E7ie C I T Y M E A T M A R K E T Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard BLACKERT Wood of every description at lowest prices. Wood saw for custom work. Yanin Rlvesidt* Av«. V «J» I> * V .I llC ( 1915 Hunting or Fishing License on Issue at SW< Days at H. V. Me Farrens Jewelry »tore. Tiwsxlay» ami Friday». Good» in the line of watches and jewelry at half price, must have money to pay taxe» Mr. and Mr». G. C . Wllkiaon and daughter, of Chicago, who are touring the Pacific eoa»t the present winter, ar rived on Saturday ami are the guest« of Mr. and Mr». F. D. Hchrnmp. th a t have arrived in th is c ity , consisting o f Summer Dress Goods o f all descriptions; fine line o f Imported and Domestic Laces and Embroidery; Ladies' and Gentlemen’s shoes o f It test style Jack F. M ,rrlll, of Riverside Orchard, who was anooeaafnlly operated npoa si San Franci»co last week will lie removed from the h<»ipltal h»lay, and expect« to return to the valley the middle of next week. I churn E. Smith, son of Mrs. Pearl Kelly, of this city, died at the family home on Sunday la»t, after a lingering lllm-s». contracted while working in th< Colorado lead mines. The young man was but twenty-seven year« of age. Fu­ neral service» were conducted on Tues­ day and the remain» Interred nt Rock Point oemetery. K e e p y o u r e y e o n o u r ih o w w in d o w s a n d ,y o u w i l l h e c o n v i n c e d t h a t w e h a v e t h e g o o d s M erritt &. C o m p a n y E R Williams and L. G. Currier, mining men of Grant« Pass win. liave x»*n operating on Backer creek, wen* in hl Hill Sunday and .Monday investiga­ ting local mining condition». Mr. Cur­ rier owns a live-stamp mill in tlie Jisw- phine district, which is not at presMiit in operation. W it h W G. Myer» end it tiers lie discussed the feasibility of mov­ ing the property to this p Jnt for o»ia- blishment as a custom mill—a tn-etj t hat long been voiced by tlie owners of small local mining properties. the senate. It has a saving clause re­ lating to persona already convicted of second degree murder. In a bill In­ troduced by the same senator which was passed, the punishment for first- degree homicide Is life Imprisonment. Under suspension of the rules, the senate passed house bill 13. which pro­ vides for a bounty of $8 on coyotes during the remainder of this year. The state la to pay half tha bounty and the counties the other halt. Permanent insanity is made ground Lynn W. Smith, chief factotum and for divorce by a bill Introduced by Sen­ treasure« of the Gold Hill Iwnd, state» ator Langguth. I t la provided that be­ E. R. C rouch , Assayer, Chem­ that, owing to many requests for tlie fore a divorce shall be granted. In­ playing of music not at present included N o r lh b o u n g ist, and M etallurgist sanity being the allegation, it shall be in their repertoire, tlie band hoys will ac­ Oualom Assay Office. Mail Onler Busi­ cept contributions for the purchase of the No. 14 8:57 a. m. proved that the defendant has been 6 :5tt p. nt. adjudged of unsound mind by a court ness Hoiiritcd Prion; Gold, >1.00; Gold longed for melodies. In this manner, if No. 16 ami Silver, >1.25; Copper, >1 00; Gold, persons will liark their yearnings with a S o u th b o u n d of this or another state five years or Silver and Copper, >2.00. Mailing en­ trifling sum in currency, t lie tuneful No. 13 10:10 a. m. more before the suit la filed. It also 3:16 pi m. must be proved to the court in which velop«» fre,* on request. Reference: Jose­ lash-« of the entire community will be No. 16 phine Go. Rank. Room» 201-203 Hall dieerfully catered to. the divorce is asked that the patient Bldg., Grant« Pam, Oregon. le Incurable. It was a game little saddle man* that A Joint resolution authorising tha bore her 200 pound rider into Gold Hill superintendent of public instruction at the hour of noon Monday, just four to annotate and publish the school and one-half daya out from Corvallis, or laws of the state was adopted by the an average of letter than 55 miles per senate. Mi«» Bertha Wonlverton is at pre»enl lay’» travel. Save for a saddle-gulled W hat la regarded by many as one back tlie man* a as none the worse for tlie visiting friend» at Phoenix. of the most Important new laws en­ record trip. The owner, Mr. Tiiayer, of acted is that repealing the free text­ Mr». Fred Witt wa» the gm-»t of Rogue- Corvallis, disposed o f h i s mount to book enactment of the last session. By river friend» on Wednesday. Sprague Rcigvl, o f Riversiile orchard, passing this measure the legislature Mr. and Mr», l.ynn W. Smith wen* wlio purchased the animal for a Medford has saved Itself a controversy. client. Medford visitor» Wednesday. Dan Kelleher introduced a bill In the Sales».— The most Important work A1 Woolverton departed last Saturday J. McIntyre, of McMinnville, spent senate providing for weekly payments accomplished during the fourth week evening for Seattle, where he expect« to Sunday with hi» father in thia city. of various employes, which is said to reenter the journalistic game as a recruit of the present session of the legisla­ For hard or »oft wood of flneat quality on the Fott-IntelHgenoer »tafl*. For some ture was the passage by the house of have the support of certain labor in­ order from John J. Ritter, Phone 3F2L time past Al lias been assisting witli the the prohibition bill. W ith only two terests and unquestionably w ill fill the halls of legislation with lobbyists. Mr». H. D. Reed and Mr». Leigh Hunt ranch work at the Woolverton home on dissenting votes, those of Kuhn and To facilitate the operation of the Previous experience a s a Lewis, the bill of the Committee of wen* vi»itor» in Misiford on Wednesday. Riverside. constitutional amendment passed by One Hundred, as amended by the newspaper man overcame hi» decision t> the people at the last election which C. Steeham, of Grant» Paa», waa in become a ruminating ruralite, a n d tlie house committee on alcoholic traffic, provides that only citizens of the (fold Hill laat Saturday attending to min­ roar of tlie big presses called him back passed the house. As it passed the United States shall vote in thia state. ing Interval«. house the bill peraalts the importation Al was a good farmer, too. Senator Moser Introduced a bill em­ for homo consumption of two quarts Butter pajx*r, printed In accordance L. A. ( “ Frfta” , Hammeniley, former powering county clerks to strike from with the law, for »ale on onler at The editor and founder of the Rogue River of splrltuoua liquor or 24 quarts of malt liquor in each successive 28 days. the registration records the names of New» office. Argus, and for some year» pa»t a reaident all aliens. Perhaps the next act In importance, .Mi»» llurta Paulson visited during the of Kirtland, liaa returned to the copy After amending Representative viewing the situation from the angle past week witli her inothei on their Sar­ desk and ease. An i»»ue of hi» new ven­ Schuebel's bill, merging all special of economy, was the killing by the ture, tlie Sherwood Leader, ha» been re­ dine Creek ranch. funds into the general fund, so as to ceived by this office. The Leader is Well house of the bill for appropriating make the licenses and fees collected Fletcher Stout viaited with the folk» at edited and favored by a patronage that $450,000 for irrigation and reclama­ by the state fish and game commis- home Sunday, leturuing from J ’ville the »honld warrant success. Mr. Hainmer»- tion purposes. I slon constitute an appropriation for following morning. The house also acted on the subject ley’s friends in Gold Hill, and they com that commission, the house passed the of workmen's compensation. The bill School supervisor E. R. Peterson spent prise a practical census of the city, will measure by a vote of 63 to 5, two mem­ Monday and Tuesday in the inspection of bespeak prosperity for tlie Leader and it« passed provides a series of amend­ bers being absent. ments to the present law, reclassify­ capable editor. school» near Gold Hill. To give farmers power to arrest E. J. Kellogg came down from Med­ ing the industries and graduating the hunters who trespass upon their prop­ W a x t x o : —Suckling calf; write to C rates In proportion to the risk. It also erty is the object of a bill passed by D. Woolverton, Gold Hill, or c a l l at ford last .Saturday and remained over Is intended to prevent accidents by Snnday as the guest of hia brother, A. E. the house. Under the present law a Riverside colony. Kellogg and family. The young man offering rewards to employers who In­ trespassing hunter is subject to ar­ I am pn*pared to plow your garden for has Ixwn in the service of Uncle Samuel stall safety devices and providing pun­ rest, but the owner must obtain a yon, and do light hauling at ajiy time. for the past three year», and hi» discharge ishment for those who do no(;A! | warrant. Representative Fenwick, au­ —Gxo. H o ia m m h , is as yet scarcely a month old. During Appropriation bills before the house thor of the measure, pointed out that J. H . Beeman tranaactud bu»ineaa in the Mexicau border trouble» his regiment and senate total $3,5(8.854. Thia In­ by the time a farmer procures a war­ Medford Tuesday and met in conference was stationed at various points of lively cludes recommendations of the Joint rant the damage is done and the hunt­ with hi» lellow member» of the general interest, and was at one time in charge ways and means committee, which er la gone. probably w ill be adopted without sugar txiet committee. o f the Mexicali refugee camp. “ Ed T H E M ARKETS. At the Wego theater Thursday evening likml tlie army, and »till does, for that change, but the same cannot be said Charley Kell drew the merchant»’ prize, matter—but he ih-clarea an utter absence for several of the other measures. A l­ ready bills carrying appropriations ag­ Portland. donated by Lance A Co.— six pair» of the of intention to reenlist. gregating almost >(06,000 have been Wheat— Club, $1.66; bluestem $1.58; celebriitcd "Getmor” hoee. Medford Sun.—Tlie marriage of Miss consigned to the wastebasket. red Russian, $1.48; forty-fold. >1.67; Mr». J. H. Beeman returned on Sun­ Jaaasmina Bushnell to Mr. H. VanHoev- Although the senate has passed a red fife. $1.63. day afternoon from a several day» ab­ enherg w«ll occur at tlie residence of Mr. Hay— Eastern Oregon timothy, $16; bill abolishing the Oregon Naval M il­ sence at Portland and Astoria, where she and Mrs. J. H. Bushnell, Saras V alle/, itia it seema now barely possible that grain nay. $12; alfalfa $13; Talley tim ­ Saturday, Feb. 20th, at noon. Miss Bush­ visited with friends and relatives. nell recently came to the valley irom the organization may be permitted to othy. $13. FREE SEEDS.—Limited number o f Butter— Creamery, 30c. Kaunas City, Missouri, and has a host ot live in a changed form, for a bill was •»sorted sued packages, issued by tho De­ Egg»— Ranch, 25c; candled. 26c. Introduced in the house by the com­ irieuds in the northern part of the coun­ partment nt Agriculture, for distribution Hops— 1914 crop, 12J4c; 1913 crop. mittee on m ilitary affairs, providing ty. Mr. Van Hoevenberg is a graduate at tlie News office. A«k for one. of Columbia university. New York city, for its reorgan lzatloa, and consider­ nominal. Get your Pianos tuned by the home a here lie at tained great prominence as an able sentiment extats in favor of it. Wool— Valley, 23c; eastern Oregon. tuner. Beginning Feb. lfith, special re­ All American football end, and is one of Senator Oarland'a bitl, providing 30c. duction in prices for two months. Satis­ tlie m o s t progressive a n d successful that county courts be permitted to re­ faction guaranteed.—W. C. T ho m . Seattle. ranchers it tlie Sams Valley district. He ject all bids for bridges costing more W heat— Bluestem, $1.56; club $1.64; Mrs. Eva M. Newton departed last Sat­ is a member of the University club and than $600 and build them themselves red Russian, $1.47; turkey red, >1.49; urday for Corvallis, where her daughter, has always taken an active part in the was passed by the senate. Mi»» Bessie, is attending gchool. They community interests of his district. Tiie Senator Langguth's bill making the forty-fold, >1.66; fife, >1.61. Barley—>34.60 per ton. will make their home in that city the re­ wedding will ixs a quiet home affiair only penalty for homicide in the second de­ Hay— Timothy, >16 per ton; alfalfa, mainder of the winter, and will be joined the relatives and intimate friends of tho gree imprisonment in the penitentiary by Miss Nora Newton within tho month. bride and groom being present. of from 20 to 30 years was passed by >14 per ton. Butter— Creamery, 31c. The BoN- ToN Tlie »laughter-lion»« is never a work of art, at l»*»t, hut it lias certain standards of excellence. In Oregon tlie state ap­ proves of certain plans and specifications, and it la in accordance with there that tlie local firm of Blackert A Garrett are now constructing a thoroughly modern and well equipped slangliter liouat*. The structure is located west of this city, near tlie river, on a two-acre tract pur- cha»:d from I). Horn. S. P. Time Card Local News Notes Ì Spring' G o o d s G A R R E T T , P r o p r ie to r * Fire! Fire!! Plum« 3F21 Merritt & Company wish to say to the Public that their sto r e will have on display one o f the finest stocks o f G en eral M e r c h a n d is e J Garden Tools It will soon be time to plant your garden W e have a complete line of garden tools W e also carry that 5 tooth hand cultiva­ tor you heard so much about last year Ask someone that has one You would never be without one if you once tried it RESUME OF WORK OF STATE LEGISLATURE Prohibition Bill, Passed By House, Most Important Measure to Date. D . H . M I L L E R ’S ' G o o d Q u a l i t y G o o d s a n d R i g h t P r i c e s * ”* ELECTRIC SERVICE Electric Light and electric heat, Electric range,—good things to eat, You turn the switch, the light is on, Another turn; the lights are gone. The electric range has made a hit, With the “ old man” , no wood to split, His wife is always happy now, No more wet wood to make a row. But best of all, his wife will say, Is good hot water, night and day, Kept boiling with an electric heater, “ Simplex” tlie name, there’s nothing neater, < It surely is some water heater) Using about two kilo-watts, It keeps the water piping hot. Of many wonders, these are only a few, That C. O. P. electric service will do, And so each month, in this space you’ll see, A plain, friendly talk from the company. CALIFORNIA-OR.EGONPOWER. COM PANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. Phone 168 2J6 West Main Street Confidence in yourself. Confidence in us, and Team work, Sweetened with Beet» Sugar will bring Old Tim e Prosperity THE GOLD HILL BANK