ISOLATION AND DRUDG­ AGRICULTURAL LEG- IS L A M NEEDED DM IGBICULIIM CO IIEGE ERY THE TWIN ENEMIES OF AGRICULTURE The alteration la Slav strategy baa been caused by the growing difficulty BRITISH BATTLESHIP SUNK of developing any momentum for an IQ I4 -IA A T Invaaion of Prussia, coupled with the Formidable Destreyed In (ns English possibility of a Hungarian campaign Channel by M int or Torpedo. Kerisi No. Otutpa which may produce an antlOcrman Mineral Survey No. 77fi Londofi. -The battleship Formida­ uprising among the Magyars. W1NTFR SHORT COURSE—JAN. 4-JO NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR ble, one of the older veaaela of the A g r k u lt z s r e . Including Agronomy, MINERAL PATENT. Consequently. Russia* carb' ambl The Farm the Place to Study British navy, was destroyed either by . Aaimal Husbandry, Dairying, Hartt- Uni led Niat«« Land Office, tlon to strike at Berlin now seems to a mine or a Uerman submarine. The All Legislative Problems. ■ culture. Poultry Husbandry, Insects, Roseburg. Oregon, Nov. tltb, It>l4 have been replaced by the less dlffl Plant and Animal Diseases, Craan* place where Ihe battleship sunk Is not The Rural Church the Guiding Mineral Application No. 0tM»3 cult project of occupying the Hungar ■ary' Management, M arketing, ate. given, except that It was In the Eng Maine Economics, Including Cook- N O T IC E IB H E R E B Y G IV E N That llah channel. tan capital. By Peter Radford. Star of Progrese. Ant. Home Nursing, Sanitation. Sear­ ] je e t u r * r N a tio n a l F a n u e ra * V a lo a . Elsewhere In the east the week has In pursuance of Chapter « of Title 82 of ing. Dressmaking and M illinery. Of the crew of 780 men, only Ib t the Revised Htstulee of 1 h . United ■Commerce, including Business Man­ The principal function performed by been quiet. The Qerinan army before Stats«, Frank I I. Ray, whose Post Office are known to have been reecued agement, Rural Economics, Business THE NEW RURAL CIVILIZATION government today Is to collect taxea, Warsaw has not succeeded In ad vane address I* Naw York O ily, New York Survivors who were landed at Brlx- Law, Office Training. Farm Account­ keep records and prevent and punlah lug within striking distance of the has made application for patent a* sola ham relate that the warship was ing, etc Engineering, Including crime; but that la not sufficient. Gov­ Polish capital. It has spent the week owner thereof lor the Diadem ami Eg- struck abaft the magaalue. The ex­ Shop work and Koadbuilding. By Pater Radiant. ernment should Up Its hat to tha Ood- In Its trenches, while farther north ceklor Ixxle Mining ('Isiin* situated re­ plosion was terrific, but the magaslna F A R M E R S M E E K -F E B R U A R Y 1-4 spectively In Kane* Creek »ml Black- L e c tu r e r N h tla n a l P a r m e r * ' Untan des* of Opportunity as courageously the Russians have prevented the Oer well Mining Districts ( Unorganized) In A general clearing house session of was not reached Had this atao blown as It draws a six-shooter on a trala « i t day’s for the exchange of dynamic man East Prussian army from moving Jackson County, Oregon; The IMailem up. the ship would have foundered W e are confronting a new rural Ideas an the most pressing problems robber. W e ought to encourage thrift Lisle Claim being more particularly das-1 clvllixation. It la so radically differ­ toward the Vistula. without there being time to save any­ of the times. Lectures by leading cribeil a* follow *; ent from the life of the past that It a* well aa restrain greed. We have There have been engagements on authorities. State conferences. body. Beginning at Cor. No. I, which I* may well be called new, not merely been baaing legislation upon the ex­ the Rivera Biura and Rawka, in Po­ EXTENSION SERVICE dentlcal with the Sec. Cor. lie!ween tremes of human life— the elesaea because of Its characteristics, but be­ Offers lectures, movable schools, In­ land, but seemingly the Germans are -sec. «7 and 28, T.3fl si„ R 8 W .o f W.M Tons of British Prosa la Calm. stitutes and numerous correspondence cause of Its triumph in rural coopera­ high and low. the depraved and the no nearer Warsaw than they were a and running lhe.nce Es*t Mil feet to Ixindon—Comment In the British talented— let ua now reach the meaaea courses on request. tion and leadership. The utilisation Cor No. 2; Thence Koni h 0° t> ’ West 1820 week ago. They have begun offen MUSIC: Piano, String, Band, Voice. («•t to Cor. No. 3; thence Went .'» H l.lH t presa on the situation created by tha of modern agencies, and the use of and the extremes w ill more nearly disappear Our statutee are filled te slve operations in the direction of to Cor. No. 4; Thence North 0 * 3 | ’ W elt i American protest against Interference farm machinery have greatly Increas Natuition. Reduced rates on all rail­ ed the efficiency of the farmers, overflowiag with pity and revenge; Klelce, one of the largest towns of 18’ O.ft k e t to Oor. No. I, the place of I with American »hipping continuas to roads. For further Information address. southern Poland, which doubtless has beginning; absorb attention. Its tone on the The Oregon Agricultural College, broadened their vision and made life let us add opportunity. The slogan of the Farmers’ Union for its object the holding up of the Aud Exosltlor l.ode Mining Claim whole I* free from Irritation, but there © s r i^ l-to -I-U COKVALXAS, ORBOON more satisfying. Is co-operation. Not only among In­ Russian advance through Galicia on being more particularly deverihed a* la a strong disposition to argue the The moat serious anemias to eoua dividual farmers. but between all legl- Vollowt; n Cracow. question. try life are Isolation and drudgery, and Beginning at Cor. F o. 1 from which tim ate and useful occupations. We Another attempt on the part of the point the 8. W. Cot. of the John Hwin- perhaps the worse of the two la Iso­ want to sit around the hearthstone lation. I t Is the ourse of the coun­ of Industry and talk over problems of Germans to advance from Mlawa to den Donation Land Claim No. 38 in F o r th a t classy try The hunger of young people for mutual Interest with eur neighbors. divert the Russian threat to outflank T w p 3tt, f». R. 3 w . of W. M. bears N t f l i W. 202 feet; Thence We»t ttOo feet i H a ir C ut ' companionship has bee a disregarded W e want to Invite those who are their center by crossing the lower Vis­ to Cor No. 2 *ald Cor. No. 2 being and In varloue ways the social In­ earnestly searching for lnformatten tula. northwest of Warsaw, lias been identical with Cor. No. 2 of the Diadem ! stincts have had their revenge. The on public questions te get back to checked by the Ruaalaus. txsle Claim above described; Tnence N. fruits of modern Inventive shill and the soil with their investigations According to Petrograd reports, the « •6 E. 1320 feet io Cor. No. 3, said cor­ enterprise have enriched country life where, in the stillness of nature, they Russians continue to sweep the Aus­ ner being tdeoti nl with Cor No. 2 of ' Perla.— The following official com­ and afforded the factlltlea of banish­ can climb the mountain-top of wis­ Diadem Lode Claim shove described trians westward along the southern Thence Ea-t tHHl I. el to Cor. No. -I, t-abl munication was Issued: ing forever the extreme Isolation dom, explore the deep canyons of Galician railway toward Grybow and "According to the latest advices re­ corner being on the W. at line nl the which used to vex the farm house­ knowledge and etroll through the Ncuaaudec and out of the northern said John K w in d e ii D. U C. No. 38 at a ceived here there has been no altera- hold of the past. The telephone is a quiet valleys of uederstandlag foothills of the Carpathians. The point from which the N. W. Cor of «aid ‘ tlon In the situation. great social asset In the rural home: There la no problem in elvllisaUon claim bear* North 0*ft’ K. 1181 2 feet ; Muscovites also are credited with hav­ "Tha weather continues exceedingly the rural free delivery brings the that cannot be found in its native Them e M mth « •ft’ W. 132« fe e t to Cor. world’s daily message to the door; the state on the farm. The labor, edu­ ing organized a new campaign against No. 1, the place of beginning; j bad on almost the whole front. parcel post delivers ten million pack­ cational, "Prom the Oise to the Meuse, on the A* appears bv the Official Plat ol financial, transportation, Hungary, advancing in four columns ages per annum at a half million home-bulldlng and all other problesss along the mountains This, it la said, Mineral Survey No. 77# now on file In plateau of Touvcnt, our heavy artll- homes, and the automobile annihilates are there. W’ e w ill discuss a few of w ill not be like previous raids, but the Roseburg, Land Office, Roseburg, I lary has demolished several fortifica­ Oregon, and by the field note* of the distance, making isolation a myth them. will lie a regular Invasion. survey thereof also on file In »aid I.anu tions from which the euetny was har- The building of public hlghwaya has The destruction of the British bat Office, which fie:,I not, s of survey