Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19??, March 20, 1915, Image 1

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Gold Hill
G r a a t a .t N a tu r a l R . t a u r t . r
o i S a u tb a rn O r ig o n u On
b a a u tifu l H o g u i K iva t
£Jji S jd W S ill
Jackson Co.
O n . C o m m u n ity a f O r n a r .
ta n ity -R o g a a R iv a t V aU ay,
u th a r. th a ap p ia g a in td fa m a
VOI* 17
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Photograph eourtMy San Francisco Examiner.
San Francisco. — The spectacular
career of Lincoln Beachiy. one of the
most daring of American aviators,
was ended Sunday when lie fall to hla
death at the Panama Pacific Exposi­
tion In plain sight of thousands of
The accident was attributed to the
fact that Boachey entrusted bis life
for the first time to a new monoplane.
The machine was at an altitude of
about 3000 feet when Benchey shut off
his power. For several hundred feet
the machine dropped head on for the
earth and when the aviator grasped
his coutrol levers to adjust the pianrs
for the graceful descent which charac­
terised bis previous flights the wings
crumpled like a collapsed umbrella
and the aeroplane, turning over and
over in Its fall, plunged into Ban Fran­
cisco bay.
Divers from the Oregon, searching
the shallow Inshore waters of the bay,
found the crushed form of the airman
entangled In the twisted rods and torn
canvas of tin* machine.
Germany to Deny
Sanction of De?d
Southern Oregon’s Shortstories
N ew s Brevities of the W eek From R ogue River V a lle/ Cities
Wardens have lils-raled several dozen
Boh White quail In the vicinity of Med­
Direct phone service to Crater latke
will Is- possible this season by tlie pro­
posed extension <4 the national park line
to Prospect.
Returned early-hirds, who visited the
Panama-Pacific, say Die .Jackson county
exhibit as showu at present is little less
than a prououueed frost.
Tt e Medford pullet I hat laid 20 eggs
in less than 30 days, each egg averaging
eight inches by six and one-half, will
doubtless do better as she grows older.
To shale tho “ nerve” of wasteful anil
selfish water patrons, the Central Point
city council is considering the installation
of meters Is-fnre the irrigating season.
It is charged that Medford brewery
wsrehonaes an- selling lss-r in quantities
less than one barrel—and against the or­
dinance made and provided. Saloon men
of (hat city raised tile woeful wail and an
investigation is on.
Stream s of Oregon A ttra c tiv e to Capi­
talists S in ce. Removal of T ax.
Salem.—Announcement wan made
by S tate Engineer Lewis th a t three
foreign capitalists engaged In water
power development will visit the state
during the summer to make an exam­
ination of the water power possibili­
ties offered by Oregon stream s, and
he and hie corps of assistants are
rushing work on survoye and maps of
a number of projects In order th at he
may be able to present full data to
the visitors. He has already assem ­
bled considerable data as to a number
of feasible power projects on the Co­
lumbia. Rogue and Snake rivers, and
he is urging the federal geological
survey to complete Its survey of the
latter stream. S tate Engineer Lewis
desires to have it completed to Lewis­
ton, and he believes It will disclose
projects sufficiently tempting to bring
capital into the state to develop them.
Mr. Lewis said:
“The repeal by the recent legislature
of a law providing th a t a tax of from
25 cents to $2 should be paid on each
horsepower of waterpower developed
removed a great barrier to waterpow­
er development In the state and I am
confident th at the next few years will
see much progress In waterpower de­
Be in May.
ltoBcburg -Roseburg will hold Us an­
Washington. — Germany probably
nual straw berry carnival sometime In
will repudiate the pctlou of ill. «.«,■
May. according to a decision reached
Lain of the Prlnx Eltel Friedrich In
by the Straw berry Festival manage­
linking the American ship William I’.
ment here. The committee plans to
Frye, loaded with wheat consigned
hold the best carnival In the history
rrom Seattle to Queenstown, ftnd make
of this city. Present Indications are
reparation for the loss of the vessel
that Douglas county will have plenty Dollarhide T o ll Road Is Purchased.
and cargo, In the opinion of German
Medford.—The county court has
of straw berries by May 10, which Is
ufficlals here.
about two weeks earlier than the pros purchased the Dollarhide toll road
Captain Thlcrlchcrr* of the Prlnz
over the Slsklyous for $1000. For the
pectlvo dates for the festival.
Eltol, stated that his only guide while
first time In half a century road trav­
at sea and for months out of communi­
elers between California and Oregon
cation with his government was the
will not be compelled to pay toll of 91,
declaration of London. This would
to pass over the crest of the moun­
permit the destruction of a neutral
tains. The road was built in 1852 by
prize If carrying a cargo more than
the Dollarhide family and held as a
half of which could be proved to be
territorial grant for many years.
contraband, provided It was Imposai i-1
The new Pacific highway over the
ble to take the vessel to a homo port
Slsklyous with a 6 instead of a 30 per
without endangering the captor war-
cent' grade takes the place of the toll
road and will be open for travel in a
Since the outbreak of tho war the
few weeks.
German government has defined Its
views on shipments of conditional con­
G overnor Asks For Battleship Oregon
traband and has argued that food­
Salem.—Governor Withyconibe lias
stuffs must be prrfved without any
made official application to the navy
doubt to be bound actually to a bel
departm ent to have tho old battleship
ligerent force of nn enemy before they
- -e»
Oregon replace the cruiser Boston In
can be seized.
Portland harbor as a training ship for
tho Oregon militia. In his letter to
Thaw la Acquitted.
the navy departm ent. Governor Withy-
New York.—Harry Kendall Thaw
combe pointed out thnt the assign­
ns acquitted of the charge of con- I
ment of the Oregon would aid m ateri­
piracy to escape from Matteawan asy-
ally iu Increasing the scope and effi­
im for the insane, but that did not
ciency of the naval militia and would
lean freedom. As soon as the verdict
have a great deal to do in populariz­
as announced Thaw was given Into
ing and perpetuating the organization.
ho custody of Sheriff Grlfenhagen, of
The fitness of the assignment, from a
lew York county.
sentim ental standpoint was also urged.
Roseburg Festival to
ood R iver Board Votes to Secede.
Hood River, Or.—The board of til-
Dr. W a lte r F. R ittm an, tho young
>i tors yf the Hood River Apple Grow­
's’ association recommended that the govern rrrrP expert w h o discovered a
w ay to in rrv.rc- production of geso
j j I River association withdraw from
N /-Hi Eaolflc-ExuiLDlsU’itutorB.
Proceeding» o f G old H ill
City Council fo r Regular
Seeeion H e ld M arch le t
March 1, 1915.
Council met in regular session, Mayor
Morclock presiding. Present: Adams,
Cameron. Keil, Patrick, Redfield and
Mrs. Truax.
Tlai minutes ol tlie previous meetings
were read and approved. Rills were ap­
prove, 1 and ordered paid as follows:
11. O. Harding, Recorder’s salary .919.00
W. P. Chisholm, Health officer . . . .64.10
J . J. Ritter, Wood .......................... 0.00
A. Walker, Marshal’s salary and
extra work , . , ............... .. ...0 6 .9 6
R. C. Kelsey, Rent............................. 10.00
B. H. Lampman, Printing notice
for b ids......................................... 12.76
’Lunct A Co., Groceries, e tc ........... 4.00
M . D. Rowers, Disinteetants, etc. .19.66
David C. Avery, Care of Bigelow . 3.60
11. H. Iatmpruan, Printing council
proceedings ........... .................8.25
A letter from the Home Tel. <fc Tel.
company was read which refused to in­
stall a free telephone in tlie resilience of
llie C tty Marslial as provided for i n their
franchise. Adams was appointed a com­
mittee of one to take up the matter with
llu- company and get the phone installed
if possible. The residence of the Marshal
was by motion declared to be his office.
Letters fr >m tlie Greatertiold Hill club
were read requesting that the ilag pole
and tlie hitching racks an tlie main street
be removed to more suitable locations.
The Improvement committee was instruc­
ted to take up tlie matter and given power
to act thereon.
The Recorder was instructed to issue
llu- cull for tlie Annual City Election, to
be held at tlie City Hall on Monday, Ap­
ril -5th and t o properly'-advertise tlie
same in accordance witli tlie City Char­
ter. H. D. Reed was appointed judge
and C H. Price and J. H. Beeman were
upisjiutud clerks <4 said election.
Tlie subject o( assistance to tlie Gold
Hill band was introduced by Councilman
Adams. A motion made by Patrick se­
conded by Adams carried which provided
tliat tlie recorder be instructed to draw a
city warrant in favor of the Band for 960
in payment of their weekly concerts for
live months at $10 per month.
Tlie bids of the R. R. P. 8. corporation
and California-Oregon Power company
installation and maintenance of an elec­
tric street lighting and electric pumping
systems were opened and read. A motion
was made by Patrick, seconded by Cam­
eron that tlie bid <4 the California-Oreg-
ou company for the street lighting system
lie accepted. City Attorney Neff then
advised that the bids be rejected as the
s|a-citications named in th e published
notice for bids as on file at the recorder’s
ofiice were not accepted by tlie Council or
filial with the recorder until after the date
of publication and as the R. R. 1*. S.
corporation bad submitted no bid a ques­
tion in law might arise us to tlie qceep-
taucc of tlie bid.
The motion made by Patrick, with the
cons, nt o f Cameron wan withdrawn.
Motion was then made by Patrick, sec­
onded by Cameron that all bids be rejec­
ted and th at tlie certified checks of the
California-Oregon company Is- returned.
Carried. Motion was made by Patrick
that the recorder be instructed to publish
notice for bids for lighting and pumping
of »«1er in the form then presented by
Attorney Nell', said bids to be opemsi
April 7, 1916. Motion seconded by Cam-
iron was carried by the following vole:
Aye: Adams, Cameron, Kell, Patrick,
Redfield. No: Mrs. Truax.
Motion carried to adjourn.
B. G. Harding,
City Recorder.
Rogue River A pples Make
Decided Hit at Exposition
San Francisco, March 1-5.—Rogue river
apples arc Is-ing served at tlie tabic of
several exposition officials by courtesy of
the fruit exhibitors in the Oregon build­
Since uutomobiles are not allowed on
the fairgrounds, signal lavnors were given
the Rogue river apple, when a special
permit allowed the Oregon product to en­
ter the --'rounds in an auto, with Claude
McGee of the Howard Auto company, ns
pilot. George M . Dylan i. managing se­
cretary of tlie Oregon commission, ami J.
A. Frohliach, of southern Oregon, donat­
ed the fruit.
Almost every one acquainted with the
commission was remembered.*
British Gain ‘Said to bs Four Miles.
Faris.—The advance of the British
Mrs. M. C. Ilnnter visited with her
troops in the vicinity of Neuve Cha- daughter, Mrs. Dave Noe, for tlie pi. t
pelle Is estimated at about four miles, fortnight, returning to her Ashland bon e
in a dispatch reaching here.
Thursday morning.
Nf . 40
Horse Founts to be Installed of
Concrete; Club Becks Clean-
Up Day With C: plains
Hitching r a c k s , en n rn 'r
founts, dentistry, waste
road crossing», together ••fi'S
day and a raft of ofh r £»,.liter-. Acre le­
gislated for at tlie Tuesday evwpirtg cUR-
veution of tlie Greater Gold FIMI c'ulj
Tlie scalps of various civic achievemnifd
were tacked to the minutes by Secretary
Ihslge, and Uve feeling that tic club bad
struck its stride and would continue to
accomplish things was very manliest.
Dr. R. C. Kelsey, chairman of the com­
mittee on a battling pool, reported ilist a
location h a d been decided upon, and
plans for concrete improvement, at a
minimum cost, devised by tisi committee.
The doctor dwelt upon the manifold ad­
vantages of making Gold Hill a modestly
celebrated Rogue River watering place.
Tlie committee was continued for further
investigation and report.
Relative to the removal of Front street
hitching racks, President Burt A. Adams
Mra. John D. R a s k tfa lla r, w ife of stau-d that the city council now bad the
the Standard Oil magnate, who died matter under advisement, a n d would
shortly take such action as will be satis­
suddenly last week.
factory to all concerned. The laying-out
ami seeding of a sma'l park just east of
the depot waits upon the settlement of the
hitching rack problem. H. D. Reed, of
the civic improvement committee, stated
that work upon tlie park would com­
mence as soon as the removal of tlie
BOWLBY WRECKED HIGHWAY racks had been accomplished.
In charge of the correspondence to se­
cure a resident dentist, B. G. Harding
Jackson County O fficals Present reported that his efforts had teen need­
Case to State Commission, Al­ less, a» a very competent practitioner had
already decided t o locate in Gold Hill.
leging Gross Incompetence
Dr. R. E. Howard, of Merlin, who was
present, arose to remark that he would
Salem, Or., March 17.—An attack on open a local office within tlie next fort­
the road work done under supervision of night, and to pledge his future allegiance
State Highway Engineer Bowlby in Ja c k -1 to the club and the development of Gold
son county was made today when W. C. ! Hill.
Leever and Frank Madden, commission­
Plans and specifications of the concrete
ers for that county, appeared before th e ; drinking tounts for horses were presented
state highway commission. Incidentally j by F. W. Dodge, and adopted by the
it developed that ex-Govemor West, who i club, which voted to at once construct
as a member of the commission selected ! and install tw o such fountain^ The
Bowlby, is now representing thp contrac­ fountains will be plain, though liandtome
tor who performed the work in Jackson . in design, and will be supplied from the
county, and is demanding of the county , overflow of the present street tlrinkiag
conn that it allow his claims for extras, i fount. Mr. Tucker, Mr. Dodge, Silas
According to the two commissioners, ! Fleming, Harry Porter,'for the Big Pines
the county voted 9300,000 for road work, i company, and 8. T. Hodge-1, voluntarily
and with all of it expended save about j contributed cement and gravel for con­
$-32,000, it has 14 miles of paved road struction purposes. The forms used iu
and about 14 miles of grading. The com­ pouring the concrete will be loaned, upon
missioners declared that when the money application, to ranchers and stockmen
was voted that it bad been expected that, of tliis locality.
with $200,000 from the state, a road -52 The waste paper nuisance was scored,
miles i n length a n d extending clear and a motion passed by the club author­
t hr. sigh the county could be built. The izing the placing of ornamental sheet-iron
commissioners said that Bowlby’s esti­ baskets a t proper intervals o n Front
mate for the Siskiyou division was $136, street; with club members backing an
000, and that the extras already allowed educational campaign against tlie promis-
had brought the cost up to $195,000. ' cuons scattering of paper and other waste.
Today is Clean-Up and Good Roads
In appearing before the county court for
the contractor r e c e n t l y , ex-GovernOr day, and for the facilitating of the volun­
West demanded that a turther claim of teer corps, President Adams appoinusi
$35,000 be allowed, they declared, and captains for tlie various districts as fol­
had offered to settle, without a suit, for lows: Harry Porter, fith avenue; Roy
Tucker, 5th avenue; H. D. Reed, 4th
910,000 less.
“ I think before Bowlby made these al­ avenue; J. H. Beeman, all city territory
lowances for extras that he should have south of the tracks.
The n e a r approach of city election
consulted with the county court,” said
' brought forth a warning against organiz­
the Governor? "
“ That is the way we felt about it,” ed participation of the club in politics,
voiced by George Iverson, and his re­
replied Madden.
marks were generally concurred in. The
necessity of a public^caucus for the nom­
Final Obstacle to Coos Road Removed ination of candidates, however, elicited a
motion front If. D. Reed that such cau­
Eugene.—All obstacles in the way cus be held next Monday evening at the
of completing the Willamette-Pacific Wego, which was ratified by a uiiaiii-
railway to Coos Bay were removed mons vote.
when the last stretch of right-of-way
Following th e business session th e
along the entire line was obtained this members enjoyed the very attractive lun­
week. Announcement has been made cheon provided b y Mr.» Iverson. As
by the engineers in charge of con­ chairman and chef of the next fortnightly
struction that successful negotiations feed, th e president, appointed W. If.
between the railway oompauy and the Miller.
owners of the Johnson-Anderson rock
quarry had been completed, whereby
the railway company acquires the land Stockbuyer Ships Carload of
through this property for the road.
Fine H ogs from Gold Hill Yard
Failure to obtain this piece of right-
Freil Knox, a live-stock buyer, of thb
of-way has delayed the beginning of Applegate, shipped a carload of prime
work on the big bridge below Maple­ porkers from the local yards to the Port­
ton for the reason that it was impos­ land market Wednesday. Most of tilts
sible to get the steel for the structures hogs were purchased in the Sams Valley
to their respective sites, because they district, where the udvantaire of selling a
are in the Eugene yards at this end of “ crop on tlie hoof” is undcrsliMid and
the line, and the quarry is between growing in favor. During the past few
this city and the first of tlie big mouths Mr. Knox shipped three other
carloads of stock from Gold Hill, and a
similar nnuibei from Grants Paas.
Fast and Free Was
Rule With Monies