Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 23, 1915)
IMPORTANT EVENTS Big International Exposition's Amusements Novel and Wonderful OU I M H I9 I4 -IS A T COUEGE W INTER SHORT COURSE— J A N . 4-JO A g ric u ltu re , including Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Horti culture, Poultry Husbandry,Insects, Plant and Animal Diseases, Cream ery Management, M a rk e tin g , etc. Hom e Econom ics, Including Cook ing, Home Nursing, Sanitation, Seep ing. D ressm akin g and M illin e ry . Com m erce, including Business Man agement, Rural Economics, Business Law , Office Training. Farm Account ing, etc. E n g in eerin g , Including Shopwork and Roadbuilding. F A R M E R S WEEK—FEBRUARY 1-4 A general clearing house session of six days for the exchange of dynamic Ideas on the most pressing problems ef the times. Lectures by leading authorities. State conferences. EXTENSION SERVICE Offers lectures, movable schools. In stitutes and numerous correspondence courses on request. MUSIC: Piano, String, Band, Voice. No tuition. Reduced rates on all rail roads. For further inft rmauon address, President Wilson Will Visit Pansms-Pacific Display of Nations vis Panama Canal—Vanderbilt Cup Race and Grand Prix Will Be Held In San Francisco. By H A M IL T O N W R IG H T . O N D K K F U L and novel amusements. parades and pageants o f the oriental countries, auto and yacht races and athletic contests w ill bo ob aorved upon a scale o f unexampled magnitude and grandeur a t the I'ana «“ «•Pacific International Exposition T h e extensive participation o f China. Japan. Slam and indo and Cochin Chi na, when taken In connection w ith the plans already ¡node and w ith the Interesting oriental population of San Francisco, assures such spectacles as hare never before been seen In the oc cld e n t Pageants of mllee In length set off by w onderful floats and m a r velous pyrotechnics w ill w ind through the streets of San Francisco. T here w ill be held throughout the this event. The famous Salt laike Mormon choir, the deep toned plaintive singers o f H a w a ii and even a chorus o f ftfty Maortnn singers w ill take part In the choral events. At an expendi tu re o f ai.2&O.OUO the imposition Jias constructed a great Auditorium tn the civic center o f San Francisco, which w ill be used by the great conventions and song festivals. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Crane w ill present thetr latest teqislchorean novelty, the "Exposition Tange;” M r. H a rry Lauder w ill sing the Exposition ballad. The amusement section o f the E x position. the “ Zone." oorresp >ndlug to the famous “ M id w a y " at the W orld's Columbian Exposition at Chicago, w ill carry out the purpose o f the Kxpoalttou to give every feature a high educa tional value. tlm-ntnl ra ilw a y s T he G rand Canyon concession is built upon so pnsUgtuus a scale that visitors w ill view the canvases from a standard gauge rail w ay coach runulug on a standard gauge track. A huge working model o f the Panama canal ts so extensive th a t visitors seated in rom fo rtsble th e ater chairs w ill be carried along the route o f the canal upon a mu vs hie platform , and a dictaphone at the ann of each chair w ill describe each scene aa It comes Into view. A uovel amuse raent feature w tll he provided by work lug subm arine Istata of sixty-flve tons displacement, which w ill operate lu an artiflclal lagoon. T he Aeroecope. a huge Inverts«! pendulum, operating like a giant seesaw, w ith a great balancing Weight on the short end and s ear fur passengers a t the 'e x tre in lty of Its long The Oregon Agricultural Collage. (tw -U - l- to -l-l) C O B V A L U 5 . OgBOON For that classy Hair Cut TRY DICK The b est and latest “kuts *» Baths in Connection R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n “ T h e C ity S h o p ” WONDERFUL GLASS DOME OF THE PALACE OF HORTICULTURE, PANAMA-PACIFIC TIONAL EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO, 1915. OVER 85 YEARS E X P E R IE N C E T rade M arks D e s ig n s C o p y r ig h t s A c . An ro n e 8*11(11 ng a «ketch and deecrtpt inn ma» q n lc k iy ascertain c u r o p in io n fre e w h e th e r an in v e n tio n «• pro b a b ly pm ««.table. C om m unica- •c u t free. o ld e s t agency fo r s e c u rin g patents. I utents taken th ro u g h M unn A Co. receive n r tic t, w ith o u t ebnrae. in th e Scientific American. A handsom ely lltn s tr a t M w eek’ y. c u la tio n o f any seter.tide ' urnaL I s rc e s t c ir T e rm s S3 a newsdealers. MUNN & Co.3MBf“ *-a> New York B ranch Office, 625 F C t , W a s h in g to n . D . C. AUTOMOBILE <a GAS ENGINE REPAIRING A Specialist in this work, as well as any detail of General Blacksmithing, etc. CHARLES KELL Blacksmith: Professional Cards W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. G E N E R A L P R A C T IT IO N E R G old H ill , O regon . DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE D E N T IS T G A8 A D M tlT IS T B B S D R IA L Z O B U IL D IN G , M E D F O R D Sugar Pine Gamp No. 10073 M W A G old H i l l - - - Oregon Meet.« first F riday of w e b 'in o n tli Jay E. I)avi<itton*a~Counsul Alvali E. Kellogg—Clerk A. E. EELEOGG G O LD H IL L . OREG O N Embalmer and Funeral Director Com plete line of burial robes, caskets, etc. INTERNA Palace o f H o rticu lture, lookin« through the Court of Palms Thia beautiful structure has a glass dome I S feet high and 152 feet In diam eter. Crowning the dome la a huge basket. T he general style of the architecture Is the French renaissance, w ith Saracenic modi Heat ion. T he extrem e length of the palace Is «72 feel and breadth 320 fe e t entire period o f the Exposition, which Im agine, for the purposes o f Illu s tra er arm , w ill raise sightseers more than opens Feb. 20, 1015, a series of great tion, the Interest, action and novelty 325 feet above San Frauetseo tiny, events. Including sports and athletic of ten great circuses like Barnum & affording an unsurpassed view o f the contests of many kinds conducted upon Bailey's combined Into a single “great Exposition City nnjj the ttnhb-u Gate. a scale of great magnitude. est show on earth ” and presented nt Apart from the amusements, conveu The Vanderbilt Automobile Cup ten times the cost of the single pro tions ami eungressi-s, the vast pag«*antx, Race and the Grand P rix , the tw o su duction and an idea Is gained of the the superb pavilions of rtle nations ami preme events o f the automobile year, o rigin ality o f this section. A total of the magnificent state hullillugs, the Ex w ill be held upon a four tulle course, more than eleven millions of dollars i position Its e lf Is a sight well worth embracing a circuit o f the Exposition has been expended lu Its establishment. ■ seeing. T he giant exhib it palaces, the palaces, a spectacular background fa r 1 he concessions, as these less serious loftiest and most Imposing exposition excelling in beauty and grandeur any features of the Exposition are known, buildings ever eoiistructed. are in their which ancient Borne beheld during its include a great open a ir panoramic urchltix-ture representative o f tile finest historic chariot races. The Vander reproduction of the Yellowtone N a work of a conit-ilsslon o f famous A m er b ilt Cup Race w ill take place on Feb. tional park and a sim ilar representa ican architects, who freely collaborated 22 and the G rand P rix on Feb. 27. tion of the G rand Canyon o f Arizona, w ith illstlngulsbed members of tills pro- 1015. G reat motorboats of the deep presented by tw o of the transeon- fesslon abroad sea cruiser type w ill race for a »10.000 prize from New York through the P an ama canal to the Golden Gate. A se ries of International yacht races tn the twenty-one m eter class w ill he belli In San Francisco bay. President Woodrow W ilson, Em peror W illia m of Germ any and K ing George of England have each offered trophies tn these events. Swim m ing, w ater polo, fly casting, canoeing, football, baseball and long, distance foot racing are In cluded In a series of more than 200 d if ferent kinds of contests President Wilson himself w ill attend the Expo sition, and It Is probable the members of congress w ill attend in an especial ly chartered steamer. O f international interest w ill he the greatest live stock show In the world's history. More than $500,0(XJ w ill be awarded in prizes in a continuous live stock exhibit. Rare and valuable breeds of all kinds of live stis-k from distant countries o f the glob«? w ill be shown. Sp«-clmens of the famous Chillingbam wjld w hite cattle w ill be exhibited fo r the first time. W ith the exception of tw o specimens at the I» n - don zoo, this breed has never been shown outside o f (Tillllngbam ¡.ark, England. These cattle are pure while, w ith black noses, black tips to the exra and black horns. An international i sheep shearing contest w ill be one of) the unique exhibitions. l or the musical events there bus V A S T T R I II 'k rTrr' * K W H A T tup been built by the Exposition the mag- “ * A .S L H A T T H E W0RLD’3 GREATEST EXPOSI nifleent grounds Festival Palace upon the This is equipped w ith a won- «b r l u l p ip e c i , in. upon which M r. 171 ! fatuous organist, anion; I ciebntles. wll. civ,- „ se lies ot recitals 111«- International Els teddffwl w ill Ht Snn Frnncl»Pi) coin- i mi m ensh prizes Mor** pete til in 2OI I O 0-,-ers w ill parti, lpnte in w in ! . Ii;ir - w .H - h l Judge Dalton Biggs, of the circu it court, has rendered a decision for the Some bargain in Minall tract» of land state, a t Burns, In the case wherein the slate of Oregon' has brought suit »uitable for garden, chicken or dairy against the Pacific Livestock company {Kirpotek, ranging in »ize from two t,. to recover lands In H arney valley. filly acre«, close in and conveniently lo T he land involved covered approxl- cated for m arket a n d - c I pki I m . I f you an looking for small place for any purpose m ately 27,( j OO acres, situated in w h a t Is know n as the “ Red B.” field. T itle call upon or address, — C. S. Redfidil, was obtained many years ago under Wold H ill, Oregon. N O T IC E IB H E R E B Y G IV E N . T h a t In pursuance of C hapter « of T itle «2 of the He vised Statutes of t h e U nited States. Frank I I . Ray. whose Post Office address la New Yo rk C ity , New Y o rk Inis mads application for patent as sols owner thereof lor the Diadem and Ex- celidor l«t k J»» M in in g ('In itm Miniated r«- speotlvelv in Kanes Creek amt Black- w«ll M ining D le tric u (U n o rg a n is e d ) In •'ackson County, Oregon ; T h e Dln.lem Lode C laim l*di»g more particularly daa- cribed an fo llo w *: Beginning at Cor. No. I , which |s identical w ith the «4 Sec. Cor. Iietween ^ u n n i n ; \ h i n o ? -,| ! 2 . ? l S i ^ i r o Detailed Reports Increase Liat ot Dead and Injured and Property Loaa. Rome.— A renew al o f seismic dis turbancea has served to add to the terro r of the people lu parts of the dis tric t th a t was visited by the heavy earthquake last week. Althongh the shocks were light, buildings which had been cracked and were to tte rin g from the effects of the f lr * 1 disturbance, were com pletely raxed In Avexiano and Bora, the ! ^ W“ * h ' ° h ,u M ,r ^ m<* ‘ ,rom Cor No. > ; Thence South 0* t»' West 1*20 d l , M t , r - th * P * ’ Pl» »heir tem per (•■«1 to Cor. No. 3; thence W e s lM d .O lt a r y «hellers and took refuge In open **• 0*,r - N<>- ’ l Thence N orth 0» 31’ West places b i X m n i ‘ l ° ° Ur' N° ' * ’ Dvtallud reports received ln ,th e cap- And Excelsior Lode M ining C laim being more p s rllc u lu rly described ss 1 v a r,‘11 ll“ l‘ O disaster Increase ra th e r follows: | than dim inish the appalling list of the Beginning a t C o r. t o. I from which dead ami the enormous property loss. nolnt the S. W . C01. of the Jehu e w in - T he Messaggero, a fte r m aking a <len Donation I-and C laim No. 3« In 1 w p 30 8. R. 3 W. of W M lieure S careful com pilation of a ll the figures 0 * 5 W . 202 feel; Thence West «1)0 lent It has been able to g ath er from the tu to r No. 2. said Cor. No. 2 being d istricts and villages h ith erto Isolated, i.l. ntical with Cor. No 2 of the Diadem announces that the num ber o f dead M ale C laim above described ; T u rn e r N « • 5 E . 1320 feet to Cor. No. 3, said cor and Injured In the Abrussl d istrict ner belli (t “.'•"i?. • ’ ‘ w i'.h Cot - No. 2 of alone Is 30,000, w ithout Including the h iadem Lode C la im above dew-rib« d J Sora d is tric t. Thence E s .t «Mk» f. et t«, Cor. No. 4. said San A tollo has 200 dead and BOO In corner being on the W. st line of (he said John >wlnd.-n II. I„ C. N -, 38 at n jured. M orillo 1B00 duait. Canlstro Í0 0 r o llit from which th r N. W. Cor o f s a n i injured, Cervaro SOO victim s. Borgo claim la-ars North 0» V E. 1131 2 feet So dead and Yalleroveto 1800. A t Civl- i Thence 8 nth fl» 5 ' W . I32il fest I«. C or’ tclla Roveto abnoet t h f e n tire popu No. 1, the place of beginning; lation escaped because they were a t As appears hv the Official P a t o| work In the fields when the shock oc- M ineral Survey No 771 now on « i r l i the Roseburg, Land Office. H« we burg" : c ,irr,‘*1- • Oregon, ami by the flehl notes of tin- T w elve thousnnd bodies. It Is aeml- •‘•'fv ry thereof also „1, file |n , Bj,| |_BI1(I orfl«-t»lly estim ated, are burled under Office, which field .m t-s o l survey de- ..1 1 . ......................... -u .. scribml the humillarle-« and the extent the fallen w alls of the earthiiuak»- <d »sId m ining claim s oil'"the’ .urise.- c lly of Avexiano. w it h magnetic variation at 211° :io’ East. And the said A pplication «>( the said Psria and Berlin Agree A rtille ry Duels H ** ,," w pending l«efore Are Chief A ctlvltlea th e U n ite d M a te s L a in ) Ollie« and a n y London. — O fficial Germ an and »ml all nersuii» claim ing a ilw r-i-L - any portion of suiil .Mining Claim » above d . . French reports agree In saying that »crlbe.1 a re r e q u ire d to « |,. t |,e lr a d v e r s e late activities of the arm ies on tho chum» w ith the Regist« I ol I lie United western front have been confined M a te » I a n d O ffic e a t If,« •«•bu rg, Oregon i . , « lu r in g th e » | x t v «lay period ..f publics-) <,,l" fly « rtllle ry engagements. T he non o f this notice mid aa reuuired hv ; Germ an account tells of the blowing law and the regulation* of »aiJ Lain! up of a foundry at Blangy, east of Ar- MI thereslter hvlllviH I1, ’“ rr, " ' ' n ‘ *' 1,10 •‘‘" ’»c»’ »o thareafter by virtue of proviaiuns o f , , ,( i „ , K bu, asserts th a t Statute in tac h cases made am i pro- i vl«le«l. It was prom ptly regained and Is s till I here are n«> «-onlllctiug claims nor held. a r e there any adjoining claims tn said A feature of the G erm an report Is claims. the estim ate It makes of the losses of Date o| potting th i. Notice on grouinl the allies since the general advance is 2Kth «lay of October, 1PI4. was reputed to have been decided on J . M . U Tri in In December. Tlteae are given by Ber Register, lin as 20,000 k illed and 17.860 prison (N o v I t — Jun 1«) ers. and It Is added th a t the grand to tal, Including wounded, sick and miss ing. must have been 150,000 men. No household is complete w ith o u t a "O u r total losses for the same pe g«»»l h o t water l>nule. W o rth i t ’ s cost riod," says the Berlin account, "do l o r o n e single emergi-hcy. Get next, at not am ount to one-quarter o f that Bowers’ P hanuacy. num ber.” G o ld H ill A u t o L iv e r y F a s t D r i v i n g T e a m s <21 F e e d in C o n n e c t io n S ta b le s < T ^ L HAVE added to our general livery business ▼ ▼ two completely equipped 5-passenger touring cars—to meet increased demand for service. Com mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists bound for marvelous Crater Lake —will find that we know the roads, the country, and how to please. • T l i e « S h o r te s t W a y T h e L ea st C o st T h e S e s t G u id e s One trial and our Livery Service makesjfriends—try it! D a r l i n g Q. H o d g e s G O L D H IL L , O R E G O N Arch of the Setting Sun In the west entrance to the Court of the Dm ’ verse at the Panam a-Pacific International Exposition. Surm ounting the arch : Is a group of statuary representing “T h e Nations o f the West-” In the middle ) of the group Is an em igrant wagon draw n by oxen. Riding In this Is tin- figure of a woman. “The M other of Tom orrow ," and by her side nre tw o chil dren. " T h e Hopes of Tom orrow ." O ther figures represent an Am erican in dian. a Mexican, an Alaskan and other Am erican ty p e s the Ind em n ity school, slat«? school and swamp land laws. I t Is averred in the com plaint th a t the lands w ere o btain ed through fraud. 1 D eclaring th a t the capacity of the Htate hatchery, on the N o rth Umpqua ) rlv e r- ls abnut 10,000,000 eggs, w hile I the «<ora8e capacity for young fish j ,B only about 1.500,000, the members , U n ite d Slates Land Office, Itoselnwg. Oregon, Nov. (Uh, 1014 M ineral Application No. 0(1883 TION. THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION SAN FRANCISCO, 1915. FUNERAL CAR Office Phone: Home, 9—M; Residence Pipine, H om e2—K; Pacific Rcrial No. («1823 M ineral Survey No. 77« N O T IC E G F A P P L IC A T IO N FOB M IN E R A L P A T E N T . FARTH SHOCKS KEEP ITALIANS IN TERROR Douglas County Game Protec tive association have- decided to ask the state officials to increase the stor age capacity of the h atchery th a t a large proportion of the young fish ma; be liberated in the Um pqua riv e r .' U n der the present system, It is asserted many of the eggs are sent to other hatcheries of the state for develop ment. TAMALE and CHILI Season V « '» * ’ .’(gsaastwflitw »-« « <yar>'-v «ry» la now on. Hot Coffee always on tap. . .Y o u can get something good to eat at any old time. W o u ld b e p le a s e d to s e l l y o u T o b a c c o a n d C ig a r s AT your T U R N E R ’S g'