er two w ere tak en reach tlielr greatest successes during And, c a s t In som e d iv in er mold. cen tly cruised rep eated ly In the North which y h e allied B ritish and French or following long periods of national L et th e new cycle sh a m e th e old. from the engine room alive, one hour Sea. Advancing into E nglish w aters and in tern atio n al peace. T lielr exhlb- fleets have' been operatin g a g ain st the la te r when th e boat w ashed ashore. w ithout m eeting the sea forces of T H E M ARKETS nro the product of th e a rts of pence, straits. R. E. K norr, a druggist of Gol.1 G reat B ritain." Portland. and th eir object Is th e prom otion of In addition to the B ritish forces pre B each; M ilton Cox, of th is city, cook a. n. n.vLR. peaceful activity in th o u g h t and word sum ed to have been landed on Galll on the boat, and E. L. McConnell, of M ayor of T erre H aute Im peached. railroads a rc g ran tin g low round trip and deed. They nre the an tith esis of W heat—Club, $1.25; bluestem $1.30; Langlois. Or., m anager and p a rt ow ner polln Peninsula, m ilitary observer,' T e rre H aute.— M ayor R oberts, re rates, and one can seo th e U nited war. the em bodim ent of peace. T belr red R ussian, $1.20; forty-fold, $1.28; here a re of th e opinion that, a larg, of the craft, w ere the m en who lost cen tly found gu ilty with 27 o th e r T err-' S tates u n d er more favorable conditions grounds are s e t a p a rt ns extraterrl- red fife. $1.22. force of F rench troops have been land th e ir lives. th an have ever before obtained. For torinl, devoted to the use of all nations H au teau s of conspiracy to co rru p t the H ay—E astern O regon tim othy, $15; ed th ere also, as an official comm unl T he R andolph w as attem p tin g to ty-three nations are p articip atin g In the and nil peoples on n parity and equali ele- (i >n bore on N ovem ber 3, 191-1. cation from P a ris a few w eeks ago Exposition upon a v ast scale. Read ty. T he Fannm n-I’nclflc International grain hay, $12; alfalfa. $13.50; valley m ake p o rt h e re when th e accident » a ir im peached by the city council b> Mr. H ale’s w onderful article and you Exposition grounds today a re common tim othy, $12.50. said th a t a large arm y had been tra n s happened. W hen about 300 feet out a vote of 7 to 3. R oberts Is now 11 will gain an Idea of th e purpose th a t to all. No creed or race Is b a rr e l: nil B utter—C ream ery, 25c. ported to the co ast of E gypt to be side of th e je tty she w as h it by a th e fed eral prison a t L eavenw orth, Inspired the builders of the Fauamn- have equal rights niul privileges. It Is Eggs—R anch, 18c. ready to cooperate In an y uiovcnn u. b re a k e r th a t keeled h er over and im Kao., serving a six-year sen ten ce on Fnclflc In tern atio n al Exposition. He neutral ground for w arring or tranquil Wool—E astern Oregon, 25c. a g a in st T urkey considered necessary, i m ediately follow ing th is cam e one the election conspiracy cop-.'ction. says: untlons alike. It Is one g reat democ M ohair—32® 33c. w hich capsized her. racy w h e n all i)nltft.lp_coiitribijtlng to Balglane Sand Thanks. T he H ague, via London.- -A mem or ial address«-d t o P resid en t Wilson, signed by ab o u t lO.ialtk Belgian rafu- goon now In ll-ilh ii il, ex pressing gratl- tuilo for th old v ' hi ilea has extended to tint Helgla,i i-.nr snfrersrq, waa mailed to W ashington. i, ? I ALLIES LAND ARMY NEAR DARDANELLES