1 ISHING Everyone a most* W Happy, Prosperous New Year* W e bake this opportunity to thank you for your patronage during the past year, and trust that by giving you even better service than in the past, we may enjoy your continued good will and favor We Wish All Our Customers A Prosperous and Happy New Year THE BOWERS’ PHARMACY Fire! Fire!! Wood of every description at lowest prices. Wood saw for custom work. Yanis Rivi-side Ave. I D ¡A A i-h . uvi j . iviiier 1915 Hunting or Fishing License on Issue at V * S top Hint cough? A *k us h ow Bowers Pharmacy. Patronise home Imluairy—smoke M l. Pitt anil Gov. Job iron cigar*. Wanted to trado- -Light driving Mata for 12091b. work h IiaauMo A lloiMig*, Gold Hill, Oregon. J. II. Eastman urrived from French Gulch, California, ln*t Wednesday for u f"W days' visit witli Ids family in thia city. Cold feet is the canaenf many u ilm e iit c aa well as a great discomfort. A goal hot water bottle i* the remedy.— Bowers Pharmacy. Wiaal by "tier or cord at lowest market price. delivered at your shed. Finest Mr, pine, laurel ami oak. John J. Ritter, Piione 3F21. 20 hard-working men desire position* In tlie country at reasonable wages. Ad- ilress Portland Commons, 196 Burnside St., Portland, Oregon. 5Z»c C IT Y M E A T M A R K E T ' Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard B L A C K E R .T O , G A R R E T T , P r o p r ie to r s Successful Sugar Beet Meet (Continued from 1st page) S. P. Time Card N o r th b o u n d 1 No. 14 8:57 a. rn. Miss Claire Tucker returned to Berke­ tracts in the vicinity of the city, and No. 1« • 6:56 p. m. S o u th b o u n d ley, California, Sunday after three weeks’ found much soil adapted to this purpose. 10:10a. m. vacation witli her mother, Mm. E. P. At the conclusion of hi* remarks tlie No. 13 No. 16 3:16 p. m. . Tucker, amt brother, Roy P. Tucker. signature of rancliera present were taken. Tlie importance of acting without de­ A. A. Flynn, chief electrician for,the BRIEF WAR NEWS Rogue River Public Service corporation, lay in this matter connot be overestimat­ returned on Monday Irian a several day* ed. Tlie opportunity to soenre this- fac­ The winter storme and floods, while tory for the valley will come hut once. business visit to Portland. To the Rogue River Valley this oppor­ they have put an end to any military Tile force of Jackson county fruit in­ tunity mean* an i m m e d i a t e money operations on a large scale, have not spector* has been reduced to three officers market for a splendidly paying and cer­ been able to prevent the armies in at FI per day, two at $2, and one at tain crop. Tlie local campaign will be the east and w est from pursuing the >2.60 for the outlying <11*1 riel*. pushed rigorously forward to the 500 offensive at isolated points along the Eii Bolt ami Fitch Snyder have leased acre mark the coming week. two extended fronts. and are operating tlie MnpleGulcii mine, In the snow-covered hills of the Cau­ Contracts for signature may be found between tliis city ami Rogneriver, from at Redfleld’a office, or by inquiry of J. casus the hardy Siberians are search­ tlie owner, H . I,. White. Tlie boy* were II. Ih*'inan. ing out the routed Turks, who are re­ If you don't like this paper—don't bor­ in town last Saturday witli some splendid ported to be surrendering by thou­ row it. samples of ore encountered in their de­ sands, while In Flanders, which is vir­ A writer in the Monmonth Observer tually all under water, the allies as­ Patronise home Industry—smoko Mt velopment work. gives -tlie following as a sure cure for sert that they have found it possible Pitt »ml Gor. Johnson cigars. Morril! A Riegel, of tlie Riverside or­ For hard or soft wood of finest quality chards, shipped a carload of choice Ben cbickenpox: "Sulphate of sine, 1 grain; to make some headway. foxglove (digiutlis), 1 grain; half a tea* order from John J. Kilter, Phone 3F21. The struggle in Alsace continues in Davis upplisi to tile Sacramento market Miss Virginia Kuedel shopped in Med­ on Monday of tliq, present week. Ttw spoonful of sugar; mix with 2 tablespoons- apite of the heavy rains. There ia ful of water. When thoroughly mixed, more than a foot of water in the ford last Saturday. consignment brought a prioo of 70 cents add four ounces of water. Take a spoon­ trenches. The Germans already have per box, constituting a record sale for Mm. Hurt A. Ailains spent Monday ful every hour. Tin1 disease will disap­ lost in killed and wounded 6000 men, tlint variety of fruit this season. with Medford friend*. pear in twelve honr*. For a child, smal­ according to reliable reports, and Bel­ FOR SALE— Eighty acre improved ler dose, according to age. Sprague Kiegel visited friend* in Med­ If countries farm witiiin two miles of Gold Hill, all would compel their physicians to use tliis, fort. the great French fortress, is ford on Sunday. filled with the prisoners—men mostly Fletcher Stout spent the week-end with good land, along tlie Pacific Highway, there would be no need oi pest house*. 40 years old or more. house and barn and some fruit. >100 per Cream oi Tartar dissolved in wafer is also hi* parent« in Jackxonviile. Stoinbach has been taken and re­ acre. Term* 1 ca*h, very easv terms highly recommended. Mr*. G. Ncuber visited Grants 1’a** taken six times, which accounts for j and long time for tlie balance at t) percent, From data compiled by tlie Farmers’ the conflicting reports in the official friends, last Saturday. consider this clioice. Union New* Service, and based on the statem ents. Janie, Harding, of Medinrd, spent Sun­ —C. 6. Redfield, year 1910, tlie following figures relating Taking advantage of the continued day with hia son, Prof. B. G. Harding Gold Hill, Oregon. to the school census of Jackson county and increasing cold weather, which On Saturday last Mi** hia Jolinson vis­ Out on Gall* Crack certain miscreants are taken. Number of children of has frozen the marshy lands adjacent ited friends in Medford. have a practice of targeting their rifies school age between 8 and 20 years, 6, to the numerous rivers of North Po­ Ad Graham was a Medford sifchlsecr on tlie lieighlmrs’ range hog*. Three of 087; actual school atfendance for that land, the Germans are now initiating the later |>art of last week. Tom Dungey’s wandering porkers came year -4061», or 09.5 percent. Distribution another attempt on Warsaw from the imine last week so badly wounded that it Grant* Pa** will have a *ix day Chau­ of pu|iiis by age: 6 to 9, total 1803, at­ north, having contented them selves was nisv'esary to kill them. Bullets ol fendance 1307; 10 to 14, total 2136, at­ tauqua session next summer. with fortifying and taking the defens­ tin* .26 caliber typo were recovered liy tendance 2040; 15 to 17, total 1317, at­ C. 0 . Woolverton was s business visit­ ive w est of Warsaw, along the banks Mr. Iliingey from the wounds. Tlie de­ tendance 947: 18 to 20, total 1432, atten­ or at Medford the first of the week. of the Bxura and southward between termination of U h - gun used in this most Mesdames Hnnt anil Schrump were despicable and iinneighborly act narrows dance 367. Inasmuch a* the larger por­ Sklernlewfee and Grodztsk. Farther southward along the left with Medford friends on Tuesday after­ down tlie list of suspect*, and steps will tion of tlie deficiency in atfendance Is found between the ages of 16 and 20, bank of the Vistula the Germans are noon. be taken to fix the crime upon tlie per­ when most pupils have eitlier completed now reported massing In the north I aaw conf wood to stove length* witli sons responsible. the grade course or higli school, and be­ preparatory to an advance. power saw, promptly on order. Phone A family party from Alberta, Canada, tween the ages of tl and 9, when many John J. Ritter, 3F21. arrived in this city Sunday and were children have not yet commenced the Oregon and Olympia ta • e en Hand Attorney E. C. Richards, of Grants driven from Darling A Hodges livery to primary course, the discrepancy is easily for Reception. Pass, was in thia city on legal business their new home near the foot of Table explainable and becomes in no wise de­ W ashington.—Fifty-seven Monday. Rock. I t is understood that Alberta rogatory to tlie school system of Jackson will make up the fleet which w ill Mr». Gertrude Gieters and daughter, real estate was traded for tlie Rogue river county. go to San Francisco by way of the Dorothy, of Medford, are visiting with valley ranch. They were well pleased Pana— canal neat March, aeeordlng with the transfer, stating that at tlie time Mr. and Mrs. R. Trimble. to announcement by Boerwtary Dan­ Max leo May Kill Qamlag. I am prepared to plow your garden for of departure from their former nortliern Vera Crux.—Oenerai C a lia — hae iela. There will be >1 battleehtpe. home the thermometer registered twenty- you, and do light hauling at any time. announced hts Intention of promulgat­ headed by the dreadnought Wyoming, —Gxo. H olcomb . o Id degrees below aero, with several feet, i l i « a decree aimed a t dola« «w ay en­ Rear-Admiral Fletcher's flagship; I t of snow ou tlie level. torpedo boat destroyers aad IS aaa- C. F. Deatherage was summoned to tirely with gambling in lliariea, including colliers aad supply The war college was tnmnituous with Ashland Monday on business connected loudly voiced opinions. Lieutenant-com­ Reports reaching Rio De Janlero say with the Moose band boys of that city. At Crfetobal. on the Atlantic side mander Dcy Schrump shed rivers of Rus­ a t the German battle cruiser Von Subscriptions taken for any niagaxinc sian Mood In tile description of Russian der Tann, which was reeently report­ o t the canal, the fleet w ill he joined or club of niagaxines in the United States. reverses on the Vistula. “ Gentlemen,’1 ed aa leaving Heligoland to retnforoe by the famous old Oregon, and the See John R. Kelsey, at The News office. Interposed Doc Chisholm, “ consider the the German squadron of Admiral von Olympia, Admiral Dewey’s flagship at Services of the M ethodist church: situation calmly, le t us ponder the Spee, has been sunk with all on board Manila, both of which are being fitted Sunday school 10:00 a. m., preach­ possibilities of this dreadful conflict. In a battle with the British battle out for the cruise, the former on the ing 11 a. m., Junior L eague 1 :8 0 For instance—just wait till this Russian cruiser Invincible. According to the Pacific coeat and the latter a t Charles­ p. nt., Senior League 6 :8 0 p. m., the Growler is reinforced by General latest report, the Invincible was un­ ton, 8. C. President Wilson will sail preaching 7 :3 0 p. m., m idw eek pray­ Avadrinkowiski." In the alienee which hurt, and has reached port The re­ from Hampton Roads on the battle­ er m eting, Thursday, 7 :3 0 p. m. C. ensued a cobweb dropped to the floor ports say that the battle took place ship New York March 6, 6 and 7, the exact date remaining to be fixed. E. Wharton, pastor. with a heavy thud. off Pernambuco. The I j ^ ^ V a z X X X J J -J C X X G e n e ra l M e r c h a n d is e J J To Buyers With Good Sense If you are sending to mail order houses for your goods there is one thing you must bear in mind, that is, can you buy the articles just as cheap at home. Now we are going to proceed to show you that you can. Below are some prices that should convince you. General Service Wrenches . . 85c per set Rice A Phelan sell this same article for 78c and you pay the freight Jones Cash Store ” ” l.oo ” ” Seam Roebuck ” ” 78c ” •> H orn Copper Tea Kettles . . 1.40 Rice A Phelan sell this same article for 1.35 and you pay the freight. Jones Cash Store ” ” 1.25 ” ” Sears Roebuck ” ’’ 1.35 ” >» Striking Hammers, 3 to 4.5 lbs, . . 12.5c per lb Jones Cash Store sell this same article, 13c per lb. and you pay the freight. Other mail order bouses do not show this article. Old Honesty Double Bitted Axes, 3 to 4.5 lbs . . 1.40 each Rice A Phelan sell this axe for 1.33 and you pay the freight. Owing to our lack of space we can not give you more prices; But stick your catalogue under your arm (Doesn’t make any difference whose it is) and come in our store. We will be glad to take the time to show you where you can get the best value for the money with no ‘iF~, nor ‘and’ about it. ToÑ Yours with a Square Deal, . D . H . M I L L E R ’S “ G o o d Q u a lit y G o o d s a n d R ig h t P r ic e s ’* Local News Notes ELECTRIC SERVICE x Electric Light and electric heat, Electric range,—good thing* to eat. You turn the switch, the light ia on. Another turn; the lights are gone. The electric range lias made a hit, With the “ old man’’, no wood to split, His wife is always happy now, No more wet wood to make a row. But best of all, his wife will say, Is good hot wafer, night and day, Kept boiling with an electric heater, “ Simplex” tlie name, there’s nothing neater, (It surely is some water heater) Using about two kilo-watts, It keeps tlie wafer piping hot. Of many wonders, these are only a few, That C. O. P. electric service will do, And so each month, in this space you’ll see, A plain, friendly talk from the company. CALIFORNIA-OR.EGONPOWER. COMPANY :: MEDFORD, ORE. Phone 168 216 West Main Street Why Not start th’ year right with that account of yours at THE GOLD HILL BANK