mu f Gold Hill G r o a lo ti N o t u i a l lU o o u rco o o /S o u th o r n O r e g e a II O n h o a a lifu l H o fu o R lvo r VOL. 17 O n o C on u n a n itjr o f O p p o r . t e n i t p - R a p a o R io o r V a lio t, •ohoro Iho à p p io g a in o d f a m o GOLD HILL, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1916 Business Men Organize Club Twenty-live buniimM men of Hold Hill renolvnd to la-gin th„ Now Year right nt • smoker given by H. D. Rasd In the valor company's oiH»«. Tim gm-ata were anvil,Id, h ) by Invitation on Tuesday ow n­ ing. In a hriel speech Mr. Reed outlined tlw purpoae of getting together (or tlx, ftitnre of Gold Hill and the valley, and arllal illaen«- siou of improvement problem«. It waa «iiggmn d that a permanent or­ ganisation (or thia purpoae be perfected, and accordingly those present elected Burt A. Adama, president, M. I). Bow­ er«, treasurer, ami F. W. Dodge, nscre- tary. Objection waa raiaed to tlie «tern- typed name« iu commun nw for aimllar clubs, and the idea prevailed that the lie cal organixalion should derive Ila name from the matter of UMMt Interest to it« uiemla-ra at any particular time. luoott- s-quenee a motion prevailed to term the club temporarily, " T h e S u g a r Beet Bunch," with the understanding that each one ahotdd devote every energy ami inHivnee toward securing the factory lor southern Oregon. J. 11. Beeman «poke for ten minute« upon tlie importante of the augur iwrt Jackson Co. NO. 36 Beet Acreage Spurts Ahead OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERALINTEREST Medford, O r., J a n . 6 —A January thaw has set in upon the frieidity that shrouded tlie campaign for. tin -»-tahlish- u.ent of a $»t»«),0(«> beet sugar fa- • >ry in th ■ Rogne River Valley, amt it, • was a revival of interest, anil a gencrw! .ing Events Occurring Throughout o t of the insidioue thral' di-w —iiSfkism Long Battle of the Fojjr Rivers Sunrday. To date over MXXt acrua have the State During the Past New C oncrete B ridge Over Evane Creek N ear Rogueriver be n signed np, and min-h more is in Believed Ended and New Week. prospect. Citia-ns and landowniTs*have" Movements Under Way. planned a fann-to-farm csui|&dgn to re­ cur« the necessary acreagt-. » Furchaaara Would Withdraw Action. The following farmers and fmi-go, wera London.—Completa failure of the Salem — A tentative proposition waa throughout the valley have -iv ,| for Oerman campaign of the Four River« mads to the state land board to have a reage. which has constituted a long series ot the state withdraw proceedings for r e -1 Point—Narmgan A .-on. Frank battles on the Hiura. Rawka, Bilica covery of 20,000 of the «0,000 acres In- ^»1«, Fret| pe|OUH., Joe IL,akin-, \Val- ami Nlda, with heavy losses, Is re­ volved in the Hyde-Benson dummy i« » Bergman, C. A. Knight, b n. ( liar- ported In dispatches received from Pe­ frauds, upon the payment of $2.50 an |ey> I. L. Bradshaw, C. E Terrill, G. B. trograd. They contradict the Berlin acre by the Innocent purchasers. The Brown. R. H. Toft. A. Z. Hsaelton. W. oontention, that the German advance consent of the government Is neces- j jf. Straub, J. N. Riley, L. B Warner,Sr., la progressing. sary before the state can carry out the w. W. FrMoe. B L. Dodge, Ernest Adi Austrian reports of a repulse of the agreem ent am« and F. H. Madden. Russians In Galicia are also contra­ A report of the purchasers asserted Seattenhg acreage, not cl i.-sifi d as to dicted by the Petrograd dispatches. that they bad secured the school district, an-: A Conro Fi. ro, Stevens A A Petrograd dispatch to Reuter's tracts in good faith, aud that to push Brown, F. S. Cari«nter, C. 11. Pierce, Telegram company says: the suit to recover title would be to F„ J. Brown, Latta A Hopkins. John H.’ “In the opinion of axperta here, the Inflict a hardship on th e « _ Some of ! Carkina, Crystal Springs Orchards, II. battle of the four rivers, as the long the tract« have passed through sever- j D. Schuler, E. J. Parton, J. A Perry, series of engagements on the Riura, al hands, It is said. F. L. TouVelle, George B. Ckrpentor, D. Rawka, Plllra -and Nlda Is popularly II McCurdy, \f.J-__T J. Walter. H. known, ">*> '»“ considered ended N ew F reig h t T e rm in a l a t Pendleton. a« cl,simian of a special committee lo Willow Springs—D. W. Stone, Geo. P. "Not only have the Germans and Pendletoa.—Vice-President and Gen­ Mims. Eldon Bros., Mrs. I). X. MeNas- create interest in the matter, bi« fellow Austrians failed to advance on the eral Manager J. P. O'Brien, of the O.- ser, Roy E. Smith, J. AV. Burkholt, Mrs. ineinlx-n being M. S. Johnson and Rowe Russian north and south line, roughly W. R. & N„ announces that the pro­ Frank McKee, John Sisty, A. C. Carlson, Smith, the latter of Tolo. Mr. Beeman's lying from the Vistula to Warsaw. posed freight terminal at Pilot Rock R. H. Davidson. Sain Anderson, Fred remarks were attended with great Inu r- Klelce and Plnciow, but everywhere Junction, near the Pendleton city lim­ Straube, E lm e r Higinbotham, G. N. est. have boon repulsed with heavy losses its, will probably be started early in Davis and F. M. Palmer. Road «ti|iervi«nr J. E. Davidson «poke and the attacks now proceeding may the spring, but that an actual begin­ Table Rock—M. C. Collin«, Lee Vin­ briefly ami to the point upon the value of be construed as an effort to gain time, ning depends upon the disposal of an­ cent and E. W. Carleton. community cooperation will, hi« branch ponding new operations. ti-railroad legislation at the coming Talent—Wellborn Bee-nn. Gram Dzyis, of puldie work, of tlu, importance of bet­ "By tha occupation of Krement, Ze- session of the legislature. Mr. O'Bri­ A. Widener, L . G . Edwards, * R. ter highway« and their dircet effect upon teton, Hereth and Radautz, In Buko­ en says that the European war is not Keachert, Merrick A Holmes, tv. all buflineas, and upon tlnf plan« which wina ou the Roumanian frontier, Rus­ responsible for shortage of funds with Ross, Lilly L. Jeffries, Walt» r Jeff. a«. he lias outlined for tlie coming season. sia not only holds the strategical rail­ which to Improve the railroad system, Ia nnox, H. S. Glenn. E. C. Gardner nd He wan saaurpd the active assistance ami way Hue connecting Bukowina with hut that legislation opposed to the Willard V. B. Camplieil, Geo. C. G«i hr. aid of tlu, iiieuils'raliip in ids good roads western Galicia aud Hungary, but Is rallroadgTTOgether with high taxes is Mr. Foxha!t, R. E R n b i n - U r . n program. -jxi* within 100 miles of Hungary over easy mainly responsible. Kent, George Morse. I. C. Williams, L. The mail order problem was dragged passes of the wooded Carpathians." H. Houston and C. II. Thomas. into tin, discission by II. 1). Reed, who Pioneer Quarry Reopens. Saturday afternoon members o f the niainlained that tlie tendency Io shop t,y German Submarine is Conqueror. Newport.—Pioneer stone Is once committee in charge of the campaign lor | mw I was the real ruination of country Berlin, via wlrelesa to Sayville, L. more being quarried after a lapse of securing acreage visited th e Rogueriver mildness. To clinch this argument lie I.—Au official announcement made 18 years and promises to develop an and Evans Creek districts and found a produced llgures for the money orders is­ public through the official press bu­ Industry In Lincoln county which has healthy sentiment t h e r e for planting sued by tlie local post ollie« during the reau says: been neglected. The last stone taken tieets, and in tlie neighborhood of 1000 lost year, amount inihto more than $15,- “A German submarine boat reported from the quarry at Pioneer was used additional acres are expected to be sign­ 000,00. F u lly three - fourths of this by wireless to the admiralty In Berlin In the construction of the Call build­ ed up from these sections. an,omit nitty be designated us having de­ that It has torpedoed aud sunk In the ing in San Francisco. parted for the eatalog house. English channel off Plymouth the Brit­ The product is sandstone, lighter in Various plans were advanced to curtail ish battleship Formidable. color than any other In the northwest "The submarine was pursued by the activity of the mall order menaoe, j and, it is said, will not deteriorate in and a campaign was suggested that will Rrltlsh deBtioyers but escaped un­ fire. The government is reported to lie laitli edueational slid profltnble to the, harmed." S cen es a t S ite o f G old H ill’s N ew P ow er P ro jec t on P ro p erty be considering buying this stone for patrous of ha-al business men. Hesters , the postoffice at The Dalles. o f Rogue R iver Public Service Corporation present at Ihe meeting pledged themselves THE MARKETS. Medford, Or., Jan. li.— ‘There is no ■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiB to an aggressive and continued attempt s entiment among landowner- of tlie valley Seven are Indicted on Recall Fraud. to prove tlie worth of the “ trade a t, Portland. Portland.—Seven secret indictments against the sugar beet proposition bnt it home” slogan. Wheat—Club. $1.29; bluestem $1.31; In connection with alleged frauds iu is essential that they are thoroughly fa­ latter iu tlie evening luncheon was ser­ red Russian, $1.22; forty-fold, $1.30; circulating petitions for the recall of miliarized with beet growing before the ved with coffee, and the arguliers made ' red fife. $1.24. Mayor Albee and Commissioners required acreage can be signed up” was Hay—Eastern Oregon timothy, $16; the most of the inlet mission and the tas­ Dieck and Brewster were returned by the statement mads by Sam net Storey, ty sandwhiches. Tlie discussion of plans grain hay, $11; alfalfa, $13; valley tim­ the grand Jury here. False names and the iieet sugar expert who is here in the Seattle. Tuesday Divisinu Superintendent Stod­ and the proposal of other important work othy. $12. Wheat—Bluestem, $1.30; club $1.29; addresses, said to have been written interest of a Utah firm endeavoring to dard. of t l i e California-Oregon Power Butter—Creamery, 32c. continued until midnight. Adjournment make possible tlie construction of a company, Acted ns host to a purty of Med­ red Russian, $1.23; turkey red. $1.25; in the petitions, were the basis of the Eggs—Ranch, 34c; candled, 36c. was taken for two weeks. A committee IWO beet sugar factory in tlie valley. After charges. forty-fold. $1.29; ftfe, $1.24. of three was appointed to make tlie ne- i Hops—1914 crop, 12c; 1913 crop, ford citiaens, including several members visiting the various sections of tlie vaUey Barley. $27.50 per ton. of the City Council, in a visit to tlie pow­ eessary arrangements f o r tlie coining i nominal. Mr. Storey states that the farmers seem­ Hay—Timothy, $15 per ton; alfalfa, er plant of tin- Rogue River Public Serv­ in,ding. Wool—Valley, 16c; eastern Oregon, ingly take the wrong altitude, thinking $13 per ton. ice corporation at Gold Hill. 20c. that where sugar beets are grown irriga­ GENERAL VON STEIN Superintendent Dodge, wlto has charge tion is necessary. This condition need of tlie work, showed the visitors, except- not exist in many spots. Yesterday Mr. ing tin- host, who remained with his auto- Shot to F righten P u p--L ad 8torey found a beet on the Winter ranch GENERAL MAYTORENA mobile, over the works mid explained lo Sincerely Sorry for R ash A c t on Ross Lane which weighed .'15 jxyunds. them the character of the work under way and what would be necessary to in­ The News has been asked to make a Grants Pass, Or., Jan. 7. — Messrs Jesse , stall mu additional unit of 2lMM) h. p. to correction of a paragraph appearing in Churchill, President, Alee RoselwroOgh, , Salem. Or.—A lock of his own hair, take care of the Medford contract for the previous ¡«sue, regarding the killing Gem ral Manager, Sidney Spruot, Chief1 taken from the hand of one of his vic­ furnishing current to the city at whole- of Sprague Reigel’a Airedale, “ Trailer,” Consulting Engineer, nil of Sun Francis- 1 tims, who had fought desperately for sal e rates, tlie city to become tlie distrib­ by Frankie Garter. While the main de­ <-o, ami I lurry Wullhera, Division Mana her life, and that of her child, held be­ uting agent, should t li c Contract lie tails were correct and the dog is indispnt- ger, and H. 0. Stoddard, Division Super- ’ fore John O. H. Slerks, a feeble-mind­ awarded to the new company. alily dead, it is stated that Frankie (lid inleuilent mi l Electrical Engineer, of tlie ed inmate of the state insane asylum, It is understood that upon the return not purposely take t h o gun from the Ciiliforn'n-Oregon Power company, ar­ caused him to confess to the killing of of tlie party to Medford (lie individual house to shoot the ottending pup. Ac­ rived in Giants Pass on train No. Ill last Mrs. Daisy Wehrman and her little members expressed themselves as highly cording to'the Imy’s account the rabbi, night mid were tlie guests of the General boy in their cabin, near Scappoose, the pleased with tlie work mid tlie future it was in the yard. Two other hoys had C nuisel, of tlie company, A. 0. Hough, ' night of September 4, 1911. promises, and in on? instance the remark called F rin k ie out to shoct a bird in a nt a dinner party at the new Josephine Thus, the authorities say, is John was made that it is a credit to tlie devel­ nearby tree. At an ill-omqped moment Hotel. It Is understo si tlie party are iu Arthur Pender, convicted of the crime opment of the great natural resources of “ Trailer'' made his raid upon tlie rabbit. the city on tlie annual infpection of their ami sentenced to be hanged, proved Southern Oregon. The various members Alarmed for tlie safety of his pet the boy various interests. guiltless. He will, it is believed, be if the party expressed their gratitude to threw up the », ... , , I . ... . , tlie gun, containing a singl, freed by executive order In a few days. Mr.SUsidard for ins efforts ... show,ng . sM 1, ,)t U)e ,, to frighton it Credit for solving this most heinous them tlie the progress living being made In the dts from ,...... its ..... trl,rf(ll|y quarry. Endowm ent Campaign a 8uccesa. and most mysterious of Oregon crimes velopment of this far famed Valley. | ed to liis parent« that he had no thought Newberg. -In a fine ra lly th a t be belongs to George A. Thacher, a crim­ of killing ‘Trailer” , having shot at i gan in tho afternoon and was renewed inologist of Portland. Grants Pass, Or., Jan. 7—O. P. Helt, haw k at a similar distance without niti- iu the evening, the friends of Pacific There seems to ba no doubt of the Meinlx-r o f the American Institute ol terial damage to tlie bird, and that to College on Thursday completed their truth of Sierks' confession. While Electrical Engincera and general sales­ have slain tlie pursuing pup caused him man o f t h e General F.leetrieal eom­ campaign tor the $100,000 endowment, feeble-minded, he is eapable of rea­ pany, of Schenectady, New York, is in tlie sineereat grief. His parents are firm and the gifts keep coming in. The to­ soning and seemed to understand thor­ the city liguriug with t|i< Hogue River, in imiintaiiiing that Frankie will not be tal Is now over $115,000, and the cam­ oughly what was meant when lie was I’ublie Service corporation on the new ja nnilbsl tlie use of firearms for son e General Msytorena, the Villa com­ electric equipment that Company promises paign for funds will be pushed still asked to stand and take an oath to further, as a still larger sum Is great­ mander, who hae been beselglng Naco, to install, in the event tlie City Of Med­ time io come, and deeply deplore the boy­ General von Stein, who is In charge what he said. He signed Ihe confes­ ford gives the company tlie contract to ish folly that was responsible for tlie Mexico, on the American border. ly needed. of the commissary department of the sion with a bold hand and seemed ftirnisli electric current at wholesale rates. little tragedy. much relieved thereafter. German army. GERMANS AGAIN FAIL IS RUSSIAN REPORI One Beet Weighs Thirty-five Pounds Medford Councilmen Inspect Local Power Project; Express Satisfaction Power Officials Visit Grants Pass