Jackson Co. (B ud W Mt il la id Hill V aata«« N atu ial H— W pfSpulkurn O ra g e « H On bouutifu! koguo kioor _ l i n . C o m m u n it y u t O p p o t u m t y - k o g u o R i v . r V uU *-. w k u 'O t k o a p p i , g a t n . J Io , _ INCREASED Pam Completedby Rogue Riv.r P u b l i ^ ^ - O ^ . - » " 1 5 0 0 h . P. READY FOR FEBRUARY 1 st SECOND UNIT TO BE BUILT SOON Work to Continue as Power Is Contracted, Until Dam Curbs Entire 2 0 foot fall Bolin* the 1st of Fuliruary three tnr- bfaea, of MX) h.p. each, *¡0 be turning U the local power house ol tbc Hogue River Pohllc Hervlc* corporation, and the capacity ol the plant Uiereby increased Irom lie praacal total ol 600 h.p. to 1600 h.p. Not only thia, but every ounce ol energy to be manufactured at that time baa already bwii ountrartwl lor, ami will bo in uac. Gobi HUI ha* much to be thankful for. It 1» taking the firat step toward an industrial development that will make It tlw foremost manufacturing and inllllug city of the Rogue river valley. For more than two montlis a force of Gold Hill workmen, supervised by en- gincor F. W. Ihalge, local manager for tlie com,»any, baa been continuously oc cupied In the construct’on of the Aral concrete unit of the power development. Tills MwH.ni. aow within a few feet of NICHOLAS LONGWORTH O fficial F ig u r« * of Oregon Elsctlsn Ralem. O r.— James W lth y c e m W a plurality over J. C. Smith lor gover nor was «4.»« and George K. Cham berlain'» plurality over R. A. Booth for United State# aeaator wae »»,44«, ac cording to complete official returns received by Secretary of State Olcott. Dr. Wtthycoinbe's total vote was 11»«" S37 and Dr. Smith'«, »4.694; Senator Chamberlain'» was 111.746 and Mr. Booth e, M.297. Allies will Purchase 62,000,000 of Wool New York.—Agent* for the British ami French governments announced here they were In the market for 1,360,000 wool »wester«. 600,000 wool atoinach band«, 1,600.000 wool glov«« ir M ____ her»* buyer», have oeutracted far 600 head of horse» LONG WAR LINE la vartou* sectfojf of MTtlMO M*h hear eouaty, «TafUey idtthty, Orant couhty, Union oounty and Baker coun ty, especially la the Burnt River and Mermen Beala eectloBO. These horse» will be sent fer li leotleS to BakoT, where a French a: Z officer will go over these and aboi 10« other», which wUI bo aaaemWed -ere from aearhy points for Inspection. _ Robert Jonea, agent for tho French government, who made tho contract with Turner Bros, now la going through eastern Oregon getting addi tional horses for the French army. He •s poets to assemble about 6600 horses for final shipment from Baker. Southern Oregon’s Shortstorics News Brevities of the Week from Rogue River Valley Cities SHIVERS IN COLD Winter Settles Down on Tired Troops in Europe CAPT. VON MUELLER | ____*.—Freezing weather has set In throughout the length of the battle sone in France and Belgium, the tem perature varying between 25 and 28 degrees above zero, Fahrenheit. Snow la falling, especially in north- arn France, and in the Vosges moun tains and also at Marseilles. French forces have captured the im portant heights at Ornes near Verdun and silenced two German batteries, according to official press dispatchea to the French embassy. The armies seem to be enjoying a long-deserved rest, for the only re maining evidence that the belligerents are facing each other ts an occasional bombardment with heavy guns. An eyewitness with the British head quarters in a long statement gives of ficial confirmation of the reported heavy losses the Germans have suf fered in their attacks on Ypres. He speaks of decimating battalions, of hundreds of dead left before the trenches and of batches of bodies found in farmhouses. The casualty lists of British officer» show that the British forces have also suffered severely in the fighting. Tlie pa veil Pacific highway connecting British Attempt Daring Raid But Are Repulsed. Ashland, Medford and Central Point, Frledericbshafsn, via Barlin. The was formally opened for traffic the first of die week. Work upon the connecting Hague and London.—Elaborate pre unit between Central Point and Gold Hill cautions which the Germans have ta will lie commenced early bi the spring ken for an emergency were responsi according to county Judge F. L. Tou\ elks. ble for the failure of the raid of three British aviators who swooped down The splendidly representative irrigation congress <>( Jackson county ranchers and on this city to drop bombs upon the fruit growers, held ut Modfor I last week, > Zeppelin balloon works. Anti-aeroplane cannon and machine « niianimonsly endorsed tlie plan to create guns adapted to high angle fire de-j a Jackson county irrigation district. rented the accomplishment of the dar Committees were appointed to assume ing exploit and succeeded In bringing charge ol tbe preliminary work. down one of the hostile machines and I 1 M. M. Higgs, t h e Southern Pacific putting the others to flight. • brake nan who lost his right arm between Capt. K a rl von M ueller, com mander The Englishmen circled above the iole» ^ . o ngw orth. Roosevelt's car couplings at Grants Pass in 1912, has of the Germ an com merce-destroying balloon hall for some time and drop again represent ' instituud suit against the company in ped six bombs, two of which came cruiser Em den, which was fin a lly cap ionvoas. | die amount ol »27,000. Higgs was well near the buildings. Two other bombs turad. ' II. M ------------ 7 kpowu in .Gobi Hill when employed by struck houses in the city, damaging lor 1600 h.p. development. Work on tiw tie, rai London.—An official communication them eeverely and killing a man and lam will necessarily be halted by tho Horanson, a Proceedings of Gold Hill be Central Point man wounding a woman. given out In Petrograd, according to fore*. Hood waters of winter. tlie local inys- One of the flyers then made a fear To Gold Hid. destined to City Council for October an Exchange Telegraph dispatch, an Sometime after the first of tbc year, less* attempt to cross the hall at a nounces a German retreat in Poland. wbt'u tins river drops to a normal bright, important power stations of a gr j height of only a quarter of a mile. enlerpriM that will ultimately benefit tlie The statement follows: operation« upon tlie second unit, to ex Council met in regular session, called | Bullets from the guns mounted on the ‘‘Between the Vistula and the Warta tend two-third« of the way across tbc entire lower portion ol Bo*ue river val llo will return ips of buildings, however, pierced the to order £»y Mayor Moselock. Members the Germans have retreated from the river, will be resumed Coffer-damming ley, the advent ol tlie rejuvenated Rogue to bis family. oplane's gasoline tank, causing the present: Adams, Cameron, Kell, Pat line running from Strykow to Zgirx, |iidi,:i!ii,ii- "f rabies w _ la tlie method resorted to 111 reaching River P u b l i c Service corporation is il to escape and forcing the pilot rick, Redfield, Mrs. Truax. Szadek, Zdunska, Wola and Wozniki.” lied rock, and .......... .. a-rion« problem* fraught with satisfactory significance. examination ol the herd of w> Tlie minutes ol t h e October meetings to attempt to glide to earth. The line from which the Germane of tlie project have already been over Not only di»-« the bxalion of u plant at recently executed in Ashland, were read and approved, and the follow have retreated, according to the above come. Official« ol tho company state this point mean a perinäni nt bwal pay of health of that city has ordered' ing bills ordered paid: dispatch, runs from the northeast of that the wore « 111 cover a construction roll, but, something far more vital as well m auling ol all canines for a period ol New Lighting System for J. B. Pankey, building fence Lodz, down past that town, and to the p >riod ol several years, with a force of —the encouragement ol manufacturing sixty days. Wardens of the state game service are local artisan» and laborers almoat con enterprises, the opening of mines, and a City Soon to Be Installed for tile...........................................fi 2.60 southwest. W. 8. Cook, handling sewer tile . . 1.50 stantly employed, and will only be com general stimulation of business. Even insisting that land owners in the Eagle W. L. Van Houten, 1 tier w ood... 2.00 Petrograd.—Not only a victory but pleted when tlie sturdy reinforced con tually, and within a lew years at the Point district place adequate fish screens City lighting, whereby Gold Hill is to B. G. Harding, salary for October. 16.00 a decisive one was reported here be crete dam, with a |«»u ullal force equal most, It is certain that the company will In their irrigation ditches. to that of the Ament dam or 5000 h. p,, direct attention to the irrigation ol soil J. Otto, a rancher ol the Central Point emerge from the sliades of evening as Ben H. Lampman, p rin tin g ......... 8.30 tween the Vistula and Warthe rivers completely throttles the swift Hogue at that Is second to none in the valley—the district, suffered the fracture ol three ritis brilliant as the best, was tbe topic of L. W. Smith, six 60 watt globes .. 2.40 by the Russians over the German In wonderfully fertile dirt of the (¡old Hili much spirited debate at the council hall J. W. Hicks, installing fountains vaders under General von Hinden- lllIn addhion to the three turbines of 600 district. With this accomplished tlie old in a runaway mix up at Medford last Sat Monday evening when tlie city Ixiard of and fixtures....................................33. li berg. urday. councilmen met with the committee on H. T Pankey, salary and extra h. p. each, now awaiting shipment ut prophecy of those whose faith has never The kaiser's forces were declared to (altered will be fulfilled—and the prettiest w o rk ............................................... 44.50 have been repulsed everywhere and lighting and the representatives of com G rants Hass, an alternator or generator British Say Raid Was Successful. Homer Wyatt, cleaning reservoir.. 1.25 one account was that they were cut ol 750 k. v. a. or HMM) b. p. with new city of southern Oregon will enter upon peting companies. ■wltchbeard end eariter, will lie installed an era of permanent and substantial London.—It was announced official Represented by C. W. Marlin, the Cal W. P. Chisholm, health officer---- 0.00 in two, one body retreating to the before February 1st. The turbines will prosperity. ly that the British aviators who, Sat if irnia-Oregon Power company made a R. E. Cook, sharpening tools for northwestward and the other to the go in place within the next month. sewer............................................... 6.70 southward. urday afternoon, raided Frledrlchsh.x- bid for the city lighting on a ten-year On August 27 last tbc receivership ol fen on Lake Constance, report posi contract, specifying eighteen three-duster O. U. Newell, work on sewer ........ 10.50 Two German regiments were said to the Golden Drift properties at (¡ranis Washington.—Turkey has voluntar tively that all tbe bombs thrown by lights of the type now in service at the J. E. Bolt, ” ” ” ........... 5.00 have been captured bodily. Pass and else* here was lifted, and tin ily explained to the United States gov them reached their objective points, News corner, thirtyflve single lights on F. M. Snyder, ” ” ” ........... ".50 Hogue River Public Service corporation, ernment through Ambassador Morgen and that serious damage was done to neat wooden standards, sixteen lights on T. E. Pankey, ” ” ” ........... «-25 Berlin, via The Hague.—The war of with a capitalisation ol 62,000,000 sue tbau that the shots fired toward the the Zeppelin airship factory. ” ” ” ........... 6-26 fice continued to insist that the situ iron standards, and one large cluster of Ed Wyatt, cccded to thirteen sulisldaries and iudiv launch of the American cruiser Ten ......................... 7.50 ation in the eastern field of war was three lights at the bridge, to lie completly A. Lewis, idnal companies, aggregating n capital! nessee last week were Intended mere ” ” ........... 6-25 favorable to the Germans. installed and maintained at a cost of »55 Alva Walker, ” satfoa of »14,710,000, merging the various ly as the customary warning that ihe Want Irrigation In Rogue River per month, the system to tie in operation It was admitted that the czar’s army Medford.—At a mass-meeting of the adverse Interests that bad hitherto mad« port of Smyrna was mined and closed 173.5' in Russian Poland had received rein Total land owners of Jackson county. It was within th in y days. the power development of the lower to navigation. The petition of Dr. R. C. Kelsey, ask forcements and this, it was said, was F. W. Dodge, engineer of the Rogue Hogue river valley more or less a vexa Although the explanation wae In decided to launch a campaign for the River Public Service corporation, which ing that a sewer he authorised, work to delaying the end, but every con'ldence lions joke. The trausfer included all of formal It was generally admitted at establishment of an Irrigation district is now developing an extensive power be done by him under tlie supervision of was expressed of a final German vic the extensive real proja-rty, franchises the White House, state and navy de In the Rogue River valley. project at the city limits, agreed to dupli the Sanitary Committee and with pipe tory. A committee appointed at the meet and irrigation rights of the former partments that all danger of serious “Certain strategic movements,' it cate tbe rival company’s bid of specifica furnished by tlie City, to lo t 2, Block 6, owners. complications over the Incident had ing will confer with the county court tions, eonstrueling an entire new pole was granted. Motion m a d e by Adams, was explained, were necessary. and aak for an election to vote bonds Among the several properties acquired been removed. bile throughout the city, at a cost to the seconded by Cameron. by the new company is tbo Ament or Ambassador Morgenthau reported for an Irrigation system. □e Wet’s Sons Surrender. The payment for the Raedel sewer was city of »50 per month for service. On be Golden Drift dam, three miles east of that two members of the Ottoman cab London.—The Cape Town correa- half of his company Mr. Dodge further voted by the Council, upon motion by Rabbit Bounty 8ought. Grants Puss, a valuable and picturesque inet, the ministers pf Interior and war, pondent of the Reuter Telegram com Silver Lake.—Petitions asking the offered to tarnish a surety bond to the Redfield, seconded by Cameron/ power-site completely baruessed but never had fully explained the occurrence to T h o matter of enforcing Connection pany says that two sons of General •tale and the several counties Inter city in the amount ot »5,000.00 for tlie operated, owing to the troublous cameT him and high officials here said his ested to put a bounty on Jackrabbits construction of the system and its satis with tbe city sewers was left with the Christian De Wet, the rebel leader, of litigation In which the constructing messuge was filed before the instruc have surrendered to a magistrate In probnbly will be circulated In Lake, factory operation within sixty days, ex Sanitary Committee. company became Involved. Here also tions sent from Washington to discuss Propositions for furnishing street lights Cape Town. Several of General De plaining that tbe additional delay would Harney, Crook und Malheur counties Immediate Improvements and alterations the subject officially with the Grand be ueevesury to permit tlie completion ol for the city were presented by representa Wet’s chief officers, together with have been planned and are now under Vizier could have been received by within tbe next few weeks. tives of both the R. R. P. 8. Corporation most of his supporters to the w est ot work upon the d im now bnilding. way. On the north Hank of the big Mr. Morgenthau. Tbe debate which followed waa jovian end the O.-C. Company. The proposi the railway line, surrendered at the Britain Insists on Embargo on Wool. structure the decking has been cut down with vertial thunderbolts, and terminat tions were turned over to tlie Lighting same time. Washington —Great Britain has de and sloped to take cure of flood waters. THE MARKETS. Committee for investigation and report. clined to modify, In favor of American ed only in the call for a vote to accept Irrigation lines already constructed water Portland. Motion was made by Patrick, seconded War Saves Eugene 62000. one of tbe two bids offered. Councilmen manufacturers, the embargo on expor several thousand acres of Josephine coun by Mrs. Truax, that the provision ot tbe Eugene.—The present European war Patrick, Redfield, Cameron and Adams tation of wool from Australia and oth ty soil and are but a small part of tbt Wheat—Club, »1.14, bluestem »1.17, City ordinance providing for payment) of er British dominions. It had been voted t o accept the California-Oiegon all licenses In advance tie enforced. Mo has saved the city of Eugene, through system planned. red Russian, »1.09. its power plant, approximately »2000. proposal, Cora J. Truax voting, “ No” . In the suburban district of Grants Paa Hay _ Timothy, »16.60; alfalfa hoped that after the need» of the Brit tion carried. A carload of copper wire was received At the Monday evening meeting the ish nrmy had been satisfied Ameri ■the company has platted a new addltloi »13.50. A motion to adjourn carried. here which was purchased when the cans might be permitted to buy the contract was not officially signed, but will which will I* placed at the disposal ol Butter—Creamery, 35c. —B. 0 . H vrdino , price of copper was at its lowest ebb Australian surplus, giving guarantee come up for final enactment and signa homebuilders next spring. Orchard and City Recorder. on acc nt of the war, »2000 under the Eggs—Ranch, 40c. that neither the wool nor goods made ture at tlie first meeting in Decemtier. vineyatd tract- will lie Inq roved fo. tin price quoted before war was declared. Seattle. accomodation of those who desert sterner from It would reach Austria or Ger Tbc proposal to adequately light the Wheat—Bluestem. »1.17; club »1.14; many, but the state dspartmént was climes for llie welome clemency of Oregon No household is complete without a The price has risen since so that the city Is an extremely popular one, and the Informed that for the present, at least, anticipation of this important, improve good hot water bottle. Worth it’s coet carload would cost »300 more If pur red Russian, »1.09. climate. chased today. Copper is cheaper than Hay—Timothy, »16 per ton; alfalfa, no exceptions would he made. The headqu irters ol the company for ment is marred by few objections from for one single emergency. Get next, at it has been for ten yearB. the valley Is located in Or nuts Pass, when »13 per ton. Bowers’ Pharmacy. I tlie taxpayers. u n ite r— Cream ery. 35c. a suite of offices Is occupied by George W .