üñe G o ld H ill N e w s Overdrafts B. M. L. ?U RUSH I D EVERY SATURDAY AT GOLD HILL. JACKSON COUNTY, --------- ---------------------------- OREGON. B Y ---------- — B en H. L nm pm an hun xl at the Gold Hill iHiKtotliiv for transmission through the mail» a»¡ second-class matter SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1915 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE CONCENTRATED MAIL ORDER MURDER U FREEDOM of the individual to go as far as he iikes up­ on his own business is strenuously, if ungrammatically, de­ fended in the latest mail order monstrosity admitted to the mails of a benevolent government. From Los Angeles a prophet of prohibition drouth stamps his pies to drinkers, adjuring them to stand by their ancient rights in the m atter of nose paint. Branding as poisonous all other alcoholic decoctions, he directs the attention of the thirsting public to a patented nostrum—the genuine elixir of jag joy—which may be transformed to cheap whiskey in the home. Emphasis is laid upon the alleged fact that his concentrated bug juice may be safely sold, even in pro- h bition territory. The shoddy printed circular bears a rubber- stamped afterthought—“Will send just any one bottel for 25 cents postpaid if you rather like.” Close on the heels of reform follows ever the petty grafter, the louse, the human hyena who battens on frailty. The Los Angeles illiterate is one of these, with his scheme to circumvent the good intentions of Oregon. Liquor will continue to flow throatward when saloons are no longer maintained—but the encouragement of a rascal who of­ fers an early proposal to boot-leggers is at no time part of the prohibitory program. It’s up to the individual. Some few fools will send their toil-won coin to the Los Angeles liquor louse, in exchange ror his concentrated jag formula. T SPOTLESS TOWN ON THE ROGUE T WAS “GANGWAY!” for the citizens’ shovel and rake bri­ gade in Gold Hill on that eventful Saturday which the calen­ dar records as March the 20th. For the first time in a twelve- month the city had its civic face washed, scrubbed, shaved, har­ rowed, scraped and otherwise maltreated to its own good. The net result is a near and present likeness to the Spotless Town of advertising fame. Ye city is as spick and span as a little boy going to a party. Alleys, streets and crossings, back yards and boulevards, are alike remarkable for the welcome dearth of dirt, waste, torn paper and tin-cannery. There were sore muscles and smutty faces when evening called a halt to the reform, but the city of Gold Hill was CLEAN. It should be kept so. Ere you hoist the tomato tin beyond the backyard fence, ere you dis­ card ancient correspondence and cupboard papers to the whim of the wind, ere you devise same devilishly simple means of cor­ rupting this hard won purity of street and byway—take thought —take two thinks, and then—DON’T DO IT! I Poppi»» and Powdvr Kiuv deep in poppy buil» »(soil the gixls; Spring is reaching up to heaven (nun ihi' clixl», »»arm tile inicratcllar apace» with leaning, laughing graces— Jove haareal hi» mantle (nun him ami lie mala. Dream a drowsy dream of l»>p- pie», meat Ixnign ; blame let« limn of ere forgetting me ami mine, for tla> Hood of distant war» cannot »tain the upper »tar» —ami thia day t li e gixl» make merry with the vine! Breast diep in poppy blow rent the high; Bacchus treads the purple vintage of tin» »ky: linen light with lilting wine iliea the glance of Venn» shine—for tlie god» that ate immortal . . . cannot • lie. Dream a scarlet dream of poppies, loft, ones; blaini'li'»» thou of ere forget­ ting mortal sons, for the bloom of liattle- »moke Is a heaven burgeoned joke—and this noon the gixls lift goblet» t o tile guns! Chin dee i in poppy dust sink the god»; eleave» the moon a silvern causeway to the six!»; now, if souls may rWfc and lilt, closer than th? poppy-drift swirls the ehatl’ the Fates have lieatcn ’ni'alh the nxis. Dream a drunken dream of pop­ pies, O, most high ; blameless thou of ere decreeing lads must die; on the sheared and spattered plain sprawl ten thousand futile slain — and tonight, the gods an- drowsing in the sky! Reveries of a Kid B y WA.MBA Tell me what brothers an' made for. And why two brothers should tight? Wouldn’t a little sister Make big brothers keep right? Sister could talk to a fellow. And ask him to take her somewhere, Nights when the clouds seemed to gather And h might not treat himself square. Times when a guy loses interest, And everything don’t go just right, Wouldn’t a little sister Make the dark alley bright? Yes it’s nice to take a guy’s sister, And go lor a drive with the roan; But somehow the other guy’s sister Don’t quite take the place of your own. Cash Week! Cost Week! Need th’ Money Week! That’s what I am going to call and stand by next, week. Not a spasm, but the REAL price cut. I MAID ORDER C U TS Hold N O Terrors for Us! S T A N D A R D A -l W IR E FEN C ING A Little Talk Wibh Johnson! GOLD HILL IMPLEMENT CO. » FO R ONE W EEK S ta r tin g M A R C H 2 9 I will sell my complete Stock FLOUR and FEED FOR COST As near us is possible to figure prices. I Only Hay lieservetl. If I didn’t need instant funds, IT COULD NO I BE DONE! That’s why and here’s your chance. DEALERS are BARRED EROM BUYING. BUY THE BEST ELOUR NOW—lay in lots of it! Gold Hill Flour & Feed Store Phone Us to Wait for You—(d ll 17 Legal Notices 00038 department of the interior . BEFORE THE UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. ROSEBURG, OREGON. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Oh, I know that I’ve no right to meddle With the things that may shorten my Mineral Application No. 00938 role; February 9, 1915. But sometimes they soothe for a moment In Matter of Application of C. T. Dav­ The longing that tugs at my soul. id »on for Patent 8W1-4 of NW 1-4 of Bee. 30, Twp. 37 8 ., Range 4 West. If I had not known h small sister, NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR I might not get lonesome and stray; UNITED STATES PATENT But they gave me a dear little sister And then came and took her away. NOTICE 18 H E R B Y GIVEN, that There’s a face that looms in the darkness, C. T. PavidjOn whose residence is Jack- son County,Oregon, and whose post of­ A face that’s as pure as the snow, fice address is Murphy, R. F. D. N o.l, A face that begs me to follow Oregon, has filed hi» application in this And illumes the way I should go. office for a paten’ to the placer Mining Yes, I know that I’m making excuses. Claim designated a» “ The Mocking But there’s one thing I’m going to do— Bird Placer Claim” , situ a t. on Miners SALUTE THE SWINEHERDS! I’m going to meet little sister, Gulch in the Missouri t’lat Mining Dis­ When my ai t in this drama is thru. trict, In Jaekaon County, Oregon, ami e braced witbin and covering every LAS, POOR BELGIUM! Trampled, torn, devastated and in part of the KW1^ of the N W 't mí Sec­ mourning for her gallant sons, there yet remained the tion 30, Township 37 South, of R ange 4 crowning climax of a conqueror’s ingenuity at insult. By edict of West of the W illamette Meridian, and BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON the same embracing the two certain *he German military authorities one million pigs have been bil­ leted on.Belgian civilians. Be he burgomaster or plain country An entire new lighting system has placer mining claim s, described a» fol­ lows; viz: clown, the order apportions to each a precisely specified number ■ just been installed in Dallas. The certain placer mining claim cov­ The new crematorium at the eastern of porcine guests; to be fed, hosteled, groomed and cared for at Oregon state hospital has been com- ering every part of East *•« of South­ west 1 of N orthwest of Section 30, the pleasure of the Teuton masters. Belgians may starve—but i pleted. 37, South, of Range 4 West the pigs must prosper. By contriving to make swineherds of a The Junction City annual pumpkin Township as located bv I.G . Davidson, July IHtli, stiff-necked and valiant people, the German arms have set a new show will be held September 16, 17 1005, the notice of which location is ol and 18. record for reprisal. Nothing but the desperate seriousness of Industrial clubs are being organized record at page 2nd in Vol. 8, mining and the Great War tempers the absurdity of such situations. Like a In many of the districts of Washing water right record of Jackson County, Oregon; also > paragraph in a nightmare, the episode of the pigs is something ton county. That certain p l a c e r mining claim Charles Volz, a well known business known as ’’The Mocking Bird” cover­ at which the facial muscles refuse to grin. man of North Bend, died suddenly of ing every part of the West of South­ --------------------------------------------------------------------/ hemorrhage. west 1-4 of Northwest 1-4 of Section 30, Mrs. Jack Wenandy committed sul Township 37, South, of Range 4, West, cide at her home In Bend. Domestic as lock ted by J. 3. Davidson, November difficulties are blamed in a note. 27th., 1896, tlie notice of which location Six months' attendance at Sunday is of record at page 423 in Vol. 8, of ' school was the sentence meted out by Minlug and water right records of Jack- Juvenile Judge G illetts to a delinquent son County, Oregon, Grants Pass boy. Any and all persons claiming adver­ The Polk County Jersey Breeder»' sely the mining ground, or premises or We have all Mail Order Prices, in our assoclatlen will hold a big public auc­ any portion thereof so described and line, cinched and tied to a post That’s tion May 6, at which all breeds of applied for, a r e hereby notified that a fact! By our simple plan we quote all cows will be sold. unless their adverse claim s are duty fil Alfred Ball, of Salem, has been ap ed according to law and the regulations pointed deputy^ sealer of weights and thereunder, within the tim e prescribed measures for the western district by by law, with the register of the United State Treasurer Kay. »tales Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Prank Meredith, secretary of the they will be barred by the provision of at Catalog House Price. They can’t beat Oregon state fair board, has been of­ the law in such eases made and pro­ us in price —and they can’t touch us in fered the secretaryship of the W ash­ vided. wop . th for the money! On the “cash ington state fair board. Notice posted on tlie ground January with order” plan we beat ’em at their In an effort to exterm inate coyotes 15, 1916. infected with rabies, the rangers of own game. No fake to this! Trot out 2 13 J. M. UrrON, the Malheur national forest have kill­ your catalog prices—and have Register. ed more than 106 coyotes within the last month. 04491 Pythian Slaters of the third district NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION held their convention at Albany with D epartment of the I nterior delegates present from all lodges of O R E G O N M O L IN E C O M P A N Y ’S D IN E the organization In Marion, Linn, Lane U. S. Lfcnd Office at Roseburg, Oregon, February 11, 1915. and Polk counties. N otice is hereby given that George One hundred and sixty-five thousand two-year-old Douglas fir trees will be F. Fry, of T reil, Oregon, who, on April planted on Dnad mountain, three miles 20, 1908, made Additional Homestead M. S. J O H N S O N , M a n a g e r above Oakridge In the Cascade nation­ Entry, Serial No. 04491, for the 81-2 of NW1-4 and NE1-4 of NW1-4 of Section al forest this year. A t H. C. Raedel I Mean Business! How About You? ’ 32, Townslilp 34 S, Raiigii I W, Wlllam- N E 1» o f Section 4, Township 37 8 . »tte Meridian, Im» find Police of Inten­ B angi 3W, W iliam -tie Me»!-iIan, haa tion to niaki- Final Ftve-year l’rool. tu lilixl notice of intention to make Final estabiish claim lo tho Isnd a bove de- Three-vaar Proof, to establish claim to sertbed, betöre W. 11. Canon, U. S. th» Inud above <1 aurioed, nafore W. H. Cotniuissioner, at hisoffice, at M< tifoni, Canon, U.’ S. Couiuils-lonar, st hl» of Oregon, i n thè 29th day of Marcii, 1915. fica at MedSrd, Oregon, on Ilia 2tilh dai or April, 1915. Clainiaui nauii s us wltnessea: Alex. B. itaim ev, of Trail, Oiegun. C liim unt name» as witnesses: Ed. Fester, of ” Robert Cook, ol Gold Hill, Oregon- Perry Poster, ol Alfred Boggle, ” ’ Emil Kirebg' »sner, of Medford, Or M y ro n F o s te r, —J. M. Ui'i-ow, Harry Steelman, ” 2-20-15 Register. —J M U r io » , 3 30 Roglster. O rd er to Show < «use Against Sale In the County Court o f till Slate of On gon, tor Jackson County. In the mailer of the Estate of William Smith, Deceased. It appearing I” th is Court, by the petition this ilav presented and filed by A. E. Kellogg, the Administrator of the Estate of William Sm ith, deceased, that it is ueecs-ary to sell toe whole or some portion of the teal property of trie said decedent ill order t ■ pay his debia and the expenses and cliurg'-sof ndmin- isir.ition, It is onlered that all persons interest­ ed in said e-lale appear before tfii» Court on Saturday, the 27th day of Match, 1915. at tin hour of III o’cl x'k a. in. of that day, in the Court room, at the Court House in the City of Jack­ sonville, County of Jnckaun, State ol Oregon, to show cause why an order should not Ire grunted to the »aid ad­ ministrator to sell so much of tlie real properly as shall he necessary ; and it is further ordered that a copy of this order h e published four consecutive weeks next preeeeding said day in the “ Gold Hill News” a newspaper printed and published in »aid County. —F. L. Tou V eli . e , Judge of raid Court. Dated Feb. 23, 1915, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION D epartment oe the I nterior i 05001 U. S. laind Office al Roseburg, Oregon, March 16, 1915. N otice i s hereby given tliat Alfred Hoggis, of Gold Hill, Oregon, who, on M ay 24, 1909, made Homestead Entry Serial, No. 05001, for the Nf of N W if of Section 34, Township 30 S, Range 3W, Willamette Meridian, lias filed notice of intention to make Final Five-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above des­ cribed, before W. H. Cannon, U. 8. Commissioner, at his office at Medford, Oregon, on the 27th day of April 1916. Claimant names as witnesses; Edward Uboten, ol Gold Hill, Oregon. George Manlcn, Ray Eaton, Edward Swinders, 3-20-16 ” ” —J. M. U pton , Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION D epartment or the I nterior 01892 U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon. March 17, 1016 N otice I s hereby given that Hay R . Eaton, of Gold H ill, Oregon, who, on January 9, 1911, made Homestead Ent- ry, Serial, No. 06892, lor the SW t4 ol James A. Osborne lost his life and William and Janies Wlnegar were res cued by the government lifesaving crew when they attempted to land through the surf on Bandon beach In an 18-foot rowboat. The lumber Industry of the llooif River valley Is recovering Manager J. E. Robertson, of the Stanley Sindh Lumber company announces that their new plant tit Green Point will he In operation with spring weather. Fred It. Mallis, of Baker, will have charge of the Oregon mining exhibit nt the Panama-Pacific exposition, and It Is the plan of the com in'tlce In 'charge of the work to make the exhibit a permanent one In Oregon after tho fair. Forty accidents, none fatal, were re ported to l-ahor Commissioner Hoff during the week. Fourteen of the ac­ cidents were In connection with lum­ ber manufacture and logging, while 11 were in connection with the rail­ road work. Labor Commissioner Hoff Is send­ ing nut notices in regard to the law passed by the last legislature which regulates employment agencies. Un­ der the new law, which becomes ef­ fective May 22, agents must secure li­ censes from the labor commissioner. Following an appropriation of $20, 000 by the state highway commission, with which to Improve the Pacific highway between Canyon Creek can­ yon and the Josephine county line, Douglas county will appropriate a lik e sum In the Improvement of the road. According to advices received by State Forester Elliott from the federal forestry department, Oregon'» appor­ tionment under the W eeks law for forest flre-flghtlng will be 18000 this year, $2000 less than the apportion­ ment the state has received during each of the past three year». Sheepmen have been notified of a meeting to be held at Baker April 1 and 2 for the purpose of organizing so that the woolgrowers may get the most from present market conditions. Both Oregon and Idaho woolgrowara will be present. Co-operation will be emphasized at the meeting. A cabinet conference of the Y. W. C. A., attended by representatives of nine Oregon educational Institutions, was held lit Albany. The University of Oregon, Oragon Agricultural Col­ lege, W illam ette University, Albany College, Philomath College, Chemawa Training School, Salei« High School, Eugein igli School] and Corvallis High School aasoclatlonaVjfficers ware present. > ------------ -- W <