OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Low Round Trip Lares Event« Occurring Throughout the State During the Past Week. Thanksgiving For Thanksgiving Day November 26, low roand trip tickets will be »old between all point» in Oregon on the Southern Pacific, Main Line and Branch*«, Nov. 25 and 26. Final return lim it Nov. 30. Superior Train Service Full iiarticulara as to train service, specific (aree, etc. from nearest agent of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. Hop Growers Form Organlxatlona. Sales».— For the protection of grow* ore. to put aa ead to ths contracting of ths product as at present and to In­ due« the brewers to buy Amarlcan- grown hop« Instead of European hop«, representative« of asaoclatloni of Cal­ ifornia. Oregon and Washington, at a meeting here, decided upou the organ­ isation at one« of three corporations, one for each state Under the agreement reached the minimum price to be offered the grow­ er w ill he fixed each year by the board of directora of the state corporation. The corporation w ill sail the hops. If possible, for a price higher than that received by the grower, and the grow­ er will receive the benefit of the ad­ vance over what he previously re­ ceived. lees a cominiaaion to the cor­ poration of half a cent a pound to de­ fray the expenses of the bustneas man­ agement I t Is believed that through this arrangement demoralisation of prices >uch aa have occurred in the paat can be avoided and that there w ill ba lass opportunity for specula­ tion. BRIEF NEWS OF OREGON For that classy Hair Cut T R Y DICK The b e s t and l a t e s t “ k u ts »♦ Baths in Connection R ic h a r d A n d e r s o n " T h e C ity S h o p ” A U T O M O B IL E G A S ENGINE REPAIRING A Specialist in this work, as well as any detail of General Blacksmithing, etc. Toy \ Land Toy land at Christ- mastide in Gold Hill is always located at the BON TON. We have all kinds of ’em, for all kinds of little ones—now on display. The B o N -T o N o v e n e s years * E X P E R IE N C E P atents I RA DC M A R K S D e s ig n « C opyrights A c . B la c k s m it h Anyone sending a sketch and description may . . . . . . ascertain our oiMniou - free «6______ »h e ih e r i quickly Invention la probably patentable. Comm tin lea- (tons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent« sent free. Oldest agency fo r securing patents. Patents taken through M unn 4 Co. recall Professional Cards A handsomely lllnstrated weekly. I.argest Cir­ culation o f any scientific journal. Term s. r year: fo u r month«, >L bold by ail newsdealers C H A R L E S K ELL rprcial notice, without c hwrge. In the W. P. CHISHOLM, M. D Scientific American. MUNN &Co.3M Bro»»»a, New York F Branch Office, 825 Ci-, W ashington, D. C, GENERAL PRACTITIONER G old H ill , O regon . DR. ARTEMAS W. DEANE DENTIST GAS admixistkrkd Gold H i l l ................. .... T H E L IT T L E T H IN G S O F L IF E . 11, 1767; died N D tha little thing« o f life A R O A U world of atorm and aunahlna ilea. Feb. 23,1848. dent JohnAd- Oregon Meets first Friday of each month Jay E. Davidson—Counsnl Alvah E. Kellogg—Clerk A. E. KELLOGG GOLD H ILL, OREGON Embalmer and Funeral Director Complete line of burial robe», caskets, etc. FUNERAL CAR Office Phone: Home,!»—Mj Residence Phone, Home 2—K; Pacific 46-Main FOR SALE—000 fine fai ining acres in a compact body, nearly level and nearly all under high state of cultivation. No better ia’ id for fruit, grain or alfalfa anywhere. Very cheap, Sub- irrigated, every 40 acres is choice, Well located and only 6 miles from It. R. sta­ tion. For particulars call upon or write, — C. S. R edvikld , Agent. I f you don’ t like this paper—don t bor- row it. studled law. Had a long nnd distinguished diplomatic ca­ reer, serving as minister to The Hague, minister to Prussia, com­ missioner to negotiate tile treaty of Ghent, minister to Russia, minister to England and finally eight years under Monroe secre­ tary of state. In 1824 elected president, but four years later was defeated by Jackson. He then was elected a member of the house of representatives, in which he served until death. A F A M IL IA R Because of a comparatively quiet real estate market the greater part of the year, the state tax commission has fixed ratios somewhat higher than last year for virtually all counties. The higher ratios, however, do not neces- sarily mean higher taxes, but mean that the valuations for taxable pur­ poses are nearer the actual values than last year, when property values were higher. Road construction work under the supervision of the state highway com­ mission has practically closed down for the year. During the season there were approximately 268 miles of high­ way under construction. The work lay in Sherman, Wasco, Hood Rlvi Multnomah, Columbia, Clatsop, Ington and Jackson counties, commission also drew plana m perviaed the construction of 31 and concrete bridges throughout tha state. In his biennial report to State Treas­ urer Kay, F. O. Buchtel, assistant state sealer of weights and measures, recommends changes to make the law providing for the department more easily workable. He suggests that It be amended to conform as closely as possible to a law advocated by the government bureau of standards. He specially recommends the "tolerances" and “specifications" BUggeeted by the government bureau, and that the state department be given the power to pass upon weighing and measuring devices as a type, and prevent the sate of | those not within the xpeciflcatlona. B r a t n tre e , R IA L T O B U IL D IN G , M ED FO R D Sugar Pine Camp No. 10073 M W A There are 23 flour, grist aad feed Ills operating In the state. Delinquent taxes of Douglas county for 1313 amounted to 3138,252.64. W ith the Pacific Highway practical­ ly completed between Ashland and Medford, an automobile service has been Installed between the town«. The annual convention of the Ore­ gon State Association of County Judges and Commissioners w ill be held in Portland December 9, 10 and U. Q U O T A T IO N . In the spring a fu ller crimson conies upon Hie robin's breast In the spring the wanton lapwing gets himself another crest. In the spring a livelier Iris changes on the burnished dove. In the spring a young m an's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love —Tennyson's "Locksley H all “ Vet thnee too buay eeldom seo The tired look In other eyca. n d the tittle thing« or nr« A r o A u wealth of loving mem'rles center. And joy« undreamt of by the world The humblest dwelling places enter. R O U N D the little thing» o f life. Connected by a thread so slender. Are long lost smiles and bygone tears W hich helped to m ake our hearts more tender A LAS, how m any things In life Are those o f which we cannot boaotl Actions and words we think our best— H ow poor and weak they are at most! A J^JORE fu ll o f loVe, oh, may they be, Less fu ll of self as In the pastl Help us, dear Lord, to offer thee M ore perfect " little things" at In st - M . W aym an. Q U IE T U S . M an and his strife, and beneath him the earth In her green repose. And out o f the earth he cometh, and Into the earth he goes. Oh, sweet at last Is the silence! Oh, sweet a t the w a rfa re ’s close, Fo r out o f the »Hence he cometh and Into the silence goes. And the great sea round him glis­ ten«, nnd above him the great night glows. And out of the night he cometh, and Into the night he goes. —W illiam Watson AN O P TIM IS T*« APHORISMS. Meu are beginning to »ee the value of living In the inomoaL T hat la a poor human aoul that can only be beaten Into comely shape. W e have to be trained by fata or life - or God. If you w ill let mo aay oo—to put higher and higher quality Into our joys. Ttale la a fearsome and awe- aouie world, and out of Its dan­ gers and difficulties n man make« character and courage. Aa one looks around at Ufa one ■omaUuiea feels that the first virtue and the las t the one In­ dispensable quality for Uvlng thia human Ufa, la Just courage. Courage la the virtue of the strong, fortitude tha virtue of the miserable. Courage la strength In action; fortitude la strength In endurance. Courage la the masculine, fortitude the feminine virtue. Legal Notices Merlai No. IHW» Mineral Survey No. 776 N O TIC E OF A P P L IC A T IO N FOR M IN E R A L PA T E N T . United Slates l-and Office», Itoeshurg, Oregon, Nov. Alh, 1014 Mineral Application No. 098*3 Noticc is hereby given, that Mamie M. IAlidi«, Ilio umlvrelgnod. lisa been ap- leraign iMiintcd admiiilatratrli ol ilio eai-bt of Ileo.A IAmila, deocaosd, Ini ilio Counly Court of Jackson County, Oressn, and all persona havtng clafms agalli»» «ubi calale, are lierebv no tifimi lo prrnent thè sanie duly vari fleti io lite uiulcralgtMd admlniatretrlx, at ber raahtruiw at Gobi llill, Gregon, or al thè office of 0 . 8. Redfitdd al Gold H ill. In Jackaou Counly. Opsgon, on or Iwfore thè e » pir­ ati* >u of slx montila freni thè data of Arai puhllcatlon of ibis Bulico. Date of Arai puhllcatlon la Octobor A, 1914. — Maude M. lautdie, AdiidiilatraUlx. N O T IC E 18 RK R K B Y G IV E N . Thai In pursuance of Chapter 6 of Title 31 ol tha Revised Statutes of t h a United State», Frank H .K ay, who»» Poet Office address 1» New York City, Naw Y o rk, ha» mad» application for patent as sole owner thereof lor tha Diadem and Es­ calator Lode Mining Claim« situated re- •oeotlvelv In Kane» Creek and Black- w. II Mining Districts (Unorganised) In PUBLIC LAND SMC Jackson County, Oregon ; The Diadem U a ^ a » 7 IT 3 « fv 4 w a I l i a IS lw T r O , I gale Claim lasing more particularly des­ U , 8. Lead Office at Roe»burg. Oregqe, cribed aa follow«: November 3, 1914. Beginning at Cor. No. 1, which la dentinal with tha <■/ Sac. Cor. batwoon N O T IC E la hereby given th at, aa di­ Sec. 27 and 28, T.36 « ., R .3 W .of W .M . rected by the Coin ml»» loner of tha lion, and running I lie nee Ka»t 061 feet to era) I And Office, under provision« of f o r No. 2; Thonee South 0* 6* Weal 1320 Act of CangreM approved March 38, The breve soul has three (vet to Cor. No. 3; thence Wool 543.9 11. 1912, (37 8 ta t.,7 7 ), pursuant In the ap­ chances to one. to Cor. No. 4; Thence North 0« 31’ Woot plication of llarlow C. Meaaocrer, 8o- More men have suffered I3**O.5 hot to Cor. No. 1, the plane of rlal No. 09353, wa will offer at publle b- ginning; Ignoble fear than through sale, to tha highest bidder, but at not through aU the ma ladle« of And Excelsior Lode Mining Claim leas than «3.50 par acre, at two o’clock being more particularly described as >. m.. oo the 21nd day of Dccembar, earth. follow«: « 914, at this office, the following tract Joy never leans on what hap of land: Beginoing at Cor. Fo. 1 from which pens, but on what la. 8W W HE t<, Hoe. 3, T. «5 8., 3 W. i*oint the 8. W. Cot. of the John tiwin- I t would seem that only spirit­ den Donation I .and Claim No. 38 in of W. M. ual gifts can be equal.—Louise T w p. 36, 8. R. 3 W. of W. M. Iieare 8. Any pereona staimi ng adversely thu Collier WUlcox In **The Road to 0 * 5 ’ W. 202 feat', Thence West 600 foot abo mvo-deooribod land era edvlaod to Ala Joy." to Cor. No. 2. said Cor, No. 2 being their claims, or objection*, on or before idintioal with Cor. No. 2 of the Diadem the time deelgnated for «alo. Lode Claim above described; T u n ic* N. J. M. UPTON, 0 * 5 ’ E. 1326 fe d to Cor. No. 3, said cor­ lU g 'atar. "W H E R E T H E R E ’S A W IL L ." ner ladng l dent I al with Cor. No. 2 of D m . 19. Diadem Lode Claim above described; H IS life la a difficult rlddls. Fo r how many psopl» we sea Thence Ke-t 666 Icet to Cor. No. 4, «aid corner being on thu Wi st liue of the IN T H E C IR C U IT O O U R l O F T H E said John Swlndm D. L. C. No. 38 at a STATE OF O R EG O N , FOR JACKSON W llh fa c e s aa long a s a Addle point (rout which tha N. W. Cor of said W hich ought io be shining w ith claim bears North 0 *6 ' E. t ISI 2 teat; CO UNTY gleet Thomas <*. Kahler, Plaintiff, Theuce S.iuth 6 *5 ' W. 1326 fast to Cor. I'm aure In ibis world tbere Is plenty va. No. 1, the place of beginning; O f good thing«, enough to r us all, Tet there Is not one out o f tw enty Aa appear* by the Official Plat ol ■Ilaabeth J. Kahler, Defendant- But thinks th a CHORUS. t his share la too am ali. Mineral Survey No 774 now on file in Suit In Equity— for Divorce, Hutnmona Then w h at la the use o f repining? the Koaeburg, Land Ollie«, Roseburg, lor Publication. Fo r where there's a w ill there's a way. Oregon, and by the field note« of the To Elixaboth J. Kahler, ths above rom orrpw the sun m ay he shining. survey thereof also on file In aald Laud named defendant: Although It be cloudy today. (Ifficc, which field not- s of survey de­ In the Name of the State of Oregon. Did you ever hear te ll o f the spider scribed the boundarie- and the extent You are hereby reoulred Io appear and W ho tried hard (he w all up to ellm b f of »aid mining claim» on tin» surface answer the complaint of tlie plaintiff If you w ill take thia as a gulder with magnetic variation at 26*30' East. filrd againat you In the adovo sntitled You’ll find It w ill serve you In time. And the said Application ol too »aid , court anJ cause, on or before »1: work* Nine times he tried hard to be mounting. But every time he hail ii full. Frank II Ray i« now. (lending l>efore' from the date of Arst publication, being So he tried hard again without counting the United state« I .and Office and aoy 1 on the 28tli day of November, H ilt, the And of course reached the top of the and ail persons claiming adversely any time preecribed in the order of publi­ wall. portion of said Mining Claims above d. • cation thereof. * j scribed are required to filo their ad verse Some grum ble because they're not m a r­ And You Are Hereby NotiOed, That claims with the Itegistei of the United ried if you fail to appear and answer said Stales Land Ollie« at Roseburg. Oregou, oomplainl, (or went lhei»M(_plalntlff And cannot procure a good wife, W hile others they wish they had tarried during the sixty day period of publica­ And tong fo r a bachelor's life tio n of this notice and as reuulred by Thia life It ta really bewildering isw and the reg-dntiuuA of JMt I Laud Some grum ble—they m u ll be In fun— Office or they uni ha barred from doing Because they have too m any children -<> tiion alM »«K Z frttm of T" ,, And others because they have none. I pro- plaintiff anil defendant, TTnd'Mv such —U nidentified,, other and further relief as to the court mav seem just end equitable. Thie summon* is published under and aims to said by virtue of an order made by Hon. F. L. Tou Velle, Judge of to« County posting thi* Notice on grouud Court of Jackson County. Oregon, in 8th day of October, 1914. the ahunioe from Jackson County of the Jndge of the above entitled court, on J. M . UrrON the 24tb day of Novembor, 1914, the Reg later. Qret publication being made on the 38th (Nov 14—Jan 16) dav of November, 1914, and the last publication will he mado on the 9th day of January, 1916. prayer book» are the T aken U p —At River Bend Ranch, five —Gao. W Citr.aKr, age. miles below Gold H ill, one red heifer, Attorney for Plaintiff, w ith thia bauble «till, aa M lrdlord, e " ‘ Oregon. " lvh .it before, right car crop|ied, left car under slit. 1 tired ha sleeps, and Itfa'a poor I >wncr prove property, pay charges and play la o'ar. remove same. —C. D. Wooi.vgitTox. —Alexander Pops- Wego show* plcaac people—10 rente. r T c zO BLOSSOM S. p t U T of the night comes the morning; ” Out of the mold springs the flowar; Out o f the past files the present; Out o f the cloud (alls the shower: T o f our effort, achievem ent; O U Out o f the thought grows the a c t; Out of our failure, auccesa; Out o f the error, tha fact: p tU T o f tha paaalona. the lover; Out o f our need, the desire; Out o f our pain, our compaaaloa; Out o f the lower, the :ugnsr; G o ld H i l l [ A u to L iv e r y F a s t D r iv in g T e a m s