S h e G o ld H ill N e w s PUBLISHED I \ > KV > H I H|IAV AT GOLD 1111.1.. JACKSON t ’O C W Y . — m i , i , ' __ OREGON. BY - T - g - . a n ••.■ - s a - - B en H. L nm pm an huw rvd At tlh‘ Gold llill |xwi.>rtie* (nr transmission through the mails aa¿ second-class m atter SATURDAY, MARCH 20. 1915 EUROPE KNOWS— NOW HE SUPERDREADNAUGHT "Pennsylvania” —launched at Newport News this week—is the darling of Uncle Sam’s Nav- -e-e. and the finest floating fighter anywhere upon—or beneath—the briney billow. Our bill for the mammoth murder mat 5 e will tap the national treasury for $14,000,000 and some few o id-hundred thousands. One well directed torpedo, costing but an insignificant sum, would send the giant of the deep to Davey Jones’ locker, beside the crumbling galleys of ancient Greece —if any were convehieht §6 much for the “Pennsyl vania’s" transitory worth in real war. In peace—ah, that’s a different matter; dignity of the flag, international respect, all that sort of thing!—in peace the dreadnaught is a standing in vitation to trouble. Europe knows. If it might be said that the “Pennsylvania” represented America’s last investment in naval bluff and swagger, this nation, and the world, would take a stride forward. T THE JOUSTING JABBERWOCK NTERS NOW ANOTHER character in Pacific coast journal ism; a straight spoken little brochure, with a punch in every paragraph. It is the Jabberwock, a knight errant of letters, bearing the address of Crescent City, California. The Jabber wock has a well defined mission—it will swing a stuffed club at the shams, shames, and big-little matters which folks ordinarily speak of in whispers. From the treatm ent afforded subject mat te r in the March issue, No. 1, it is not risking the bet to wager that those trenchant truths therein expounded will command an interested circle of readers. The editor is a widely known and talented newspaper man, who adopts the alias of Julius Jabber. May his typewriter never cease clattering! There is work for it, and a place for that grotesque stranger, the Jabberwock. The magazine will be for sale on news stands and in trains. E I Overdrafts '^»“ « iid B. M. I. I he MvUittholv Prlitan The (M-licMii perched mi a slippery snag —wiili nothin« to do hut preen — wljert ti-lie* slipped and daiKed and flipped a.oid t h e seaw eed green. Over hei s itin g tiin speeding thicks, widgeon and brunt mnl crane; the swan folk iu clamor spoke mni rose tn the North again. The pelican's breast wits white as foam «ml shone like « distant sail; she counted the ««•at (light fern hem all, and answered the curlew’s wail. “ H a w peace, have peace! you witless o n e-fo rev er t i n you cry—and give me speech; why all anti each have «ought the distant sky?” Fluttered the wailing curlew down to rest on the slipp ery bough; he bobbed his head and briefly said, "Y e n 'd best be going now !" I'he |sdieiiu («'rehtal on a slippery snag —hut a last year’s bird was she— she felt tile thrill from to* to hill and named it mystery. "W h y is tny breast so white, so white, and why are my wings so strong, and what the rail that summons all to buffet clouds along? There is no dom j so high hut I might m ount to the snt: !*■- yond—yet why should 1 flee with foolish birds to seek a northern pond? Be still, be still, my lifting wings; I do not wish t> fly—I’d like to sit in the South a hit a id watch the flsh swim b y .” Stammer- lag down from the middle air a Iwliel of flight-song rang—straight to the s k y she flung her cry, and fancied that she sapg. The pelican perched on a slippery limb —anil she was a restless bird—she ditl not know why things are so and never yet had heard. Out of tlie sky to Iter call there flashed a gleam avainst the sun —of all her kind that flew the wind answered a single one. His billowing breast was white as snow and shone in the last day- beam ; he floated up to the slippery snag and lit like an answered dream . *‘ You’ re here! You’re here! My pretty o n e ! Come seek the North witli me; it’s lone liest here, my little dear, beneath the cy press tree.” He jostled the wailing cur lew thence with ruffled neck, and stare; they sprang to wing th at eve of Spring . . . The brave deserve file fair. BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON GLADIATORS OE THE CLOUDS D allas is to have a general cleanup day in April. HERE IS a SUFFICIENCY of slushy sentiment greets the In d u strial clubs have been organized demise of each death-defying aviator. Lincoln Beachey, in in 20 schools of M alheur county re the final failure of his foolhardy attem pt to out-vie and out-fly cently. a re being called th is week (or the birds, plunged to the ooze of San Francisco’s harbor bottom, the Bids con stru ctio n o t the $100,000 Jose a few days since. When divers unstrapped the nervy skyman i phine county co u rt house. from his wrecked plane, and brought the pitiful, pale face of A. J. Chapm an, of U m atilla county, Beachey to the California sunlight, he was dead enough to sat-1 pioneer m iller, who crossed the plains by ox team in 1852, died a t his home isfy the most sensation-exacting public. More than one thous at Nye a t th e age of 89 years. and times he had performed the lauded loop-the-loop, for audi W ork has com m enced on the H er ences that loved the keen thrill—that tense expectancy of the m iston-U m atilla highw ay. T his is a m ile road from H erm iston to horrible. Beachey was the beaten bravo of the aerial arena. seven the Colum bia riv er a t U m atilla boat The day of Nero is not so far immured in the barbaric past that landing. we need plume ourselves—while dropping living men from the S easide's new clam can n ery Is hand ling all the clam s available. The p lant clouds to death, for holiday entertainment. has a capacity o t n early 3000 cans an hour. E x perim ents a re also being m ade w ith th e sea m ussel. THE FELLOW ON THE CORNER R oseburg citizens a re o u t to raise a bonus to induce th e building of a HAT FELLOW ON THE CORNER, there; what high-mind new saw m ill. K endall B rothers of ed sincerity is evident in every gesture! It is apparent P ittsb u rg will build a railroad to th eir holdings, it is believed. that he is enthralled, carried away by the flood of his persuasive land F. P. Phillips, of T he Dalles, has eloquence. His movements are vigorous, his speech vehement, been appointed d istric t sealer of the his gaze flashing—fixed on the nobility of the distant hills. n o rth ern d istric t of th e w eights and Someone, or something, is getting a proper panning; th at’s sure. m easu res d ep artm en t by S tate T reas u re r Kay, head of the d epartm ent. Darn my eyes! the chap looks as sternly exalted as a crusader The firs t ann u al Lake county farm pledging his arms to the Holy Land. Let us move closer and e r s ’ and hom e-m akers' sh o rt course, list, with parted lips, to the fiery fervor of his discourse. W h at’s given u n d er the auspices of the ex ten sion division of th e O regon ag ricu ltu r that he said? Stung! The Fellow on the Corner is knocking al college, w as held a t Lakeview this his Home Town. week. D uring th e calen d ar y ear 1914 the forest service refo rested 1074 acres of burned over land in Oregon. T his re quired p lan tin g 600,000 trees. It is expected th a t th ree tim es th a t m a .y will be set out durin g 1915. The O regon lum ber associations are endeavoring to have the w ar d ep art m ent specifications for mill work on the q u arters a t Balboa, in the P anam a E have on display at the Myers build canal zone, designated as Douglas fir ing a full line of Farm Implements, instead of cypress as now designated. Vehicles, and Machinery, particularly suited To stim u late In terest am ong the pu pils of th e B aker schools In garden to the needs of this district. The urgent ing, dom estic science, m anual tra in need of a general machinery business in Gold ing and the like, City S uperintendent Hill led us to this decisive step. You are to of Schools A. C. S tran g e is laying feel that we are at your service at all times, plans for th e form ation of industrial clubs. and that no item, of repairs, etc., is too Many farm ers about Salem have small to receive our instant and careful at plowed up th eir clover fields In order tention. On our behalf we ask merely the to p lan t w heat and the increase in acreage sown to th a t grain will be opportunity to show you the goods and to g reat In th is section on account of the quote prices, feeling certain that both will war prices. P ro sp ects a re encourag prove satisfactory. Call and command us. ing for a good w heat crop. Fifty-eight accidents, one of them fatal, w ere reported durin g the week O R E G O N M O L IN E C O M P A N Y ’S L IN E to L abor C om m issioner Hoff. The fa tal accident occurred a t C latskanie, w here H o lso n B. Lyda was killed while engaged In logging. E ighteen persons w ere Injured in the employ M . S. J O H N S O N , M a n a g e r of railroads, while 19 w ere h u rt tn log ging or in lum ber and slilngle mills. T T MACHINERY COMPLETE NEW STOCK W GOLD HILL IMPLEMENT CO. D O Y O U W IS H TO B U Y G RO CER IES? S t u d y t h e f o llo w in g p r ic e s : Best Fruit Sugar £ C D Best D. G. Sugar Z? "Y/Y Yolluwltand 6.30 Milk, per 3.50 6.50 per sack per sack cbm White Loaf Hard Wheat 4 Q P Flour, per sack . . . I »O J Process Rolled 4 Barley, 75 lbs. I «V v Holly Milk 3 cans for Standard Rolled «8 r n Barley, 7511)8 - I . J V 25c B pounds good Coffee - - - $1 P O L L Y P R IM C n ß r ;a | 4 C A N S CLEANER □pCUIdl FOR 25c G a ll o n C a n n e d G o o d s Tomatoes at .25 Apples at Peaches at .25 .35 Catsup at Apricots o r* at • .65 Monopole Strawberries Q A Monopole Blackberries Special 2 lb, cans • UZ Special 2 lb. cans nn • X CZ M EAT DEPARTM ENT: Hams Bacon Lard Cottolene Pearl Shortening Cri8co LANCE & COMPANY - The Home Store 82, T ow nship 34 S, Range 1 W, W iliam- N E ’« o f S e'tim i 4, T ow nship 87 8 , wtte M eridian, has Bled nolle« of inten Range 3W, W illaiiictu M eridian, lias tion to m ake Final Five-year Proof. Io tiled nolle." of Intention to make Final vrtahllsli claim to the land ahov« de T hree-vesr Proof, to establish claim to scribed, before W. il. Canon, U. S. the land above described, heforn W. H. owss C om m issioner, a t hia office, a t M ulford, ('an o n , U. 8. C om m issioner, a t his ol D EPA R TM EN T OF T H E IN T ER IO R . Oregon, i n th e 29th day of March, 1915. flue a t Medford, Oregon, on th e 26lh d ai of A pril, 1915, B EFO R E THE U N IT E D STATES C laim ant naiio s ua w llueates: C laim an t n am e, as w itnesses; LAND O FFIC E. Alex, It, Itaim ev, of T rad , Oregon. R O SEB U R G , OREGON. Ed. Foster, of ’• ” V i It .1. rt Cook, of Guld lliil, O regon. ' Alfred H oagis, Perry F oster, of t My run Foster, E m il K irchgcaaner, of Medford, Or. A PPLIC A T IO N FOR PATENT. ■ H arry ste e lm a n , ’’ —J . M. U pton , —J . M. U ito », 2-20-15 Register. Register. M ineral A pplication No. 09932 F ebruary 9, 1915. O rder to Show ( ause Against Sale Io M atter of A pplication of C. T. Dav III the t u t ility C o u r t of the S late of WASHINGTON SPENDS LESS idson for P ateot 8 W l-4 o f N W ,-4 of Or. gun, for Jackaon County. Cut In Expenditures Should Mean Sec. 30, T w p. 37 8., Range -t West. In the m atter of th e E state of W illiam H a lf M ill Less In Taxes. N OTICE O F A PPLICA TIO N FOR Sm ith, Deceased. U N ITED STA TES PA TEN T Olympia, W ash.—C om parative ap It appearing t" thia C oort, by the propriation figures allow th a t th e leg NOTICE IS H E R B Y G IV E N , th s t petition tills dav presented and filed by islatu re Just adjourned reduced the C. T. Davidson whose residence is Jack- A. E. K ellogg, th e A dm inistrator of th e cost of governm ent In W aahlngton for son C om ity,O regon, and whose post of E state of W illiam Hrnilh, devested, the enaulng biennium by a little In ex fice a tld n s s is M urphy, R. F. D. N o.l, th a t it is necea-ary to a II to e a hole or cess of *1,750,000. O regon, lias filed liis application in this aiim c p o rfo o of the real property of tlm W hile thia is partially due to reduc office lor a p aten ' to th e placer Minin« said decedent in Older t> pay bis drills tion in "p ap er" appropriations, a re Claim designated as "T h e Mocking and the expenses and charg-aof adm in duction of approxim ately *1,000.000 la Bird Placer C laim ", situ ate on Mi rem istration, Gulch in the Missouri F |« t Mining Dis made in the general fund app ro p ria I t is oidered th a t a d pe sons in terest tion, m eaning u tax reduction of ap trict, In Jackson C ounty, O regon, and ed in raid estate appear before this e i braced w ithin and covering every proxim ately o n .'h a lf a mill annually. C ourt on Saturday, the 27th dav i f The total appropriation for all pur p art of th e 8 W 1« of th e N R '1-« «f Sec M arch, 1915, nt the hour of ID o’clock poses, Including *4,000,000 accident tion 30, T ow ns,dp 37 South, of Itango 4 a. in. of th a t day, in th e Court room, nt fund produced by assessm en ts ag ain st West of th e W illam ette M eridian, ami th e C ourt House in the City nt Ja c k Industry under -w orkm ens com pensa th e sam e em bracing th e two ce rta in sonville, County of Jackaon, S tate nt tion law, and * 1.500,000 capitol land placer m ining claim s, described as fol Oregon, to show catl-e wbv an order g ra n t bonds, is *22,265,322 for the bi lows; v iz ; should not lie granted to tile said a d T he certain placer m ining claim cov ennium , as ugalnat *24,047,000 tw o m inistrator to sell so m uch of th e real ering every p a rt of E ast of South years ago. T he general fund appro pro|n*rty as shah he nece-sary ; and it west i of N o rth w est *4 of Section 30, priation la *7,013,739. is fu rth er ordered ttia t a copy of this Tow nship 37, S o u th , of R ange 4 W est o rd er lie puhlikhed four consecutive Sw edish Vessel Sunk *>v G erm ans. as located bv I.G . Davidson, July I9tli, weeks n ex t preeeeding said day in the lfci)5, the notice of which location is of London.— D ispatches from Hull say "G old Hill News" a new spaoer printed th a t 14 survivors of the crew of the record a t page 286 in Vol. 8, m ining and and published in said County. Sw edish steam er H anna landed th ere, water right record of Jackson County, —F. L. Tou V e i . i . x , the H anna having been torpedoed by O regon; also Ju d g e of raid Court. a subm arine off Scarborough. A pass T h at certain p l a c e r m ining claim Dated Feb. 23. 1915. known as " T h e Mocking B ird " cover ing steam er had picked them up, Hix ing every p a rt of th e W est )y¡ o, South of the crew w ere killed. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION west 1-4 of N orthw est 1-4 of Section 30, D epartment n r the I nterior Township 37, South, of Range 4, West, Demand on Z apata R epeated to Villa. as located by J . 3. Davidson, N ovember W ashington.—D em ands by th e U nit 27th., 1895, th e notice of which location ed S tates governm ent upon O eneral 0.501(1 is of record a t page 423 in Vol. 8, of U. 8. Lund Office at Roseburg, Oregon, S alazar, the Z apata com m ander In Mining and w ater rig h t records of Jack- March 15, 1915. Mexico City, for the punishm ent of son C ounty, Oregon. N otice i a hereby given th at Alfred soldiers who m urdered John B. Mc Any and all persons claim ing ad v er Boggis, of Gold Hill, Oregon, why, on Manus, an A m erican citizen, and the sely the m ining ground, or piemises or M ay 24, 1909, made Homestead Entry paym ent of adequate com pensation to any portion thereof so described and Serial, No. 05001, for the N | of NW)< of M cM anus' fam ily w ere repeated to applied for, a r e hereby notified th at Section 34, Township 30 8, Range 3W, G eneral Villa. unless th e ir adverse claim s are duty d i W illamette Meridian, has filed notice of ed according to law and th e regulations intention to maka Final Five-year Proof, Mexican P riests Held for Ransom. thereunder, w ithin th e tim e prescribed to establish claim to the land alxive des W ashington.—All the native Roman by law, w ith the reg ister of th e U nited cribed, before W. H. Cannon, U. 8. Catholic clergy In Mexico City a re be states Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, Commissioner, at Ids office at Medford, ing held for a half million pesos' ra n they will be barred by th e provision of Oregon, on the 27th day of April 1915. som, official advices from d ip lo m atists the law in such cases m ade and pro in the Mexican capital received h ere C laim ant names as witnesses : vided. say. Fxlward Klioten, ol Gold Hill, Oregon. Notice posted on the ground Jan u ary George Marden, ” ” W est V irginia to Vote on Suffrage 15, 1915. Ray Eaton, ’’ ” W heeling. W. V a .- T he W est Vir 2 18 J . M. U pto n , Edward Hwinders, ’’ ” ginia legislature has subm itted to the Register. —J . M. U pton , 3-20-15 Register. voters of the s ta te an am endm ent to th e constitution giving women the 04491 rig h t to vote, and It will come up a t N OTICE FO R PU BLICATION NOTICE FOR PU BLIC A TIO N the reg u lar election in 1916. D epartment of th e I nterior D epartm ent o r th e I n terior U. 8. Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, 09892 G reat Russian Statesm an Dead. F ebruary 11, 1915, U. 8. Land Office a t R oseburg, O regon. London. — C ount S ergius Julovlch N otice is hereby given th a t George March 17, 1915 F. Fry, of T rail, Oregon, who, on April N otice I s hereby given th a t Ray R . W itte, form er prim e m in ister of R us 20, 1908, made A dditional H om estead Eaton, of Gold H ill, O regon, who, on sia and by m any regarded as h er lead E n try , Serial No. 04491, for the 81-2 of Jan u ary 0, 1911, m ade Homestead E n t ing statesm an , died from pneum onia NW1-4 and NE1-4 of NW1-4 of Section ry, S erial, No. 06892, for the 8 W '^ of in P etrograd. He was 65 yearn old. L egal Notices