6 h e G o ld H ill N e w s .’ UBI.1M1ED EVERY SATURDAY AT GOLD HILL. JACKSON COUNTY, sanase OREGON, BY B en H. L am pm an tattered At tlie Gold Hill (metodice (or transmission through lite mail» as' second-class matter SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1915 SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE AVAILABLE LOCAL IRRIGATION PROJECT Club Has Session of Lively Interest Ranging front quail to g,»„( roads, the Greater Gold Hill club ran the scale of local and district benefit» at ita Tuesday evening meeting. For the II rat time it waa definitely announced that the estab h-lunctii of a local implement bualnci* waa now certain, and the brand »mile ol wlf-gratulatHui p am d niton* the room. W. 11. Miller reported that he was in negotiation with the telephone cbm patty for the improvement of it» lino» in the city, aiitt that tlie club might soon expect a visit from M»niiger Vance, of the Med- f >rd ottos. Attehtion a a» directed to the fact that the company'» franchise call» for nndervrotind conduits at the railroad crominge—a matter which lias never heeu attended to. The proposed new road oot of the Mea­ dow» via Ramsey c a n y o n received a T H E MERE SUGGESTION of irrigation on a comparatively knockout—two of ’em—by the report» of ■ large scale conjures visions of debt-saddled lands and debt- road supervisor J E. Davidson and Sila» Fleming. Both stated that the suggested saddened husbandry to the timid and hesitant ranchman. Soon­ course around tile mountain was inadvis­ er would he cultivate the spindling carrot or the drought-blanch­ able for many reason, each ol which was ed alfalfa for the leanest living, than embark his fortunes upon sutheient. Upon motion the report was an enterprise so stupendous and revolutionary. Irrigation costs accepted and the discussion concluded. For tlie publicity committee, J. H. Bee money, and money is a fetish to be worshipped from afar. man related his plan to iuterest the Sea­ The spectacle of his neighbor’s irrigated acres in their green ttle to Frisco jitney route people in tlie and fertile beauty, the knowledge of his neighbor’s flourishing locational advantages of Gold Hill as a tent city site. Mr. Beeman spent several bank balance, a r e alike unavailing to conquer that timidity days in tite securing of a free site, cotrf- which forbids a first step toward the affluence that water pilingdata, and collecting photographs of the Rogue river fishing and various local brings alike to corn and country folks. scenes. The results of his labors was a 42 Yet, where irrigation could be procured at the trifling cost centimeter pr jectile of accurate informa­ of concerted labor and seizure of obvious natural opportunities, tion and argument which bad been dill) the opportunity is equally slighted. \\ ithin a few miles of Gold forwarded to the promoters at Seattle. Other business bedire the d u b was the Hill two projects await development. Each would make its own parking of Front street east of the depot little valley blossom like the rose, bring hundreds of barren acres ami the grading and improvement of the into full bearing, locate new settlers, and urge permanent pros­ same. It was also decided to install ce­ perity upon its dwellers. Both could be conveniently financed, ment watering founts for horses, utilising the overflow from th e present public engineered, and constructed, without the necessity of assistance, drinking fountains. F. W. Dodge was in­ through the concerted effort of the resident ranchers and land- structed to prepare designs for these ixtons to m an's best friend, ami the forms will owners. he , onstrncted by the manual training Tributary to the Rogue from the North is Sardine creek; class of the city schools. from the South flows Galls creek. Pent by hills the twin valleys The tact that bob-white quail have lieen stretch back from the river in thousands of acres whose fertility liberated at nearly every valley point witli exception of Gold Hill was touched is proven to be equal to the best in Southern Oregon. A few the upon. Accordingly requisitions were pre­ private irrigation systems, the source of endless litigation and pared for a consignment of these tine dispute, are in operation. Early in the season the supply of game birds for stockin': purposes. When received they will be liberated upon the w ater'utterly fails. W. E. Thompson ranch across the river, Down each creek channel in the winter months flow the where they will receive careful protection floods from the hills. In two days—in a day—the Rogue receives by Mr. Thompson. At a previous meet­ ing Johnny Balmer voiced a wail for the from each a supply that, if conserved, would irrigate every acre liberation of Dolly Varden trout in the in both valleys throughout the summer season. Natural reser­ Rogue, and the fish and game committee voir sites abound on both streams. The answer to irrigation has complied with the demands of this needs for these district is “community effort.” On Sardine creek angler and others by forwarding a request to fish warden C. E. Clanton for the the project has already received consideration, but lacks organ­ species, never'before in local waters. ization. W. J. Smith and Frank Childers, o f Sardine Creek, enrolled as members of the 3IHH'lllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll|||||lllllllllllllllllllllll„,l.... club, and declared their intention to ac­ tively participate in its work. The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday REQUIEM BY THE ROGUE evening, March 2d, at which time Roy By Ben H. Lampman Tucker will out vie all previous effort by the lucious luncheon menu provided. (N ew - note :— Ploughmen of the Modoc orchard, near Table Rock recently disinterred an Indian skull and collar-bone. An obsidian arrowhead was driven into the latter. The relic of the Rogue River tribesman is now on exhibit at the Quiz cigar store, in Medford ) L o o k ! F loupr ! W h ite L o a f W ill arrive this week G E T O N E O F O U R M O N T H L Y P R IC E C A R D S I f y o u n re n o t o n o u r m a ilin g lis t s e n d in y o u r n a m e to d a y O u r W a s h in g to n P o ta to e s are th e best that can be gotten and going fast. G o t your supply? M en ’s F u r n ish in g 's Full line o f Men’s uptodate Shirts, Hats, and Summer Underwear just unpacked. L ook these over before laying in your Summer supply R E M N A N T S IN S H O E S A N D DRY GOODS' A T B E L O W C O S T LANCE & COMPANY - The Home Store Y O U R M O NEY B A C K IF D R . H E S S ST O C K TO N IC Does Not Make Stock Healthy and Expel Worms One of the most liberal guarantees ever made for any product has just been received from Dr. Gilbert Hess, one of the foremost veterinarians in the country. Let every farmer and poultry raiser read this remarkable offer: ( a product, We stand ready to back up this guarantee issued h ; a member of a reputable and old- established timi. W j carry a good supply of tlie above good» In »t embraced within and covering every Entry, Serial No. 0*491, for the 81-2 of years of his life were spent. For more „ . .. , .. J teen. He felt confident this might safely t>4 . . . , . . , . I part of the 8Wt£ of the N WU «( 8ec- NWI-4 and NE1-4 of NWI-4 of Section half a century he conducted bis f._Qn - ___ _ „„ „ be placed at thirty m mbers, and accord­ than . , . . . ./ , , Don 30, Township 37 South, of Range 4 32, Township 34 8, Rango 1 W, Willam­ - - ’ * ’ ingly advised Mr. Linzey that the organ­ banking business there, and was reluc-1 , — West of the Willamette Meridian, and ette Meridian, has filed notice of inten­ ization date would lie set for Saturday, tantly persuaded to cease from active bus­ (the same em bracing th e two certain tion to make Final Five-year Proof, to March 6th, at 2:00 p. m. Unless iness only two years ago. Throughout i placer mining claims, described ae fol- establish claim to the land above de­ otherwise advised this date will remain his entire career the pledge of Mr. Beck­ I lows; v iz: scribed, before W. H. Canon, H. 8. unchanged and advertising matter be cir­ man and the reliability of his bank were The certain placer mining claim cov­ Commissioner, at his office, at Medford, h) words for integrity in Southern Oregon. culated calling the meeting. ering every part ol East of South­ Oregon, <>a the 29th day of March, 1915. Through nil tlie years this "gentleman west i ot N orthw est Claim ant names hi witnesses: It is said that the thickly settled Sants of Section 30, Valley district Is heartily in accord with «'if the old school” —as be was so often Township 37, South, of Range 4 West Alex. B. Raimev, of Trail, Or«Run. of ” ” the proposed Grange, and will send a termed—adhered to the traditions of the as located by I.O . Davidson, July 19th, Ed. Foster, " ” large delegation to the organizing con­ past, even in business affairs. Tlie Beck­ Ikllfi, the notice of which location is of Perry Foster, ot vention. Other sections will doubt­ man bank, at the time of its discontinu­ record at page Í86 in Vol. 8, mining and Í Emil Klrchgrssner, of Medford, Or. less follow this example. Those wno ance two years ago, was practically the water right record ot Jackson County, —J. M. U ptom , have had experience in Grange work are replica of 1852—candles, gold scales, an­ Oregon; also 2-20-16 Register. as one in declaring the organization to tique furniture, and all. That certain p l a c e r mining claim be of great benefit to its members and Patronize Imine industry—smoke Mt. known as “ The Mocking B ird" cover­ the entire district. The cooperation of Get your Pianos tuned by the home ing every p art of the West % ot South- ¡ Pitt and Gov. Johnrxtn cigars. the business men is heartily extended to tuner. Beginning Feb. 15th, special re- west 1-4 ol Northwest 1-4 of Section 30, I saw cordwood to stove lengths with those wb'rf are engaged in the promotion literion in prices for two months. Satis­ Township 37, South, of Range 4, West, power saw, promptly on order. Phone of the local Grange;. faction guaranteed. — W. C. T hom . a» located by J . 3. Davids in, November John .1. Bitter, 3F21. I Veteran Financier Gold Hill Grange to be Established Closes Last Ledger C pirit of wood and lake, master of marvels, take Home the swift hunter, the fearless, the free! Take Thou the bold and brown chieftain of young renown— Gone is our kin from us—barren our tree! Stripling whose living fame flared like the prairie flame' Tracker who tdok the trail scathless of fear! Hearing his fighting cry clanging against the sky, Stricken, our enemy trembled as deer! Spirit of mighty good, Spirit of wave and wood, Take Thou this tired one, surcease to win; Thou, the great Giver, take home to the spirit lake, Home to Thy hunting grounds— Take Thou our kin! G u a r a n te e d