For that classy Hair Cut CARRANZA GETS OREGON NEWS NOTES RUSSIAN ARMIES EMPHATIC NOTE | OF GENERAL INTEREST RESUME OFFENSIVE United States Insists on E tri» TRY DICK The b e st and la test "kilts” Baths in Connection Change to Improved Con« ditions in Mexico. W ashington.—G eneral C a rra n ta baa been Inform ed In a note from th e U nit ed S tates governm ent th a t unless th ere Is an Im provem ent la condition« w ith resp ect to fo reigners and th eir i n t e r e s t s 'l a M exican "territo ry u n d er his control such step s as may be neoes- sary will bo taken by the A m erican g overnm ent to o btain the dealred pro- Chinese Accused of Homestead Fraud. L a G rande.—Toy Young, probably th e beat know n C hinese la eastern Oregon, w as a rre ste d by a deputy U nited S ta te s m arsh al on a charge of m aking a false affid av it la connection wUh aB *PPU®»tf®n he recently m ade for • h om estead n ear N orth Pow der 'n ,e WM “ ade , l ,s> 4 0 ,n c * In th is etty. In m aking It, he sw ore he did not have m ore th a n 1(0 sores o f land In hla own possession a t the tim e. It Is av erred th a t he had a larg e tra c t of land n ear T elocaset. I w hich would cancel his rig h t to the ' claim . REPAIRING CHARLES KELL Professional Cards W. P. CHISHOLM , M. D. general ’ practitioner G old H ill , O regon . DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE S tan fo rd W hite, H arry K endall Thaw Want Produce Sold at Cost. w ent on tria l for conspiring to escape E ugene.—T h e so cialists of Eugene from the s ta te hospital for th e crim in have asked th e city council to subm it al in san e a t M atteaw an. to th e v oters a t th e A pril election a c h a rte r am en d m en t em pow ering the WETS MAKE LAST STAND city council to levy a sm all tax for the New Bill Introduced at Olympia Would erectio n of a building for a public m ark et and "w elfare c e n te r.” At the Save Breweries. Olympia, W ash.— Before packed gal m ark et foodstuffs will be sold a t coet leries and w ith in te re st keyed up to by th e city plus th e expense of con such a p itch th a t G overnor L iste r w as d u ctin g the m a r k e t Provision Is to draw n from th e executive m ansion to be m ade for a free m edical and dental the house cham ber, w et forces, a fte r clinic for th e poor of th e city with a vote of 43 to 43 on a question of pro offices in th e m ark et building. London.— E xcept In th e cen tral Be«- kid pass of the C arpathians, w here the H erce A ustrian a tta c k s have m oder ated som ew hat, th e R ussians a re uow on the offensive along the whole 1 sn a th of th e ir extrem ely long lino from the B altic sea to the R um anian boarder. A pparently they have defln ‘»•»X of th e O erm au and Aus- tr ta a a tte m p ts to outflank th alr two ex trem e w ings, and having turned, a re m aking slow but steady progress w estw ard. In the B stkld, T ukholka and U isok passes the A ustro-O erm ans a re in pos session of stro n g positions, w hence they a re continually a ttack in g the R usslaus, w hile In th e w estern passes, ' especially th e Dukla, the R ussians are on the H ungarian slopes, w here the fighting has degenerated Into trench w arfare. In n o rth ern Poland th e R ussians a re advancing slow ly w estw ard from the N iem en riv er and th e G erm ans a re j fighting a re a r guard action. Only at ; one point Is the G erm an a tta c k belug seriously p ressed —ag ain st the fo rtress of Oasowe^s. To th e south, according to a B erlin dispatch, th e G erm ans have evacuated j Myxsymec, which Is rig h t on the e a st P ru ssia n border, n o rth w est of Lomza, Germany Atka United States Guard Interests in Turkey. to 3 MORE FORTSARE SILENCED IN STRAITS SM O K E SHIP THREATENED BY FIRE ARRIVES SAFELY Reduced fare round trip tickets, permitting stop overs at all points in either direction, to the Pan ama Pacific International Exposition, San Fran cisco, and to the Panama California Exposition, San Diego, on sale every duy to November 80 Via the Scenic Shasta Route Three Fine Trains Daily Shasta Limited San Francisco Express California Express Stop-overs on One Way Tickets Ten days’ stop-over will I» allowed at San Fran cisco and Los Angeles on one way tickets sold to Eastern Cities when routed via the Southern Pac ific. “CALIFORN'A AND ITS TWO WORLD EXPOSITIONS” A new Ixuikl.'t ih w rlh in g the trip (min I*.>rtl«i»<I to San Diego Including the two Expositions, the Ni-enic beeutiee of Oregon, the Siskiyou» and Sheet« Mountain», San Francisco, the beach and outing renorte oí California, the San Joaquin Valley and Yusendio National Park. Free on application to nearest Agent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon EMBASSY READY TO MOVE W ashington.—G erm any has asked the U nited S ta te s tp c a re for ita diplo DENTIST m atic in tern ets in C onstantinople should the allied forces occupy the GAS AÜMIXI8TXIÍKD cap ital of T urkey. A m bassador Mor- RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD g eu th au has been Instructed to assum e th a t d u ty w hen the G erm an m in ister to T urkey leaves w ith the O ttom au Sugar Pine Camp No. 10073 governm ent for E sklchehlr, the newly- M W A selected tem porary capital for the Gold H ill..................................... Oregon cedure. d eserted the pending liquor BEGUN j porte. T he m in ister Is arran g in g to m easure and offered a new bill in the INTERSTATE BRIDGE Meets first Friday of each month place the G erm an legation in charge last effo rt to save th e b rew eries of the Jay E. Davidson—Ooansnl Occasion is C slsb rated W ith S pssches of the A m erican am bassador, state. Alvah E. Kellogg—Clerk by R ep resen tativ e Men of 2 S tates. T here is every indication from th e E leven m em bers of th e house w ere P o rtlan d .— W ith hu n d red s of P o rt ’ official d ispatches received h ere both ab sen t w hen the te s t cam e th a t in A. E. KELLOGG land and V ancouver citizens m assed a t the T urkish em bassy and the \\ ash- spired th e w ets to change front. GOLD HILL. OREGON T he new w et bill would b ar all sale around a roped off sq u are m arking ington governm ent th a t th e O ttom an Embalmer and Funeral of in to x icatin g liquors in th e state, th e site of th e first co ncrete p ier of forces have m ade extensive prepara- bu t would allow brew eries to continue th e in te rsta te bridge, w ith an ex tlons to defend all approaches to Con Director o peration for export trad e. C hairm an change of speeches of felicitatioa and stantinople. Com plete line o( bu rial robes, M anogue. of th e public m orals com prophecies of th e fu tu re g reatn ess of caskets, etc. m ittee, said, proposing subm ission of th e “tw in c itie s,” actu a l w ork ou the FUNERAL CAR Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence th is q uestion a t a special election be colossal viad u ct th a t is to unite two fore th e prohibition law becom es o p er s ta te s was begun a t 3 o’clock S aturday Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 46-Main ative. afternoon. T he cerem ony of celeb ration was Wilson A bandons San F rancisco Trip. held on th e sandy beach of H ayden London.—T h ree m ore stro n g forts W ashington.—P resid en t W ilson def Island, n e a r th e O regon landing of the Wood of every description at initely In th e in n er s tra its of th e D ardanelles abandoned his proposed trip to V ancouver ferry. lowest prices. Wood saw for San F ran cisco th is m onth to a tten d B rief ta lk s w ere m ade by m em bers have been silenced by the Anglo- th e Panam a-P acific In tern atio n al ex of th e com m ercial clubs of P ortland F rench fleet a fte r te rrific bom bard custom work Y ards Itiveside Ave. 1 Y> i t t n e i position. T he grave in tern atio n al sit and V ancouver, who carried on the m ent, according to an official com Phone 3F21 J . I \ . l t i e r u ation and th e M exican developm ents cam paign th a t resu lted In th e issu m unication given out by the B ritish w ere given o u t as th e reaso n for this ance of bonds for th e bridge, 51,250,000 A dm iralty. w orth by M ultnom ah county and 5500,- It is ad m itted in th e official rep o rt action. P a tr o n iz e H o m e 000 w orth by C lark e county. W ash th a t a m ajority of th e w ar vessels In d u stry Bryan T ak es New P riv ate S ecretary. ington. M ayor M ilton E vans, of Van engaging the fo rts by en terin g th e W ashington.—H arvey B. F erguson co u v er; C om m issioner W. L. B rew ster, s tra its have been hit, som e of them of A lbuquerque, N. M., w ho re tire d as rep resen tin g th e city of P o rtlan d ; num erous t litres. Serious dam age is a m em ber of th e house, becam e p ri P resid en t W. P. C onnaw ay of the Van denied. M T . P I T T (SL G O V . v ate se c re ta ry to S ecretary B ryan S at couver C om m ercial club; C om m ission • T he T urkish official rep o rt d eclares ers Rufus C. H olm an, W. L. L ightner th a t one B ritish battlesh ip has been J O H N S O N C I G A R S urday. and Philo H olbrook, of M ultnom ah badly dam aged and th a t a F rench a r I county, and Jo h n Lyle H arrington, en m ored c ru ise r has been p u t out of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION j g lneer in ch arg e of th e bridge, also action. None of the b a tteries h as been D e p a k t m v . t or t h e I rteriob w ere am ong th e speakers. dam aged, says th is report. A rran g em en ts for th e celebration Damage by the fo rts wtilch have 04441 i w ere m ade by a co m m ittee of the been replying vigorously to the a s U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, V ancouver C om m ercial club com posed sa u lts of th e fleet h as not been con Jan u ary 29, 11)1-5. I of E. E. B eard, ch airm an ; W. C. Bates, fined to th e vessffis, as several sea N otice is hereby given th at Ulsris G. P aris.— F ire which th reaten ed Welch, o f Asbestos, Oregon, who, on F rench steam sh ip L a T ouraine w as e i J. P. S tap leto n , A. J. Dorland and P. J. planes, acting as scouts for the Anglo- F rench fleet, have been brought down. March 2. 100«, mode Homestead Entry b rought u n d er control and all h e r p as Flynn T he ad m iralty describes the dam age No. 14795, Serial N o. 04441, for the N i sengers a re safe. T he ship proceeded o f SW ’4 , NW}< of SK«< and SEttf of under h e r own steam to H avre, h er W ant F ortificatio n of C oast H arbors. to th is arm of the serv ice in detail, Salem .—T he need of fortifying saying one a v iato r was hit *28 tim es SW54 o f Section 10, Township 34 8, d estination. Only th e R o tterd am , of Range 2W, W illamette Meridian, h a s the fleet w hich responded to C aptain G rays and W illapa h arb o rs against by sh o ts from th e forts. No death has filed notice of intention to make Final C aussin’s w ireless call for aid, stood foreign Invasion is em phasized hi a resu lted in the aerial squadron, how Five-year Proof, to establishjdaim to the by as a m easu re of p recaution to give m em orial adopted by th e W ashington ever, "according to the report. T he w arships a re now engaged In sta te leg islatu re, a copy of w hich was land above described, before G. A. G ard assistan ce should any be required. reducing the fo rts in the N arrow s, ner, County Clerk of Jackson County, Com m ander» of o th e r v essels which received by th e se c retary of s ta te here, Oregon, at his office at Jacksonville, Or speeded to th e rescue w ere inform ed th e m a tte r to he sub m itted to the next which is considered the m ost difficult section of the D ardanelles, from the egon, on the 8th day of March, 1915. ( th a t th e ir serv ices would n o t be re session of th e O regon legislature. The Claimant names as witnesses: m em orial ra ils upon congress to tak e point of view of an a ttack in g force. quired. J. B. Welch, ol A d s-to s, Oregon. G rave fears for th e safety of La action to p ro tect th ese h arb ors, which Galloway R eappointed Com m lsaioner. Jack W alker, ol ” T ouraine w ere felt In this city until It s ta te s are wholly w ithout m eans of Ed Peile. of T rail, ’ ” Salem , Or.—T he governor, secr< ta repelling an attack . the positive announcem ent w as m ade Joe Mayfield, of Beagle, ” ry of s ta te and s ta te tre a su re r u nani th a t sh e w as in no danger. —J . M. U iton , On board La T ouraine w ere 4594 Mt. Angel C eleb rates Road Completion m ously reappointed C harles V. G allo 1-30-15 Register. cases of cartrid g es Intended for use M ount Ail^el.— F ifteen h undred peo way s ta te tax com m issioner. Mr. Gal in th e E u ro p ean w ar. T h ere w ere 84 ple helped to d riv e th e golden spike loway is a d em ocrat and has held the FOR SALE— Eighty acre improved p assen g ers on board, of whom 38 w ere : a t com pletion of th e W illam ette office since Its creatio n In 1909, the farm w ithin two miles of Gold Hill, i.ll in th e firs t cabin. H er crew number- V alley S outhern railroad electric at law providing th a t the two appointive M ount Angel Saturday. Rev. Abbot com m issioners sh all be of d ifferen t good land, along the Pacific Highway, ed ab o u t 200. P lacidns, p resid en t of M ount Angel political affiliation. house and barn and some fruit. $100 per acre. Terms 4 cash, very easy terms K lam ath Falls.— A s e c o n d i n v a s .j .i college, a fte r driv in g th e golden spike, P ortland. and long time for the balance at 0 percent, of K lam ath county Yo procure h o rses w as p resen ted w ith a six-foot golden W h eat—Club, 51.29; bluestem 51.30; spike by th e M ount Angel Com m ercial consider this choice. for light a rtille ry w as m ade th is week red R ussian, 51.21; forty-fold, 51.30; —C .fi. Redfield, by rep resen tativ es of th e F rench gov club. red fife, 51.24. Gold Hill, Oregon, ernm ent. H orses w eighing in th e H ay— E astern O regon tim othy, 516; neighborhood of 1300 pounds a re de T h e allied F rench and E nglish fleets grain hay, $12; alfalfa, $13; valley tim sired. and th e average price paid Is a re m aking progress In th e ir attack 20 hard-w orking men desire positions othy, 512.50. in the country a t reasonable wages. Ad 5100 a head The la st p urchase made on th e fo rts of th e D ardanelles, ac B u tter—C ream ery, 35c. here for F ran ce netted th e local h o rse cording to the B ritish ad m iralty and dress Portland Commons, 195 Burnside E ggs—Candled, 20c; ranch, 19c. men 530,001. , | unofficial reports. S t., P ortland, Oregon. Fire! Fire!! Open Occ“rrin’ Throujhout From B, H,C Bor- the State During the Past der Forces Begin Forward Week. Movement. tectlon. T he n o te la th e stro n g est an d m ost R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n em p h atic docum ent th a t h as been se n t by th e W ashington g o vernm ent to •‘T h e C i t y S h o p ” I Mexico since the correspondence w ith I -■* H u erta a y ear ago. C arrsn x a Is w arn- i ed th a t th e U nited S tates has viewed ; w ith deep concern th e grow ing com- ; C. A. Sm ith T im ber Ssld. — — a C P M f ' I W r P o in ts by fo reigners g en erally a g ain st ' Albany.—T hrough a deed filed in t XJ. U z l x V m I I ’ 1 -* his ad m in istratio n of a ffa irs and now, | th e county reco rd er's office h ere the In effect, dem ands an early change. In th e m ean tim e som e m ovem ents ; C. A. Sm ith T im b er com pany, of Min of A m erican w arships have been or neapolts. sold Its en tire holdings In A Specialist in this work, dered. the effect of w hich will he a Linn county, em bracing 45.405 acres, as well as any detail of naval d em o n stratio n such as. It Is to th e C on tin en tal T im ber Land com hoped by som e officials, will convince pany. a D elaw are corporation. General Blacksmithing, etc. T h is Is all tim b er land, and Includes G eneral C ararn za of th e d eterm in atio n of th e A m erican g overnm ent to o btain one of th e fin est bodies of tim b er In a change in conditions in Mexico City. th e state. T he co n sid eration la given In th e deed as 51, but th e in stru m en t B la c k s m ith bore 5147.50 w orth or revenue stam ps, Thaw Trial Beglns- New Y ork.—In th e room w here he w hich Indicates a p u rchase price of , tw ice faced a ju ry for th e m u rd er of 5147.5M. AUTOMOBILE Tw o W orld Expositions. Now G o ld H ill A u t o L iv e r y F a s t D r iv in g T e a m s Feed in C o n n e c t i o n S ta b le s E HAVE added to our general livery business W two completely equipped 5-passenger touring cars —to meet increased demand for service. Com mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists bound for marvelous Crater Lake—will find that wo know the roads, the country, and how to please. 2 3 T h e S h o rtest W ay T h e L ea st C o st T h e B est G u id e s One trial a n d our Livery Service makesjfriends—lry it! D a r lin g H odges G O L D H IL L . O R E G O N TAM ALE and CHILI Season Is now on. Hot Coffee always on tap. . . You can get something good to eat at any old time. W o u ld b e p le a s e d to s e ll y o u T o b a c c o a n d C ig a r s your A T T U R N E R ’S Gold Hill ami furnishing electric current to operate »aid pumping system for a per iod of t e n years. Said clectirlc pum ping system to tie installed ami electric current furnished according to plans and specifi cations on tile and of record in the office of llii' Ret order of the City of Gold Hill, which said plans and specificutioaa are subject to inspection by persons contem plating m aking stu b proposal, j Each proposal must lie accompanied by a certified cheek on some State or Na Notice tional Bank of the State of On'gon, pay- ______ ! able to the City of Gold Hill, in die sum „ . . . . . , of Six H undred Dollars ($000.00), saute N o t ic r is hereby given that the City o f ; , , , , ..................... J | to bo forfeited as liquidated damages in Gobi Hill, Oregon, hereby calls for seal case the proposal accom panying It I»' ac- ed proposals for the Installation of a street ' is 'p to il.a n d Ute person or persons making lig lilitig system and furnishing electric j said proposal shall fail Io enter Into c o n - current for a period of ten years. Said I tract nnd o furnish $6000.09 Bond on street lighting system to Is- installed and each eontri :t within ten days after being electric current furnished to be according notified of ta c h acceptance, and to Ito re U> plans ami specifications on file and ol turned in er«e said proposal is rejected. record itithe office of t i c Recorder of the Council reserves the right to reject any City of Gold Hill, which said plans and ' and all proposals. specifications are subject to Inspection by Hllvll protswals will be received by the persons contem plating m aking Hitch pro City Recorder at. any lim e Is fore 7 P. M. on the 7th day of April, 1915. posal. The City Council of the City of Gold Date of first publication, March fith, H ill also calls for sealed proposals for in 1915. stalling electric pumping s y s t e m for B. G. HARDING , pumping water to supply said city of M arshfield.—D eath of llyron Craig, aged 12, one of the Injured, and the discovery th a t Joseph B rooker, a lodg er, had been m issing nnd in all prob ability had lost his life, brought the num ber of d eath s by W ednesday's flro a t the S m ith mill boarding house to eight. Of the o th er Injured, one Is in a critical condition. Seven will re cover. City Recorder.