Nelle« I* CredMort to the G in military authorities, NACO IS NEUTRAL GROUND and the withdrawal of »onto now there for the present at least, la desired by A * Result of Oanaral Scott'* Intar«** Notion 1« hereby given, that Maude M. I9 I - S - I« A T I.Hinlls, the umlcrxlxiicd. has Imen ap- the Berlin government. Thia was slon Fighting I* Stopped. |K>lntcd administratrix of the eatate of Serial No. OPK23 rarnlt, known In a terra*] uotlitcation Geo. A latndla, deceased, by the Count* Washington.—Beorotary Bryan re Mineral Survey No. 776 o the department of ntute. Court of Jackaon County, Oregmt, ana eslvsd word unofficially that the plau NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR all latraona having elsima against aaij MINERAL PATENT. WINTER SHORT COURSE—JAN. 4-JO Berlin Admits Attacks Have A. W. Lawrence Made State Printer. proposed by Brlgadisr-Gsnsral Scott, estate. are hernliv no tilled to preaent th* Agriculture, Including Agrsnsay, United States Ijtnd Office, ehlef-of-ataff of the United Slates Mine duly verified hi the undersigned Ceased But Reports Bains Salem -Arthur W, lutwrence, of Animal Huibandry, Dairying, HsrtE Roseburg, Oregon, No*. Hth, 1UI4 administratrix, at her residence at Gold army, for the prevention of firing Into culture. Poultry Husbandry, Intacta, Portland, was appointed state printer American territory along the Meat Hill, Oregon, or at the office of O. B» Mineral Appliuation No. 008*3 Elsewhere. Plant and Animal Diseasas, Cream by the state printing board to succeed can border, has been agreed on by all Y tllV F N T h .t Gold Hill. In Jackaoa NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN. That ery Management. Marketing, etc. ' « r-eifi’ Ti * ii bounty Oregon, on or Iwfore the eiplr. R. A. Harris January 1. in purauance of Chapter r ? * .*.*1*1 Home Economics, Including Cook factlofls. ° Mte® < > • monllw fnun die dale ol London.—Features of the war In The board receded from Its action the Revised Statutes c i * o . _____ ing, Homo Nursing, Sanitation. Saw puldlealion of thia notice. Bnrlque C. Llorente, Washington the eastern arena are the admission of a few days ago In appointing W States, Frank II. Ray, whose Po*t Offloe ing. Dressmaking and Millinery. Date of Aral publication la Oetobat e, including Man ' dmi - Business ‘ of the Germane that they hare ceased M. Plimpton temporary state printer, agent of the Qutierres government, of addreaa is N*w York Oily, New York, 6. 1*14. agement, Rural Economics, Business their attacks along the Biura river for the term beginning January I, it which General Maytorena at Naco is hna made application for patent aa sola —Aland* M. Laiulia, Law, Office Training, Harm Account owner thereof lor the Diadem and Ex and the admission of Vienna that vi- appearing that he was disqualified by a supporter, was advised that the lot celsior Ixxle Mining (talma sltoalrd ra- Administratrix. ing, etc. Engineering, Including perior forces of Russians in Qaltcta a constitutional provision which aaya tar had accepted the plau suggested aneelivelv in Kanna Creek and Rlaok- Shopwork and Roadbuilding. by General Scott. It provides that w< II Mining Districts ( Unorganised) in FARMERS WEEK— FEBRUARY M have succeeded In recapturing Kroene that only those who hav* had 10 years' PUBLK LAND SALE A general clearing housa session of and Jaalo. Paris «aye the Germant experience as a practical printer ehall General Hill, of the Carranza forces, Jackson County, Oregon ; The Diadem Department of th* hritrtar Ixxle Claim being more particularly des six days for the exchange of dynamic should abandon Naco and be permit- have been driven hack across the Bau- be eligible. cribed aa follows: Ideas on the most pressing problems U. H. Laud office at Rosa burg. Oregon, tad to go unmolested to Agua Prteta. ra with heavy losses. The Germans, of the times. Lecture* by leading Beginning at Cor. No. 1, which la November 3, 1914. already held by a portion of hla troops 'dentlcal authorities. State conferences. however, assert that they hare been with Hi« >, See. Cor, between NOTICE ie hereby given that, ae dl- and General Maytorena, who has with EXTENSION SERVICE See. 27 and 2«, T.S8 S , R 3 W. of W.M BUDGET IS $8.775.396 successful on the right bank of the rectal by the Oommiattcner of the Gen. drawn his forces southward from Na ^ N T 3 ^ lThe‘BronBX1t h » f,“ i f . ,r t ‘* ^ ", ‘ l U ,,J ' Offers lectures, movable schools, In provisions of Pilica, and Austria asserts its troop* stitutes and numerous correspondence v o r »So, J t « n a n o a n o n I I I 0® o W n t 1 ««# «»f C?*ntfrNss » iitk r n tK il M **i< li o»t •tat* Secretary's Estimate of Next co, would agree not to occupy Naco, have taken Aajok Pas*, in th* Carpa courses on request. Biennial's Expenses Is Ready. Sonora, which would thenceforth be lo ^ u 4 NoTh ' '»v.,% 7 B u t t “ i X thian*. MUSIC: Piano, String, Band, Voice. It n r? I <> 1 W" pUttatlon of Harlow 0- Messenger, B*- come absolutely neutral. 1» O.ft h et to Cor. No. 1. the piano of | r|«| No. 0935). we will „(Ter at publle Salam.—The first biennial budget Both Germans and Russians tell of No tuition. Reduced rates on all rail From the American point of view b< ginning, »«Is, to tha highest bidder, but at nut which will be submitted to the legisla having taken many prisoners. roads. For further inft rms' ion address. And Excelsior, Lode Miuing, Claim . h as than *3.St) i>ar acre, at two u’olock The Oregon Agricultural College, The German official press bureau, ture early In January shows that the the arrangement was favored because being more particularly desorilssd as p. I" on tha 22nd day of D«oemher, (tw-ti-l-to-l-l) CORVALLIS, OREGON according to a wireless communica various state departments estimate fighting at either Agua Prleta or No follows: g 11*14, at lilt* office, the following tract gales would not be close enough to the that they will require a total of *8,- tion from Berlin, says: Beginning nt Cor. fo . I from which of land: American towns to produce the same point the 8, W. Cot. of the John t*win- “Russian attacks in the vicinity of 776,8*6.47 for the years 1*16 1916. This BW U HE l<, Bee. 8, T. 86 8„ I W. Lotzen have been repulsed and we la a large increase over 1*13-1*14, situation aa had existed for several den Donation Land Claim No. 38 in of W. M. T w p. Stl, 8. R. 3 W. of W M. hears S ’ Any iiersnna claiming adversely tha took 1000 prisoners. In North Poland, when the legislature appropriated *7.- mouths at Naco, where stray bullets 0*ft' For that classy W. 202 feet; Thence West 800 fpet abnva-ueanribed land are ad vised to file to the east of the Vistula, the situa *73,320.**. and a sUll heavier Increase constantly fell on American soil. to Cor. No. 2. said Cor. No, 2 Inong their claims, or objection«, on or before Hair Cut tion remains unchanged. We have over 191V1912. when the legislature identical with Cor. No. 2 of the Diadem the time designated for sale. , „ Appeal la Granted to Leo M. Frank. Lode Claim above described; Tnence N ., ceased our attacks on the Bsur* river. appropriated *5,262.336.10. i f 5' E. 1320 feet to Cor. No. 3, said cor- ' „ “ • UPTON, Of this sum the legislature must ap On the right bank of the Pilica, to the Washington.—Justice turner, of the nar being identi al with Cor. No. 2 of I ,,M: ,U' Itegtslar. southeast of Tomassow, our offensive propriate *3.689,096.64, the remainder Supreme Court, granted an appeal Diadem Lode Claim above described; ____________ has been aucceastul. Further to the of the revenue being derived through from the refusal of the federal district Thence Ea-t (MX* feet to Cor. No. 4, said | south the situation remains un continuing appropriation*. millage oourt for northern Oeorgte to release corner being on the W. at line of the IN THE CIRCUIT OOUR'i OF THS Johu Hwlndcn I*. L. C. No. 38 at a STATE OF OREGON FOR (AORMOW taxes end fse*. changed." on habeas corpus proceedings Leo M. said imlnt from which the N. W. Cor ol aatd ‘ ATh * ',A0K 8° " Under the l a v th* variou* depart Frank, under death sentence for the claim hears North (Fft'E. 1131 2 feet; COUNTY Russians Hold All Carpathian Passes. ments must submit estimates to the murder of Mery Phegan, a 15-year-old Thence 8 >nlh 0*6' W. l.'tai feat to Cor. Thomas F. Kahler, Plaintiff, No. I, the place of beginning; va. London.—While Petrograd reports secretary of stats aot later than No factory girl of AUanta. Ga. Aa appears by the Official Plat of Elisabeth J. Kahler, Defendant. say that the Russians have gained vember 15. and he must have a com Mineral survey No. 774 now on file in ^uit In Equity—tor Dlvorua, Bummons control of all passes in the Carpathian plete itemised statement ready for the tlie Roseburg, Land Otiiue, Itoaehurg, for Publication. members of the legislature several Oregon and by the field Doles of the To Elizabeth J. Kahlar, th* ahova mountains and that the Austrians are mirvey thereof h I ho on tile In said Lund mimed defendant: in disorganized retreat, earlier dis weeks before the beginning of the a Office, which field iiotts ol aurvey de- r_ w.™ . -r O .-.- • C patches from the earns source say the ston. sertlxxl the boundaries and the extent • Yoo Ire aths in Co nnection Among the Itsms that must h* taken caar's forces that have been investing of mining variation claims on the 30' » with said magnetic at 20- East. ^ * V g J t H .t T u ‘ i t h r o v e Cracow for several weeks have raised care of by the next legislature ar* de ficiencies totaling *61,2*4.6*. which And the said Application of the aaid court and caose, on or before s ii weeks the siege and retired 60 miles to the Indianapolla.—Virtually every mem have been authorised by the state’s ber of the city administration of Terre Frank H Hay ia now pending before ' from the date of drat publication, being northward. the United Bute» Land Office and any 1 on the 28th day ol November, 1*14, tha einergency board. R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n Haute la in the hands of United and all persona claiming adversely any time prescribed in the order of publi States authoring* as a result of the portion of said Minlug Claim« abora de cation thereof. " T h e C ity S h o p “ ITALY READY TO AID U. S. wholesale arrests there on Indictments scribed are required to file their ad verse And You Are Hereby Notified, That charging a conspiracy to corrupt the claim« wltii the Rcgialei ol the United If yon fall 'o appear and answer said Cruiser Ordered to Help American States Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, ooraplalnl, for want thereof plaintiff election of November 3 last Warship In Turkey. during the sixty day period of publica will apply to the oourt for the relief da- O V E R OS Y E A R S Ninety-three persons Including May tion of this notice end ss required by manded E X P E R IE N C E in the complaint, to-wlt: Rome.—Instructions have been sent or Roberts, who is a candidate for the law and the reg-dations of said (.and to the Italian cruiser Calabria, now at For a decree of said Conrt forever die- Office or they will lie latrrad from doing democratic nomination for governor so thereafter by virtue of provisions of solving the Immls of matrimony between Beirut, Syria, to assist the United plaintiff and drfendant, and for such States cruiser North Carolina, if the Note Defining Point of View of In 1916; Dennis Shea, sheriff of Vigo Statute in such cases made and pro other and further relief aa to the conrt vided. county; Circuit Judge Eli H. Redman; necessity should arise as the result of United States is for Mem may aaaaa just and equitable. City Judge Thomas Smith and other There are no conflicting claims nor further demonstrations against the de This summons ia published under and leading Terre Haute politicians bad are there any adjoining claims to said by virtue of an order made by lion. F. I RADC M A R K * bers of Triple Entente. parture of Europeans from Turkish claims. D e s ig n * been taken Into custody. L. Tou Veils, Judge of tne County territory. The cruiser Tennessee, the COKVRIGHT* A c. of posting tlds Notice on ground Court of Jackson County, Oregon, in Mayor Roberts, who la regarded as is Date Anyone »ending a »ketch and description may fuel ship Vulcan and the gunboat 28th day ol October, 1*14. qnlckly ascertain our o|Htik>n free whether an tbe absence from Jackson County of tbs Washington. — The United State* In rent ton is probably patentable. Communica Judge of the above entitled court, on Scorpion, of the United States navy, government dispatched a long note to the leader of the alleged conspiracy to J. M. U fton tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent« corrupt the Terre Haute election. Is sent free, oldest agency fo r securing patents. which also are looking after Ameri Great Britain, Insisting on early Im Register. the 24th day o( November, 1014, tba Patents taken through M unn Jt Co. receive first publication being made on the 28th special not Us, wit hoot charge. In the (Nov 14—Jan 18) can interests along the eastern Med provement In the treatment of Ameri charged with many overt acts in the dav ol November, 1*14, and tbe last indictment. iterranean, are ready to steam to any can commerce by the British fleet publication will be made on the Hth It Is charged that the postal laws day ol January, 1016. place where they are needed, accord A handsomely Illustrated weekly. T a r rest cir The document, constituting the culation o f any scientific b iin m l. Term s. |3 a were violated in that the alleged con T akkx U p —At River Bend Ranch, five —Gao. W. C hkhkt , ing to report* received here. year; — four months, --------- f L gold I h y a lin e _ strongest representation on this sub spiracy was furthered through the miles below Gold Hill, one rud heifer, Attorney lor Plaintiff, ject made by the United States to any mails. The federal authorities con M Branch UNN OŒce. & 6X5 F £L_ W ashington. New D . G. Medford, Oregon, right bar cropped, left ear under slit. London.—A dispatch from Athens of the belligerents since the outbreak says it was the United States cruiser of the war, was cabled to Ambassador tend that Inasmuch as a United States Owner prove property, pay charges ami —C. D. W ixji . vxbtom . Wegn show« please people—10 cents. North Carolina which threatened to Page to be formally presented to Sir senator and a congressman were voted remove name. use its guns at Tripoli, Syria. The Edward Grey, British foreign secre upon, the federal government has jur isdiction in the case. North Carolina, convoying the Ameri tary. can steamer Virginia, had proceeded As the detailed point of view of the to Tripoli and the commander re United States in numerous specific quested the Turkish authorities to cases of detentions and seizures of “ THE HALL OF FAME, i permit the British and French consuls cargoes had been set forth in a series A Specialist in this work, to depart with their nationals rest of emphatic protests, moBt of which JOHN PAUL JONES—Nnval as well as any detail of dent in Tripoli. This request was re have gone unheeded, the communica hero of the American Revolu- 4 General Blacksmithing, etc. fused. tion was couched in general terms, tlon. Born 4, covering the entire subject of the re at Klrkbean, 5 F a s t D r i v i n g T e a m s <S1 F e e d S t a b l e s 18,500,000 Men Fighting. latione between the United States and Scotland,Ju- U in C o n n e c t io n ly 0. 1747, ;; London.—The belligerent armies In Great Britain ae affected by the lat B la c k s m ith ; died Paris the fields of war number, all told, ter's naval policy, considered highly S e p t. 12, E HAVE added to our general livery business nearly 18,500,000 men, or 28,000,000 objectionable by this Government. 171*2. H i s ». with all reserves and “new” troops Since France has adopted practical two completely equipped 5-passenger touring n a m e was counted, according to a French statis ly the same decrees on contraband as cars—to meet increased demand for service. Com o r ig in a lly 4 tician, M. Yves Guvot. has Great Britain, the note is virtually John Paul, x mercial travelers, outers, hunters, anglers, tourists W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D. a statement intended for all the mem the “Jones” w bers of the triple entente. bound for marvelous Crater Lake—will find that we GENERAL PRACTITIONER being lidded 4 The note declares at the outset that by himself. Came to America In 7 know the roads, the country, and how to please. G old H ill , O regon . the representations are made in a 1773 and In 1775 wns In com- • friendly spirit, but that the United niand of tbe Alfred and did ” much damnge to British ship- j DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE States considers it best to speak In T h e S h o rtest W a y ping. He next commanded tbe ' terms of frankness, lest silence be DENTIST Ranger and captured the British • London.—Assisted by light cruisers, construed as an acquiescence in a pol T h e L ea st C o st sloop Drake. He was then plac- destroyers and submarines seven Brit icy which Infringed the rights of GAS ADMtNISTKRKD ed In command of the Bon- J ish naval airmen, piloting seaplanes, American citizens under the law* of T h e B est G u id e s homme Richard and In tbe most -t RIALTO BUILDING, MEDFORD made a daring attack Christmas day nation*. famous naval action of the war J on the German naval base of Cuxhav- captured the Serapis. Sugar Pine Gamp No. 10073 en, at the mouth of the Elbe. Hood River.—Despite the recom Six of the airmen returned safely, mendation of the state railway com One trial and our Livery Service makeajfriends—try it! M W A Gold Hill - - - - - - - - - - Oregon but the seventh, Commander Hewlett, mission, which was engaged here in WORKERS ANO EATERS. It is feared, has been lost, as his ma hearing complaints against the rates Meets first Friday of each month Whereas God Almighty has chine was found off Heligoland, of the Hydro-Electric company and Jay E. Davidson- -Counsul given to every man one mouth to wrecked. the Hood River Gas & Electric com Alvah E. Kellogg—Clerk G O L D H IL L . O R E G O N l>e fed and one pair of bunds What damage was done by the pany, that the two companies should adapted to furnish food for that bombs thrown by the attacking party consolidate, the announcement that mouth, if unytliing can be proved A. E. KELLOGG could not be ascertained, but the Ger the concerns would be consolidated to be the will of heaven It Is GOLD HILL, ORFGON man report of the affair says that the the first of the year came as a sur proved by this fact—that that raid was fruitless. Embaí mer and Funeral prise to local business men. The mer mouth Is to be fed by those By rapid maneuvers the British ger was not expected until later. hands without being interfered Director ships were able to avoid the Oerrarn with by any other man who bus John A. Lang, an attorney of Port Complete line of bnrial robes, submarines, while the Zeppelins found land, will be president of the consoli also bis mouth to feed and his caskets, etc. bands to labor with. I bold if the fire of the cruisers too dangerous dated companies, and George F. Me- Is now on. Hot Coffee always on FUNERAL CAR the Almighty hnd ever made a Office Phone : Home, 9—M ; Residence for them to keep up the fight. Ger vlns secretary-treasurer. tap. , .Y o u can get something set of men thnt should do nil the man seaplanes dropped bombs, whlcb, Phone, Home 2—K; Pacific 40-Main eating and none of the work he according to the British account, fell Governor Not Applicant, He 8ays. good to eat a t any old time. would have made them with Salem, Or.—Governor West declar Some bargains in small tracts of land harmlessly Into the sea. The Germans, W o u ld b e p le a s e d to s e ll y o u y o u r mouths only nnd no bands, and however, reported they hit two de ed that he Is not an applicant for a suitable for garden, chicken or dairy -If be hnd mndo another class T o b a c c o a n d C ig a r s stroyers and their convoy, the latter place on the trade commission. purposes, ranging In size from two to that he Intended should do all being set afire. tbe work nnd none of the eating fifty acres, close in and conveniently lo President Wilson Is Fifty-eight. be would have mnde them with cated for market and schools. If yotl are Washington.—President Wilson cel out mouths nnd with all hands.-- looking for small place for any purpose American Consuls Must Suit Germans Washington.—United States Con ebrated his 58th birthday Monday. Abraham Lincoln. call upon or address, —C. S. Redfield, suls in Belgium must be acceptable Gold Hill, Oregon. IMPORTANT EVENTS GERMANS ABANDON BZURACAMPA'GN iG u n i a TRY DICK Tú b est and la test “kats” 93 POLITICIANS IN INDIANA ARRESTED WARNING SENT TO GREAT BRITAIN P atents Scientific American. Co.364 York AUTOMOBILE Q. GAS ENGINE REPAIRING G old H ill A u t o L iv e r y CHARLES KELL W Professional Cards BRITISH ATTACK GERMAN BASE D a r lin g ' Q. H o d g e s TAM ALE and CHILI Season A T T U R N E R ’S S-