tCoIÖ » ili Gold Hill 1 u G rao taat M o tu ia l Raaoorcaa o f S ou tharn O ra gon It O n h a o u lifu l R ogua R iaa r Jackson Co. O na C o m m u n ity o f O p p o r­ t u n it y - R og ua R iv a r V ullay, w h a /a th a oppia g u in a J fu m a GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 27,1916 VOL. 17 Lots of Public Land DAVID LLOYD-GEORGE I BERNHARD DERNBURG Left in South District NO. 47 Gold Hill Prominent on Pacific Highway I Deny R u m and Briton Warned Japan. Washington.— At the British embaa- ay It was aald: "The British embassy learns that thera Is no truth In a report «manat Ing from Pekin that the British and Russian ambassadors at Toklo have i made joint representations to Japan ! on tha subject of China, or that the British and Uniter! Htatea govern­ The Ruaelmrg land office hu« prepared ments are In consultation with a aim- by lownabtp and range a lint ul tlie ap- j object, proximate acreage of government lami« In the several connUes of this land dis­ 3000 K illed or H u rt In Bombardment. Berlin, via wireless to Bayville, L. trict, aa shown by the records ol th at of- ■fliT January 20, IVI A. Herewith ia puli- I.—Three thousand sailors aboard the tislied a copy of thia Hat of governm ent Anglo French warships were killed or lam ia in the county ol which inquiry lias wounded In the Uardanelloa fighting Thursday, according to Constantinople been made. The unreaerved surw yed lands a r e dispatches, and at least one hundred open to entry a t the Roaelxirg office and and fifty guns were put out of com­ Forest to H ava Naw F ire System. Roseburg Office Is­ sues Figures That Interest and Instruct may I»* entered under any of lite law«, mission. Homestead, Tiiuhcr, etc., now in effect, Leases Only 6000, Bay tha Qarmana. th a t are applicable to the land. Berlin, via Amsterdam.— Au official Tie* unreserved. lamia th at are iinsor- veyed can not be entered hut may he statement announced that the German nettled on, pending survey. Hettleim n t on casualties during the recent fighting eueh lamia la calieri "equ allin g " audgivee with British and French troops at preference right of entry for INI day« from Neuve Chapelle were only 6000. The tile date of tiling of the plat of aurvey at British war office had estimated these losses at IS,000. thia office. The renerved landa are Indndod in the Peace T re a ty W ith Russia Mads. several National Foresta. The agricul­ Washington.— Ratifications of the tu ral lamia in tlwae Foreata, surveyed ami unsitrveyi-d, may lie entered under the Peace Commission Treaty between the Act of June 11, 1000, Forcai Homentead United States and Russia were ex­ lo w A copy of ibi» law wiU be supplied changed by Secretary Bryan and on request. It ia p ro h a h ^ th at the best Oeorge Bakhmeteff, the Russian am­ unappropriated lauda now obtainable are bassador. Fifteen such treaties now are In force. In the National Forcata, which embrace in nome cases aa much an half the area of Gun Roar Breaks Minds. certain countie«. Application« to have London.— Driven insane by their a r­ Forcai landa tinted for entry m ost Io made at the ottico of the n arm t Forester, tillery fire, 300 German Infantrymen or at the ottico of the District Forenter, were removed to an asylum near A ll le Chapelle after the battle of Neuve lleek Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Tlie Roseburg office pre p an« township Chapelle, according to a dispatch from plat« and diagram« allowing vacant land, Amsterdam. entered land, outline« of the Forest Re­ Coos Bay Line Inspected. serve«, form of entry, name of entrym an, Kuaene.— Julius Krutaehuitt j»f Me*» etc. Tie* il.iO putt *g1v»4t (tir- ornerei* ' York City, ch airm an of th e board of and vacant land and outline« of tire For­ d irecto rs of the S outhern Pacific made m i in the township, dix-n not give all the his first Inspection of the com pleted information of the untial ‘‘blue p rin t," portion of the W illam ette Pacific line hut accurately givo« the location of all from Eugene Io Coos Bay, varani land an niiown on the records of . the office on dab* of mailing. Government lands Roseburg Land Dist(j«t U nhkmmrvku —Open U> Entry R kmkkvkd —In Forests Surveyed ViiMirwyed ..720,470 . 625,000 Jcinephino.. ............32,231......... ........8,015.............. . . . 48,700........ .422,430 ___2,240 .......... . . . 2:1.1,340 . HUI °4O . . . 77,810 . . . . .. 23,400 Curry ........ ..430,040 Lincoln........ ............ 1,251........ . . 40,670........ (WO 809.......... Linn .......... ............ .. 41,100 CriMik.......... ...147,060........ . . . 32,640 ............ (138....... . . . 30,410........ Kliiinutli Surveyed County I-ane . . . . . ............ 2H.G50 . . . Insurveyed Bernhard Darnburg, who Is reputed David Lloyd-Osergs, British Chan­ to ba tha Kaiser's unofficial diplomatic cellor of the Exchequer, upon whom representative in tha United Stataa. rests the financial burdens of the war. ■iiiiiiiuiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiniuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ■ The folders are artistically printed and I portray in photo am i paragraph the prin- Pendleton.— President R. O. Barn I eipal attractions of tji e famous Pacific hart, of the Um atilla county organlza- | highway. Six of the illustrations are re- tlon of the Farmers* Union, has re- ■ productions of Gold H ill scenes aud of 0600,000 Read la Flanesd. vlved the campaign for the construe- tlon of a hard-surface road from Pen- T he dleton to the Columbia river. farmers of the Holdman and Cold Springs section had completed tenta­ tive arrangements for building the road under a state aid plan but the failure of the legislature to enact the necessary legislation spoiled their plans and the matter had been drop­ ped temporarily. Now Mr. Barnhart comes forward with a plan to build a road to cost $500,000. He would raise $100,000 by public subscription and would ask tha county to issue bonds for the rest. Southern Oregon’s Shortstories , N ew s Brevities o f the W eek From Rogue River Valley Cities - . ■ .♦-i------ „ w is .- .- Gasoline as a fin; kindler awakened tlie ! The most Important happening of Mei I fori I fin* departm ent from Sunday the war during the past week was the morning slumber. A twelve year old son sinking of two British battleships and of the house of Duff, on Jackson street, . one French battleship while engaged applied gasoline to a refractory kitchen In operations against the Turkish forts fire, Ncighlsirs turned in the alarm and defending the Dardanelles. The allies turned o u t to assist. Both boy- and attribute the loss to drifting mines. The crews of the British ships are re­ building wen* scorched but saved. R. I,. Ewing, who runs a gun and ported to have been saved but most tackle «(on- at Medford and is widely of the crew of the French ship were famed as a Rportsuisii an d authority on i lost. It Is said battleships are on the Oregon game aud fish, is an lonneed as a} way to replace the lost ships and that candidate for the «late game wardenship. j efforts to force passage through the The term of William L. Finley, present Dardanelles will be continued. North Poland has again been trans­ incum bent, will expire in May. formed Into an immense bog by the Veteran country corn-«,M>ndeut of the thaw which has set In just as Field Medfoni Mail-Tribune, A. C. Howlett, of Marshal von Hlndenburg has started Eagle Point, entertained a nntnlwr of bis offensive against Prraanyax. It is fnctuls last week in honor "of his 83d declared that It is impossible, except birthday. The average age of (he giu*sts at widely separated high places, to was over 70 years—hilt they gave the move, let alone fight. younger set pointers on a “ good tim e.” i Sentenced t o Sunday school for six mouth« was the decision of the G rants l’aa» county court last Saturday, i n tlie case of u youthful trifier with oilier peo­ ple's property. Justice may be tempered with sense, sometimes. The Germans, however, have started an offensive in central Poland, where they have commenced an attack on the Russians In the region of the Pilica river. There is also heavy fighting in Galicia, the Carpathians and Buko- wina, despite the heavy snow. Local Odd Fellows Plan Grand Home Coming on Anniversary G old H ill L odge N o . 129 I. 0. 0. F. G old H ill , O re ., M arch 25,1915. Literature Treats of Fine River Fishing, Mines, Scenic Beauties Eugene.— A new system of forest fire protection, patterned after modern city fire departments. Is to ba uaed In the Cascade national forest thia sea­ son by Clyde R. Salts, supervisor, who has outlined It. I t will ba placed In operation about May 1. Electric alarm gongs, motocycles and horse«, with constantly prepared packs ready for a moment's departure Advance foWersoi the Pacific Highway and equipped with rations for four Touring aud H otel com pany—otherwise days, and also small force pumps, tin- widely-lalked-of "jitn e y " m o to r ser­ shovels and sacks form part of the vice to the Panama-Pacific Exposition— new fire department that w ill cover have tieen received by J. H Beeman, ot an area of 1,000,000 acres of timber this city Mr Beeman represented tho In eastern bane county. G reater Gold Hill club in correspondence Five fire stations w ill be estab­ | and negotiations with the company, to lished. so arranged that virtually any , such purpose that tile city is assured of point In the forest , will be accessible ; substantial recognition a s an im portant in two or three hours. I Southern Oregon point on the route. ■ lieauties of the Rogue at this point— l *le l *,e reeuic Rogue river country i on roote. Various catches of steel- ; head and cutthroat trout, taken at Gold HiU. are lepicted, and tlx* classic features j of Fred Bolt and Clyde W alker loom fa­ miliarly beside two ot the ordinary catch­ es of the season—whieli arc, it need not be added, ‘‘.Most extrao rd in ary !” to the j tourist receiving a first intiodnction to j Soutbern Oregon. Gold HiU is scheduled a« a special stop and division point in the published itin­ erary, aud is spoken of in the folder aa follows; “ Gold H ill, a young city of exception­ al enterprise, located in a section of the valley that affords some o f the most beau­ State M ay Drop Land Suit. Salem.— W hile the members of the tiful scenery in Southern Oregon. The state land board have decided that the Rogue fall« rapidly at this point, forming suit filed by the state against the Pa- numerons riffles which provide excellent cific L ivestock com pany to recover G out fishing grounds w ithin walking dis- about 26,000 a cres of land in H arney hince the city. Gold HiU ha« many county should be dism issed, announce- P"*l’b’ of interest for the tourist, inclod- ment was made that formal action iug; within k few flffted Of f(K- city, a would not be taken until Attorney- m odern gold quartz deep mine in luU op­ General Brown had made an investiga­ eration ; a Portland cement manufactory tion of the litigation. The > u lt was and a large hydroelectric power develop­ brought by ex-Attorney-General Craw­ m ent. This is the nearest point to Crater ford at the request of ex-Governor Lake, to which an interesting side trip Vpon leaving Gold HiU West, the charge being that the land may be made. was obtained through dummy entry- the Rogue River is left behind, a« the Highway crosses a short divide to tl e men. beautiful valley of B ear Creek, noted for its orchards of apples, pears and peach­ T H E M ARKETS es. ” It is stated that the Pacific Highway Portland. service will go into effect withiu a short Wheat— Club, $1.33; bluestem $1.37; i time. This city is prepared to receive red Russian, $1.25; forty-fold, $1.34; I most hospitably tlie many guests who red fife, $1.27. will be attracted by tlie beautiful camp­ Hay— Eastern Oregon timothy, $15; ing site selected, by the snp**rlative fish­ grain hay. $12; alfalfa, $13; valley tim ­ ing to be had at tlie expense of • few othy, $12.50. , m inutes walk, and by the beauty of the Buttec—Creamery, 30c. ' good old Rogue river hiUs and m ountain Eggs— Candled, 20c; ranch, 19c. streams. T o tal........... ..........211,007......... ....2 0 ,2 5 5 ........ ..1,535,100........ .2,013,000 Hops— 1914 crop 15c; 1913 crop, 14c. D ear B rother : Wool— Eastern Oregon, 25c. Summary O p Saturday, April 17th, the Gold Hill Lodge will celebrate Unreserved, Surveyed (open to entry) Chicago.— Trade in general lines all Will Propdgdte Trout at Elk 211,007 acre-*. its 20th Anniversary, by a Home Coming Day for all members City Lighting System N eeded over the country has shown season­ Unreserved, Unsurveyed (open to set­ Creek Hatchery on Rogue :‘nd former members. z-- • r> able improvement. Encouraging re­ tlem ent). . . .20,255 acre«. --------------- An open meeting will be held at 2:00 p. m., with appropriate ' W K eeps C ivic Pace ports come from all sections of the Total Unreserved Land, Roseburg Dis­ country, embracing the centers of trict . . . . 231,202 acres. At the last nes ting of tile stste fish and exercises. Supper will be served in the banquet hall at 6:00 p.m .' i (iold 11,11 needs a modern street light- large industries. Reserved, Surveyed . . . . 1,535,100 acres. game comnnssion, at the request of the The regular Lodge meeting will be held at the usual time Significance attaches to the increase Reserved, Unsurveyed .2,013,01«) acres. Rogue River Fish Protective association I he hospitality of the Lodge is freely extended. Our sin- the tourist traffic to the Panam a Exposi- in last week's bank clearings at the Total Lands in Forest Reserves, Rose­ ami upon tlie receom tncudation of Mas­ cere wish is that it be as freely accepted. If you are unable to tion beginning. Gold H ill is on the main ag ricu ltu ral centers. burg District .. 4,148,100 acres. ter Fish Warileti C lanton, an appropria- attend, please notify by writing. line of the Pacific .H ighw ay, and thou­ Enormous orders for machinery' are Total G overnment Lands, Rosehnrg ! t.ion of $200t) was made for co-operative G old H ill L odge N o . 129. sands of strangers will go through Gold a feature in the trade situation, both D istrict. ,.4,370,452 acres. j work with tlie United States bureau of Hill tliis Summer. Some of them will re­ for domestic and foreign account Per Committee. A list of t h e approxim ate acreage of I iiab'herie« for trout propogation work in turn to make their perm anent homes. A Unmistakable evidence of strong governm ent lauds by township and range Rogue river at the Elk ereek hatchery. correct first im pression is very im portant. underlying confidence that great busi­ tor any specified county in tlds district The motley will be used to defray the VYe think th a t we can subm it a propo­ ness activity w ill come to the United will lie furinslied on application. ¡expense of trout egg taking and feeding sition, both on street lighting ami pump­ States Is reflected in preparations now Agricultural land« within Forest Re­ fry to tlieagi' of fingerling«. Il is expee- ing of city water, that will be very much | being made by bankers to meet the serves may lx* entered under the Act of j u-d to hatch several million steelhead and to the interest of the people ef Gold Hill conditions. Julie I I . iihkt. Copy of law ami regula­ j keep at least a million unlit they reach "G ran d p a” Charles Riedel, broken with Mr. Riedel was a native of Germany, to accept; and we hope th a t other propo­ tions governing the listing and entry of tlie fingerling stage. Tlie government tlie burden of bis 82d year, joined tlie and an em igrant to America at an early sals will be made, both on street lighting same will !«■ furnished on request. appropriation covers only «ainion propo­ great m ajority last Monday, Mareli 22, age. He was a . farmer by vocat ion and and iMUnpingeity Wster, so th at you may Band Will D iscourse Sw eet gation. liis deatli occurring nt tlie home of liis prior to his arrival in Oregon ten years know which is for the beat interests of Strains on Sunday Afternoon B a v a ria n CroWo Pi n ;« W ounded. Field ,Sii|>erii>tcndoiit O'Malley writ«« son, F. A. ltiedel, in Roseburg. For ago liad lieen a citizen of tViseonsiu, Illi­ the city of Gold Hill. L o ndon.- C ro w n 1 'ritv R u p p re e lit that on March 8, 181 shs'lliead trout nearly six years Mr. Riedel Inid been a nois and Nebraska. Yours for a G reater Gold Hill, of Iluvarla lias been tioriofisiy wounded lajqn collected at Trail, also 480 cu t­ confirmed invalid, and liis demise was California-Oregon Power Company In aikliuoft to liis son, F. 1 Riedel, In response to the m any demands from by u shell, according to the Daily T el­ throat trout, which w il l Lie. lie il se­ expected at any time within the past six lie is-survivqd by six daughters; Mrs. W. local music lovers, the Gold Hill C neert eg rap h 's Boulogne correspondent. parately and fed. At tlie Applegate sla- months. t ’rlss, Mrs. L. I). Rowen and Mrs. Ret Chinese Boycott Japanese Goods. Band will again take up the special Sun­ j lion, 1,151,800 steel I lead eggs bad been In Septem ber Inst Mrs. Riedel passed terniayer, of L o o p .C ity , N eb.; Mrs. Portland. — Chinese residents of day afternoon concerts, commencing to­ Argentina Suffers From War, I taken, part of which will I ks siiipped to away nt tlieir home in this city, and h er Jo h n Roberts,- of Spokane; Mrs. George Portland declared a boycott on all Jap­ morrow afternoon. Following is the pro­ W ashington. A large failing off In tlie Elk creek hatchery when eyed. aged husband was removed to Roseburg T o llin g , o f El Paso, 111., and Mr-. anese goods in retaliation for the de­ gram to be presented, with each num ber Mar< h is also a m onth wl.en man) A rgentina's custom s receipts is ex where he has since resided with his son, George Miller, of Lincoln, Neb. mands recently made upon China by polished by practice until »superior treat peetod uh a resu lt of tho European «Lsellieada spawn, and it is expected (lie a former well known Gold Hill business Japan. The action was decided upon is assured: war, according to advices to the sta te tik e lids u i o i i l h will equal tliat taken mail who is now a m erchant in tlie Doug­ at a meeting of the Chinese Six Com­ Indiana S-ate Band ............O. R. Turner' Card of Thanks previously this season. d ep artm en t from Buenos Ayres. las county capital. To tiie many friend» and former neigh­ panies. Living P ictures.................................Dallx*y On Tuesday of this week tlie remains bors who tendered sym pathy and assist­ Annitn, Spanish Serenade. .Tito«. S. Allen Vote Cast 22 .Times. Oliver Typewriters for side and rent: — were brought to (void H i'l, a n d interred ant'»* on the occasion of the deatli of our The lowest bid for the construction Bohemian Girl Selection................. Be' e Indianapolis. - A ecord for voting No. 5 Oliver Machines in Hrst-clas« con­ on (lint afternoon in Rock Point ceme­ aged father, Charles Riedel, Sr., we de of the proposed stretch of the Colum­ Loin dll Bal, (Sounds from the Ballroom) of 22 tim es In one day was claim ed by ditions rented at the rate of $4.00 for tery l«'side tlie restingplan* of "G ran d ­ sire to express our sincere and heart-felt bia highway In Hood River county, When Its Moonlight Down in D ix ie ..,. Fred Eisner, who testified in th e trial three tn o iitlis . —A. E. K ki . i . inio , m a’’, liis wife and helpmeet through tlie gratitude. $4ff,343, was submitted by Standifer & ......................................................... C. Baker of the T errq H aute election ease. Sales agent for tlie Oliver Machine. long journey of happily wedded years. —F. A. R ikuki . and S istkus . Clarkson, of Portland. G uards du Corps........ ............R. B. Hall Charles Riedel, Sr., Called Home I