Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1915)
Ghe CITY M E A T M A R K ET Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods in Season :: Our home cured Hums and Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard Merritt & Company wish to say to the Public that bheir sto re has on display one o f the finest stocks of B L A C K E R T <11 G A R R E T T , P r o p r i e t o r « Spring' G o o d s FISHING TACKLE Splendid assortment of Floe Rod«—*11 prioao— Silk »ml IJneii Line«, Keel«, Creels, File« «n<l Fi»li Lure»—new Stock Red Dragon Squirrel and Gopher Poison For »ale at Bower» Pharma« y. wilt gel those pests. Carl L. Easton who wa» a gnest at the OoUIn»' ranch tor several days returned to Medford Tuesday. Parmer»: Pack your eggs while they ura cheap, with Water Gia»» $1.00 a gallon at Bow»r» Pharmacy. Fred Wilt wa« summoned to Eugene Sunday la»t by the ¡line»» of hl» wife, who 1« v’ritlng relatives there. th a t have arrived in th is c ity , consisting o f Summer Dress Goods o f all descriptions; fine line o f Imported and Domestic Laces and Embroidery; Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s shoes o f latest style K e e p y o u r e y e o n o u r s h o w w in d o w s a n d y o u w ill b e c o n v in c e d t h a t w e h a v e th e g o o d s Fred Fall ling», electrician of the C. — O. power company, was culled to Medford Thursday on a job of line work. School supervisor E. R. Peterson was E v e ry th in g fo r the In till» city Tlmr»ili.y while preparing to a rd e n t A n g le r visit rural schools in Id» division. Mr». Rose Gay is at pri-Neiit enjoying a week'» vacation from the Phoenix acluiola, at la*r home in Riverside. b»ik tip! not ail the niouey is under Ml»» Klva Scott, of Rogueriver, and Are you buying a car—for tlie catalog the sidewalk. Mi«« Judith Raleoni w ere w e e k e n d giK-sts house magnate? of Mi«« Malile Scott in Sams Valley. Subscriptions taken for any magazine ' Band luiys dance at the opera house to or eliih of magazines in tlie United States. I Mr». G. Neulier returned to her home night—tickets .V) cent«. in Medford last Saturday, after a short Mrs II A. ¿rytler, of Twill Falls, Id- 1 See John R. Kelsey, at The News office. ! stay in Gold Hill with ta r daughter. .Mr», j aim, arrived on Friday last and remain- j Oliver Typewriters for sale and rant: — Harry Porter. cd until Thursday as the guest of Mrs. No. 5 Oliver Machines in first-class con Mr. amt Mr». II. I’. Pelton, Mrs b. ' M. H. Crawford, making the pleasaut ditions ranted at the rate of $4.00 f< r , W. Smith, Ml«« Dorothy Smith, and vi-it a ree •«« to her long trip to tlie Ex three rnontiis. —A. E. Kat.i/xio, Mi«« Anna Kickoff motored to Medford position Mr«. C'ryder is a former rest-! Sales agent for die Oliver Machine, last Saturday. dent of Gold Hill, tier home being in this : Sunday afternoon saw tlie Gold Hill .Merle Kellogg, son of A. K. Kellogg of j eity sixteen year« ago. band iu concert array, with their hand this city, will leave Medforil next week to W If. Miller lias purchased the fine some new uniforms donned for the first a posit! .n with the V. S. irrigation pro residenix* pro|»'rty known as the Chll-| appearance. The suits are dark blue and ject«« Klamath Fall». ders' place, on the Pacific highway just trimmed with black braid, matched by Misses Vera, E«ta ami Velma David- Is'yonil tlie western limit» of t h e eity. short visored caps hearing a gilt wreath »on, and Mi«» Elsie Miller, were gue«ts Tlie sale Usik place l a s t week, since and tlie Imnd initial«. Disinterested aud of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers, in Sam» wldeli time Mr. Miller has devoted Ids itors say that the local hand is one of the spare hall hours to preparing and seed-1 most completely organized and liarmoii- Valiev, Saturday and Sunday. The members of the Gold Hill Concert | Ing lawn and otlierwise beautifying die ions in all southern Oregon, and predict ! that its services will he in great demand hand de«irv to extend thunk» to the citl- property. tlie coming season. »■11» who amisted so largely in raising Colonel Frank H. Ray returned on Manager R. H. Moore, of Merritt A fund« for the purchase of uniform«. Wednesday from a business trip to San That’s the way our store bus B ill Bogue, adept »altnoti fisherman Francisco, and the following day arrived Co., greeted his brother, W. T. Moore, iness started to grow, and it and genuine «our-dongh, liearkened to in this city, accompanied by Dr. C, R. for a few moments Tuesday morning, is still growing. the eall of Alaska and left for the Cooks Ray who met liim in Medford. Colonel Mr. Moore was a passenger on No. 14 en Ray will remain at the Rraileii mine d ur route to Portland, where lie will accept a Somebody wants something; Inlet country the first of the week. position as linotype operator on one of C. Hunter left on Wednesday for ing this wis'k, taking an active interest the dailies. Recently he returned from we get it and sell at a fair San J. Franeisn, in the direction of improvements now be where lie was called to at a year's sojourn in classic old Boston, price. tend to the settlement of hi» mother's ing made at tlie big quartz property. where lie was employed on the Christian estate. He will be absent a week or so. S. E. Witty and family, of Molalla, Science Monitor. To his brother he de We will continue to add mer Dr. K. E. Howar I was culled to Med arrived on Thursday for a visit with W. clared a conviction that the Pacific coast chandise to our stock as the ford and the Applegate district Wednes II. Miller and family. Mr. Witty is a was tlie only section of America worth needs of the trade demand. day. to att nd to mining interrats in the minister of the Christian church and is inhabiting at present. Cash system, We keep no latter vicinity. He will return Monday well known here, where he occupied the An ancient derby sky piece, decorated next. pulpit several mouths last year. Services with the tags of many express offices, a r books. Prof. A. F. Reddle, of Eugene, was in will 1st conducted by him at the usual rived at the Gold Hill station Tuesday on T H E T R U A X C O . (odd Hill Saturday, booking a play to 1» hours tomorrow. The family is enroute a tour of the country after having visited M rs. C o ra J . T r u a x , given in this city, April 4th, by the stu (or southern California, where Mr. the Exposition. The hat was started on M»n»Hor dent« of dramatic art of the University Witty lias accepted a charge. its wanderings fro m Memphis, Tenn., of Oregon. The J. II. Byerley ranch, on Katies the first of last month—a favorite form of Mi«« Nora Newton departed on Satnr- Creek, was »old to a Rogueriver purehas- j,.Nt wi,|, tj,e (x,yn w(„, handle the c. o. the first of this week for a considera- d .’s. The local depot force duly admired E. R. C rouch , Assayer, Chem iay for Corvallis, «here »lie rejoined her er mother uml sister at their new home in ti hi »aid to have approximate«! $10,000. it, read the tags, and bade it resume ist, and Metallurgist. that city. Miss Bessie Newton is taking Since the death of Mr. Byerley, which travelling. Nort Eddings says there is a j Ctisbim office. Mail Order Busi a «|«'cial course of study at the Agricul occurred a year ago, Mrs. Byerley lias whole lot more under it—meaning no ness Solicited Price«; Gold, 91.00; Gold tural college this term. found tie* ranch management increasing thin’—than some folks can boast. s lid Silver, $1.25; Copper, $1.00; Gold, Superintendent Burt A. Adam» attend- ly difficult, with the result that the fine Rogue River thespians will dazzle the! Silver and Copper, $2.00. Mailing! en »d the regular meeting of the Southern farming pro,»Tty was placed on the mar dramatic firmament with their approach-1 velope» free on request. Reference: Jose Oregon School Masters’ Club, of which ket. ing playlet, » melodrama entitled “ D ia-' phine Co. Bank. Rooms 201-203 flail Road supervisor Jay Davidson received Hearts,” to be presented at» lie is president, at Talent last Saturday. Bldg., Grant« I‘ass, Oregon evening of A, ril Oth. j Mr, Adam» »poke before the club, on noli«»' from the county court Wednesday , hal ,.ity on "The Six ami Six Plan, or the Junior evening, enneerning a n ew and lower The play , ppeare to he «■specially well: wage schedule to be effective at once for j for t|,e cast. Mayor W. P. We- High School.” road work Wages for labor are cut from theraB, of ,;lat city, is billed as "A bra- I Frank Avery, Mercury o f the Foots Creek mail route, Invested In a new road $2.25 to $2.00 per day, and team hire re- |,aIn p arn,S| Or ‘Bub’, a Yankee farmer, cart Thursday, purchasing t h e vehicle vised downward from $ 4 .5 0 p er day to Rtill llnlnarrH.d, adiamond in the rough.” W II. Lawia, of Kane» Creek, was » from tile ntoek of tin* Gold HUI imple $4.00. Several teamsters engaged in io- Mayor Wetherell was formerly “ Bill the Medford visitor Wednesday. baggageman” of this city, where he hi a ' ment company. Like tlw wonderful one- eal highway improvement a r e said Judge C. C. Gall, pioneer of Saui« Val lioss shay, Frank's former rig went to have gone on strike as a result of the or- ' frequently elevated the stage in amateur , *h'r ' j theatricals. Assuming the forthcoming j ley mid apeeial friend to all Gold Hill? pieces all at once. Tlie Junior-Senior classes of tlie local play to be under his direction, it is aasnr- C. A. Peterson, of Lanon A Co., mo "Johnny" Reed, president and general pn‘«cnt **“ tlie ' four-act —---- - red of ' --------- success. tored t o J ’vllle Tnewlay on a tax-laying manager of the Bon Ton Confectionery lligli School will present drama, “ The Dnst of the Earth,” at the Tlie Kanes creek trouble which carried tour. corporation, confessed to a News ic- opera home next Tuesday evening. The the participants into justice court at Med Butter paper, printed in accordance porter that tile anniversary of his birth proceeds will he used in defraying com- ford last week is report««! to hare been with the law, for «ale on order at The occurred on Thursday, which was April 1st. " N u f sed,” oliserved M r. Reed, inencement expenses. Much preparation hut halt told. Enoch Rlioten and John New» office. lias lieen made under the direction ol Knotts, prospectors of this district, were " th a t accounts for everything.” Dlatrict game warden Sam L. Sandry Mrs. Estelle Basfer, ol Grants Pass, and accused of making threats against Mrs. Dr. R. E. Howard arrived from Merlin it is hoped that the ritiaens will foster Thomas Fennell, a widow woman resid wm a brief visitor In thia city Tuesday the first of the week, to locate perma the thrifty spirit sliowi, by the pupils. afternoon. ing on the creek, They were accordingly Mrs. Kilna Cooper, of Portland, i» via- nently in Gold Hill. Tlie Doctor is a Riley Hainmcrsley, deputy game ward fined tor disorderly conduct. TIs Ir ver illng with her »later, Mr». Henry Britt, dentist of the highest recommendation, en, drove in from Willow Springs Mon- sion of tlie affa’r is Mrs. Fennell en and will open offices in tlie Kelsey Arms d a y evening, accompanied by Uncle gaged them to kill and dr»1»» s> me hogs and family. building as soon as work is completed George Herscliberger, who wasn’t feeling lor her, promising them a portion of the Avoid that drawl Spring Fever by tak upon Ida suite of rooms—the first of next extra well. Uncle George was extended pork as recompense. Vpm finishing the ing Retail Sarsaparilla Tonic now. At week. "first aid” and recovered sufficiently to joli they made demand for the agned Bower* Pharmacy. Fred Merrill, game warden from Grants s,s'nd a few hours in social gossip liefore share ano were refused. Followed in line Win. Steuie, the free lance mining en Pass, is under the care of a physician at returning to Ills job as philosopher in the course the sqnahHe that enlivened loci.l gineer, made a business trip to Grant« that city, owing to injuries received while alfalfa. Warden Hnmmerslcy returned gossip several days last «reek. Meantime Pa«« Wednesday. on a recent trip. In a struggle with a to his upper Evans creek camp yesterday tlie prospectors are shy t h e i r “ grub I «aw oordwond to «tove length» with bucking suddle horse h e strained the morning. stake” —-or pork ateak, if you clio o s—us power »aw, promptly on order. Phon«1 muscles of hie chest so seriously (list he For the entire length of Blh avenue the well as the amonnt of tlie fine imp ised. John J. Ritter, 9F21. was comp 'Ill'll to take a lay-off' from (lie Rogue River Public Service corporation Mr«. Walter Stickel «pent »everal hour« trail. lias installed and is now operating street l with her daughter, Mr«. W. A. Marvin, Jiu'k Pope came up from Grants Pass lights of exceptional brilliancy. Twenty at Medford Monday. last Saturday and remained over Sunday lamps of the new concentrated filam ent1 arrived on Wednesday evening for a visit as a guest of tlie Turner and Haight fam type are in nse, and the service is render N o rth b o u n d at the home of hl« daughter, Mr». H. T. ilies, who are former neighbors of Neb ed to tlie city without charge. To critics No. 14 . . . . 8:5? a. in. Hodges, and family. raskan days. Mr. Pope is a reformed who liave contended that, the local com No. 1« . . . . 5:56 p. m. country newspaperman, who s o u g h t C. N. Shaver, the local wizard of the pany’s service rasnlt««! in yellow lights, S o u th b o u n d razor, made a trip to his former home at southern Oregon for his liealtli and says tlie company directs attention to the 6th No. 13 ■ ■ . . 10:02 a. m. he has found it. Ashland Sunday last. avenue samples. No. L* • • • « $¡10 p. ut, M erritt C om pany G en eral M e r c h a n d is e The BoN-ToN You don’t see what you want Just received, a big as sortment of Cane Poles. Every size. At best prices you can get anywhere. ELYS that CATCH the A s k f o r it! FISH. We can fill your wish from Red Ants t o Caterpillars You can always get the best at D . H . M I L L E R ’S E le c tr ic C o o R i n g ^ ONCE A LUXURY, NOW A CHOICE. Perfect cooking first demands a clean kitch en. Modern kitchens have no coal buckets or ash pans. There is an Electric Range built to suit your needs and at a price you can afford to pay. F'at rate for Electric Range $5.00 per month. We have all the latest types of Electric Ranges oil display in our office. A«k for demonstration Local News Notes 1, S. P. Time Card ■» CALIFORNIA-OR.EGONPOWER. COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. 216 West Main Street Phone 168 JVJIRTH is short and Lran- sient; Cheerfulness fixed and permanent. With a bank account with us you have reason for C heerfulness ! THE GOLD HILL BANK -— tijp—»wwiya.j^i.'w-^ .