EZ?e C IT Y M E A T M A R K E T Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Fowls in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard BLACKERT G A R R E T T , P r o p r ie to r s Merritt & Company wish to say to the Public that their store will have on display one of the finest stocks of Spring' G o o d s Wm. Stvuwu, of Portland, 1« in Gold Hill on mining hiisiness. Mr». Ensign, of Chicago, accntnpanleri by Mi«« Ensign, 1» the guest of her son, II. A. Ensign, at Sloppy Hollow. Joe Hick», city engineer and master plumber to the neighboring hallwick of Rogueriver, answered a professional sum­ mons to that city Wednesday. Splendid assortment of Engineer F. W. Dodge, of the Rogue Une Rods—all prl.'e*— River Public Service corporation, confer­ K e e p y o u r e y e o n o u r s h o w w in d o w s a n d red with officer« of tlio company at the Silk and Linen Line«, Grant« Pa»» office» last Saturday. Reels, Oreria, Hies and y o u w ill b e c o n v in c e d th a t w e h a v e th e g o o d s I-REE SEEDS. — Limited mimls-r of Fiali Lure*-—new Stock assorted seed packages, issued by the De­ partment of Agriculture, for distributioh at the New» office. Ask for one. E v e ry th in g fo r the Sale Days at 8. V. Me Earn ns Jewelry »tore. Tuesdays and Friday«. Goods in a rd e n t A n g le r the line of watches and jewelry at half prioe, must have money to pay taxes. Wanted to trade—-Light driving team for 1300 Ih. work lion»-. EGR SALE—C00 fine fanning acres in D aiii imi A Hopoc«, a compact issly, nearly level and nearly Gold Hill, Oregon. all under high slate of cultivation. No Is'lter la id for frail, grain Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Peterson, accom­ panied by Mrs. Luke Jennings, wen- ill or alfalfa anywliere. Very cheap. Sub- every 40 acres is choice. Well Medford Wednesday afternoon, w h ile irrigated, located and only 6 miles from R. R. sta- ‘‘Pete” underwent »«me necessary dental lion. For particulars call upon or write, Rumor to the effect that the Rogue E. R. C rouch , Assayer, Chem­ repairs. River Public Service corporation intend­ —C. H. RaortBLO, Agent. ist, and Metallurgist. Superintendent Burt A. Adam«, of the ed to take some action, relative to the The Rogue River Public Service corpo­ Custom Assay Office. Mail Order ltiisi- city »ehls, officiated as o n e of the south power line, which would tempor­ w an Solicited Prices; Quid, $1.00; Gold judges of the Grant« I’nss-Medford high ration lias leased the ground floor of the arily put the Braden mine out of com­ and Silver, $1.25;* Oofiper, $1.00; Gold, gehnols debate, a t Medford, Wednesday new Kelsey Arm» building for office qnar- mission for lack of current service, came | ter», and it is understood the same will is, Silver a n d Copper, $2.00. Mailing en- evening, It will soon be time to plant your garden to an amusing focus Tuesday. For thirty Joseph Vashinder, held the lucky cou­ tilted up in a first class manner. The minutes at noon the big stamps at the velopes free on request. Reference: Jo pi due Co. ltank. Rooms 201-203 Hull pon that drew the “ Merchant's Prize” less»«- contemplates lighting tlie building mine were idle, while linemen of the We have a complete line of garden tools on Thursduy, a two pound Imx of "Dun- throughout and providing adequate light« Public Service corporation followed out illdg., Grunt« I“uaa, Oregon sum* ’chocolate bon Ism», donated by the along the cornice of the entire building, instructions. Then the current was turn­ We also carry that 5 tooth hand cultiva­ thus aiding in making t h i s splendid ed on again. Bon Ton. tor you heard so much about last year Improvements to the Fermin Zana re- building a farther credit to the city of Scarcely had the work been completed »Hence on Fifth Ave. N. are being made Gold Hill. when Sheriff Singler arrived, accompani­ Ask someone that has one till« week, consisting of a completely Theodore fee and family arrived Thurs­ ed by Mr. Stoddard, of the California- If you don’t like thia paper- d o n 't bor­ equipped hath room. The property ia at day from California, and for the next lew- Oregon Power company, postehaste from You would never be without one if you row it. present unoccupied. weeks will make their home in this city. Jacksonville via auto, to serve an injunc­ E. C. Steiger, formerly of thia city, Mr. Ice purchased the old Pankey ranch tion upon tlie Public Service people, re­ Stop that cough? Aak ua h o w . once tried it where he was associated with the now de­ in tlie tipper Meadows several years ago, I straining them from molesting tlie line in ! Bowen Pharmacy. and it is his intention to occupy the place funct Gold Hill Lumber company, was any way. Tlie injunction was served just Fletcher Stout visited with hi« parent« In tlii» city Tuesday from Grants Puss, as soon as the residence may be arranged. five minutes too late, aa tlie contemplated at Jacksonville on Sunday lakt. attending to business matter«. Prior to this visit lie hod never seen the work had already been accomplished. Mr«. L. M. Ring was u brief visitor in ranch, which adjoins tlie Alf Ix-wis pro­ Oliver Typewriters for sale and rent: — Engineer F. W. Dodge, of the Public ! Medford Saturday afternoon. No. 6 Oliver Machines in first-class con­ perty. Mr. Ice is an experienced ranch­ Service corporation, to whom Sheriff Sing­ Bargains in Fdiaon cylinder phono­ ditions rented at the rate of $1.00 for er, whose hobby is stock and horse rais­ ler presented the restraining order, stated i graph«, ut the Krxall Pharmacy. ing. It is in this line that he expect« to to the News that no.excitement was ne­ three mohtlis. —A. E. K ki . ijkki , For hard or «oft wood of finest quality Sales agent for the Oliver Machine. »penalize, and for the purpose his Mea- cessary in the matter, as his company had order from John J. Ritter, Phone 3F21. Mr». A. A. Flynn came down from lows ranch Is ideally located. He is ac­ at no time any intent to deprive tlie Bra­ ‘G o o d Q u a l i t y G o o d s a n d R i g h t P r i c e s ” Mr«. J. E. Robbins viaited friend« at Medford last Saturday and visited for companied by his wife and seven child­ den mine of its power supply. ren. Just to' forestall the obvious pun, her former home in Rogueriver last Fri­ aeyeral days with her liiisliand, electrician Mr. Dodge stated that tlie line to the day. of tlie Rogue River Public Service corpo­ let it be said at once that Mr. Ice is not Braden was built in 1905 by his company Ediaon cylinder phonograph« nt «laugh­ ration, at Grandma Price’s popular eat­ in the least chilly, and that the lee house to furnish power to the Bill Xye and Mil­ will undoubtedly is, a distinct acquisition lionaire mines, and that it has been con­ ter price« fora «hurt time.—Rcxall Phar­ ing place. macy. Hopes for more rain were answered on to the hospitable homes of the beautiful tinuously owned by the Public Service Meadows district. Electric Light and electric heat, j company and its predecessor. Proof of Mr«. Horace Pelton, of Sam« Valley, Wednesday by an intermittent downpour Electric range,—good things to eat, , Years ago the local order of Modern thia is afforded by tlie vouchers and pay waa t h e week-end guest of Medford which lasted throughout the day, and You turn the switch, the light is on, J checks for construction, still on file in Woodmen presented the city of Gold Hill provided placer m in e r s with a few friend«. Another tu rn ; the light« are gone. with a tall and stately flag-staff, from (lie company’s office. ‘‘head»” o f badly needed water. Still Butter paper, printed In accordance which the national emblem has whipped Later t h e California-Oregon Power The electric range has made a hit, with the lav.-, for «ale on order at The woefully lacking in precipitation, the dis­ With the “ old man” , no wood to split, trict («sanguine of heavy ruin« during the out to the river breeze on each successive company was permitted to utilize the line New« office. day of national observance. At other without rental for transmission to the His wife is always happy now, next two months. I)r. S. I/iughridge, of Grant« Pa»«, waa No more wet wood to make a row. Some bargain« in small tracts of land times it has lieen the favorite conning Braden. Recently notification was serv­ in Gold Hili on profeaaional mutter«Tuea suitable for garden, chicken or dairy tower of tlie inquisitive woodpecker; tra­ ed upon the latter company to cut-off tlie But best of nil, hi9 wife will say. day afternoon. purposes, ranging in size from two to dition having it that «am Hodges once power at the noon hour on Tuesday, as Is good hot water, night and day, C. W. Martin, of the C-.O. P. coni fitly acres, close in and conveniently lo­ perforated thirty-six of the feathered mal- tlie Public Service corporation desired to Kept boiling with an electric heater, pany, «pent aeveral d.iys the fore part of cated for market and schools. If you are e'actors, witli 22 rille short«, a s they remove certain unutilized wires for its “ Simplex” the name, there’s nothing neater, the week in thia city. looking for small place for any putpoee hammered away at the towering tip, and own use«. No satisfactory reply was re- (It surely is some water heater) Many of the younger net—and not a call u,»in or address, —C. S. Redfield, without missing a single shot. Of late ceived, and on Monday the Public Service Using about two kilo-watts, the pole showed signs of its advanced age, linemen were inztructed to remove a small few of the older—attended the dance at Gold Hill, Oregon. It keeps the water piping hot. Rogueriver la«t Friday evening. For Sale: 77 acres on County Road and canted over ut un angle tliut was stretch of the wires, not in active use for Of many wonders, these are only a few, E. T. Simmon» returned Sunday morn­ within 2$ miles of Gold Hill, about fit) more fearsome than friendly. Accord- tlie Braden transmission. The injunction That C. O. P. electric service will do, ingly it was condemned by the city coun- ’ foliowed—just too late to be of avail, ing from Portland, when- he waa sum­ under cultivation, good land, fine spring And so each month, in this space you’ll see, moned upon buainCaa laat week. which could be piped to house and burn, cil and laid low by Marshal Walker last I Inasmuch as the line is unques.ionably A plain, friendly talk from the company. Saturday afternoon. No delay should be the property of his company, Mr. Dodge Subaerlptfons taken for any inngazine home fruit trees, an ideal dairy ranch, permitted in the securing of another start stated, i t s subsequent dispositi ,1 1 will or club of magazine» in the United States. for quick »ale for only $60 per acre. For and its erection at the proper location. doubtless lie settled with satisfaction to See John R. Kelsey, at The New» office. particulara coll or address, all concerned. The establishment of a farm implement —C. 9. Redfield, Mr». M. D. Bower« and daughter, Hel­ business in Gold Hili, to fill a long felt en. viaited at the home of Mr. and Mr». Gold Hill, Oregon. Order to Show Cause Against Sale want among ranchers of the locality, is T. J. O’Hara, In Central Point, over Braving a blush,ring day—reminiscent now assured by M. S. Johnson, who re­ In the County Court of the State Phone 168 216 West Main Street of Sunday. of April in the East—tlie Gold Hill band turned from Portland on Tuesday after Oregon, for Jackson C ounty. Mr». William Kinney, of the Sain« Val­ lM>ys blew some mighty pretty tunes at completing arrangements to retail the well ley alfalfa ranch, viaited at the home of tlie band stand lost Sunday afternoon. known line of the Oregon Moline Plow In the m atter of the Estate of William Smith, Deceased. her mother lit Central Point the flrat of The attendance,«although small, was ap­ company in this city. During tlie past It appearing to th is Court, by the the week. preciative, and many requests have been two years no line of implement« has been Wood by tier or cord nt lowest market made to Leader Thom and the members carried in Gold Hill, and the loss of trade petition thia dav presented and fihd by price, delivered at your »lied. Finest fir, of the hand for a continuance of the feat­ occasioned thereby has been plainly evi­ A. E. Kellogg, the A dm inistrator of the E state of William Sm ith, dseealed, pine, laurel and oak. John J. Ritter, ure. Several offers from other cities for dent. th at it is necessary to sell the whole or the services of the band during the com­ Phone 3F21. Tlie business will occupy the Myers some portiou of the real property of tne H. C. Stoddard, of the California-Ore­ ing season have already been received, building on Front street, for which pur­ and the fame of the city will In nowise pose the property was erected some years said decedent in order to pay his deb's gon Power company, motored over from Medford Tuesday on legal bunineoa in the sutler from the excellent advertising af­ ago. Mr. Johnson’s line of farm niach- and the expenses and charges of admin­ forded by the foremost musical organiza­ isory, vehicles, and repairs will bo os istration, • interest« of hia company. ft is oidered th at all persons interest­ tion of tlie valley. complete as any carried in Southern Ore­ The Ladiea* A id 'a pontpoited "H ard ed in said estate appear before this Will, the nifty new uniforms for the gon, and will be presented to the purch­ Times’’ aoclul will lie given at the church With a bank account with us you Court on Saturday, the 27th day of next Monday evening. Watch for the Gold Hill band almost assured by the lib­ aser at prices that cannot be bettered else March, 191ft, a t the heitr of 10 o’clock have reason for C heerfulness ! erality of Indlvi Inal contributors, it Is where, la te r it is Mr. Johnson's inten­ hutldbilla with list of fines. a. m. ol th at day, in tlie Court room, at planned to raise the remaining funds by a tion to add power washers and gas engines ihe Court House in tbe City of Jack­ M. S. Johnson and S. T. Hodges a r­ hand concert, vaudeville, and motion pic­ to his regular stock, but for the present sonville, County of Ja konn, State of rived home from Portland Tuesday after­ ture show, to la, given In the VVego play­ articles of thia nature will be secured with­ Oregon, to show enu-e why an order noon, following a several day«' visit to house on Monday evening, March 8th. out delay or additional expense by the should not be granted to the said ad­ the Multnomah metropolis. ministrator to sell so much of the real Tickets for the affair will 1«, on sale with­ placing of special orders. property as shall be necessary ; and it N otick to O h ioans in the next few days, and the public is Wide acquaintance throughout this and is further ordered th a t a copy of this The Ohio Association will hold it» an­ hccrfully reminded that Its duty is the the Evans Creek district, strong business order h e published four consecutive nual meeting I n Ashland on Tuesday, purchase of enough seats to pack the seat­ ability and a boundicsa fund of genial weeks n est nreceeding said day in the March 2nd, in the Moose Hall. Dinner ing capacity of the popular little theater. good nature, would seem t o insure the "Gold Hill News" a newspaper printed and published in said County. at 12 noon. All OHloafis are invited to One feature of the evening will lie the success of Mr. Johnson in a field where —F. L. Too V r li . b , be on hand with well filled baskets and di-awing of several valuable prizes, tlie tlie need f ir the new vent un- is s i evi­ Judge of said Court. ready fora good tune. g uierous ottering of local merchants. dent. Dated Feb. 23, 1915. FISHING TACKLE th at have arrived in this city , consisting of Summer Dress Goods of all descriptions; fine line of Imported and Domestic Laces and Embroidery; Ladies' and Gentlemen's shoes of latest style M erritt &, C o m p a n y The BoN-ToN Power Companies in Amusing Clash G a r d e n T o o ls Local News Notes D. H. M I L L E R ’S ELECTRIC SERVICE CALIFORNIA-OREGONPOWER. COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. M IRTH is short and tran- sient; Cheerfulness fixed and permanent. THE GOLD HILL BANK