Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1915)
T5he C IT Y M E A T M A R K E T I Fresh and Suit Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard Merritt & Company wish to say to the Public that their store has on display one of the finest stocks of I t you don’ t like this paper—d o n ’t hot- row It. Ine Master Key,” a mystery film marvel. A t the Com us M m, Iz'wls, the Kanes Creek rancher, was in M edforil Friday last on hnsleess Sprague Rlegel, ,,t Riverside Orchard, s|»'iil sever»! day« lost week in Medford Hplcudld assortment of Fine Rod»—»II prl.vs— Silk »ml l.lrtcn Uni'«, Creels, Flies »ml Fish Lures—now Stock E verything for the arden t A n gler The BoN-ToN O ur R e s ta u ra n t E q u ip m ent Is F o r Sale Silverware, Linen, Tables Chairs, Stools, New Hot Water Tank. The very best made, asbestos lined, malle able steel range, with two large ovens, steel plates, plenty room for two cooks to work; this entire range is in splendid condition. A bargain to anyone wanting to buy this equipment l>r. It, K. Howard mid J. I I. Beeman were hiMineiM visitors ami guests of Med lord Mend» Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. I I, Beeman and Mrs. Opal O rth were visitors in Medford between trainM Th<in«|iiy. Dave Avery Went to Ashland last Hat- onlay, from which city, he assisted |h d rivin g cattle across the C alifornia line fo u n d -— \ altialric pair o f eye glosses, »pei'iafly ground lenses, Owner may re n d e r property by calling a l News olliee rm l paying charges. 1 S p rin g' G o o d s B L A C K E R T <X1 G A R R E T T , P r o p r i e t o r « FISHING TACKLE f r “h haYe Sri Ve4. bhi® c ity> consisting of Summer Dress Goods of all descriptions; fine line of Imported and Domeitw Laces and Embroidery; Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s shoes o f latest style K e e p y o u r e y e o n o u r s h o w w in d o w s a n d y o u w ill b e c o n v in c e d th a t w e h a v e th e g o o d s M erritt & C o m p a n y G en eral M e r c h a n d is e M r. ami Mrs. George I. Gleason »re How com fortably ensconced in the Xana W hen No. Hi wa« due Fred approach»«! ed b y the in itia l appearance of several residence on filth avenue. Mr. Gleason tlie depot to in q u ire for an express pack- ' houie-talent stars— not forgetting tlie eus- is superintending the liis ta lla tio ii of the agi . The chlcr Dislge stepped from the i ternary intermission innsicales of tlie or tra in , an unannounced hut thrice wel jchestra. Braden’s new quarts m ill. You really must go, and takt T h e Coraus theater was Get your Pianos tuned by the home come Visitor. This is Mr. Dodge’s first tlie children. v i-lt to s ,qthern O n g m , anil ho is much bu ilt exoressly for the purpose. It has a tuner. Beginning Feb. 1.5th, special re- ¡s u itin g capacity ample for the needs o f iu ctio n in prices for two months. Satis impressed w ith the delightful climate. faction guarani» e<l,— W . C. T hom . O liver Typewriter« for sale mid rent: — No. 5 O liver Machines in first-class con ditions rented at the rate of $4.00 for three months. — A E. K buimki , Sales agent for the (»liver Maeliine. W alter R, Norris, form erly of this vicin ity, was wedded to Mias Eva M W arren, a t the home of the bride’s m other in Medford, last Saturday after- BOOB. F. D. Sehrtinip returned Wednesday tli,* city, slanting door, orchestra pit, forenoon from Portland, when' lie went tw in galleries, fireproof operating room, hist w ivk to consult medical sja'ciaiists vaudeville stage, dressing room», a n d u|*on hi« recent disposition toward illiw's«, other convenience». Fifteen a n d te n Mr. Hclirnmp was to ld th a t lie was a suf cent», the prevailing prices, w ill purchase ferer from spinal trouble, of a tubercular ; tickets tonight. nature, anil that while not neiessarily ■ \ \ anted:—Good m ilch cows, calves and serious his condition demanded alMtolute little, on tim e; defernsi payments retirem ent and rest, for a perils! of sev well secured. Addraas Sleepy Hollow eral months, du rin g treatm ent. Dey’s Farm, (io ld H ill; H. A. Ensign, A. E. m ultitude of local friends are boosting for D ixon, managers. his early and complete recovery. The construction of a modern dwelling Nuturi' dedicated a beautiful site to the : Home bargains in small tracts of land has been (smiuieneisl by M. S. Johnson Itis'k P oint cemetery, a resting place be suitable for garden, chicken o r dairy on his resilience lots, fifth avenue a n d sixth « tie d , mid w ill be completed for tween the hills and t h e rive r— w ith in purpose«, ranging in size from tw o to whispering distance of the latter. That a j fitty acres, close in and conveniently lo occupation some tim e durin g the summer. certain proportion o f actual work and im - , cated fur m arket and «chools. I f you are For Sale: 77 acres on County Road provenient is necessary t o k e e p th e No, we are not “ going w ith in 21 miles of Gold HUI, about 50 grounds at a standard beauty w ill not be i looking tor small place for any purpose call upon or address, —C. 8. Redfield, broke;” new goods coming in tinder e n llivalion , gissl land, fine spring denied. J. W. I fayes. acting fo r the Odd | Gold H ill, Oregon. which could Is- pi,ssl to house ami barn, to our store right along; we Fellows lodge, has proposed a day to he I smile fru it tree», an ideal d a iry ranch, exfiect to stay in GOLD set adde for this purpose and named the ■ Gasoline and auto oils always on hand for quick sale lo r only $50 per acre. For date as Thursday, A p ril 20th. A t that : HILL; the place is ALL particular* ro ll or address, tim e, through the contributed labor o fj and fur sale at unbeatable prices, at the RIGHT. —C. s. Redfield. those interested, both tlie old cemetery Darling A Hodges stable. Gasoline street Mrs. W ui. H a ll ami Mrs. Charles G ar and tin* new w ill be cleared of brush ami pump, prom pt, efficient service. * Cash system; customers rison, o f Medford, »pent t h e week-end otherwise put In sightly shape. Y o liill- can’t afford to have us keep w ith relatives on Galls Creek, (in Sun ti-1'rs for the worthy work an* solicited. T lie G uild Players of the U niversity of books. day a num ber of t h e i r relatives mid Oregon, under the management of Prof. Jim Dinkcns, of tlie npper FvansCreek A. F. Rtsldie, presented t h e four-act friends enjoyed u picnic at the P ick-U p country, just on the verge of tlie w ilder drama, “ My M an” and “ J ^ d y ” , in this mine, near the bead of tlie ereek. ness, hail some fine hogs, Lately the Banished 1« the dingy damp darkness porkers developed a |»'rnianent habit of city on Wednesday evening. T heir ve M rs . C o ra J. T r u a x , of tlie pnatnfflcc building. A sensible missing roll call—many of them. E v i hicle is a strong one, indirectly dealing M anager and sanitary urrangm ent of tlie fixtures, dence pointed to tlie activities of a bear w ith our ever present problem, the c rim superintended by master carpenter W alt w ith a fondness forehops. M r. Dinkeus inal, t h e superior force of environm ent! Duugey, and Isiascri by Postmistress R ivd, ami his neighbor, I I . H. Lampman, of over heredity, and the in a b ility of the E. R. C rouch . Assayer, Chem 1 Is In the lig h t and make« much needed H illb illy ranch, accordingly laid plans for law abiding to reach a clear conception Professor Reddie, r «mi faith for clerical force am i public. the undoing of Bruin, and did thereupon ■ >f the law breaking. ist, and Metallurgist. in tlie role of law-breaker turned ph ila n FOR SALE—(KM) fine fa n n in g acres in devise am i set various traps. The former Custom Assay Office. M ail Order B um ! thropist, needs no commendation. His n o * Solicited Price«; Gold, $1.00; (¡old u compact body, nearly level and nearly then drove to M "dford to secure tlie as work is always polished and satisfying. all under high state of cultivation. sistance« of ( ’barley Voting and his justly »ml Silver, $1.2.5; Copper, $1.00; (¡old, Mrs. Thorne pleased everyone, her hu- No la-tter la u l for fru it, grain celebrated " b a r ” dogs. D uring his ab Silver »ml Copper, $2.00. M ailin g en hum or was infectious; while the little velopcs (rev on request. Reference: Joee or alfalfa anywhere. Very cheap. Sub sence, on Tuesday, M r. Lampman set " L a d y “ , played by Josephine Moorhead, i phine Co. Hunk. Room» 201-208 H all irrigated, every 40 acres is choice. Well out to visit tlie traps. Several previous kept tlie audience laughing at lie r d ro ll located and only .5 miles from R. R. sta visits had las'll fruitless, hut on this par Bldg., Grunts Pass, Oregon speeches, although somewhat saililened tion. For particulars call upon o r write, ticu la r m orning the game was up. Fast at her simple stalw art faith in “ m y M an” , —C. S, R a n riK iji, Agent. in (lie cruel jaws of the steel vise, Bruin G o lf H ill, Oregon. reared up his ponderous hulk and cried A ll o f Professor Reddle’s cast «flowed careful tra in in g and .were, indeed, a cre Mrs. T. L. Hruhn, of Chicago, a n d to his captor. A .83 bullet through the d it to th e ir preceptor. M arion L ittle was Mrs. George Toussing, of El Paso, III«., li ad dropped h im —a black “ bar” which exeptionally good, in her character of the were visitors w ith friends in Uns city for Is said to establish a ns-ord for tlie diet For hard or «nit wood of finest quality slangy woman of the underworld who is several days, leaving ou Thursday for a r li t. T lie brute weighed 450 ponnds and order from John J. R itter, Phone 3F21. hanqiereil by a heart. Tlie University of trip to the Kxpositian. Previous to com laire a clubfoot on the left fore. Oregon has reason to lie proud of its re Avoid th a t dread Spring Fever by tuk- ing here they visited w ith Mrs. T m w in g ’« The Monday evening meeting o f the presentatives, the G uild Players. .'lig Rexall Sarsaparilla Tonic now. A t brother, Fred Riedel, a n d fam ily, a t city council was signalised by the seating Bowers Pharmacy Dairy and milk Inspectors from all Roseburg. * of connciltnen T rnax and Stickel, t h e ! parts of the northwest met this week Batter paper, printed in accordance Henceforth the butter mid eggs from newly elect d members, and considerable j w ith the law, (or »ale on order at The Sardine Creek w ill enter town in style. excitement. Cnnncilman Truax charged , for the annual meeting of the Pacific Northwest Association of Dairy and New« offlee. Some weeks ago Cal Dusenlicrry p u r ■«■tain members o f tlie board w ith being ' Red Dragon Squirrel and Gopher Poison chased a fo r d ear; this week “ Toots” ■ lefacto councilmen, and offered oaths of Milk Inspectors. w ill get those pent». For sale at Bowers Dnsenherry, his elder brother, listened the ir qualifications a« freehi #(k •rs for sig Pharmacy. to the blandishments of A. W. W alker, nature. t ’om icilm an Kell readily agret'd I I saw cordwoo^ to stove length« w ith the Brisco salesman, and “ fell fo r” one as did councilman Stickel; the remaining members, Redfield. Patrick and Adams, power »aw, prom ptly on order. Phone of the n ifty little grey touring ears. John J. R itter, 3F21. Thursday was “ m oving d a y " for W. denied the right of th e ir questioner ami Subscription« taken for any magazine I I. M ille r Slid fam ily, the renovating and declined to affirm the oath«. Petition« or clnh of magazine« in the United State«. refitting of th e ir newly purchased resi signed by more than the requisite number lence in tlie western snhurlis having of nnmlH'r of legal v iters were presented, ! See John It, Kelsey, at The New« office. been completed. The fam ily is now at asking for a referendum election on the ' Farmers: Pack your egg« while they home ami planting the garden. The resolutions recently passed to award the ' are cheap, w ith Water Glass. $I.IH) a By a property hitherto known ns the Childers’ pum ping and lig h tin g contracts. gallon at Bowsrs Pharmacy. place, is one of the most sightly mid uminimnii« vote the council sanctioned W. (I. Myer« and I I . ( ’. Raedel trans the request, hut took no steps to desig- , pleasantly situated in tlie district. acted business in Medford Wednesday nate the date of election. 1». C. Doane, owner of tlie M ountain afternoon, availing themselves of tla T onight the movies w ill plead, play, ' Lion mine, was in this city and vicin ity new ftuto line Hchcdnk*. Wednesday ami Thursday investigating a w ring anguish to a ptfddie and evoke "T h e Master Key,” a th rillin g film promising local quartz prospect. M r . howls of sheer jo y —for the first tim e in aerial, w ill I«' unloeked at (lie Comas Doane is m»w of Medford, hut was a for tlie Coiniis theater of (¡old H ill. This ev t li at re Sunday evening, A p ril 2.5, ami mer lessee of the Sylvanite mine, two ening tlie small change w ill filte r through appear weekly. mill's north of this city. He is well known , the ticket window of the new motion pic Al the Tuesday evening meeting of the irt tlie southern Oregon m ining field as a I ture in the Kelsey Arms b u ild ing, contributing an impetus t o t h e l I ’ . G. I I. club the m atter of choosing capable and ex|<erieuced operator. launching of the finest movie theatu^ in |H‘rmunent club rooms was decided by Charles D. Dodge, of Lansing, M ich i ballot, tlie incmltcrs electing by a m ajor sonthern Oregon. Managers Kellogg A gan, arrived on Wednesday evening and ity to remain in th e present quarters, I horn have seleetcsl a splendid series of is the guest of his son, engi ieer Fred W. which w ill lie remodeled and improved. film e.anedies ami drama for tlie evening, Dodge, of tlie Public Service corporation. and the piograin w ill lie furthe r enliane-1 T H E T R U A X CO. E l e c t r i c C ooR in g^ g? ONCE A L U X U R Y , NOW A CH O IC E, f ’erfeet cooking first demands a clean k itc h en. Modern kitchens have no coal buckets or ashpans. There is an Electric Range bu ilt to suit your needs and nt a price you can attord to y pay. Flat rate for Electric Rang? $5.00 per m onth. We have all the latest types of Electric Ranges on display in our office. Local News Notes Ask for demonstration CALIF0RNIA-0R.EGONP WER. COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. Phone 168 216 West Main Street M IRTH is short and Lran- sient; Cheerfulness fixed and permanent. With a bank account with us vou have reason for C heerfulness ! THE GOLD HILL BANK