Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, April 17, 1915, Image 1

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    Gold Hill
Jackson Co.
C r«s<»«( N a tu ra l Raaourcaa
Ona C om m uait V o t O p p o r -*
t unity- Rogua R iva t VoUay,
whara tha oppia gaina J fetna
a ! Sou tham Ora gon II On
haautiful Ragua R ivat
VOL. 17
ro a m 'd Proceedings ol Gold H ill, On*.,
A p r il A, J»V>.
Coonrll uu< in regdlar • mk I o ii , Mayor
’Morelock pre»idlng.
I’reeent: Adams,
jOauMron, K ell, Patrick, Redfield, Mm.
T ruax.
T I m > following bill» were read and ap-
preventing them from le ttin g a contract
for the pumping of water lo r the C ity of
Gold H ill, waa dlaeUNacd.
The hid» ul tie-C alifornia-O rc'inn Pow­
er Cu., for Street Lighting and I ‘tunping
ay»tein» wens iqieiiisl. I l being «een that
they pere accompanied by the required
certified check» tfiey were ordered read.
Motion wa» made by Redfield, Second-
ed by Patrick, that tlie Council go in to
executive acHeimi a» a committee »1 the
whole w ith Omincihnan Adam» in the
chair. M otion carried by the following
»©to: ✓ Aye: Adam«, Cameron, Kell, Pat­
rick, Redfield, No; Mr». Truax.
Tile Committee of the Whole went into
executive »esainn, behind eloaed doors.
After hearing the rc|m rt of the Com­
mittee of tlw Whole the Couneit wa» cel­
led to order by Mayor Morehark.
A motion wua made end duly seconded
that the nwolution on the W ater Sy»tem,
Rich Ornamentation In Court of Abun-
ance at
NO. 60
Report* from B erlin »ay th a t on
The m illin g plant on the (Topper Queen
April 1 (lS.tOS prtaonera of w ar w ere
mine at Inla nd ba» recently been rear-
being held In Germ any.
G erm any will pay for the »inking of ranged ami o ilie r equipin. iit .elded by P.
the A m erican ship W tlham ' p " Frye B ’ W l' kh»,n ' wbo p u rc h a o l the proper-
ad c c ru
m lle
. . . r , P
P rim
rtn , E
.I |
n o n th . mys the G. int» Pa»» Cou­
by the converted
rier. M illin g operations commenced la -t
F riedrich
D estruction of the G erm an »ubma- > week. The proce»» used consists of a im l-
! gamation aad treatment of pri»iuet»iiy
rlne U-29 by the BrtUah 1» accepted
by the Berlin w ar official» a» explana­ cyanide. The plant now has a rapacity p f
tion for the failure of the vea»el to re­ about 20 ton» p a rla y , but the in»taliati^n
' b f more tank» w ill bring . lie capacity ftp
tu rn from her la s t crulae.
to 40 ton» per day, and it is intended to
An au th o rita tiv e denial haa been re ­
reach this capacity w ith in the .n e xt 30
ceived from T he H ague of the rep o rt
In circulation In London th a t the re ­
T h e Copper Queen mine is located
lation» betw een H olland and Germ any
aixiut four miles ea»t of Lt-laud. Tlie pn>-
had reached the breaking point.
' perty ba» been for »ome tim e among the
T he F rench offeaalve In the Woevre,
more prom inent base o r e depo»it» o f
which according to official report»
southern Oregon. Tlie vein is about So
continue» to make progre»», although
feet in w idth and contains go*xi values in
the G erman» re ite ra te th a t all the
gold, silver and copper. Tlie croppings
French attack» have been repulsed, 1 b
are bold upon tlie entire length of two
believed to be only the prelude to a
claims, a distance of 3,000 teet.
big general effort In the tr e a t
W hile tlie ore is base w itli depth, there
B erlin report» the cap tu re of three
is a large deposit of free m iliin v ore upon
villages on th e Y ser canal and the
tlie surface carrying value» of $7 to $100
failure of F rench a tta c k s In th e A r­
per ton, and i t is intended to operate
gonne, but the F rench »ay they have >
on these Oxydised ores while fu rtlie r de­
captured a section of a G erm an trench :
in th a t region. T he F rench adm it th e [ velopment is being done in lower levels-
Vlew a b o w in g sectlon of-colonnarto*. Court ot A buia lance, Panam a-P acltlc
Much development ha« heen done upon
loss of some tren ch es previously cap­
In te rn a tio n a l K x im i^ llo o , San F ra n cisco . T h e ln \l» h o rie n ta i eiubelIlH luneata o t
the property and w ith a small amount of
•Iti» co u rt are w e ll p o rtra y e d In flit» jih o to g riip li
further development the ore i-ody can he
m are wood.
Les E parges, occupied by the F rench j explored to a depth of 300 feet, and it is
possible to open up tlie mine to a depth
a fte r a series of d esp erate engage-
of aixiut 700 feet by tunnel, whhout «ink­
merit* coating countless lives, ligs
again come under the fire of the G er­ ing
f ’ousiderahie o w fro m thjji jwop-vty has
News Brevities of the Week From Rogue River Valley Cities man guns. It is h ere th a t G eneral
lieen »hiiped to Tacwux and K eu iiett
Joffre, the French com m anrl^r, Is ! snwltefs and gav;- yeturhs in iciBoad
tira n t» Pao», O r., Apr. 12.—The loot id
Several Mi»lford youth», of tlw high
Big Pine« Lumber Co., Lumbar
lo r cu lve rt» ..............J , . . <• .. . $ 0.70
U g lit A W ater Unm., -Rx|ieiiHe
tr ip to M edford........................
Idince A Co., Grocerio» for l ‘"»t
House................. ,
Hilaa Fleming, Hauling rubbish
4.AO, HI n o t w ork, 0 . 7 $ ............. 11.8ft
I). I I . M iller, H anlw um aupplte»,
Gold H ill Bakery, Bread lor
1‘eat Honan..........«........................... 70
Home T i l. A Tel. Uu.. Galls to
M e d fo n l.
...................................... 74
B. G. Harding, Recorder1* »alary 15.00
W. It. W alker, H auling tra»li
4.ft0j Street work 90.10 | recommended by tlie Committee of tlie
Whole for pa»»age by the Council be
Archie W alker, M am liul’» »alary
M otion carried by the follow ­
2ft; Extra work, Oto............. .
in g vote: Aye Adam», Cameron, Pat­
I I. D. Bend, JQdge of election. . .
rick, K ell, Redfield. No: Mr». Truax.
I I . Price, J u d in and clerk of
Motion wan made ami duly »econded
th a t the revolution on contract for Htrnet
J. 11. Beeman, Judge ami clerk of
Lights, recommended by the Committee
election ....................... ...............
of tlie Whole lo r pa»»agc by tin- Council
l.y n n W. Smith. Uommia»inn on
ho adopt)»!. M otion carried by the fol­
money collected............................
lowing volet A y e : Adam», Cameron,
Hurling A Hodgv», Hauling traali
Kell, Patrick, Redfield. No: Mr». Truax.
A m otion wa» made and neo>ti«:ed that
T h e h ill ol W. I'. Chisholm wa» amcn- M r. N eff !»• Appointed to represent tlie
<led by »h ikin g out three item» for ton«U-1 <‘ity in ib<> In ju n ctio n brought by Die
itirt which ruses were »ent from the public |{.,un,. River Public Service corpora’ ion
school ami therefore were not due from against tin* City Council, Mayor and Re­
o i $2o t - W W f tVM,
•the C ity. The h ill wa» then by motion corder. Motion carried w ith lhedi»aoiit-
id lc thi« m om m a »nnontp- Geru]an w » ^ge
out of the I
»cliool age and tdgatuWe tendency, are in the »h-Hin w h ¡»tie
approved a» amended.
ing vote of Mr». Truax
»nwiidll. the ttg4 a ,|iej'. S(J
.. .
- •
tlie toil» for chicken »tealing. W ith in a ed th:it the E'lgertun
» “ '^.e. so m a t tne au ied line th a t i
T lie h ill of h r. It. C. Kelsey, rent for
A motion carried which author1«»! the few week» tlie "g a n g " »wiped over $20n industry to follow the ro in p H lo u u l is -
G erm an | Pass Surprised at Ricttness
lVat Hnuau for m onth of A p ril waa re­ Improvement CommiUo to make the ne­ W .irlli of lin e lowl». railw ay Pl t il" •
cessary street improvement at tin 1 corner
of Local Cinnabar Property
Tlii' collMon of a motor car amt a run-
‘‘» t c' " ” ^ 1.naal actual opeiyttiini.
In the east, hl though the Russian» :
T h e rw order whs instructed to make ot 2d avenue ami Hit »treef ami extend­
' nwny hor»e, at Emigrant creek, near A »h -,
..iy ih e hum of tho al-x-l a» it rip» iy i hav<-occupied the principal position*
'n it individual bills to each ¡.«ivy w’n iw* ing Io tlie corner of 2d ave
an I til i 1 )ini(,
«uuday. damaged the tnaebir.e " V lliro u g ii | uuh ha» filled the air. T lie ,
in the western, sections o l the C arpa­
R. Mangum was in tin. d i-trii t north
doctor h ill* and hill» nt Bower» Phar­ j «tri'ct.
?1A worth and «ent l»obl>in to the bom - w h irr u j the. machinery ha» grvao»l tan thians, th ere fs one height, ki.ow n as
x.f Gt.1.1 H ill F rlJ a ; y ^ i n ii .
macy wen' paid by the city during the
A ihbtloti curried uiianliiiou-dy to in»
81 _i
atmoopliern o f unicrpriae and aipitljcr height 9»2. wWch th e y have not been ores from some Jf'tb... miin-«
l»:ri>»l they w rte quarantined for amall- struct tin ' .BaySr aitd Recorder t o sign yard. Tin- ca- was a Vor<l.
"■»»if that Grant» Pa»» 1» cntei ing upon a %ble to m aster. N evertheless they arc » « lt h fin OregolC Jup txy at tllo Panaina-
A I'O ij fv>t private road U ix'ing b u ilt
.pox, and liand m ine to the City Marshal . tin* le a « 'fro m the S. P Co. (or ground
‘ new era o f indm )ui*4 activity W cviik nedd, .reported to be m oving down th e w est
for collection.
Upon which to b u ild public hitching to tiie graithi uuarrte» at Ayer» S p u r,' Tlie biiiliK iig of this m ill c<mihit*tii4i) •rii slope and In a fair way to m ake J fe ilitf e x p o -u ix i, »ays the Grants |*ass
The report of the R. R. P. S. corpora­ rack».
Courier One o f, the m ost-notable e x ­
near Ashland, Tlie iMwi I* <• «d mate»I Pi
’ w ith tlie eonstritcHoo o f the ra tiio ld an advance in to H ungary.
tion covering water collection» from July
hibits q iiic ii lie brougiit bae^ was q li b ­
, Council adjourned to npx't Saturday i t ' a d o lla r ,»tr foot, tatlcb of the work • through to W ilderville, and it hi located
eral sampling from the mercury or Thick
I, t o i l to January I, 101ft, wa» read as night to consider the (w tition of Cardwell Is-ing througli solid rock.
■’ in tin* railroad tracks snutli of the
S ecretary of S tate B ryan ordered rilt-er mine in Sams Valley. The t».ck
follow»: ¡Total eq] lections $»41, 50; lo p . and Jennings fnr'safrton liivnse.
iV in Sf-arb-, lirr nerly of (¡old H ill but
wliere the tracks cross the S ixth street th a t an A m erican passport should not from 4iiis mine shows tlie native quick
• c. comnilsalon due C ity $31 Io. Total col­
now of Medford, has |icrfected an attach­
B. G. Harding.
extension. The iogs foi its opi-ration arf' be issued to Ja c k Johnson in H avana. silver standing out in globulus i i j m tlie
lection» for year l o l l $1329.20. A check
ment w lticli tiansforins the ordinary b i­
lieing hauh»l from the te rrito ry lietween
T he trad e balance for th e four broken surface, and it is woiwKHnily iiiiir
for $54.15 accompanied »aid report being
Report o f l ’riHXcding» o f Exix'iifivu cycle in to a m otorcycle. A »mall gaso­ th ifi city and the Applegate, atid already m onths from D ecem ber to April w as
tlie amount due lea» $30 00 t o r (lin e
ill tile Illiberal. The m ine $» n x a 4 I>y
line m otor i- fitted inside a th ird wheel.
Seasion of City Council. A p ril 7, 1015.
enough fo ra run of several treelot ahead approxim ately $600,000,000 in favor of eastern parties, who hold 92P acres o f
month» light b ill which hud never been
f.o h ti M iller a n d Clari'iii»' Farlcigh ai»' on tlie dmupn. Vurds for ilie »t«ek- the U nited S tates, according to figures
Tin; Council in executive session, a» u
patented ground.
presented for payment.
lilenci'd b y Judge Calkins, a t ing of the Inniher InvMt. of tlie m ill have subm itted to P resid en t W ilson by Sec­
coinmilli»' of the whole, was called to Or­ w re
A motion tliat a committee tie appoint»
der w ith O o u iiriliin iii Adams in the chair. t ¡rants Pass, to from two to five years in 1» '-n d i nreil where ears can tie easily reta ry of Com m erce R edfield.
eil to audit the book« of tlie R. R. I*. S.
After thoroughly di«ciis«fng with A tto r­ tlie p i t , for lireaking into the depot at loailisl.
S ecretary B ryan m ade public a le t­ Placer Dust Returns From
cor|»irntion in regard to tlie water cq I-
Tlie starting of tills m ill make- u m ar­ te r he had w ritten to L. W. Kenning-
ney Neff the injunction brought against la'land. Tlie young men were tlien pa­
Ingions mid see how many watereoiisnm-
Mint in Gleaming Gold Coin
ket for lim ber front m any of tlie nearby ton, dem ocratic national com m ittee­
tlie C ity liy the 1!. R. 1*. s. corporulioii, roled during good behavior,
era there an' and if lu ll collection 1» nnnle
ranches. On nearly every farm there are man from Iowa, expressing the hope
iiie i tin' l:ids of .he Cali fornix-Oregon
carried by ilie follow ing vote: Ayi\: A d­
Power Co., for t ic contract» for tin* in ­ for tlieea-t, where lie w ill make hi» home some tree» tlia t make excellent saw tim ­ th a t the dem ocrats of Iowa would take
Jas. Logan, w ith his wife and tittle
am», Cameron, Kell, P atrick, Redfield.
Lighting ami Water system» permanently, W in n Capt. Jack, of Mo- ber and tlie m ill is pn-paretl to take these a stan d for prohibition and vote dunghter, autoed in from Waldo Friday
Mr». Truax, No. Patrick. Kell an I A d ­
a motion was nnnle by P atrick, soeonded doc war fame, was sii I h I iii »!, Piiwell was in large or .-mall quantities, being assur­ ag ain st officials who could be control­ returning home that evening. < >ne of the
am» were appointed oh above mentioned i
by Cameron, tlud Section “ A " of tlie tlie sm ith who forged fetteps for tlie not­ ed from this source of enough to keep it led by th e liquor in terests.
interesting exhibits which Mr. L igan let
going t ill tlie railroad (»'Iietrato» tile l>ig
< 'ali(ornia-) Ireg gon Co.’s proposal for a ed chief at tiie K lam ath agency.
W illiam L orim er, ex-United States, his friends^ feast their eyes upon, and
A petition wa» read from W. I I. M iller
bodies through w liie li it w ill run.
Water system he rec minended for ado(e
senator, and o th er officials of th e de­ which little Miss Logan used as play­
An Ashland speed-fiend drove a m otor­
aaking that tlie C ity extend tin- water
tio ii by tlie Council. Motion carried.
funct La Salle S tre e t T ru s t & Savings things. was a packetfnl of $20 gold pieces,
«yatcin to lii» residence from tlie pipe now I
A motion wits made by Morelock, sec­ fracturing all rtx-orils and heating the House Passes Memorial Aaking T e rri bank m ust stan d tria l on s ta te charges fresh from tlie m in t at San Francisco,
laid to the residenee of M r. D ictrie li, or
onded by Redfield, that tlie two accom­ train, lie carried a passenger and col- j
of conspiring to w reck the institution. made from gold from the Logan placer
torlal Form of G overnm ent,
at leant to lay tlie pip«* to tlie city line :
panying resolution», prepareil li y Mr.
lected a -s-i tar,*. L a t e r he paid the j Juneau, A laska.—D espite the fervid T his was the effect of a decision in mine. In m aking his last shipment to
from which place lie would pipe it to Id»
Neff, for lig h tin g and w an r contracts lie
the m in t, I-ogan iia il asket to have some
county $4.35 (or tlie privilege of speeding appeal of delegate Jam es W ickersham crim inal co u rt a t Chicago.
property. I'p oti motion duly carried tlie
recommended to tlie council for passage. mi tlie I ’acitie highway.
the metal m inted and returned to h im
eom initti»' named above wa» instructed to !
M otio n curried.
with Uncle Sam’ s trade m ark npon it,
investigate the m atter of granting M r.
-----—— ------------------ | A laska, the house passed the M illard three of th e P iu te Indians tiro u g h t
A motion carried to adjourn tlie E xi • 1
here by G eneral Scott, have Been re ­ and tlie golden dises, always good to look
M ille r’» |ietitioii.
am eiulrd by inserting in ¡Section 3 tlie m em orial for a full territo ria l form of
ulivc Session iim l proceed w ith tlie reg
leased from the county jail Jit S alt at. had an especial interest in tlia t they
1 poll motion duly carried tlie return»
lar liiisini ss o( (lie Council
a k e a ft^ r having signed a;
em ents were made iro n i Josephine county gold.
of the C ity Election were cuiiviiwhh I and i
sorw shall receive tine Dollar fo rtiiw ser­ M illard m em orial will be successful,
—t i i ants Pass Courier.
the results found am follow *:
vices, w liie li »hail la r ad\ anci'd liy tlie also, in the senate. The H ubbard re s­
Cimi nù.ui.
guilty of crim es iu the future.
Eor Councilman at L ir^ e , h d m dr
12 I
11. O. Jfarding,
W ashington.—S ecretary McAdoo, of
ded by K ull, th a t the o n lin an w d ie adop- sen ate by a tie vote.
C lerk.
P oindexter May Run a» R eputfican th e treasu ry , and John Skelton W il­
EirMt W ard. Eloinintf
; ï î*l
W ashlngtoq.— S en ato r Mile»/ Poin­ liam s, co n tro ller of the currency, w ere
” * Kell
J dit I
by the following vote: Aye: Caaieron, N ovem ber 4, 1913. T his w as inad^ c e r­
Bfpgndiug» of Aiijourncd Sc»»i»ii ot Kelt, I ’atrick, Redfield. No: Mrs. ’J'rtiax. tain when the sen ate passed the Snow d exter of W ashington will fighi for re- m ade defendants in proceedings begun
” Secoinl ” Cameron
. >1
Sdi’ k. i
31 City Council. A p ril It).
,\n ordinance was introduced by Red- prohibition m em orial th a t had already nom ination n ext y ear a s a /e p u b lic a n . in the D istrict of Colum bia suprem e
' W hen I get hom e and ht^ve had a court by the Riggs N ational Bank, of
" “ Riv-ordri- I fin ding
<14 I Meitliug culled t o order b y Mayor |i^ (| wi,i, moved its adoption, wliiyli mfi- passed th e house.
i l 03 Mni^'ligJt, I ’rvsi'iit: Cameron, K.v 11, ilifie il tlie contract with tlie CalBornia-
w ith p ro g re ssiv i leaders W ashington, D C„ w hich allege* th a t
--------— -
J '* 1 rif k , jjt.'iU lcld and Mr«. T fim x.
A le
I will m ake an announcem ent on the th ese officials have com bined and con­
»" < fly Tr, n«un'r 1. W /s in ith
L iner M innesota S trik es on Rock«.
Dtogon Power company for the vistaUa-
spired to w reck th a t in stitution.
The following* were flit rcl.y
lnrist I! 1 ' 'Vdnum.
The iccorilcr l»>ing.uti- iio n of a pum ping sjutcin let on .A pril 7,
Kobo, Japan.r—T he biggest steam su b ject,” said S en ato r Poindexter.
T em porary and perm anent injunc­
‘■Inly I'lei'tl'il olllccr- and f'e rlillc n ti'* of -ept, ut tiiu Ittginn itig of the meeting, Hilo. Moved by Reitlielii tlia t J,hc ordi- ship under the U nited S tates flag, «lie
Mrs. John K ilkenny, wife of a prom ­ tions to h alt the alleged conspiracy
Cynmubnnii ltcdlieid acted as recorder
election were Iin ‘ietipSn boiled to them:
nance be placed on its second »reading, M innesota of the G reat N orthern
inent H eppner woolgrow er. w as killed and to p revent the co n tro ller from
|U U ljl)ii' arrived.
t'o itiu ilin a n nt l. ii gc \V< »h"f W. Tru ix
Motion carried and tlio ord iw iiicc wa« S team ship com pany, stru ck on the
in stan tly at the H otel Pendleton at m aking w hat the hank charges a re un­
Ill*,1 |s'|itio n o f ,Card well and .lenniiigs /cud. Xlnved by Kell, sevondpd by I ’a t-
Pitot M'nril
Charles Kell
rocks off U w ajtpia, n ear th e southw est Pendleton by falling down the eleva­
lawful dem ands for special reports, are
S'cMiil "
W'. H. Stit'kel t ( " r ,x .saloon ii<» tve was read, the bond ric k th a t the ordinance I»' pldri d on th ird e n tran ce to the Inland Sea, Sunday
to r shaft. She dropped th ree stories, sought from th e court.
l':ty Recorder
Ben H. LiuipA i.m ¡ iiispi cU'd,. mid upon ipotion of I ’aUick reading.
Motion was dpl^'. made and night, and tore a hole 120 feet long in
landing on the concrete floor of the
T he ban k 's bill of com plaint covers
" Treasurer
Lynn tV. Mtnltli -ix'oydei) hy Cuuiti|o|i, Ui" li uid w;i« ¡t|i- seconded that tlie ordinufice lie adopted h er side. It is reported th e vessel was
basem ent.
proveil and license granted.
86 typew ritten pages and contains 37
as read. Ordinance was* adopted liy the driven out of h er course by a storm .
There being no fu rther Ictsincss tin
The fa rm ers’ In stitu te a t W oodburn
Au ordinance was introduced l»y Red­ following vote: Aye: (vIMqeroi^ Kell,
"(irteli niljonricd to iileot April 7, foi* tin
The passengers and crew w ere safe was a pronounced success in every re ­ specific allegations designed to show
field, providing a tnetli id of pna'cedurr?
’I" niug of bid- lot ih . Lighting ami
ly tra n sfe rre d to the steam ship Oanfu spect. More than 500 farm ers w ire th a t the co n tro ller has adopted unus­
in cojitysteai viccli ms. Its .adoption was
ual and legally questionable tactics
o uter »ystcnis.
Motion carried to adjourn til! nbnda
lay of the Blue Funnel line, w hich speeded guests at th e ptneheon of th e Wood­
moved by Redfield, seconded by I ’atrick. at 7 :30 p. m.
to the aid of the steam ship In response burn R etail D ealers' association in the in dealing with the institution. It re ­
Dn motion of I ’a trick, seconded by Kell
cites th a t evidence of afl unusual de­
B G. Harding.
City R ecorder.
to the w ireless d istress signal.
arm ory. T his w as the larg est g a th e r­ sire for inform ation concerning the
lie ordinance was read tlie seeond time.
ing of the kind in th e history of M ar­ bank w as shown by Mr. W illiam s
D ll'm otion ly P fitticlf, «reunited by Kell
I’rnci'cdiiigs of p in Cntrnril,
'p u trii
W ashington.— F irst rep o rts on the M ayor's Sentence 6 Y ears in Prison. ion county.
ordiiniiiee was placed on th ird reading
shortly a fte r he assum ed the office of
Indianapolis. — To obtain liberty
c>. ssinii, April 7, 1PIÔ.
Hid Voted on for passage. It was pan-ed operation of the federal em ploym ent
T he d is tric t fo re ste r a t P ortland
ntroller m ore th an a year ago. and
Conncil int i in adjourned session, nud by thu following Vote: Ye»: Cameron
bureau, in au g u rated recently by the pending Ills appeal, M ayor R oberts, Bounces th at bids have ju s t been has continued ever since.
WHS called (', Older by Mayor Moreleck Kell, I ’a trick, Redlield, No: Mrs, Truax. d ep artm en t of labor, In co-operation
opened for a body of tim ber, atnoun
"e n d s';» prisent
A ila n i» , H in ir t o e
with th e ag ricu ltu re and postoffice de­ six years and to pay a fine of $2000. ing to 300,000 feet, which has recently
The firs t farm ers' sh o rt course in
AfbmiM, nhsi’iit.
the sev erest sentence given in the
Kell, I ’atrick, Redfield, Mrs. Truax.
been advertised on the Minam nation­ B aker, under toe extension service of
Moved by Redlield, «>i»iiuled liy Kell p artm en ts, show th a t during February
Thu m a tlc ro f the injunction, served ! i , i that the Council reconsider the action, (lie and March 1245 persons obtained work election fraud trial, will have to fur al forest In e a ste rn Oregon. The sale tho O regon A gricultural college, h e l ;
nish a bond of $60,000.
the C ircuit Court upon thu City Council, motion carried. Tlie ordinance was then through tho governm ent agents.
w as aw arded to R obert M. B etts ot a three-days’ Session with a 'urge a
Southern Oregon’s Shortstories
tendance of farm ers and th e ir wives.