•»»tot*» • «• »*)t,,ia Ir—— " '■ —— ...... —, —— ■ ——— • I n itiin n n <•>»«.( »,,« nt n n < i i , ,„ . M * i H IM R M A / W» M *!•••*<>$' W»” ** 1 ISHING Everyone a mostf Hoppy, Prosperous New Year« W e ta k e this opportunity to thank y o u for your patronage during the past year, and trust that by giving you even better service than in the past, we may enjoy your continued good will and favor We Wish All Our Customers A Prosperous and Happy New Year THE BOWERS’ PHARMACY Fire! Fire!! Wood of every description at lowest prices. Wood saw for custom w ork Yard« Itiveaida A w . Phon* 8F21 I J. D Local News Notes Stop that cough? Bowers Pharmacy A sk us h o w . Mis» lettie Guide, of Latrobe, Penn., arrived on Christina« morning and rem­ ained until Wednesday as the guest of Mrs. Lynn W. Smith and family. La­ trobe waa the former borne of Mr. aud Mrs. Smith. An aged wanderer, w i t h quavering voice, Bought alms from Gold lllll baafiwaa men on Wednesday, claiming he was a ve­ teran and on his way to the old soldier’s home at Row-burg. He gave Ids name a» OlcC. lianaon. Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Heed tendered a dauitug party to a large number of friends at the Wego tlieater Monday evening The affair was given on behalf of Charles , Beed, now spending his holiday from , th e A. C. at home in Utis city. 0 . C. Letter, lute city editor of the Ore- gonlan, and more lately manager of tlie senatorial campaign of Bill Hanley, ar­ rived on Saturday lust and was foreeveral days a gu-sl at the lMton ranch, where Mrs. Letter ha« been spending tlie past month. M erritt & C o m p a n y G en eral M e r c h a n d is e J EZ»e C IT Y M E A T M A R K E T Fresh and Salt Meats :: Sea Fish and Foods in Season :: Our home cured Hams and Bacon :: Pure Leaf Lard If you don't like Ulla paper -don't bor- row it. 25 percent discount on all holiday good« at Bowers Pharmacy. George Lauer spent Christmas I)ay with Medford ndaliviw. B L A C K E R T