- - - ---------------------------- = = 7 4u7, liy aaaCHaineut and taxatluu com m ittee- -Providing budget system for all lax levying d istric ts For that classy 468, by com m ittee on assessm en t and taxation To rem it penalties dm* Hair Cut on taxes under the 1913 lax law. 275, by Allen -T o provide orgautin tlon of cred it unions. 294, by Stanfield R egulating sale of Solons of Twenty-Eighth Ses­ foreign m eats and requiring m eat ship Reduced fare round trip tickets, permitting stop­ ped into e la te from foreign countries sion Complete Their Labors House Bill# Signed by the Governor. to he labeled. overs at all points in either direction, to the Pan­ 46, by Jack so n county d elegation—« 226. by Allen—To require dealer In at Salem. To code au th o rity in C rater lake I » im ported eggs to label th eir contain- ama Pacific International Exposition, San Fran­ tlo aal park to U nited S ta te s govern c - cisco, and to the Panama California Exposition, 253. by L ittle f ie ld - T o m ake bulM- Salem .—The I8th biennial seaalon m ent. 32, by D illard—Abolishlug s ta te cen tag and loan association su b ject to of the legislature Is a m a tte r of h is­ San Diego, on sale every day to November 30 aua. corporation act. tory. T he cloalug hours w itnessed the 72. by O lson— Exem pting barnyard 192, by B lanchard —To provide for usual confusion and congestion and fowls, etc., froat execution of attach organisation of co-operative o rg an isa­ Via the In addition th ere wae a deadlooh be- ment. tions. tw een th e house and sé n a ts w hich 120, by Sm ith (M ultnom ah)—To pro­ 14. by K elly—To re sto re tax collect- hib it ad v ertisin g on sta te roads. th reaten ed to become serious. , lag power to county sheriffs 151. by B lanchard—E xem pt civil w ar The conflict arose over th e refu sal 280. by Olson—To prevent m lsrepre. Baths in Connection of the sen ate to recede from its v eteran s from paying gam e license tatlo n of m etallic article offered 162, by judiciary com m ittee— R e­ sen Three fin e Trains Daily for sale. am endm ent to the Schuebel house pealing free textbook law. 18. by Olaon—To enable persons to com pensation bUl. The house refused 123, by H uston—C onferring nge of become candidates for prim ary nom to accept the sen ate am endm ent re ­ m ajority on unm arried m others. Shasta Limited San Francisco Express California Express ducing the m em bership of the Indus­ R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n 1(7. by M lchslbook—To m ake coun fuationa by paying a tee. 471, by com m ittee on assessm ent trial accident com m ission to one m em ­ ty school su p erin ten d en t m em ber of and tax atio n — Fixing April 6 and Oc­ ‘• T h e C i t y S h o p " b er and In retaliatio n declined to pass fair board. 292, by H aro—To give counties a tober 6 aa taxpaying dates. th e sen ate bill co n ferrin g upon th e 187, by Risley— A uthorising and reg­ governor o r appointing board as tb e sh are of money collected in fines from ulating the practice of chiro p ractic in violation of gam e laws. Ten days’ stop-over will be allowed at San Fran­ case may be th e pow er of rem oval of 260. by Davey—To enable d istricts Oregon appointees a t any tim e and tb e bills to vote on question of livestock ru n ­ cisco and Los Angeles on one way tickets sold to 206, by H u sto n —Providing for elec­ consolidating th e Insurance and co r­ ning a t large. tion of dairy and food com m issioner Eastern Cities when routed via the Southern Pac­ p oration d ep artm en ts and th e h ig h ­ 303, by Davey—To enable cities of and prescribing his power and duties. 277, by com m ittee on health and pub- ific, which will enable tourists to visit either or way and s ta te en g in eer-! offices. T he 1000 population to own public utilities. 429. by Jo n es—To co rrect acknow l­ i lie m orals—Requiring rep o rts as to fight w as enlivened by a le tte r from both Expositions. Miss F ern Hobbs offering to resign edgm ents tak en by n o taries a fte r ex­ condition of eyes in Infants to prevent blindness. piratio n of commission. h er place on tbe In d u strial accid en t A Specialist in this work, 413. by W agner—Providing for pub­ 140. by com m ittee on p rinting—Re­ fu ll p artku tan . f a m , literature on the fvpoiltiona, com m ission if th e se n a te would p ass pealing section of 1913 s ta tu te req u ir­ lication of school budgets. as well as any detail of train schedules, etc., from nearest Agent of Ihe th e house bill. An ag reem en t waa fin­ ing d is tric t school clerk to audit 476. by joint com m ittee on a sse ss­ General Blacksmithing, etc. ally reached w hereby each house r e ­ books. m ent and tax atio n —D irecting (ax col­ ceded from its position. 3u6. by L ittlefield—P ro h ibiting ad ­ lector to carry forw ard delinquent tax on roll and note them upon tax re T he ag reem en ts failed in one p a r­ v ertisem en ts soliciting divorcee. 144, by H inkle— Fixing qualification celpts. ticular. The house did not pass th e 453, by A nderson—R egulates prac­ bill consolidating th e offices of co r­ of county school superin ten dents. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon B la c k s m ith .' 128, by F orbes—Em pow ering dis­ tice of osteopathy. p oration and Insurance com m issioner. 270, by Childs— Providing tim e in tric t boundary boards to review school The m erg er of th e highw ay and s ta te d istric t tax levies. which assesso r shall deliver taxroll to en g in eer's offices w as accom plished. 56. by O lson—R equiring both parties treasu rer. 426, by F o rb es—A bolishes reclam e Prohibition Law Most Important. to a su it to deposit jury fees. 97. by D illard— R equiring m ajority tlon fund, tra n sfe rrin g money to irri­ W hat many regard as th e m oat im ­ W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. p o rtan t piece of legislation passed a t vote in m ajority of d istric t to form a gation fund. 437. by B lanchard— Provides th a t all ' th is session w as th e prohibition bill union high school. GENERAL^’RACTITIONER 116. by T hom as—To req u ire cities mill feed shall be sold by w eig h t to m ake effective th e prohibition con­ and tow ns to report to county clerks : 297, by H unt—R egulating sale of G old H ill , O regon . stitu tio n al am en d m en t w hich will be­ and assesso rs any change in bound- milk and cream . 342, by H orne— To compel hospital com e effective Jan u ary 1 1916. T he a ry lines. 200, by S taafield —To lim it liability associations who w ithhold em ployes bill p erm its th e im p o rtatio n from w ith ­ DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE out th e sta te of a sm all q u an tity of of bank for nonpaym ent of check | wages to account for money as collect- I ed to labor com m issioner. liquor, m akes consignees’ receip ts pub­ through erro r. DENTIST F a s t D r i v i n g T e a m s (XL F e e d S t a b l e s 201, by H uston—A uthorizing the ■ 112. by Marion county d e le g a tio n - lic records and prohibits liquor a d v er­ governor to fill vacancies in the office 1 Provides for drainage d istric ts through G A S Á D M tX IS T K B E D tisin g and so licitation of orders. in C o n n e c t i o n co-operation of farm ers. of U nited S tates senator. N ext to the prohibition act. th e m ost 189, by Jo n es—C hanging term of Senate Bills In Hands of Governor but RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD Im p o rtan t piece of legislation passed office of n o taries public from tw o E HAVE added to our general livery business not yet Signed. am ended the w orkm en's com pensation y ears to four years. 149 by com m ittee on roads and high­ two completely equipped 5-passenger touring Sugar Pine Camp No. 10073 act. T he am endm ents provide for sev ­ 168, by e a stern Oregon delegation—■ w ays to give county co u rts pow er to eral classifications of risks, change the To provide for election of one railroad cars —to meet increased demand for service. Com­ re ject co n tra c to r's bids on bridge work M W A ra te s d ifferen t in d u stries shall pay com m issioner from e a ste rn Oregon, perform work under direction of Gold Hill - - - - - ................. Oregon Into th e fund, reduce th e paym ents of one from w estern Oregon and one from and mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists superlntendenL s ta te a t large. em ployes and elim in ate th e section th e 209, Meets first Friday of each month 110, by S enators R agsdale and Stew ­ bound for marvelous Crater Lake—will find that we by Davey—A uthorizing incor­ which gave the injured w orkm en th e porated cities and tow ns to control a r t—To exem pt sta te in stitu tio n s from Jay E. Davidson—Counsul know the roads, the country, and how to please. iTIlS choice of com pensation o r an action cem eteries. eight-hour law. Alvah E. Kellogg—Clerk 184, by S m ith (Jo sep h in e)—To en­ a t law. 334, by Forbes— R atifying lease of able pharm acists registered in other Sum m er and A bert lakes. Tax Measures Passed. sta te s to p ractice in Oregon. A. E. KELLOGG Senate Sills Signed by Governor. Two tax m easures of im portance T b e S h o rtest W ay 212—To rem ove from reg istratio n GOLD H IL L , OREGON 9, by D innck—Abolishing em igra­ lists nam es of unnaturalized persons have been passed. O ne is the B ing­ ham bill w hich places a lim it on th e tion comm ission. to conform w ith con stitu tio n al am end Embalmer and Funeral T b e L ea st C o st 95, by V inton—To perm it appeals m e n t am ount of revenue th a t may be raised from interlocutory decrees of divorce. Director 2o7, by M oser—To declare It unnec­ in any one year. T h e o th e r tax law 115, by L angguth—To repeal laws T b e B est G u id e s Com plete line of burial robes, divides th e tax paym ents into tw o in ­ relatin g to death inasm uch as aboli­ essary for atto rn ey general to give opinions to private individuals. caekets, etc. stallm ents. If th e first half is not paid tion of d eath penalty o bviates neces­ 217, by P erk in s—To require a ssess­ by A pril 5 it draw s in te re s t a t 1 per sity for same. FUNERAL CAR ors and tax collectors to g et tax iufor 23, by L aF o llett—To provide for m ation from tax comm ission. Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence c en t a m onth. A penalty on unpaid One trial and our Livery Service makesjfriends—try it! taxes does not a ttach until N ovem ber jo in t action by counties in c o n stru ct­ 187, by Hollis and V inton—T o speci­ Phone, Home 2—K ; Pacific 46-Main ing bridges betw een counties. 5, w hen 5 p er cen t is added. _ fy m anner in which county courts may 83, by M oser—To provide for use of d istrib u te road d istric t funds. The public accountancy d e p artm en t public schools as civic cen ters. 28. by H ollis—To provide for tra n s has been elim inated. 103, by Dimick—To rep eal law of fer of escheated property to Ihe state Election Laws Amended. 1913 session regarding ad m inistration G O L D H IL L , O R E G O N 198, by Sm ith (Coos and C u rry )—To Wood of every description at The election law s have been am en d ­ of an aesth etics. provide red istrictin g of county roads 78. by M oser—R equiring advance in S eptem ber of each year. lowest prices. Wood saw for ed in im p o rtan t p articu lars. A m eth ­ paym ent of jury trial fees. od for p erm an en t reg istratio n has been 215, by K ellaher—To perm it the sale 17, by Kiddle— To prohibit holding custom work. of gam e fish im ported from other provided. A fee system for n o m in at­ of co u rt sessions on S undays or on states. Y ards R ireside Ave. I ing cand id ates w hich will m ake the certain legal holidays. 224, by P e rk in s—To fix tim e limit Phone 3F21 paid nam e solicitors unnecessary, but 82, by M oser—To provide for m an­ p reparing assessm en t rolls for tux still available, has been adopted. By ner of foreclosing liens on m ortgages. for Ing d istric ts a t last day of February th e term s of th e la tte r bill the a s p ir­ 93. by M oser—To provide fu rth e r re ­ 245, by com m ittee on revision of P a tr o n iz e H o m e a n t for nom ination pays his money lief for widows under widows' pension law s—To provide annua! re p o rt of into th e state, county and city tr e a s ­ a c t In d u stry tru ste e s holding funds w ithin s ta te ol Is now on. Hot Coffee always on 94, by V inton—To enable courts to Oregon. ury in stead petition peddlers. sum m on w itn esses for d istan ces of 100 91, by M oser—To prevent m anufac A nother election law resto res th e tap. . You can get something m iles (p re se n t lim it is 20 m iles). ture of m a ttre sse s from old clothing full franchise to th e v oters in election 11, by Dimick—-Providing organiza­ unless disinfected. good to eat at any old time. of deleg ates to national conventions tion of school districts. M T . P I T T <& G O V . 263, by I^ F o lle tt—To authorize thi and elim in ates th e pay m en t of dele­ 132, by G arland—R equiring county county co u rts to appoint fru it inspect W o u ld b e p le a s e d to s e ll y o u y o u r JO H N S O N C IG A R S g a te s’ expenses out of th e public tr e a s ­ tre a su re rs to deposit redeem ed orders ors. T o b a c c o a n d C ig a r s with clerk every Monday. ury. 13, by Marion county delegation—To 24, by S tra y e r—To provide a sta te ■ ■ w w r ' w e w r » a w w.-». uu abolish s ta te accounting system NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Special Election Ordered if Needed. rd er of brands. 286, by com m ittee on ag ricu ltu ra— A special election to be held on the reco D epartment o r the I nterior 40, by L an g g u th —R epealing laws re ­ first T uesday a fte r the first Monday quiring sh eriff to inak" re p o rt of fees To exem pt ow ner of anim al th a t does dam age on property of an o th er unleas in N ovem ber for the purpose of con­ collected to d istrict atto rn ey. 04411 th a t property Is fenced. sid erin g m easures en acted by th e re ­ 126, by co m m ittee on h o rticu ltu re— 270, by com m itt'-e on m edicine—To U. S. Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon, cen t legislative sessions was passed. To give w elfare com m ission authority I require th a t app lican ts for physician Jan u ary 26, 1015. T he hill does not provide for an elec­ to reg u late hours of women working , or gurgeon’H licenses be g rad u ates of N otice is hereby given th a t ITssis G. tion .unless the referendum is invoked in canneries. neer am.’ slate highway engineer. m edical school. Tbe City Council of 1! « City of Gold 180, by H aw ley—To am end section 255, by com m ittee on consolidations 64, by Moser- -T o provide for distrt Welch, o f Asbestos, Oregon, who, < n ag ain st any of the m easu res passed 4050, L o rd 's Oregon Laws, to provide button of school tuition funds by coun­ —To m ake »late engineer appointive Hill also calls for M uled proposals for in- March 2, 1908, made Homestead Entry by th is session. --htllliig eleetzie pumping s y s t e m for th a t election day shall be school holi­ instead of elective office r. F rien d s of the prohibition m easure day only when building is "used for ties. No. 14795, Serial No. 04441, for the X i pumping water to supply said city of 264, by com m ltte« on flax I n d u s try — 56, by B ingham —To lim it increase • of SWJ<, N W X of SE>< ami s E ‘4 of w ere p articu larly in terested to have polling place. in tax levy in any one y ear to 6 per A ppropriating $25,000 for prom ion of G o h l Hill und furnishing electric current 190, by com m ittee on ed ucation—To ! cent over levy of preceding year. I lux to o,Harale said pumping system for a |s ir- flax Industry and 11:'n id a tio n SW ’4 o f Section 10, Township 34 S, th e bill passed, as they fear a re feren ­ reduce fees for teac h ers' sta te c e rti­ dum will be applied. ary. 164, by M oser—To authorize attaeh- plant a t sta te pent: Range 2W, W illamette Meridian, h a s Most of Ihe m em bers of th e legisla ficates. 121, by I’erkins !: ;i|)r ng p a y tn c t iod of t e l l years. Said eleetrie pumping , m ent of insurance m oney in liability filed notice of intention to make Final tu re reg ard th e session as having been 137, by M oser—To p rev ent diserlm ; and indem nity cases. of a t least 2 per eei . rest on ui: system to lie install' d mid electric current I'ive-year Proof, to establish claim to the successful, p articu larly in th e m a tte r ination in paym ent of salarie s in pay I 123, by Kiddle— To enable corpora- county fund.) held by Ian furnished according Io plans and specifi­ 152, by com m ittee on ; ."■I institi! cations on file and of record in the office ; tions to elect directo rs for th ree year land above described, liefore G. A. Ga: li­ of economy. T he ap p ro p riatio n s for of m ale and fem ale school te a c h e rs. 30, by H o llis—To r thorize tax col­ tions—A ppropriating Sit), 100 for :i ner, County Clerk of Jackson Comity, the session will to tal about 16,500,000, lectors to cancel ta x ' s on land sold term s and to ro tate In office. 300, .by judiciary cm ■ initloe—To of Ihe lie. order id ihe City, of Gold Hill, 237, by committee on judiciary—To Oregon, at his office at Jacksonville, ( r- or about $1,500,000 less th an those of by sta te and forfeited. which said plans mid s|M*cffh'ations arc ; protect ow ner of property from me- com m odatlon of boya he' th e preceding session. 164, liy M oser—To auth o rize a tta c h ­ I ehanica’ Hens a g ain st co n tracto rs on 10 and 16 a t «tale train • egon, on the bth day of March, 1915. ol subject, to in-peel ion by persons contem ­ m ent of in su ran ce money in certain L e g is la to rs J o y fu l on A d jo u rn m e n t. m ake th eft of fiv ltn aa Claimant names as witnesses: th at property. plating milking such proposal. .5 by M oser—To provide one-year building, larceny. J . B. Welch, ol Asbestos, Oregon. Fun and good fellow ship reigned su ­ cases. 88, by Day—To fix sta n d a rd s for I certificates for school teachers. Each proposal must lie accompanied by 310, by Von dor H ellen- i fix width prem e in the halls of the capitol S un­ weight« and m easures. Jack W alker, of ” of all county roads 0 f e t uniras 142, by B ingham —To give home 1 1 certified cheek mi hoiim Slate or Na­ day m orning, following ad jo u rn m en t Ed l ’eile, of Trail, 89, by Day I o prin !de for office of I m anu factu rers 5 per cen t preferential otherw ise ordered | »n, but in tional Bank of the Slate of Oregon, pay­ by th e two houses. T he house ad chief d eputy sealer of w eights and : ¡n .iut)lj(. contract« no Ci less n <'»se *«id nroposal is rej c iv il. and long time for the balance at 6 percent, th e m idst of th eir singing som eone use sinking funds to liquidate bonds. of divorced couple from crim inal pro­ r i im u t for a |x*rloil of ten years, Council reserves the right to reject, any consider this choice. 91, by H unt—To enable county ceedings for failure to support other street lighting sysii ni to lie installed and and all proposals. suggested: "L et's go over and se re ­ —C.;.S. Redfield, courts to fix road d istric ts independ­ p arty If o th er party has been given eleetrie current furnished to Is' according nade th e sen ate.” Siieh proposals will lie received by the custody of children. Gold Hill, Oregon. j T he idea proved popular. The whole e n t of m unlc'paltties to plans and specification# on file and ol City Ri'iohler nt any lime liefore 7 I’. M. 279, by Yamhill delegation To give 439, by e.omm lU'e on banking—To on the 1st day of March, 1915, party, consisting of n early 49 m em ­ aVnond banking law s to conform with com m ander-in-chief of Oregon n atio n ­ record in the office of t i c Recorder of the Date of first publication, January :ll)th, 20 hard-w orking men desire positions bers, inarched around the ro tu n d a and federal recurve act. al guard ,iower to rem ove com m is­ City of Gold Hill, which said plans and stra ig h t through the doors of th e sen ­ 191 by ju diciary and revision of laws sioned officers for cause. z specification# are subject to Inspection by 1915. in the country a t reasonable wages. Ad­ a te cham ber, w here th e sleepy-eyed 251, by rem ittee t i n consolidations person# contem plating m aking such pro­ m ittee—To provide for perm anent dress Portland Commons, 195 Burnside sen ato rs were aw akened by the stra in s com B. G. HARDING, reg istratio n of voters. —C onsolidating office of s ta te eng: posal. S t., Portland, Oregon. City R ecorder. of “Au'.d I eng Syne RESUME OF WORK CF STATE LEGISLATURE T he sen ato rs, led by S en ato r Day, gathered around Mlaa Tow ne and gave h er th ree "hurrahs" and a ‘'tig er." The houae m em bers retu rn ed the com plim ent to Mias C larke, the only woman sen ato r. W ith a few m inor om m laalons the following Is a list of th e im portant hills passed by th e leg islatu re: Two World Expositions Now Open TRY DICK The b e st and la test "kats” Scenic Shasta Route Stop-overs on One Way Tickets AUTOMOBILE GAS ENGINE REPAIRING SOUTHERN PACIFIC CHARLES KELL Professional Cards G o ld H ill A u t o L iv e r y W / Fire! Fire!! J. rK-lllCr D a r l i n g (Q. H o d g e s TAMALE and CHILI Season SM O K E A T T U R N E R ’S