Gold Hill G re a t« « , N a t u r a l R . . o u r c . o f S o u l h .r n O re g o n II On b .o u tifu l H o g u . R lu .r l) c (Eirfi M ill Jackson Co. O n . C o m m u n it y o l O p f n - • tu m ly SHORTEST ROUTE TO CRATER LAKE Club Assured that R o g u . R i v . r V a lle y , w h e r e t h e a p p le g a in e d f a m . CONICAL PEBBLE MILL INSTALLED S Highway « - .... G. "*l , . f Will Have Capacity 1 5 0 Tons Company Will Give Gold Daily; Operation of Plant Hill Recognition To.'d in Detail That Gold l l i l l would I ki tinaliled to lake rare ol local travel to Orator latke— Hie nearest point ol departure Ix-ing hero —■luring the cow ing tourim xeaMoii, huh the aaH'rtion o l J. I I. Ileeiunii a t the Tuemlay evening nenalon o l the Greater •Gold H ill club. Mr. iieemaii ata hil that «utUfactory arrangement« hail been com pleted p> that effect. W I I. M ille r reported that he had been adviaed by Manager Vanee, o l the telephone company, that consideration wan being given p i the ruqui-st lo r under ground w iring at the railroad eroaxingH, and that various other improvement« sng-1 tested by tlie club had already been tak- ¡ en rare ol. The pro|Miaal to Install a curb on Front 1 »treet at the ex|M*nae ol property owner* Waa diacuawal by F. W. Dodge, who read the draft of a pledge to be pn-aentod. In bin inveetlga'inn Mr. Dodge Iota louud tin m a jo rity o l those interested to I»' In fav or of the Improvement. Assumin'" waa given tiu it the work Would Isi ssn-mud at actual coat, not p i exceed fai |« r bait. A meeting ol property ownera pi inane ■'all lo r liida waa auggeapHl, For the boy*« club project ('. N. Shav er reported that varioua Athletic paraphe- ludia bait tasen contributed, together with tlie promise of caali donations, aud that A .1 . w aa_a_ . __ _ lie and Mr. Hicks expected to have the c lu li in readiness (or ita lira) session some ism by « s i feet, w ith a , „m panlon arch, lho A r c lf o f the 'st-t ting tí me next Week, Contributions (or thia the cust uud west. 1« 1SH feet tu height. laudable euterprlac w ill !»• n-ceived l»y M r. Shaver or Mr. Hick«. Extensive improvements and altera tions now tinder way at the Bra-ler. mine, two miles south of tliis city « ill revoin- . lionize all local ideas of ore treatment, is the declaration of m ining men who know. The type of m ill now being installed has j no parallel in the eonthern Oregon dis- i tric t, but is recognized everywhere as the i moat modern and effective sort prix nr- i able lo r the treatm ent of ores sim ilar to 1 the Braden outpnt. George 1. Gleason, of San Francisco, is in charge of the in s tr u c tio n of the m ill, and is slated to be chief m ill-m a n when ' the machine begins upon its new grist of golden floor. Mr. Gleason lias had inneli experience w ith sim ilar m ills, au<J is widely known in the m in in g world as a successful m ill operator. D oubtful of an a b ility to wrestle w ith i the technicalities of the game, The News seenn-d an interview w ith Mr. Gleason, tracing tlie operation of the new m ill in every detail. “ We are in sta llin g ,” said the m illin g man, “ a new 8 foot by 22 inch Hardinge conieal pebble m ill, in conjunction w ith tlie already established tea stamps of 1000 pounds each. W hile at present tlie . Bladen is only crushing 30 tons per tw entyfour hours w ith the ten stamps now in operation, the Hardinge conieal pebble, added to the present equipment, Kui'"«7 the w 'w t’T X ^ l '^ K teh are” "C i ’^ ’ r 1111’' l " ‘ re f ” “ ’’ Ce,“ T” W a rt ° f ‘ he Ex,w,sltlon- w ill give tlie m ill a capacity of 150 tons a e est portal. E.i< h arch, w ith It» sculptured groups, «ym bollcal o f the nation» of per tw entyfour hours. “ The ore w ill be ground to 00 mesh, and finer. The stamps w ill be used for For the tin t tim e in pulilic p rin t, Mr. B lackw ell H ill R o ad Fine coarse crushing only, through one-quart lloeman |Niin|ed ont, tile city of Gol,I er inch mesh screen. Coarse sands from Exam ple o f Im provem ent H ill had been linked w ith (.’rater latlce stamps w ill ibi-ii enter a Heady claesifif-r and advertised aa the nearest route go a t M inim um Expenditure News Brevities of the Week from Rogue River Valley Cities for separation, the finer particles going southern Oregon P> that stellar attraction, •--------------------- - - s - --- Days O ff; H e re ’s Ticket to the plates for amalgamation. The lie then called attention to the advertia- J Standard O il’s strongest competitor, coarser sands w ill go in to the conical City Lighting System Needed S i ch II is I “ highway expert*’ ’ would do ing (older of the Pacific Highway and well to arrange for short pruetieul courses the I ’ nion O il company of California, w ill Just enough interest is being manifest pebble m ill for regrinding to a 00 and Hotel company. In which Gold H ill is if Gold Hill Keeps Civic Pace ed in tlie city election of Monday next to finer mesh palp. in road work under the direction of road break into tin- southern Oregon trade given a prom inent p'ace on the m o to r ' ‘Thence the pulp goes over a set of supervisor J. E. Davidson, of tins dist- w itli a $2.5,(kkl storage plant located at assure tlie fearless free-lances o f local m ute Iron) Seattle to San Frauciaco, and riet. Tin- chief s|s-cialty of tins modest Crater latke junction. polities a s<piare deal in the selectibn of riffles, which w ill extract 50 percent of (■old H ill needs a modern street lig h t wherein thia city is mentioned aa the A lls r t G. Roeketellow, w^io came to ing system and needs it now, if ever, w ith city officers for the vacated seats. Most the free gold without amalgamation. The workm an is good roads u t m inim um logical mute Pi the faiiious a side Lake* prid-s to tile taxpayers. E x h ib it A. in Ashlatid in IS.52, died at tlia t city Sun tlie tourist traffic to tlie Panama Exposi happily tlie prelim inaries are marked by pulp then goes over a 5x0 foot silver-cop t,o l,| H ill ia one ol the fourteen division proof of tins assertion is tin- n-ceutly Im day evening, aged almost 90 years. He tion Isginning. Gold H ill ¡son the main an titte r absence of tha t turbu le nt and per plate, where the inercupy is sprinkled laiinta on the entire route from Seattle proved three mile streteli from tlie Cav was one of the (»-st known pioneer char- line of tlie Pacific H ighw ay, and thou truculent sp irit which has ciiaracterizc-d Oil very (reely every half hour to check smith. anaugh corner to tlie crest of Blackwell Acters of tlie valley, and was an author sands of strangers w ill go through G >Id Gold H ili elections—so much so tiia t for a ll free gold possible; thence the palp A fter discussion tlie c I u b heartily liill, aa «uperviaed by ' r. Davidson. g es to four silver-copper plates, 5x12 and p,s-t of ni ,re than hieal renown. l i i i l tins .Summer. Some of them w ill re a tim e the prettiest city on the Rogue pledged support to tlie plan, originating foot, for furthe r saving of the Dee gold Heretofore at least two miles of this IlolsS-S are n-fiortrd to lx- adding to tu rn to make the ir permanent homes. A a q u in s ld m b ifu l fame as “ little M exico.” ‘ in M c lio n l, of assisting in the m otion distance was rated as “ no-man's land” ! that may escape the iqipt r plate and W ith but two exceptions separate sets picture production which ia to portray with the olliei ds, and received little if tlie menu of tlie Ashland i*ueaiiipuig*ut I’orris't first impression is very im portant, of candidates have taken t h e field for riffles. witlisbs-lia ad trout «is-aredIn Bear creek. ! We th in k that we can subm it a propo- tlie program 'll southern Oregon from tlie A fter leaving the plates the pulp pass any reiipns attention. As tile rout»'for llie attention of game wardens lia s been sithin, Is itlf on street lig h tin g ami pnmp- (xipuiar favor. Tlie regular caucus ticket •‘•O'a p i the prerent day. Movie« w ill !«• es to six Johnson concentrators to save travel Is-lwceii Gold l l i l l and sister cities ■hreel. d to tlie violation. ing of city water, tlia t w ill be very ranch suffered the loss of nominee for council taken of the cement plant construction, the sulphides, and fin a lly to a 32x20 foot to tlie east, it occasioned much strong John Palmer, who refaaed to qualify. In Estimates of tile proliubl« tourist travel b i tlie interest of tlie people of Gold H ill tlie hydro-electric development, the Bra .worded condemnation and Ixeu ne t)a> canvas plan t where practically the last a w p t ; and we hope that"other propo- his stead, and in opposition elsewhere, den mine, and other point« of indu strial bugubooof motorists. Supervisor David through southern Oregon tlie coming sea- tlie circulation o f petitions lias liro n g lit vestige of value is recovered. s ut place tlie number of motorists a t made, both on street lig h tin g interest near this city. “ This system of m illin g ores is acknow son was a-ked to assume tlie im prove and ptim pingeity water, so that you may out other candidates. T h e complete ledged to be the most complete and upto- Acting on the suggestion of II. D. lie d ment, which did not properly lie w ithin -M",'**». — ______________ _ j know which is for tlie best interests of ticket as it w ill appear upon tlie official date tlia t is known to the m in ing w orld.” tlie p u lilicity committee was advised to his district. j ballots is as follow s: „ ,, , „ , the city of Gold H ill, For Salt*: 77 ucres enter in to correspondence w ith the South I’lie result of his attentions is a «plen- Const ruction_for the new m ill has not on County Road j j Councilman First W a rd : Yours for a Greater Gold H ill, ern Pacific, relative to securing mention d idly giailed thoroughfare, wide enough w ith in 2 i miles of Gold H ill, about. 50 ■ halted the course of regular operations at Silas Fleming, caucus nominee. t alifom ia-Oregon Power Company. in t h e illustrap-d lectun's o n Oregon to perm it (lie passing of two rigs, perfect- under cultivation, goodsland, fine spring the Braden, and none of the targe force Charles Kell, petition nominee. towns and country given by t l i a t com ly pre par, si for damage, and minus tlie which could Is- piped to house and barn, of miners have been la id -o ff pending Councilman Second W ard: old horror of pit, li-Iltlies, boul lers ami some fru it tries, an id -al dairy ranch, pany at the Exposition. completion. Gasoline and auto oils always on band M . H . Stickel, petition nominee, Im tn p s . Tlie “ worst road ever” became for quick sale for only p,.r a ,.^ p or and for sale at unbeatable prices, at the The installation of the Hardinge m ill That hardy |a*rennial, the park project, R. D . Cameron, petition nominee. particulars call or address, andffts accessories w ill bring the big mine lifted a tim id head and waa halts) in to the i one of t|ie In-St.’ Darling A Hodges stable. Gasoline street Councilman at Large: l i t re is Sit|« rvisor Davidson's simple to fu ll p ro d u ctivity—fo r the first tim e —C. Redfield. pump, prom pt, efficient service. order of business. M r. Reed and others M . M . T ruax, caucus nominee. I recipe, as used upon tlie improved three- since its discovery, more than ha lf a cen- adviaed Immediate action, tlia t the com C ity Treasurer: mile s tre lc ii: One day’s ploughing, two l tn ry ago. ing season should not find (lie city pa rk Lynn W . Smith, caucus nominee. G , >ALE—<¡00 fine fanning acres in Some bargains in small tracts of land days’ ¡grading, thornugl...... c in iu o n - less, when mi many natural advantages The c diical m ill, a massive machine re C ity Recorder: s use metli, ds, and W2. Tlie Inst re- a Oiiupaet Ixsly, nearly level and nearly suitable for garden, chicken o r dairy sembling a deep sea bomb, arrived via Were available. Volunteer* were’ called | AH under high state of cultivation. pnrposes, ranging in size from two to B. G. Harding, petition nominee, p sents tin- total cost o f improvement. ra il yesterday. Sacks of tlie Im ported for the im prov ment aud parking of the Do Ix-tter la al for fru it, grain f'B y acres, close in and conveniently lo- Ben H. Lam pm an, caucus nominee. Beni a lii the Mouth approaelt to the ra il pebbles, w hich g rin d .its precious grist, bl,s-k north of the prim ary achisil, and or alfalfa anywhere The election w ill be held next Monday, Very cheap. Suh- cated for m arket and schools. I f you are road bridge tlie su|H‘i visor lias placed a accompanied it. Saturday forenoon selected as tlie tim e. I sulistuntial surfacing ami fillin g ,,f crush irrigated, every 40 acres is choice. W eil looking for small place for any purpose A p ril 5th, the polls lieing open from 10 T lie situation is ideal, and w ith lin t little I Col. Frank Ray, of New Y o rk, is visit- ed granite. T lie excellent advantage of lecated and only 5 miles from R. R. st,,. call upon o r address, —C. S. Redfield, a.m. to 1 p.m ., and from 2 p.m . to 7p.m j ing w ith his brother, Dr. C. R. Ray, at labor may lie cleared of undergrowth and . «ion. For particulars call upon or write, Gold H ill, Oregon. granite as road dressing is illnstrnted by 'brush. Many splendid shade tie, « w ill I tlie Braden while the im provem ent is be —C. S. Rmn-iEi.n, Agent. the (iardett Bow stretch, which was so Is' left standing, and with rustic ls<nehcs ¡ Roberg Named H ealth Board Secretary in g made. Gold H ill, Oregon. treated and is now as firm and solid as For hard or soft wood of finest q u ality aud gravelled paths Gold H ill's first park P o rtla n d —Dr. David N . Roberg, em concrete. There’s a snob on every breeze. order from John J. R itter, Phone 3F21. w ill soon lie a refuge for sntnmur after inent pathologist and bacteriologist, T H E MARKETS noons. w as elected se cretary of th e s ta te Odenwald Libeled by Government. One feature o f tlie evening was the board of h ealth to succeed Dr. Calvin Portland. hearty appreciation of the d u ll a« cxtell- I W ashington.— U nited States Attor S. W hite, who has resigned. Dr. Ro W heat— Club. »1.23; bluestem »1.25; ney Brown nt San Juan, i ’o rto 'R ic o , • led p> road supervisor .I. E. Davidson for berg, who is now in C hina in v estig at red R ussian, »1.17; forty-fold, $1.24; *lils good work on tribu ta ry highways. ; reported lie hail libeled the German ing epidem ic diseases, will accept the red fife, »1.18. It was moved and carried tliat a per i teamshlp Odenwald and th a t the ship •h ___________ secretary sh ip , it Is known, provided H ay—E asto rn O regon tim othy, $15; maui-nt committee on m ining be appoin a now In custody o f the U nited States he shall be given assu ran ces th a t th e grain hay. $12; alfalfa, »13.50; valley y O U remember Noah had to work a long time on that marshal. T h a t In tlie fir s t step in pro- ted, the president, deterring action until appointm ent will be p erm an en t during tim othy. »12.50. <n k. it was up hill business, top, at bpst; building a eedings to have the Odenwald con the next mssioli of tlie club. th e ten u re of th e p resen t a d m in istra + B u tter—C ream ery, 30c. boat away out on dry land while the local anvil and ham I.unelie at of saíne ,n .« da I, sandwi 'lie s , fiscated fo r an alleged v io la tio n of tion. E ggs—Candled, 20c; ranch, 19c. mid coll'ee, was served by W. II M iller American *neutraltty. H ops—1914 crop 15c; 1913 crop, 14c. + mer club sat around spitting tobacco juice upon his lum and Joe Hicks, and received the pi o|S'r M unicipal Sw im m ing Pool Planned. W ool—E a stern Oregon, 25c. + ber, whittling up his pine boards with their jacknives, and F-4 May Never Be Recovered. trlbutxi. For the n e tt fortnig htly f ed Hood R iv e r—C itizens h ere allying Honolulu.— A fte r three days o f In -I- telling him what a fool he was for expecting rain in a President A lla n ,, appoint'd H arry Porter them selves w ith the d ifferen t clubs S eattle. ♦ cessant dragging and seiirehing fo r the as chef. country that was tqp dry to grow alfalfa. But finally the and civic o rganizations a re planning W heat—B luestem , »1.26; club $1.24; r.iibm arlne F-4. submerged in the wa to build a m unicipal sw im m ing pool. red R ussian. »1.19: forty-fold, »124- flood came; every mother’s son o f the croakers w a s ters hero w ith her crew o f 21 men, : In the w estern p a rt of th e city is an fife. »1.21. Get your Piano« tuned by tin - hom e naval a u th o ritie s were not absolutely drowned. This is the only instance we know of in either B arley—»25 per ton. abandoned reservoir, a relic of the Inner. Begltiniu - I b. I . Ii, ,„-< i,il ie- certain that the vessel would b« re + sacred or profane history where a bunch of knockers got early w ater system w hich has been H a j—T im othy, »16 per ton; alfalfa, ■ liie t io li il l price s fo r iw o m .m tlis . S ails- 1 covered. * outgrow n. It is proposed to build a »14 per ton. exactly what was coming to them. in i'tin n ¡u n i’.iut - d .— W. C. T iiom . -I- B u tte r—C ream ery, 30c. 1 4- + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + jj}’ co ncrete pool ju s t below the reservoir. Mighty Arches Mark Huge Court of the Universe Southern O regon’s Shortstories A//sQuiei HZ,7AAnnuaZ Elect,on But Several Country Editor Discovers Mighty Pleasing Passage in the Good Book E g g s—20c. %