Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1915)
For that classy Hair Cut BRITISH BLOCKADE OF GERMANY BEGUN FATHER WRITES SLOGAN SON DONATES POSTER 1t18 Rose F estival R aealves W ork of A rt from Fam ous O regon Boy. Endeavor Will be to Stop All TR Y DICK Th« b e s t and la te s t “kilts” Baths in Connection Commerce to and from German Ports. London.—G reat B ritain m ade known to th e world in a form al proclam ation how sh a proposes to se v sr all th e a r teries of ss a com m erce to and from G erm any during the period of the war. T h e term "blockade" la n o t used end no pro h ib ited a re a la defined N ever theless. th e tex t of th e o rd er m akes plain E n g lan d ’s p u rpose—to prevent w h t u anmmm com m odities of an y kind from reach ing o r leaving G erm any during the war. PORTLAND O REG O N The B ritish o rd er sta te s th a t neutral »UNE q IO II IQ ships and lives of non-com batants will be spared. D isposition of ra p tu re d j cargoes will be left to prise court, it P o rtlan d ’s 1915 Rose F estival has a not requisitioned by governm ent, pay unique poster—the m ost a rtistic ever , m ent for seized cargoes not to be made used and It Is the work of an Ore;.on I until peace, unless goods had become boy, Fred U. Cooper, now one of tin- ; w orld's forem ost artists, ills father. I n eu tral before Issuance of order. In th e la s t clause of th e proclam a J. C. Cooper, of McMinnville, Orc;.on. Jam es W. G erard, A m erican A m bas tion is th e proposal m oat tntefesU ug w rote the w inning slogan, “The Whole I W orld K now s the P ortland Rose." Vt j sador to Germ any, who p resen ted the to n eu trals. T his is a fiat ag reem en t his fa th e r’s personal req u est youn --, ; to lift th e "blockade" in case any na p ro test ag ain st endangering A m erican Cooper donated the poster to inoorpor- ' tion will certify th a t th e ships flying a te the slogan. shipping. P ortland has co ! its flag shall not carry goods to G er operated w ith S eattle, T acom a. W alla m any, o r o rig in atin g th erein o r be W alla and S pokane in securing con | BRIEF WAR NEWS longing te the su b jects of the G erm an ventions th a t will bring m ore than i 250.000 v isito rs to W ashington and ■ T he com m encem ent of G erm any’s ' em pire. Oregon. It is notable th a t th e o rd er declares blockade of th e B ritish Isles by m eans J of subm arine w arfare on non-com bat no In tention to cap tu re ships proceed a n ts gives to the p ast w eek's w ar | ing to and from G erm any's allies, Aus moves a distin ctio n m arking it a p a rt tria and T urkey, th e reaso n being, no i frc»n an y o th er o ccurrence in m odern ' doubt, th a t th e m easure is avow edly civilized conflicts. G erm any is now , a rep risal ag ain st th e G erm an s u b expected to put into o peration h er de- j m arin e w arfare. ROSE FESTIVAL R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n ‘• T h e C i t y S h o p ” AUTOM OBILE ® , G AS ENGINE REPAIRING A Specialist in this work, as well as any detail of General Blacksmithing, etc. CHARLES KELL B la c k s m ith Professional Cards W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. GENERALPRACTITIONER G old H ill , O regon . DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE DENTIST G A S A U X IX I8 T K R K D RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD Sugar Pine Camp No. 10073 M W A Gold Hill - - - - - - - - - - Oregon Meets first Friday of each m onth Jay E. Davidson—Com sul Alvah E. Kellogg—Clerk A. E. KELLOGG GOLD H ILL.ORFG O N Embalmer and Funeral Director Complete line of burial robes, caskets, etc. FUNERAL CAR Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 46-Main Fire! Fire!! Wood of every description at lowest prices. Wood saw for custom work. Y ards Ri veside’Ave. Phone 3F21 J. R itter _ P a tr o n iz e H o m e ! In d u stry ! SM O K E M T . P IT T ®, G OV, J O H N S O N .C I G A R S d a re d inten tio n of em ploying h er su b V igorous P ro tsst Expected. m arines and m ines in th e w a te rs I j around th e B ritish isles w hich sh e h as j W ashington.—Q reat B ritain's order proclaim ed a w ar sone, w ith th e ob- , In council explaining h e r em bargo on ject of sh u ttin g off th e food supply of all com m erce betw een O erm any and n eu tral cou n tries was received with th e B ritish people. G erm any has earn estly w arned the »»<* evident d isappointm ent by high n eu tral sta te s th a t th is zone will here- officials of the United S tates govern- a fte r be a d an g er zone for all shipping m en* th a t a stro n g p ro test ag ain st its and has expressed h er d eterm in atio n term s was considered in official quar- of tak in g th e m ost strin g e n t action ters a s ce rta in to be m ade toon. ag ain st the B ritish m erchantm en. T he reply of th e G erm an govern GERMAN STATEMENT MADE m en t to th e p ro te st of th e U nited S tates ag ain st th e blockade of B ritish M inister Will Continue W ar Until P ro p er G u aran tees are O btained. w aters arg u es th a t G reat B ritain has m ade th e blockade n ecessary by its London.— A R euter d ispatch from own declaratio n of in ten tio n to Invoke B erlin by way of A m sterdam quotes sta rv a tio n as its ally and tak es up the i the G erm an m in ister of th e interior g au n tlet th u s throw n down. I and vice-chancellor, Clem ens Del Bru- G reat B ritain, in h e r an sw er to th e ; eck, as declarin g in a speech in the A m erican p ro test a g ain st th e d e te n ! upper ch am b er G erm any’s intention tion of A m erican sh ip s by B ritish war to continue th e w ar uutll she obtained vessels, denies th a t G reat B ritain un the g u aran tees she desired. duly d etain s ships o r th a t th e naval “If we w ere satisfied m erely with operatio n s of G reat B ritain have been ( rep en in g th e enem y,” said the vice- .th e cause of any dim inution in th e vol- chancellor, "we should soon have um e of A m erican exports. peace. But we cannot re s t satisfied In announcing th a t th e cargo of th e w ith th a t alone; we shall not sheath ste a m e r W ilhelm ina has been held to th e sw ord until we obtain guaran tees a prize court, th e B ritish governm ent th a t o ur enem ies will not a tta c k us cites as one of th e m oving reaso n s again. D iscussion of th ese g uarantees a c tu a tin g it in th is resp ect G erm any’s a t th e p resen t m om ent would not fur- orjjer confiscating all g rain and flour th e r G erm an in terests, in the em pire. A u stria h as won h er notable victory E ight Ships are Damaged. Of the w ar durin g th e week by c le a r Berlin, via London.—A w ireless d is ing Bukowina of th e Slavs. T h e as- | patch received from C onstantinople sistan ce of a G erm an arm y o perating says: in so u th ern G alicia h as been of much "It is sem i officially announced and service, b u t the m ajo r p a rt of th e su c m ost em phatically th e B ritish w ar cess m u st be cred ited to th e A u stri ships A gamemnon, Lord N elson. C orn ans. w allis, Dublin and th e F rench ships F rench and G erm ans both rep o rt Bouvet, Stiff ren and S ap h ir all have m inor successes in th e w estern w ar been dam aged in the D ardanelles fight a reas during th e w eek, but none pos 4ng. T he B ritish b attlesh ip Queen sesses any m ilitary significance. The E lizabeth h as been stru ck by th ree local offensives developed by th e G er heavy shells." m ans ag ain st the B ritish positions j n e a r Y pres w ere probably only recon- i n aissan ces in forces, intended to d is - 1 close w h eth er th e B ritish lines a re be- i ing stren g th en ed by th e new m en now arriv in g a t th e front. FOR SALE— Eighty acre improved farm within two miles of (»old Hili, ail good land, along the Pacific Highway, house and barn and somF fruit. $100 per acre. Terms i cash, very easy terms and long time for the balance at 0 percent, consider this choice. 1 —C.JS.-Redfield, '3 Gold. H i 11, .O regon. B ritish S team er Sunk in Irish Sea. London.—T he G erm an cru iser D res Liverpool.— W ithout w arning a G er den, th e only one of Vice Adm iral von man subm arine torpedoed the B ritish 20 hard-working men desire positions Spec's squ ad ro n w hich escaped a fter steam er Cam bank a few m iles e a s t of in the country at reasonable wages. Ad the b a ttle w ith th e B ritish fleet off L inas Point, in the Irish sea. T he ex dress Portland Commons. 195 Burnside the F alkland islands in Decem ber, has plosion killed th e th ird eng in eer and S t., Portland, Oregon. two firem en. A nother m em ber of the been sunk, according to announce crew w as drow ned in an a tte m p t to m ent by the B ritish ed m iraity. The D resden w as « Sunday off Notice oi Annual City Election jum p in to a boat. T h e re s t of the Ju a n F ern an d ez island. crew and th e pilot, 20 in all, w ere The ad m iralty announced th a t the March 11, J 915. saved. Dresden w as trapped by the B ritish N otice is hereby given th at the Annual I c ru isefs K ent, Glasgow and Orarna. City Election in and for the City of Gold j The B ritish ships im m ediately opened THE MARKETS Hill, Jackson C anity. Oregon, will la- fire and a fte r resistin g for five min- held on the 5th day of April, 1015, at the - utes, durin g which sh e w as badly dam Portland. City Hall of Gold Hill. The polls will be W h eat—Club. >1.27; bluestem >1.40; aged, the G erm an w arship hauled open from 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. ami from down h er colors and ran up the w hite 2 p. m. to 7 p. tn. The elee'ion will in red R ussian, >1.30; forty-fold, >1.39; i Gag. W hen she su rren d ered the D res fer the purpose of electing a Treasurer, red fife, >1.32. H ay—E astern O regon tim othy, >15; den w as in flam es. H er m agazine had Recorder, one Councilman for each of the exploded and h er upper w orks w ere two wards of the City and one Council grain hay, >12; alfalfa, >13; valley tim , burning fiercely. ' othy, >12.50. man at large. 1 The crew w as tak en off In boats. B u tter—Cream ery, 30c. The following named persons have been Eggs— Candled, 21c; ranch, 19c. appointed judges of said election: ' Italy Stops Mails to A ustria. H ops—1914 crop 15c; 1913 crop, 14c. Rome.—T he Italian m in ister of H. I). Reed, Wool—E astern Oregon, 25c. posts and teleg rap h s issued orders C. II. Price, suspending th e exchange of teleg rap h W ho shall act as clerk of election; S eattle. J. H . Beeman, W heat—B luestem , >1.41; club >1.39; ic m oney o rd ers w ith A ustria-H un Who shall act as clerk of election. red R ussian, >1.31; forty-fold, >1.40; gary. O rders also w ere issued sup pressing the trav elin g pobtoffice on (Signed) B. G. H ardinkì fife, >1.34. train s bound for th e A ustrian frontier. City Recorder. Barley—>26.50 per ton. CRUISER DRESDEN SUNK BY BRlTiSH Two World Expositions Now Open Reduced fare round trip tickets, permitting stop overs ut all points in either direction, to the Pan ama Pacific International Exposition, San Fran cisco, and to the Panama California Exposition, San Diego, on sale every day to November 30 Via the Scenic Shasta Route Three fin e Trains Daily Shasta Limited San Erancisco Express California Express Stop-overs on One Way Tickets Ten days’ stop-over will be allowed nt San Fran cisco and Los Angeles on one way tickets sold to Eastern Cities when routed via the Southern Pac ific. “ CALIEORN'A AND ITS TW O W ORLD EXPOSITIONS” A new booklet describing th e trip from Portland to Han Diego including the two Exposition«, tin' «o-itli- Is-autlea of Oregon, tlio Hlakiyotu Mid Sliasta Mountains, San Francisco, tin- l«-ach »ml noting resorta of California, the San Joaquin Valley ami V -m ite National Park. Free on application to nearest Agent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC WILSON TO ENFORCE DEMANDS IN MEXICO John \J- Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Respect fer Foreigners to be G o ld H ill Compelled, is Text of Notes Sent to Carranza. W ashington.— P resid en t W ilson has determ ined th a t all the rival factious j h> -Mexico shall be com pelled If neces- sary, not only to resp ect the lives and p roperty of foreigners, but to Insure freedom of .com m ercial com inunica- ’ tion betw een th e U nited S tates and its j southern neighbor. T his policy, enunciated in the last . tw o notes se n t to G eneral C arranzu j concerning th e situ atio n a t Mexico City, was fu rth e r developed by the dis patch of a com m unication inform ing 1 the Mexican chief th a t unless the gun boat Z aragoza was recalled from its attem p ted bloekado ot th e port of Pro greso. th e p resid en t of the United S tates "yrould be constrained to Issue in stru ctio n s" to the com m ander of the arm ored c ru ise r Des M oines "to pre v en t any in terfe ren ce” with A m erican ships going to o r from th a t port. T he purpose of this note apparently w as achieved before it reached Vera Cruz, for the navy d e p artm en t receiv ed word th a t the Zaragoza had put t0 Vera Cru2 accouIlt of the stre ss of the w eather." T he opinion of officials is th a t th ere will be no fu rth e r a tte m p t to blockade. Will V italize New Discovery. W ashington.—It is announced offi cially that« tw o large com panies have arran g ed to tak e advan tag e of th e .It, coveries recently announced by Seen- tary Lane th a t revolutionize th e tnene- factu re of gasoline and m ake the U nit ed S ta te s independent ot G erm any i- the m anufacture of tuluol and benzol, used In m aking explosives and dyes. VESSEL SINKS IN 5 MINUTES B ritish A uxiliary C ruiser Bayano Tor pecioed by German Subm arine. Ayr, S cotland.—G raphic description of the sinking ot th e B rltsh auxiliary cru iser B ayano by a G erm an submit- rine was given by survivors of the dis aster. Of the 220 men on board, 194 perished, a s th e cru iser san k so rapid ly th a t the m en had scarcely a chance for th e ir lives. She w as a converted m erchantm an. L ieutenant C om m ander Gay, one of the survivors, said : ' The Bayano w ent to the bottom five m inutes a fte r the G erm an torpedo stru ck her. Of the 220 persons aboard, I am certain that only 26 w ere picked up by th e steam ers Balm orino and T ara, which cam e to our rescue. All the o th ers w en killed by th e explosion or w ere swirled down in the vortex.” V erm ont Will Vote Upon Prohibition. M ontpelier, Vt.—G overnor Gate;, signed the prohibition referendum bill. As a resu lt the voters will decide at the m unicipal election in March, 1916, w hether to su b stitu te state-w ide pro hibition for local option. A u t o L iv e r y F a st D r iv in g T e a m s F eed • i n C o n n e c t i o n S ta b le s E HAVE added to our general livery business two completely equipped 5-passenger touring cars—to meet increased demand for service. Com mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists bound for marvelous Crater Lake—will find that we know the roads, the country, and how to please. W T h e S h o rtest W ay T h e L ea st C o st T h e B est G u id e s One trial and our Livery Service makes|friends---try it! D a r lin g Q. H o d g e s G O L D H IL L . O R E G O N T A M A L E and CHILI Season KTSStor-. - A>x - v a s w .~ -r - T s e - j - Is now on. Hot Coffee always on tap. . .Y o u can get something good to eat at any old time. W o u ld b e p le a s e d to s e ll y o u T o b a c c o a n d C ig a r s WMBÄ«»,'SKSS’JRFJiM . W l t W your "W*. , A T T U R N E R ’S Gold Hill and furnishing electric current to operate said pum ping system for a per iod of t e n year*. Said electi!.' pumping system to lx! installed and electric current furnished according to plans and sjxeifl- cations on tile and of record in the olliee of the Recorder of the City of Gobi Hill, which said plans ami s|s-i-ifieutiotis are subject to ins|M'Ction by persons contem plating m aking such proposal. Each proposal m nst lx- accompanied by a certified cheek on some State- or Na Notice tional Bank of the Stale of (lo g o n , pay able to the City of Gold Hill, in the sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.90), same N otice is hereby kiven th at the City of to is- forfeited as liquidated damages in Gold Hill, Oregon, hereby calls for seal case the pro|swal accom panying it be nc- M arshfield.—D eath of Byron Craig, aged 12, one of th e injured, and the discovery th a t Joseph Brooker, a lodg- or, had been m issing and In all prob ability had lest his life, brought tho num ber of d eath s by W ednesday’s fire at the Sm ith mill boarding house to eight. Of ii'O o th er injured, one is in a critical condition. Seven will re cover. ed p ro p .« ,Is for the installatio n of a street h .,| an(l lig h tin g system am i fu rnishing electric - ¡.„¡j prop<JHa| elirrent for a period of ten years. Said street lighting system to Is- installed and electric current furnished to Is- according to plans ami specifleations on file and oi m on n i 1 ... / . I l l , . f a l . . . I l ......... ...I l record in < the oilice of lie- Recorder of i tin City of Gold Hill, which said plans and specifications are sultject to Inspection Ify Juneau, A laska.—A bill providing ■persons contem plating making snch pro for prohibition throughout the e n tlr posal. The City Council of the City of Gold te rrito ry of A laska was introduced in the lower bouse of th e territo ria l leg Hill also calls for scaled proposals for In stalling electric pumping s y s t e m for islature. pumping water tn supply said city of |>erMOJ, (>r „ m kfn /ai) , o enter into con tract and to fnrnisli $5000.09 Bond on each contract wit Irin ten days after la-ing notified of such acceptance, and Io Is, rc- lornwJ ih ,.aw. sai,, . • » Council reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. S u d i proisisals will Is- received by the City Recorder a t a n y tim e before 7 P. M. on the 7th day of April, 1915. Dab-of first publication, M arcii (Ith, 1915. B. G. HARDING, City Recorder.