Image provided by: Central Point School District #6; Central Point, OR
About Gold Hill news. (Gold Hill, Jackson County, Or.) 1897-19?? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1915)
ISHING Everyone a mostf W Happy, Prosperous New Year« We Wish All Our Customers A Prosperous and Happy New Year W e tak e this opportunity to thank you for your patronage during the past year, and trust that by giving you even better service than in the past, we may enjoy your continued good will and lavor THE BOWERS’ PHARMACY Fire! Fire!! Wood of every description at lowest prices. Wood saw for custom work. Yards Riv>»ide Ave. I D S a A»» — I'I iiiiic :tr„*t J . Ix .II.lC I Stop that cough? A sk us h o w . Bowers Pharmacy. Patronize home Indiiatry—»moke Mt. Pitt and Gov. Joti iron cigars. Cold feet 1» tlie cause of many aliment» oa well a» a great discomfort. A good liot water bottle is tin, remedy —Bowers' Pharmacy. Wood by tier or cord at lowiwt market price, delivered at your sited. Finest Hr, pine, laurel and oak. John J. Killer, Phone 3F21. 20 hard-working men desire positions If you don't liki, thl» |«»|M'r don't bor in tlie country at reasonable wages. Ad row It. dies» Portland Commons, 19ft Bunislde F. W. Dodge was a I jim I iu ,»» visitor at S t., Portland, Oregon. Uralit» Pan» Thursday. LADIRS HATS.—Only five days re 25 percent discount on all holiday good» maining in which to get winter hats at at Bowen Pharmacy. these reduced prices: 9ft. <J0 bat« at $3.00, Patronize home in duatry—«moke Ml. >4.00 bats at >2.50, $3.00 bats at >1.05 I*itt and Gov. Jolinaon cigar». Sale begins Saturday at 1:00 p. in. at the I.tike Jenning« la invalided at home the latdiea' Shop. present week l>y a alight illness. Mi»» Ekron Gall, of Jacksonville, waa Harry Harvey arrive,! Monday Irom the guest of her aunt, Mra. S. T. Hodges, Adiland and attended to local businere. I on Sunday and Monday. The young lady waa on her way to the Presbyterian For hard or »oft wood of lineal quality college at Albany, where rlie is enrolled ord- r irom John J. Ritter, Phone 3F21. ; a» a student. Mr». Kihei Swank, ol Tolo, visited with t At S. V. McFarren’s Jewelry Store. the Miasm Hodges aeveral day» laat week. Gold Hill—Watclies at Half Price. >20 Mr». George Holcomb, who lias been ' watclws for >10, >10 watches (or >5; gold quite ill the pact weak, 1« now reported filled, and silver and nickie eases; fine improving. timekeepers, guaranteed. Miiat have the Mr». Perry Hulliert departed Thursday money—g o o d s »acriflcril—jewelry at a lor Auburn, where »he will visit relative« bargain. See good» in allow window. (or aouie week». FOR SALE— Eighty acre improved Mr». S. T. Hodge« and daughter, Mi«» farm within two miles of Gold Hill, all Letay, were with Central Point frieuda giaal land, along tlie Pacific High way, house and I,am and «nine fruit. >100 per Saturday afternoon. Charley Reed returned on Sunday to acre. Term» f cash, very easy terms Corvallis, where lie w ill continue Ida and long time fur Die balance at 6 percent, consider lids choice. studies at the A. C. —O. S. Redfield, I naw cord wood tij stove length» with ' Gold Hill, Oregon. power «aw, promptly on order. Phone ! Tlie school wishe« to announce to Ila* John J. Ritter, 3F2I. piddle that there w ill I»' a lecture, "H a b Mi»» Amy Harding visited for «avara I ! day» will, lier brother, l'rot. U. G. Har- ‘ it and Happiness,” by Dr. Conklin, ol tlie Extension tx-partment of tlie Uni- ding, returning Medlord on Sunday. I versify of Ore run, on Tuesday, January Subscriptions taken for any magazine llllli, two thirty, p. in. There ha» been or club of magazinea in the United Stale». many interesting addresses given during See John It. Kelrey, al The News otiice. tlie Hch<»>l mouth» by men from tlie Ex Mia- Bessie Newton returned on Sun-j tension Diviaion. Tlie«' h a v e always day to her studies at Corvallis, after a been fn«1, and parents an- urged to at holiday vacation with her mother mid tend. slaters in thia city. Tli,‘ regular services of tlie Methodist Mr». Feruiin Zaira returned to Ashland ■ church, of thia city, for Jan. lOtli, will laat Saturday, after spending several day» ! include: Sunday acliool, 10:00 a. in ., in attendance upon tier «later, Mr«. A. I,. Preaching, 11:00 a. in., Junior League, Ingram, who waa ill aeveral day» la a t; 2:30 p. m.. Senior League, 6:30 p. in., Preiicliiiitf, 7:30 p. in. Beginning with week. the evening service, the first of a series of Dr. C. K. Kay. who purchased thy Blower» place auVeral week« ago. la hav sermons illualrating the Book of Revela ing the remainder of the nroperty cleared tion», will 1», delivered. These sermons mid will Het out at lea»l 30 acres in or will I n * preacltedon the second ami fourth Sunday evening», until further notice chard. Everylsxly irrespective of creed or here* Letters front Mr. ami Mra. Bart Carter, is invited to attend every service. C. E. formerly of thia city, to local frieuda, an W harton , pastor. nounce tlie advent of a little son wli > ar rived just ill time for Cliriatuia«, on Dec. 22d, at tlieir home in Hayden, Aria. Card of Thanks We desire to thank our in any friends Rev. C. L Cieeey, of Central Point, w«s tlie guest ol George Iverson and fam and neighimra for their kindness and as ily on New Year’» day. Tlie gueat and sistane,' during and immediately follow ilia boat were boyhood friend« in S|»>kane ing tlie lore of our home. Sincerely, and enjoyed tlie opportunity to talk over | 0. D. Woolverton and family. old time«. Local News Notes TO EXCHANGE:—I have lionae and lot in best residence part of Spokane, free FOR SALE—(100 fine fai ming acres in from all incumbrance, to exchange for a compact l»«iy, nearly level and nearly Gold Hill property of equal valuo. Call all under high state of cultivation. on or write, my agent, W. II. Miller, at No better laud for fruit, grain Lance A Co.’a. or alfalfa anywhere. Very cheap. Sub- Howard Wharton apt,nt New Year’« Irrigated, every 40 acrea is choice. Well day at the home of Ida parent«, Kev. and located ami only 5 miles from K. R. sta Mrs. Wharton, returning to Ida Evans tion. For particulars call upon or write, —C. 8. R kdfirld , Agent. Creek ranch the following day. While here a dinner to several young men wa» For Sale: 77 acres on County Road given in Ida honor. within 21 miles of Gold Hill, about 50 Mea«ra. Gore and Car|»*nter, of tlm under cultivation, good land, fine spring Sugar Beet Campaign, visited Gold Hill which could be piped to house and liarn, Friday on their way to Koguerlver, where some fruit trees, an Ideal dairy ranch, a meeting waa being held. They were ; for quick sale for only >60 per acre. For accompanied to that city by J. H. Bee particulars call or address, man and M. 8. Johnson, members of tlie —C. S. Redfield, local Sugar Beet committee. Gold Hill, Oregon. <i- Merritt &, Company G eneral M e r c h a n d is e -M B S h e C IT Y M E A T M A R K E T Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard Just Received The Daisy Glass Churn, The Best chum on the market, Price $2.50 We have a good line of butcher knives and food choppers. Also a large stock of 5 and 10 pound lard pails. B L A C K E R T <SX G A R R E T T , P r o p r i e t o r s IMMIGRATION BILL PASSES SENATE Measure, With utcracy Test, Wins by Majority of 50 to 7. Washington.—The Immigration bill, containing the restrictive literacy test for admfsaiou of aliens which has been the obstacle In immigration reform legislation for the greater part of two national administrations, passed the senate by a vote of 50 to 7. The vote in the senate Indicated that the bill could be repaased by more than the required two-thlrda ma jority should the president reject the meaimre. Senators who voted against the bill were: Brandegee, McCumber, Marline, O'Oorman, Ranadell, Reed and Walsh. The bill passed the house on Feb ruary 4 last by a vote of 241 to 126. Although the senate amended the houso bill in several particulars, the literacy test was unaltered, save for an additional exemption to Belgian subjects which was adopted after pro longed debate. House leaders were confident sen ate amendments would be accepted. Features of Immigration Bill. In general persons over 16 shall be required to be uble to read English or some language or dialect, including Yiddish. Exception to literacy test is made of Belgian farmers who come to the United States within one year after the end of the present European war. Persons fleeing from religious per secution also excepted. Admissible alten may send for fath er or grandfather over 65, or for wife, mother, grandmother or unmarried or widowed daughter, though such rela tive may be Illiterate. Polygamists excluded. Persons of African race or negro blood excluded. Excluded list extended to take in vagrants, the tuberculous and persons who teach or advocate unlawful de struction of property. 8snate Questions President's Power. Differences between President Wil son and some members of the senate over federal appointments resulted In the senate judiciary committee order ing an inquiry into the authority of the president to make a recess ap pointment to fill a vacancy created during a session of congress. Sen ators Culberson, Reed, Walsh, Bran degee and Borah were named as a sub committee to conduct the investiga tion. This action followed the decision of the committee to recommend rejec tion of the appointment of Edwin G. Bland, of Kansas City, to be United State« marshal fo r the western Mis souri district Shipping Bill Is Rushed to Front. Government purchase of ships as proposed in the administration bill to create a shipping board, finance a $10,000,0(10 shipping corporation and expend not to exceed >30,000,000 for the purchase or chartering of ocean carriers haa ome the foremost Is sue before t eaa. By a vote ol 46 to 20 the senate haa made the Ship purchase bill the un finished business, to be supplanted only by appropriation bills. This ac tion, on motion of Senator Fletcher, acting chairman of the commerce com mittee, precipitated a showing on the part of the opposition senators which gave certain Indication that there are breakers ahead for the proposed legis lation. Filipinos Unready to Rule, Says Taft. Ex President Taft told the senate committee working on the administra tion bill for Philippine independence that the people of the islands, in his opinion, would be unfitted for self- government for the next 30 years— probably for the next half century, Mr. Taft declared that In hiB opinion Japan bad no desire to take the Phil ippines. GERMAN OFFICERS ACCUSED Four Are Arrested in New York Har bor Charged With Fraud. New York.—Accused of using fraud ulent passports, four German army of ficers were arrested and taken from the steamer Bergenafyord bound for Norway. The men were arraigned together with Pari Roude and John Aucher of Brooklyn before Commissioner Hough ton, charged with attempting to de- I aud the federal government by fraud ulent use of passports. The men taken from the ship gave their names as Arthur Wilhelm Sache, a reservist and lieutenant in the Ger man army, now living at Pelham man or, New York: Walter Miller, August Meyer and Harmon Germer, the three latter from Chile. The arrests followed a campaign against fake passports growing out of the Carl Lody case in which he was shot as a spy in tha tower of London. The state department haa issued strin gent passport regulations since then. Our Plain White Cups and Saucers, now 55 cents per s e t Dinner Plates, 55 cents per s e t Every thing else in accordance, in this set. Come in, we can save you money. D. H. M IL L E R ’S “ G o o d Q u a lit y G o o d s a n d R ig h t P r i c e s ” Irrigation is Crop Insurance You can raise some crops every year and all crops some years without irrigation. X But if you want to raise all cropsevery year yon should irrigate. Tlie value of any crop any year can be increased 50 to 500 per cent by ir rigation. If you have water supply from well, creek or stream, we can supply yon witli electric power for pumping. On receipt of information card we will be pleased to make you estimate of cost. Number of acres desired to ii rigate.................................................. ................. Total lift in fett from water level of well or stream to highest point of land to irrigate.......... .................................................................................. . . , .............. Number of feet of pipe required................................... '........................................ Number of feet of ditch or flume required.......................................................... Water supply ( well or stream ) and name of stream ......................................... S igned................................................................. * ............. ................. ................. Postolfiee jiddres»..................................................................................................... Ixxat ion—Section.....................Tow nslii p ................. Range................................. CALIFORNIA-OR.EGONPOWER. COM PANY :: MEDFORD. ORE. Phone 168 *■ 1 8 1 216 West Main Street R IP O A T o r T H I C O N D IT IO N OF T H E G O L D H IE E B A N K A t G o ld H i l l I n t h e S ta te o f O r a t o n , a t t h a c lo s e o f .Resources L ia b ilitif Ixmiis and discounts - >32,0».48 Capital stock paid in - - >10,000.00 Overdraft, secured a unsecured - 282.85 Undivided profits . . . 221.34 Bonds and warrants - - 294.07 Due to banks and bankers - 1,850.34 Stocks and other securities - Furniture and fixtures - 2,800.00 Individual deposits subject to line Irom lisnks not reserve hanks c h e c k .......................... 27,514.57 Due from approved reserve banks 3,128.08 Demand certificates of deposits Accidents Are Fewer in Washington. Checks and other cash items 86.73 77.72 4,254.55 Cashier’s checks outstanding - Olympia, Wash.—There were 14,- Cash on hand . . . . Time certificates of deposit - 4,087.10 E x p e n s e s ............................. 366 industrial accidents reported to Gold Dust ........................... 266.31 the Washington Industrial Insurance Total - - - . . - >43,751.07 T o t a l ............................. >43,751.07 commission during the calendar year 1914, a reduction of 2260, or 13 per oent from the 16,616 reported in 1913. STATE GF OREGON» C ounty or ,1 ackson f 700 Men Resume Work. I, Lynn W. Smith, cashier of the above-named tan k , do solemnly swear that Everett, Wash.—Two lumber mills, tlie above statement is true to the iiest of tny knowledge and belief. I.YNN W. SMITH, Cashier. employing a total of 700 men, resumed Correct—Attest : work, and a third, employing 200 more H. D. Rxxn, Snbsosibed and sworn tolieforeme this will start up January 16, it was an R. H. Moons, 7th day of Jan., 1915. Directors. C. S. REDFIELD, Notary Public. nounced.